MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 331 He will bring the fleet to pick you up

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The small bottle Xilin took out was given to him by Yuanye. The bottle was filled with natural plant hormones extracted from the Forge tree. Because this was the first time it was used by Xingfu, Xilin halved the amount. ([])

The green liquid was injected into Xingfu's body, and Xilin paid attention to the display of various physiological indicators on the instrument. And Zhuo Xing and Du Hong next to them, one was shocked almost dull, the other didn't know how to react.

Zhuo Xing was shocked by the pattern on the vial Xilin took out. He had seen that pattern, in the residence of the "Queen". The "Queen" took those things with that pattern very seriously and did not allow others to touch them. Zhuo Xing knew that it was left by the "Queen"'s husband and Xingfu's grandfather.

Zhuo Xing always thought that Xingfu's grandfather was no longer there, and he wouldn't be a great person. He had never heard of any major power or celebrity whose surname was "Yuan" in the entire Star Alliance.

Now, what Xilin took out actually had that pattern!

Seeing Zhuo Xing's delay, Du Hong didn't respond, and didn't stop Xilin's "Hu Lai" Zhuo Xing. Instead, he was in a daze, Du Hong raised his hand and poked Zhuo Xing.

After regaining his senses, Zhuo Xing didn't give an answer to Du Hong's anxiously inquiring eyes. He just shook his head slightly to signal Du Hong not to bother.

Du Hong did not understand why Zhuo Xing, who had always been cautious and would not easily let other people intervene during treatment, allowed Xilin's "misconduct", and what puzzled Du Hong most was Zhuo Xing's reaction just now, which Du Hong had never seen before. Zhuo Xing's expression of shock may be due to being a doctor. Zhuo Xing had always been calm and calm, but when Xilin took out the vial, he was almost completely lost. Zhuo Xing must know something he didn't know. As the captain of the Vanguard Squadron, what is the secret relationship between Xilin and Jin Shuo?

Did not wait for Zhuo Xing and Du Hong to think. The patient's condition displayed by the instrument connected to Xingfu fluctuates greatly. When Zhuo Xing and Du Hong saw one of the displays on the instrument, their eyes widened.

The place where the gene level is displayed on the instrument has changed from "f" to "e". There is also a tendency to evolve to "d" level, but the evolution is not stable, and the above data changes have gradually exceeded the safe range, which is a bad phenomenon. Generally speaking, for those who have been injected with genetic evolution drugs, such a phenomenon means that there is a 60% chance that evolution will fail. The more data out of the safe range, the lower the success rate of evolution.

Xilin is going to raise Xingfu's genetic level before he is treated? Zhuo Xing and Du Hong both thought so, but now that this phenomenon occurs after the injection of the medicine, it must be prevented from continuing to evolve. The problem is that Xilin does not mean to prevent it.

The direct manifestation of the data beyond the scope is that Xingfu began to have spasms. And the facial expressions are very distorted, I don't know what I think of now to have such a fierce reaction.

That hypnosis will remind people of bad memories step by step, stimulate and then stimulate the hypnotized person, so that the hypnotized person will fall deeper, more difficult to extricate themselves, and more difficult to be awakened. This is an overbearing and almost irreversible hypnotism.

This kind of hypnosis is really difficult to deal with, and there may be many solutions for others, but Xingfu can’t, his body can’t handle those repairing treatments, and he will strongly reject many drugs.

No matter how many power interests are involved in this matter. One thing is certain, the person behind really wanted Xingfu's life. Before Du Hong said that to save Xingfu's life, compulsory treatment is necessary, and compulsory treatment is very likely to turn such a deeply hypnotized Xingfu into an idiot. But Xilin believes that even with mandatory treatment, there is a high chance of brain death.

Xilin adjusted the parameters of the instrument connected to Xingfu's head, and it would generate bioelectricity to stimulate Xingfu's brain.

In fact, although the data displayed on these instruments seem to be beyond the safe range, if they are combined and analyzed, they have not reached the life-threatening baseline. But combined analysis needs to consider that hypnosis, and for that hypnosis. Zhuo Xing doesn't really understand. Therefore, he could not carry out a correct comprehensive analysis.

Xingfu now is like a person who is having nightmares, his face is full of anxiety, anxiety and fear, even showing anger and disgust.

Suddenly, Xingfu said a sentence like a dream talk, but Zhuo Xing and Du Hong didn't understand this sentence. They didn't know if they were confused and didn't pronounce it clearly, or they spoke another language.

Xilin got it. Xingfu said this sentence in the Imperial language of Lansa.

What Xingfu said is—"I don't have a grandpa!"

Xingfu had a great resentment towards that "queen", this Xilin knew. But I didn't expect that the person Xingfu complained most was Yuanye.

It is precisely because of the grandfather Yuanye that his genes can only be at a level called "semi-handicapped", plus the "Queen" does not allow them to undergo genetic surgery to modify their genes, only to drag such a weak one. The body has been till now.

Xilin felt that Xingfu had a hatred towards Yuan Ye, otherwise, in such a hypnotic state, the first sentence turned out to be "I don't have a grandfather." I don't know how Yuanye will react when he hears this sentence.

Xingfu's ability to say this also indicated one thing. Now Xingfu has broken through the absolute hypnotic blockade, which is also the benefit of his genetic evolution.

"Do you hate him? Hate your grandpa?" Xilin asked softly in Lansa.

Zhuo Xing and Du Hong stared at Xilin without blinking. Are they communicating?

After Xilin asked, although Xingfu didn't reply, he reacted violently.

It’s good to have a reaction, which shows that Xingfu not only broke through the absolute hypnotic blockade, but also produced external awareness.

"Do you hate him because he left your father and your inferior genes?"

Xilin's voice became deep and slow, speaking in the right tone, which was able to make Xingfu who had developed external consciousness heard clearly without being harsh and causing a negative reaction.

"What he left for you is not a shackle. Your genes are not inferior, nor a burden, nor rubbish. For many people, you can't ask for it. But it's still asleep and hasn't woke up. You can't see it. It's nothing more than its ability.

You have only felt the pain caused by genes for more than 20 years, while he has felt it for decades. From the best of his youth to gray-haired, he was already wrinkled when his partner looked young. Perhaps it is precisely because he thought that he would leave you and secretly found a place to grow old quietly, not wanting you to be sad for him.

I know he regretted it later. Because when he is drawing, he likes to draw three people, a couple, and a child, and then draw many children behind the children. It's just that the children behind are faceless. I once asked him why these children don’t draw faces? He said that he wanted to paint too, but he couldn't paint.

Later, he went home, but he was not as happy as he seemed on the surface. He likes to get up early and move slowly after breakfast. Then he lay on the wooden rocking chair under the Fudge tree and looked at the artificial sea in a daze. Or close your eyes and quietly think of someone who can't let go. A person feels a sense of loss.

Don't blame him, if he can, he also wants to be with you. Everyone thinks that he likes quiet, but that's not the case. He also hopes to be surrounded by children and grandchildren, and he also hopes to watch his children and grandchildren grow little by little, but he has his own difficulties.

His brother's children often visit him, but after each visit, he always stays in a daze for a long time, sitting alone in a rocking chair and looking at the sky through the leaves of the Fudge Tree. Feel the sadness that the breeze blows away from the garden.

As for now, perhaps, he himself is also afraid.

If you don’t believe it, you can go and ask in person. I believe you will meet soon. Maybe on that day, he will come to pick you up with a huge fleet. Each starship is bigger and more beautiful than this one. There is a private army that is well-dressed and majestic. There are also people you know on the starship. That leaf icon..."

Just like a cool breeze blowing in the hot, suffocating and irritating afternoon in summer, it not only blows away the irritability, but also does not make people feel abrupt and violent. With Xilin's voice, Xingfu, who was full of irritability and various negative emotions, gradually calmed down.

Zhuo Xing knew that it wasn't just Xilin's hypnotic voice that calmed Xingfu, but the most important thing was what Xilin said.

The sons and grandchildren of the "Queen" each have a personal physician. Not long after Xingfu was born, Zhuo Xing followed Xingfu as his personal physician, so Zhuo Xing also knew a little bit of the language Xingfu was speaking. But I don't understand it very well, and I can't fully understand what they mean. Unexpectedly, Xilin would know.

Zhuo Xing and Du Hong wanted to know what Xilin was talking to Xingfu, and they were able to talk to Xingfu in this weird language to stabilize Xingfu's mood. What are the things involved? The two are in a complicated mood. This young man is like a mystery. You obviously think you know him well, but he might overthrow your thoughts in the next moment.

When they saw Xingfu's childish smile, Zhuo Xing and Du Hong's jaws were about to fall. And when they saw the column on the instrument that showed the genetic level, the two felt dizzy.

On the instrument, the previously unstable letter from "e" to "d" has changed to "b", but at this time, Xilin stopped the subsequent evolution of genes.

The words Xilin said just now have a soothing and hypnotic effect, serving as a repair guide and a consciousness medium to gradually release Xingfu from such an extreme state. With the injection of medicine, Xingfu's genes can evolve smoothly.

The original family's genes are very special, which Xilin had known for a long time. They need to stimulate the genes twice. If they only receive the first time and have not been stimulated by the second injection, their genetic level will decline and become worse and worse. Only after the second injection can it be completely stabilized. Therefore, the genes of the original family who completed the two stimulation evolutions are equivalent to the a-level or even higher on the Star Alliance side.

In addition to this extract of Fudge Tree, other genetic evolution agents like the Star Alliance will damage the special genes of the original family. It is estimated that this is the main reason why the "Queen" does not allow them to undergo genetic surgery.

The evolution of genes has made Xingfu's resistance much stronger, far from comparable to the previous "f" grade genes, so after the genes have evolved to "b" level stable, Xingfu woke up soon after the evolution of Xilin stopped. come. The physiological index data measured on the instrument dazzled Du Hong and wanted to paste it up and look carefully.

After Xingfu woke up, he ignored Zhuo Xing and Du Hong who had approached him. Instead, he stared at Xilin, and finally said, "Aren't you my brother who has been separated for many years with the same grandfather and different milk?" "

Xilin: "..."

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