MTL - Spellcasting is a Permanent Addition and My Skills Are All Forbidden Spells-Chapter 99 Defeat the monster forces! Absorb totems and increase rewards!

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Chapter 99: Defeat the monster forces! Absorb totems and increase rewards!

Lu Cheng turned his mind and opened the skill panel.

 In the panel, the energy shield column flashes faintly.

 【Energy Shield (Level 5): After chanting for 2 seconds, an energy shield condenses around the body, which can follow the caster's movement. Absorbs 200 damage, consumes 30 mana, magic attack bonus coefficient 1, cooling time 1 minute, duration 1 minute, proficiency 0/1800. 】

 Beneath the dim light, five increases are arranged in order.


 Lu Cheng glanced over them one by one.

 The first and second items can be eliminated directly.

 These two items, one is to increase the basic durability by 240 points, and the other is to increase the magic attack bonus by 0.3, which is of little significance to him.

 As for the remaining three items.

 The third item doubles the size of the energy shield.

 The fourth item allows the energy shield to slowly recover its durability, and the recovery amount enjoys a magic attack coefficient bonus of 0.1.

The fifth item allows the energy shield to bounce back 10% of the damage within 20 meters.

 Looking over it, Lu Cheng immediately made a decision.

 Replying to one item is also a bit useless.

 Although his legal attack is not low now.

 But the layers of Endless Draining are higher!

 Compared to the durability limit of more than 60,000, the recovery of more than 300 points per second is really a drop in the bucket.

 As for the other two items, they are pretty good.

 “Choose a size and retaliate.”

 Lu Cheng's mind turned and he made a choice.

 He has the reward of the highest difficulty job transfer, and can choose two increases each time.

 The next moment, the system prompts.

  【Ding, the selection is successful, you have chosen two increases in size and retaliation damage. 】

  【Increasing... After the amplification is completed, the size of your energy shield will be doubled, and you will gain the special effect of repelling damage. 】

 Listening to the system prompts, Lu Cheng nodded slightly.

 Then, continue to collect the Flame Heart Stone.

 Not long.

He collected seventy-seven or eighty-eight pieces of the Flame Heart Stone here.

There are only a few dozen energy-rich pieces left, which cannot be collected into the storage space.

 “This harvest is not bad!”

 Glancing at the storage space, Lu Cheng was very satisfied.

At this time, the number of Flame Heart Stones in his storage space has exceeded four hundred.

 In this way, the quantity of the second special material is enough.

 The only three special materials needed to build the city are black crystal, spiritual wood core, and rock iron sand.

 The progress is very fast!

 Lu Cheng was in a good mood and looked forward.

 Next, it’s time to wipe out this monster force!

 When collecting the Flame Heart Stone, he was always on guard.

However, the lava flower demon did not make a sneak attack. It seems that they all shrank deep into the territory.

 Immediately, Lu Cheng continued to set off.

 Not long after, we came to the depths of the lava flower demon's influence.

 There was still no flower demon monster around.

 “Boom, boom…”

In the distance, there was a constant rumbling sound, as if a large machine was mining rocks.

“Is this the noise caused by the lava flower demon?”

Lu Cheng had a thought in his mind.

 Then, he raised his hand and cast a flash of light.


 The ball of light rose into the sky, and the bright white light lit up, illuminating a large area.

Lu Cheng raised his eyes and quickly found the source of the sound.

In the distance, I saw a huge totem stone pillar with hands growing out, breaking off the boulders and stuffing them into its mouth.

 Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

That is the totem of the lava flower demon force!

Most of the lava flower demons should be gathered there.

 Immediately, Lu Cheng raised his staff.

 Put yourself on frost armor and summon an energy shield.

 After the increase, the size of the energy shield became much larger, like a door panel, surrounding him.

 After doing all this, Lu Cheng headed towards the stone pillar.

As he continued to move forward, the air around him became hotter and hotter.

Not long after, the totem stone pillars came into view.

This totem is huge, constantly swallowing stones, and most of the surrounding hills have been hollowed out.

Lu Cheng held the staff in his hand and stepped forward step by step.

 At this time, a system prompt sounded.

  【Ding, you have stepped into the area covered by the lava flower demon totem! 】

  Along with this reminder.

Suddenly, there was a thundering roar all around!

Countless lava flower demons roared, rushed out of the gaps in the mountains, and surrounded them from all directions!

 Among them, there are several flower demon monsters that are different from others, with extremely strong roots. They are the elites of this monster force.

However, what is even more eye-catching is an extremely huge twin flower demon!

This twin flower demon has two heads, one red and one green.

 “Humans, you have fallen into a trap!”

The red head sneered with a ferocious expression.

“This human being has so much energy, it’s stronger than the energy stone, and it’s enough to upgrade the totem!”

 On the other side, the green head’s expression was completely different.

“At that time, we can compete for the hub stone!”

 The green head was delighted and had already begun to think about what would happen after the upgrade.

  Resource areas above level 1 will generate a hub stone, which is of great use to them.

However, only those who upgrade to a medium-sized force are eligible to compete!

“This human being is so good that he can help us catch up with that nest of strange fish!”

 The green head was very happy.

 “Hmph… It would be better if there were more humans like this!”

 The red head also showed a proud look.

 It orders all monsters to shrink in order to set up an ambush around the totem. Now it seems that I have really gained something!

 In the range of the totem, the strength of all lava flower demons will be enhanced.

 In this way, the certainty of capturing this human being will be even greater!

Despite the urgency, the twin flower demons did not rush forward.

 He wants to use these ordinary flower demons to consume some of this human's status first.

 At that time, it will be safer for it to take action.

 The twin flower demons thought to themselves, casting their eyes towards the battlefield.

 And in the center of the battlefield.

Thousands of lava flower demons swooped in quickly and were close in the blink of an eye!


 The lava flower demons roared, holding the hot lava in their stems and leaves, and threw it from a distance.

Lu Cheng was calm and waved his staff.

 As the mana flows, the air vibrates, and a shadowless and invisible wave spreads, sweeping out instantly!

 This is his newly learned skill, shock wave!


  Under the impact of the shock wave, the flower demon monster that rushed forward was swept away!

Ordinary flower monsters were thrown out one by one, fell to the ground, and stopped moving. They were instantly killed by this shock wave!

A few elite flower demons can still stand up, but they are also quite tired.

 This shock wave directly took away less than half of their health!

 In Lu Cheng’s ears, a system prompt rang!

  【Ding, you killed 27 lava flower demons (level 28), gained experience points +137700, and the source energy limit +7.56! 】

 Ignoring the system prompts, Lu Cheng raised his staff.

 At the tip of the staff, a thunderous brilliance lit up!

In an instant, clusters of thunderclouds condensed and formed in mid-air, and bursts of thunder resounded from them!


 A bolt of thunder struck down and hit the nearest flower monster!


This flower monster screamed, its body was charred, and it fell to the ground with a plop and died.

next moment.

There was a huge thunderstorm in the wilderness, and hundreds of lightning bolts burst out from the thunderclouds, hitting the lava flower monsters one after another!

 For a time, shrill screams came one after another.

Countless flower demons were hit by thunder, and their health bars dropped to the bottom.

 Following this, is a series of system prompts!

  【Ding, you killed 53 lava flower demons (level 28), gained +270,000 experience points, and gained +14.84 source energy limit! 】

  【Ding, you have reached level 24, and you have gained +3 in all attributes and +25 in free attribute points! 】

The system prompt fell, and Lu Cheng's body suddenly lit up with white light.

His experience points were already about the same, but he was directly upgraded now.

 White light flashed, and Lu Cheng's status suddenly returned to full.

However, the effect of Thunderstorm is not over yet!

Lightning is still striking down, killing each lava flower demon.

  【Ding, you killed 64 lava flower demons (level 28), gained +310,000 experience points, and gained +17.92 source energy limit! 】

 【Ding, you killed 79 lava flower demons...】

 Listening to the system prompts, Lu Cheng was in a good mood.

This thunderstorm went down, just like cutting grass, and directly broke up the encirclement.

 The next step is to slowly cook the remaining monsters!

With this in mind, Lu Cheng waved his staff again.


The fireball exploded among the monsters, and the monsters were immediately blown away.

Lu Cheng kept shooting fireballs alternately.

The lava flower demon fell in pieces, and his experience bar also skyrocketed!

 In the distance, the twin flower demons’ pupils shrank sharply!

“Isn’t this human... not even level 30? How can he be so strong?”

The red head has an ugly face.

 It wanted to consume this human state.

Unexpectedly, if these two human skills were used, most of the lava flower demons would die!

This combat power is much higher than expected!

 At this rate, it won’t be long before their entire power will be wiped out!

 “No wonder it’s rich in so much energy…”

The green head was also surprised.

"No, we have to use the power of the totem, otherwise we can't defeat this human being!"

The red head gritted his teeth and made a prompt decision.

Immediately, its roots flew, clinging to the totem stone pillar on the side, and climbed up.

Three times and two times, we climbed to the top of the stone pillar.

This stone pillar is hollow, with an opening at the top, just enough for the roots to extend in.

The roots of the twin flower demons penetrated the totem stone pillar and kept going deeper. In a blink of an eye, only half of the body was left, plus two heads exposed.

 Suddenly, the entire totem lit up with red light!

 “Boom boom boom…”

Permits of roaring sounds sounded, and the energy in the totem surged and poured into its body.

 “This human being…”

The red head has a sinister expression and a fierce look in his eyes.

 “You must absorb him to make up for the losses!”

On the other side, the green head gritted its teeth.

 It borrows the power of totem and can increase a lot of combat power.

 But correspondingly, it also consumes a lot of energy, and all of this energy comes from the totem!

 In this way, we will be far away from upgrading our power!

 And on the other side.

 Lu Cheng noticed the changes in the twin flower demons.

 Then, while continuing to shoot fireballs, he quietly threw out the true sight.

True Sight falls, and the attributes of the twin flower demons are revealed.


  【Twin Lava Flower Demons】

 【Level 28, Bronze BOSS】

 【HP: 3.01 million/3.01 million】

 【Characteristics: Leader of monster forces, possessing wisdom, twin body】

 【Skills: Lava spitting, shaking the ground, flying fireballs】

  【Status: Absorbing energy from the totem. After the absorption is completed, the combat power will be improved and you can control the totem to fight! 】



Glancing at the attributes of the twin flower demons, Lu Cheng's heart moved.

 If the combat power increases, will the rewards also increase?

 (End of this chapter)