MTL - Spirit Hotel-Chapter 62 Retreat (below)

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Night was quiet, and Shi Feixia hit a small nap on the bed, and it was already over eight o'clock in the evening.

Looking outside, dark and calm.

He sat up and woke up, and the previous thrilling scenes were turned out again, and suddenly he was a little scared. If Kim didn't help him block the knife in time, maybe he had been split in half, and the world said gooDBYe!

Speaking of these colleagues on Noah's Ark, the shape is strange and strange, the heart is strange and weird, the critical moment is still very reliable.

He held the quilt and thought about it for a while, thinking more and more of the colder, could not help but jump out of bed and ran to the door next door.

He had already aimed at the room when he picked it, and he chose the room next to whichever Isfell picked. For this reason, in the process of picking, he also specially knocked Leighton aside, and now he remembers it ... it is really prescient! Who caused him to be full of Shacha sauce when he was snoring?

The door opened, but no one was seen.

Shi Feixia stood in the door and whispered, "Isfell?"


With permission, Shi Feixia quickly entered the door and closed.

Walking across the promenade, Isfael was sitting on a single sofa, with several gems of different colors juxtaposed on the coffee table. In the middle of the light, Noah's Ark lobby, restaurant, bar ... the scenes are vivid.

Shi Feixia can even clearly see the hair on the heads of werewolves and Titans walking back and forth in these scenes. "A full range of monitors." He sighed and sat opposite.

Isfel supported his cheeks with one hand, only occasionally glancing at the light, and most of the time he still devoted himself to the book on his knees.

"Uh. I want to ask, when will the trap that King said appear?" Shi Feixia only sat for a while, and his **** was a little itchy.

"What trap?" Isfer looked up at him.

Shi Feixia said, "Isn't Kim saying that Noah's Ark is not as fun as they thought, does it mean there is a trap here?"

Isfael said: "Not a trap."

"what is that?"

Isfer thought for a moment: "Organization."


Shi Feixia thought depressively: He is a vulgar and superficial person, can you tell him what is the essential difference between traps and institutions?

"When will that agency start?"

"do not know."

"..." Shi Feixia curled up on the sofa, his stomach grunted in time.

Isfer frowned at him.

Shi Feixia explained: "Although Layton took the food, I was afraid they would be poisoned."

"Not poisoned."

Shi Feixia ran to his room without saying a word, after which he would return with the long whole wheat bread. After a few mouthfuls of food, he had a lot of spirits. He sat in the sofa with interest and looked left and right and said, "Where is the mechanism?" This is like watching a football game. You must know where the goal is to pray for the athlete Which way to play?


"Room?" Shi Feixia stunned. "Which room?"

Isfer's back was suddenly stiffened, and Shi Feixia immediately sat upright.

The werewolves and Titans in the light began to go upstairs one after another.

"Hey, they seem to be fewer."

Isfael replied: "The injured person has already moved into the room first."

Shi Feixia's eyes glowed brightly. "Ah, can you see what happened to the authorities in the room?"

"Not yet launched."

Shi Feixia saw them successively entering different rooms on different floors, and he couldn't help worrying: "Ah, they are too divided. Can the organs in each room be activated at the same time? If they are found to run out, they will be in trouble . "

Isfael said without any fear, "Yes."

Listening to what he said, Shi Feixia also started flexing his muscles, waiting for a good show.

At the tense moment, the doorbell rang again.

As soon as Shi Feixia was about to get up and open the door, he saw that King and Antonio had already entered.

Jin saw Shi Feixia glaring at him and couldn't help but aggrieved, "Please, this isn't a glamorous romantic movie, and it only accepts couples. And even if it is only a couple, you can pretend that I and Antonio are a couple."

Antonio glanced at him, "Go away, don't drag me with you."

Jin dissatisfied: "What's wrong with being with me? My grand blood ..."

"Fancy." Antonio cut off all his words in a single sentence.

Jin yelled, "Where do I care? I don't know how specific I am to Hughes."

"Yes, yes, not fancy, promiscuous!" Smarr suddenly walked in, with Rayton behind him.

Shi Feixia poked at the back of the sofa in hate.

King and Smar are still rushing at each other, and Isfail stood up. "It's time."

Kim turned around and said, "What layer?"

"Seven eighty ninety one."

Jin laughed, "Living in a more concentrated way makes it easier to solve."

Shi Feixia also stood up solemnly and said, "Can you explain the action plan before the action? Let us share the joy of victory."

Jin Dao: "Noah's Ark has no substance. Simply put, it is just a bunch of energy of God. So, it can be changed arbitrarily, theoretically or practically.

Shi Feixia said: "The problem is, whether in theory or in fact, I don't understand."

Isfael said: "I can pull out the floor where they live and plug it into any floor of Noah's Ark."


Shi Feixia's mind quickly used the building blocks to practice the floor being pumped, and then re-inserted the picture to other floors.

Smal said: "What's the use of plugging floors in and out? They can go down as well?"

"No." Shi Feixia has realized the mystery, explaining, "Noah's Ark has infinite floors, that is, as long as they are inserted into the hundreds of millions of floors, they will be starved to death before they come down . "

Smar and Rayton looked at each other and raised their thumbs: "Poison, it's really poison."

Isfer waited for them to finish, and finally started to do it.

The picture in the jewel's light gradually blurred, and then the light beams mixed together, and in the middle of the light a very magnificent and exquisite building appeared, but there was no seeing.

Shi Feixia whispered: "Where is this?"

King also whispered, "Noah's Ark in Isfer's eyes."

Shi Feixia shouted. I heard that the shape of Noah's Ark was formed according to everyone's imagination, but I didn't expect Isfield's imagination was so rich.

King seemed to see his thoughts and lowered his voice, "This should be the building of heaven."

Shi Feixia lamented: "Human architects should really visit."

Smar also whispered in the conversation: "They did go, they just bought one-way tickets."

As he said, Isfield's right hand was off.

The five floors slowly moved outward with his gestures until they all came out. In the light, buildings above the twelfth floor are suspended.

Isfer lowered gently with his left hand, and the twelfth floor fell and welded to the fifth floor.

The others held their breath and watched how he handled the floor in his hand.

Isfer pushed up with his right hand.

Five floors flew up at the speed of light and disappeared instantly.

Shi Feixia said, "Ah, where have you been?"

"Hundreds of millions of floors, aren't they?" Isfael said lightly.

Shi Feixia sighed.

Smar said: "Well. They are all insurgents against the Ninth Society, don't be sorry. Just don't know this werewolf ..." He looked at Antonio's face and swallowed the following words back.

Shi Feixia shook his head and said, "It's just a pity that I can't see their expressions of panic when they wake up."

"..." Small was ashamed of misappraising the dark content of his nature.

The strong enemies have retreated, and everyone is returning one after another.

Both Smar and Antonio were in a hurry to get in touch with the werewolves, so they walked fastest.

Asa slept soundly, so she was left alone to continue for two hundred and fifty ... Oh no, it was two hundred and five missing.

In order to leave alone with Isfael, Shi Feixia deliberately grinds in the room. He will go to the bathroom after a while, and will finish eating the bread.

King knew his mind and co-ordinated Leighton. Before leaving, he specially gave Shi Feixia a look that remembered to repay me.

"Let's go, too?" It seems that everyone has walked almost, Shi Feixia jumped in front of Isfael and smiled.

Isfael glanced at the half of the bread left in his hand, "No more?"

"Well, you're full." Considering that Hughes wasn't there and no one cleaned the room, he still took the bread in his hand and prepared to take it to the bottom and throw it by himself.

Ysfell closed the book and got out.

Shi Feixia pointed at the gem on the table and said: "No?"

"Well. It's useless."

Shi Feixia lowered his head and looked closely. There were cracks on the stones, and the color was not as clear as before. "Can you give me?" Although it was cracked, it was a gem anyway, and the camel was thinner than a horse. Gems are worth more than Yuhuashi.

"Well." Isfield's voice drifted away.

Shi Feixia hurriedly packed the gems into his pocket and chased them all the way.

As usual, going down is much easier than going up. But Shi Feixia lost the spiritual support of holding hands, and soon became physically exhausted, asthmatic. In order to accommodate him, Isfer went slower and slower, and in the end, almost the speed of the turtle crawling.

Shi Feixia sat on the ground with his buttocks, wiped the sweat on his face, and drew his head, saying, "No, I can't move."

Isfail stopped and looked down at him.

Shi Feixia raised his head and said, "Or else, you go first?"

Although he said so, the look in his eyes seemed to be clear: if you really left, it would be too immoral!

Isfel slowly reached out his hand.


Shi Feixia also stretched out his hand dumbly.

Yisfail flipped his palm, held his hand in his hand, and walked down.

Shi Feixia was dragged by him a few steps before realizing that the scene of going upstairs was reappearing!

He stared at Isfael's back obsessively, and sweetness grew madly in his heart.



I don't know how long it has been before, Isfael suddenly stopped and came up with such a sentence.

"Ha?" Shi Feixia blinked his eyes and looked at him with a confused look.

"Your room." Isfael let go.

"My room ... so fast." Shi Feixia coughed and put his hands behind his back. This time, you will never get your hands wet. "Uh, I mean there is nothing terrible for more than two hundred floors. Then I'll go to bed first. Good night."



Good night should be good night?

Shi Feixia secretly opened the door in his belly.

A huge black shadow stood behind the door, and as the door gap widened, it gradually exposed the mountain-like physique.

Shi Feixia was shocked, suddenly felt his waist was strangled, taken like the left.

Rao was hiding fast, and he still felt an extremely cold blade passing through the door, and a few strands of hair fell on his face.

Without waiting for the shadow to move, an incandescent light passed over his shoulder and shot directly into the door.

This was followed by a scream and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Shi Feixia's heart was beating fiercely, and his mind had not yet awoken from the change just now.

"It's okay." A voice behind him was comfortingly.

Shi Feixia turned around, slammed into his arms, and cried, "I'm scared to death."

The body being held was stiff.


A long time later.

"It's okay." The consolation reappeared.

"But I'm afraid."

"... that was an hour and a half ago."

Shi Feixia still buried his head in his arms and refused to come out. "But my feet are soft." Whoever doesn't take advantage of this is a fool when this kind of cherishment takes advantage.


"Moreover, there is a fish that leaks the net, there is no guarantee that there will not be a second fish that leaks the net." Shi Feixia finally raised his head, his eyes were filled with tears, and he said in an extremely utter voice: "I am so vulnerable."


That night, the helpless fallen angel could only promise the octopus that was dead on his face and refused to come home to hit the floor.