MTL - Spiritualist In Korea-Chapter 643 Honest people have temper

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   Li Mo also felt incredible when he received a call from Fang Dongmin. Krystal's company actually rejected JTBC's audition invitation?

  Fang Dongmin thought it was just a routine. The heroine appointed by Li Mo must have communicated with Krystal long ago, but he did not expect such a mistake.

   "What's wrong, oppa?"

  Li Mo put down his phone and replied with a frown, "The audition invitation sent by JTBC to Xiujing was rejected by Silly Hat."

  Kim Taeyeon exclaimed, "How could this happen? Does Xiujing know?"

   Immediately, the girl frowned as well, "That's not good. If Xiujing knew about it, she would have a temper similar to Sika's."

   She also shook her head after saying that.

  The Zheng sisters are good at everything, regardless of their appearance or figure, they are all first-class. It's just that he is too upright and doesn't know how to hide his emotions. If it wasn't for a big company like Silly Hat, he wouldn't know how he would be sprayed.

   "Let me go, maybe some people make up their own minds."

   "Well, let's go, don't let that girl mess with the company."

   But Li Mo seems to be late.

When    came to the silly hat, several members of Fx were standing in the aisle with anxious expressions on their faces. Seeing Li Mo coming, Victoria hurriedly greeted her, "oppa, you're finally here!"

   "Where's Xiujing?"

  Victoria smiled bitterly, "We're still in the president's office, and we don't dare to go there."

  Li Mo raised his eyebrows, nodded to Victoria and her teammates, and walked to the president's office. People come and go in the silly hat company, and many trainees are whispering during their breaks. After all, it is estimated that there are only one or two artists in the entire company who dare to compete with the president. Either someone with a background in the family, or someone like Krystal, who cares about who you are with your temper?

   "President Li, please wait a moment."

   A middle-aged man who had never seen him stopped Li Mo with a faint smile on his face.

   Inexplicably hated such a smile, Li Mo frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

   "Of course I'm an employee of the company." The middle-aged man put away his smile, "I'm the newly appointed operation representative of Fx, Huang Caixiong."

   "Oh, hello."

  Li Mo glanced at Huang Caixiong lightly, and walked directly past him.

  Huang Caixiong still stopped Li Mo reluctantly, "President Li, shouldn't you be involved in our company's internal work? And you are not a company employee or any collaborator with related business. Please don't enter our company casually in the future."

   "Are you teaching me a lesson?" Li Mo's tone turned cold.

   "Don't dare, it is a sincere advice. After all, some information in our company is very sensitive and it is not good to spread it out."

   "Go away!"

  Huang Caixiong's face was very ugly. Li Mo's tone was like scolding a beggar on the street, which made him angry, "This is not your territory, you are not qualified to let me leave!"


  Huang Caixiong's eyes flashed Li Mo's smile just now, and the next moment he suddenly felt himself rising into the air.

   "President Li, don't be impulsive!" Someone in the distance noticed that there was a conflict here, and Li Mo was very well-known in the silly hat. That one didn't know if it was an agent or something, so he hurriedly spoke out to discourage him, and he walked over here quickly.

   Huang Caixiong came back to his senses, only to find that he was 'lifted' by Li Mo.

   Poor Huang Caixiong, who is only over 1.7 meters tall, was lifted up by Li Mo and breathed air above 1.9 meters for the first time.

   "If you don't want to get out, I'll help you!"

  Huang Caixiong's face changed suddenly, and he was thrown aside by Li Mo before he could beg for mercy. Everyone who witnessed this scene was stunned. Is this still human?

  Huang Caixiong's short and chubby figure is at least about 130 pounds. Li Mo lifted the person with one hand and threw Huang Caixiong aside like a garbage.

   The man who discouraged him just now swallowed his saliva, not sure if he should come forward.

   Li Mo smiled coldly, and walked straight to the president's office regardless of the others.

   From the moment this guy revealed his identity, Li Mo knew who was making a fool of himself. If the previous Fx operation representative knew that this was Li Mo's TV series, would he have dared to refuse the audition invitation? It is estimated that this guy wanted to use this to set fire to his new office, but unfortunately he found the wrong person!

   When he came out of the office, Li Mo opened the door without knocking and went in directly.

  Jin Yingmin had a gloomy face and wanted to scold him, but when he saw that it was Li Mo who held back angrily, "Can't you knock on the door, my president's majesty is about to be defeated by you."

   "When you dare to hit me in the face, expect to be beaten back by me!" Li Mo replied angrily. Krystal saw Li Mo coming and showed him an aggrieved expression.

   "I know, the people below may do it rudely. But it makes sense. Krystal can't just accept the works of the cable station, which is very bad for her development."

Li Mo sneered, "It's the worst thing to do according to your plan. It's not that I'm belittling, although the writer Lu Zhixue is very hardworking, the ratings of "She Who Is Lovely to You" can exceed 10%, and I will close the pen immediately !"

"How is that possible. This is a water-and-wood drama by SBS, and Rain is joining in. Although the world star name is not very useful abroad, it is still first-class popularity in Korea." Jin Yingmin didn't believe it, but Li Mo's tone was so Certainly, even the sealing pen said it, there is always a little guilty conscience.

"Old Kim, don't think I'm selfish and don't want to let Xiujing appear in other people's works. It's just that your company's vision in choosing scripts is too bad, look at Lin Yuner, play one drama and another. What else? Kwon Yuri, Choi Sooyoung, there are so many examples, I don't want to say more."

  Kim Young-min retorted, "Isn't there Go Ara? "Reply 1997" is very well-received, isn't it?"

   "Please, even an outsider like me knows that this drama was picked by Gao Yara herself."

   Kim Young-min is embarrassed, he really doesn't know. The president is full of opportunities, and it would be great if he could find this drama with good ratings. Besides, it is impossible for subordinates to report such a shameful thing.

   There was a knock on the door, and Kim Young-min coughed to divert his embarrassment.

"Come in."

   "It's him. He caught him and dared to beat me in the company. Even if he is a rich man, it is illegal to beat someone!"

   The person who came was Huang Caixiong, and there were two security guards with bitter faces behind him.

   Hit someone?

   Kim Young Min turned his attention to Li Mo.

  Li Mo shrugged, "I told him to get out, and I would block my way. I had no choice but to take some actions that weren't too radical. I didn't hit him, I just threw him aside."

   Throwing aside...?

   Krystal, who was originally depressed, suddenly made up the scene described by Li Mo, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.