MTL - Spirit Hotel-Chapter 80 Purpose (below)

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Cries of joy.

Everyone's face was filled with smiles. Although I didn't know what was behind the smiles, on the surface, they were unparalleled joy and excitement.

Shi Feixia thought that if it was not suppressed by a huge crystal, the roof would have been overturned.

Mani took an amethyst from his pocket, about the size of his fist, held it in his palm, and murmured a spell in his mouth.

Countless purple lights emerge from the crystal, forming a bunch of bright purple light, projected directly above Mani's head.

A huge figure suddenly appeared in the light.

Although he was formally dressed, the poor dress obviously couldn't hold all his muscles, and the undulating lines of the shoulders, hips, and thighs showed how much pressure the fabric was under.

But no one laughed in the banquet hall.

They were all holding their breath as they watched the huge figure's every move.

Suddenly, a distant and fuzzy cheer sounded.

It's like a thunderous thunder from a long distance.

A voice cheered and broke through, "Let the Nine Realms ... Damn it! We are free! We don't have to be exploited by anyone anymore ... we will create wealth for ourselves ..."

Shi Feixia stammered, "No, it's what I think?"

Isfael said: "It seems so."

Shi Feixia said: "But I remember the Titan representative I saw in the conference room last time was not like this, it was a woman."

Isfael said: "That is Tina King Tina. She has always supported the Nine Realms, but the Titan economy has not improved. Although the elven world and **** will allocate a certain amount of aid funds to them every year, it is a sloppy salary."

Shi Feixia sighed: "The gap between the rich and the poor exists everywhere."

"Standing on is not the answer."

They were whispering, and Mani had put away the amethyst and yelled, "Look! Although we have left the Nine Realms, this does not mean isolation. The Titans are our first Allies! We will fight side by side. I believe that in the near future, more and more allies will join us. Withdrawing from the Nine Realms is not an end, but a brand new beginning. From now on, wealth will be determined by us Distribute ourselves, fate will be dominated by us! "


Waves of screams numbed the earthquake in the banquet hall.

Shi Feixia said: "This kind of argument is like the inverse of the Ninth Society."

Isfael said: "They are the inverse nine."

"... I heard," Shi Feixia licked his lips and said, "The most annoying thing about the Ninth Society is Noah's Ark?"

"Yes. Because a lot of trade communication must take place through Noah's Ark."

Shi Feixia murmured: "This is really the pig's eight commandments."


"I mean, this time we really entered the tiger's mouth."

"They need to strike us to build prestige."

"I really hope someone can educate them about what it means to serve people with virtue."

As soon as his words fell, the **** of fate entrusted this sacred task to his hands.

Mani abruptly paused his generous submissions and refocused on them. "Haven't our guests sent congratulations?"

Qi brushed his gaze all over again.

Shi Feixia coughed and whispered to Isfeel, "Can you make it?"

Isfel looked forward, his eyes darkening, "Relax."

Since Isfael said rest assured, Shi Feixia really has no reason to be restless, so he stepped forward with a high voice and exclaimed: "First of all, I am deeply honored to be invited to such a big and funny party." He ignored the following commotion and went on to say, "Really. There are a lot of funny movies this year, but there are really not many funny dances. Especially this is a large group of people who are not young but have little IQ and EQ. I think this is a feat in itself! "

"Mr. Shi ..." Mani said darkly.

"I haven't finished it yet. Please don't just interject so rudely." Shi Feixia educated him with a smile and continued. "Second. I found a very admirable thing. That was for this funny ball. It took the great masters of the world for more than 2,000 years to walk through every inch of the land in Yuanshu. Only then did they find so many funny people whose IQ would not exceed one hundred, and convinced them to come together. This is really It's a feat! "

By the end of his remarks, Mani's face was already the same as the bottom of the pot.

Shi Feixia wiped out drool at the corner of his mouth, "I'm done with congratulations."

Mani said: "I hope your vitality is as tenacious as your eloquence."

Shi Feixia sincerely said: "I hope your IQ will rise as much as your age ..."

Isfer suddenly sucked him into his arms.


A dagger was deeply embedded in the place where Shi Feixia was standing originally.


Shi Feixia was terrified of cold sweat afterwards.

Isfael said: "There are six invisible transparent people around."

Shi Feixia said: "Splash them with things!"

Isfael said: "They are adults, and even if things stick to them, they will disappear."

"What should I do?" Shi Feixia looked at Mani's angry smile, suddenly a little regretful that he was too stunned.

"That's it." Isfield's hand was raised.

There was something falling out of the air.

Two guests were knocked awkwardly.

Mani looked at the excited Shi Feixia and sneered, "Is there really only six?"

Yisfier's gaze flickered, suddenly catching Shi Feixia, and he flew up into the air.

Dozens of daggers were instantly inserted where they were.

Shi Feixia looked down at Mani in the air, "Friendly suggest, don't use a dagger for meat cakes, the effect is not good."

Mani laughed: "It's not just meat pie, it's honeycomb!"

The door was pushed open, a group of archers rushed in, stood in a row, and aimed at Shi Feixia.

The guests stepped back. But most of them watched the show with great interest, without any panic.

Shi Feixia yelled, "No, it's a bow and arrow."

Mani laughed: "Is Mr. Shi afraid?"

"No, I'm just surprised. I thought you would use AK47 if you were in trouble."

Mani smiled, "shot!"

Immediately, the sharp arrow was like a detached horse, holding the wind and shooting at Shi Feixia!

Although Shi Feixia was very confident in Isfael, in this case, the subconscious fear of death still caused his body to tremble involuntarily.

Seeing his trembling, Isfield condensed his light shield while blocking his arrows, and retracted his arms, trying to transfer power to him.

The arrows touched the light shield and fell.

Mani stared at Shi Feixia's brooch, "Hell's Black Star Stone?"

Shi Feixia was shocked.

"I heard that the value of this stone is equal to one month's GDP of Yuanshu."

"..." This indicates that Yuanshu's GDP is too low, or is the value of black star stone too high? Shi Feixia turned to look at Isfael.

Mani looked down at his nails, then slowly turned around, and sat down on the only chair on the high platform. "After the appetizers, it should be dinner."

With his words, the space in the banquet hall suddenly twisted strangely.

Doors and windows disappeared in distortion.

When the space returned to normal, Shi Feixia found that the originally crowded banquet hall suddenly doubled in size and looked empty.

However, compared to the larger venue, the four people who appeared in front of Mani were more noticeable. Or, four creatures.

Shi Feixia said: "Do you know the one with black wings?"

Isfael said: "Holly."

"Is the relationship good?"


"Then I change the question, can I fight it?"

Isfael said: "Try it."

Shi Feixia looked at the two Titans and an elf standing in a row with Hollier, and sighed softly.

Mani stood up and respectfully said: "Holly, I hope this help will not make you too difficult."

Hollier slowly unbuttoned the third button of the shirt, and the open collar just exposed two huge chest muscles. Compared with the noble and handsome beauty of Isfael, he was like a wild flame, wild and evil.

"If it's a full-fledged fighting angel, I'm afraid I can't even stand a round. But since it's a phantom ..." He raised his mouth, revealing a small pear vortex, "I think it should not be too ugly to win."

Isfeel said indifferently, "It's a little tricky to have an elf."

Hollier stared.

Shi Feixia curiously said, "I heard that **** benefits are good. Why do you still join the Inverse Nine?

"Because he is a wanted criminal in hell." Isfael replied.

"What crime made Hell wanted?" Shi Feixia was a little hesitant. Aren't all the criminals wanted in heaven in Hell?

"Incest," answered Hollier. His fingers slowly slid down his neck, and when he reached the pectoral muscles, he suddenly tilted to the left. Along with the dark areola, there is also a cross scar. "In their words, I shouldn't be in estrus everywhere."

Although it is not a good time to gossip, Shi Feixia still can't help but ask, "How do you get in heat everywhere?"

Hollier smiled indifferently. "Nothing, I just ... wrote a love letter to Michael."


So, is this a murder case triggered by a love letter?

Isfael said: "It was sent with the love letter, as well as **** and self-prostitution photos of him."

"..." This big brother is also a strongman. Shi Feixia looked at the other three, "You won't ..."

The Titan was almost reflective of Hollier and waved his hands again and again: "We are not."

Although the elf didn't speak, it can be seen from the disgusted expression on his face that he was also very uncomfortable with the fallen angel who was accused of ‘chaos’ by the fallen angel.

Hollier only smiled slightly at their avoidance like a scorpion, and said, "You should probably try it with me. I promise that my technology will make you ecstatic." His eyes remained tight while he spoke. Staring at the elf.

Shi Feixia saw that the blue tendons on the forehead's forehead were about to burst out, and he secretly encouraged them, hoping that they would turn around in the nest, but in the end, the elf just snorted and put up his breath.

Mani finally came out to get the topic back, "I think it's time for dinner."