MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 335 Chain Stars

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The young man looked at the person entering the door and nodded to Angelia. He paused when he glanced across Xilin and stopped on the gray cat.

The gray cat also looked at the young man. Ayue told him about the characteristics of the Xi family, and privately said that when Xi Kai was "not authentic", the gray cat remembered it clearly.

Ayue said that if the Xi family are "being authentic", they have to look at their eyes. The Xi family has a pair of very special eyes, and the boy in front of him is exactly the same as what Ayue said. But at that time, Ah Yue was very depressed because she thought she would never see an "authentic" Xi family again. Unexpectedly, it still exists.

When the gray cat got excited, he raised his fat paw and patted Xilin, "People from the Xi family? Xilin, look, it's from the Xi family! The authentic Xi ​​family!"

Xilin lined up the cat's claws, "I know!"

When Gray Cat said "Xi family", the three big men present changed their faces, and so did the boy from the Xi family.

For a while, the atmosphere was a bit solemn, and even Hara, who didn't like to pause when making food, stopped his movements and looked at Xilin. This was the second time Hara showed an unsmiling face in front of Xilin.

"Xilin, do you know the Xi family?" Angelia asked seriously.

Xilin looked at Anjinia and Hara. If it weren't for Xilin's relationship with Yuanye, if he were replaced by someone else, he would probably be killed by these two.

"I know people from the Xi family." Xilin replied.

Angelia was very puzzled. Even in the wilderness, he didn't know the Xi family, and how did Xilin know the Xi family in such a situation?

Another place.

The eleventh team is taking a rest in the arranged place. A beautiful maid brought tea, and the most popular one in Jinshuo is tea. And they are all very good quality teas.

Filling up the tea for several people, the beautiful maid glanced more when she passed the tea to Xiying. Xilin smiled at him, and the maid's face suddenly flushed.

Seeing this situation, the members of the Vanguard Eleventh Team present were all weird.

Xiaoshang winked with Cary: Look, our charm is not as good as a robot!

Xiying ignored Monk Kari and Xiaoshang who were winking, suddenly stood up and looked at Ayue and Sigma who were looking around the room. "Xilin wants you to pass, and Xi Kai."

"What's the matter?" Xi Kai put the cup down and asked.

"I'll know when I go." Xiying didn't explain much.

They were stopped by guards when they went out, because they were not allowed to walk around here. What's more, the place where Xiying and the others are going is not far from the residence of "Queen" Angelia. However, the person who stopped in front received the communication soon, and then smirked and led Xiying to the place Anjinia told him.

Xiying came to the gate of the courtyard, but the guards only let Xi Kai go in. Although Xi Kai was puzzled, he knew Xilin was inside and didn't say anything.

When Xi Kai saw the boy, he knew it was his family.

Xi Kai's eyes are also metallic gray, but compared to the young boy's eyes, his metallic gray eyes are a bit biased, and they are not pure silver-white reflections when looking at the sun.

one way or another. Xi Kai was still very happy to see the Xi family staying on the Star Alliance side.

"My name is Xi Kai."

"Simu." The boy licked the cream off his hands, and then said to Angina: "Can I talk to him alone?"

"of course can."

After getting Angelia nodded, all the guards in the house evacuated, and the curtain took Xi Kai into it.

"I didn't expect you to know the Xi family," Angelia smiled, "This is a good thing for you. After all, not everyone can be trusted by the Xi family."

For Angelia's words, Hara was deeply moved. He patted Xilin on the shoulder, "Seize the opportunity, but don't say anything about the Xi family, it will cause trouble."

Seeing Xilin’s doubts, Angelia said, “The Xi family is a very special family. They seem to be born with more nerves of thinking than others, but it is precisely because of this that they arouse the envy of others. Moreover, they are also affected by others. Ambitious people are concerned. Now I know there are only fifteen Xi family members. Ten years ago, the Xi family was besieged and suppressed. Although I had friendship with the Xi family, I would not offend the Star League government rashly. However, the Xi family In exchange, the people took out five sets of armor and hid the curtain here. We Jin Shuo protected him for ten years.

At that time, Xi Mu was less than five years old, but he knew everything, and his thinking was no less than that of an adult. That is, after the Xi family left the s star area and was captured by the Star Alliance government, the Xi family was detained not long after. One of the space laboratory exploded and none of the people inside survived. And after knowing the news, the curtain went white overnight. Can you imagine a child who is under five years old has turned his head because of overthinking? "

At least Angelia was shocked at that time. She never thought that something like this would happen to a child who was less than five years old and younger than her grandson. The curtain also turned into a contradictory combination overnight. The simple smile that had been used was gone. His character seemed to be divided into two halves, usually shiny silver and generally indifferent dark gray. When Hara saw the first side of the curtain, he made a cake for him called "Broken Dawn." The night is over, looking forward to dawn.

The Xi family helped Hara. Although the Xi family did not give Hara any benefit when they left, Hara has been very good to Xi Mu for so many years. Whenever he comes to Jinshuo, besides seeing Yuan Sheng, he will also come. Look at Ximu, Ximu likes to eat sweets, and Hara brings a lot of sweets to him every time he comes.

The Xi family members are all geniuses. Both Angelia and Hara know that, just like Xi Mu, he was able to produce various machines alone when he was separated from other Xi family members at the age of five and had no formal education. Groping. What is puzzling is that Xi Mu can make massage chairs for Angelia and food dispensers for Hara, but never makes firearms or rebuilds warplanes and ships. If he can't do it, Angelia and Hara absolutely don't believe it.

"The ten-year period is approaching, and the Star Alliance is in chaos. The Xi family talents distributed throughout the Star Alliance are also the targets of various forces. There are indeed Xi family people in other places in the Star Alliance. But they are rare. , Very few. So Xilin this person, if you can pull it over, Xilin will try to pull it over. Otherwise, he will also become a high-risk weapon in the hands of other forces." Angelia said.

When the people outside were talking about the mat, after the mat took Xi Kai into the room, he took out a slap-sized instrument. When the curtain turned on the instrument, a square image of about one cubic meter appeared in front of the two of them, which looked like the dark background of the universe. There are a few stars dotted in this.

"Gypsophila?" This Xi Kai knew him, and he had also played it when he was a child. What does Xi Mu take this out now?

The curtain didn't speak. After watching Xi Kai, he reached out and clicked on a spot on the image map, and a star-white light spot appeared there. After finishing the order, the curtain looked at Xi Kai again.

Xi Kai has no choice but to play. After looking at the light point distribution in the image map, I started to click on the next light point in one place.

As a result, the two of you come and go, and there are more and more stars in the image.

"Gypsophila", this is indeed the Xi family's enlightenment game, and every light spot in it represents a primitive. Just like a part of a whole, it is not a simple matter to add parts one by one without destroying the function of the whole, or even to make the whole more perfect.

Xi Kai thinks that it is still very good to play the chess game of "Gypsophila", and the young man in front of him should have some patience, because the two sides hardly stopped when they were playing chess.

Soon, after Xi Kai ordered a point, he thought it was finally over, but before he could speak, the star-filled chess game map shrank quickly. The blank area is doubled.

"This..." Xi Kai didn't understand why there would be such a follow-up.

Xi Mu looked at Xi Kai inexplicably: "Of course there will be a secondary structure diagram after the primary structure diagram is downloaded. Have you been so big, have you stayed in the first structure diagram?"

Xi Kai: "..." Well, the ancestors of his Lanza Empire fooled him again.

The chess game diagram of the secondary structure is doubled on the basis of the chess game diagram of the primary structure, and they need to continue in the enlarged empty area.

Compared with the primary structure diagram, Xi Kai should take the secondary structure diagram seriously. At each step, we must consider the primary structure diagram. Think about it on the basis of it. The speed of the shot is not like the primary structure diagram. So fast. But the speed of the curtain is still the same, basically as soon as Xi Kai takes a shot, the curtain is pointing down.

Finally, after finishing the second-level diagram, the third-level structure diagram appeared, and Xi Kai felt that his head started to hurt.

In the end, Xi Kai made a mistake in one step of the four-level structure chart, and the entire sky-filled star chart showed a "crack", and the crack was the chess piece that broke in the entire system because of this step. If you put it on the machine, it's all other parts that were broken because of the last part.

"Only level four." Xi Mu was disappointed.

Xi Kai was even more disappointed. He lost without even knowing the bottom of the boy in front of him. It's... pretty shameless!

"It's okay. It's the first time you played a chain star chart. You're not used to it yet. Just get used to it." The curtain looked at the chess game that had already been played. "Have you always been on the next level structure chart before?"

"Yeah, I don't even know that the sky full of stars is a chain star chart chess game." Xi Kai was helpless. He was really smashed. First of all, the things about the original robots made Ayue separated from him. Now It's "Gypsophila" again, how many more do you don't know?

"Which branch of the original family are you from?" Xi Mu asked.

what? There are branches? Xi Kai looked blank.

Xi Mu looked at Xi Kai with contempt in his eyes, "I really suspect that you are a counterfeit. The branch of the Xi family has been divided into three branches since a thousand years ago. Later it was also called the three-color branch, red, white and blue. White. Zhi still stayed in the original place of birth, the blue branch gradually contacted and cooperated with other forces in the Star Alliance, while the red branch heard that he was leaving, and didn't know where he went."

Xi Kai moved in his heart and asked, "Why do you use blue, white and red to call it?"

"The light effect comes from the phenomenon that the frequency of the reflected light of an object changes with the speed of its own motion. The light reflected by the distant objects is reddish, just like we see the nebula red from here, because they are far away, so The image we saw was reddish. Taking the red branch as an example, because they chose to leave, they used this color to call them. As for the blue branch, I don’t need to explain it, right?"

Xi Kai nodded. "No, I know which branch I am. Red branch. I am red branch."

Xi Mu raised his eyebrows in surprise, "When I was very young, I heard from people in the clan. There has been no news of the red branch for nearly a thousand years. There are rumors that they left the Star Alliance and went to another galaxy. I don't know if it is true? "

Xi Kai still hesitated whether to directly tell about the Lanza Empire. The curtain has already spoken again, "I understand, it is true."

The curtain is white. The Baizhi now only knows about him. Xi Kai thought his branch was miserable enough, but the Baizhi was even more miserable. At least his branch still has protection in the Lanza Empire. The Baizhi where the curtain is located has been tortured by all parties into this field.

The two Xi family members chatted here for a while, and the three robots who were still waiting in front of the courtyard heard the sound of letting them in.

Xiying was fine, but Ayue and Sigma always had a strange sense of familiarity until they were called into the house.

As soon as they entered the room, Sigma and A Yue were attracted by the starry chess game that had not yet been withdrawn.

"Gypsophila! It's Gypsophila! I haven't seen a chain of Gypsophila!"

Ayue and Sigma were spinning around the game, and the next moment, they noticed the mat standing next to Xi Kai. The two robots were stunned.

While Ayue and Sigma were studying the mat, they also observed the two robots. It's really good. If you can make such a robot, the Xi family of that branch can at least lower the "Gypsophila" to the seventh level structure diagram. It’s just, why are they all such powerful people, but they are all gone, and the blue branch, who has always thought the worst talent, still mixes well now?

"Ah, Sigma, have you all starred in the sky?" Xi Kai asked, breaking the silence.

"Of course I did!" Sigma was very excited when he said this. "We used to play often."

"Is it a chain of Gypsophila? Or is it a single level?"

"Of course it's a chain! The sky full of stars is one link after another, otherwise, how could it be called "the sky full of stars"?" Sigma wondered.

Xi Kai: "Oh, I know." Looked at Ayue and Sigma. Xi Kai asked again: "How many levels have you played?"

Hearing this question, Ayue lowered her head and twisted her fingers, with a very embarrassed look: "I...only down to the sixth stage."

The sixth level... still "only"? !

Before Xi Kai had time to vomit blood, Sigma next to Ayue screamed: "Ah?! You have been able to get to the sixth stage? I still stay in the fifth stage, and I haven't passed the stage. I really am the dumbest. "

Xi Kai: "..." How can this make him the fourth-level favor!

"Are you all in the hunter group now?" The curtain interrupted their conversation and asked.

"Yeah, or you come here too. That way we can often star down the sky!" Ayue and Sigma looked forward to it.

Xi Mu did not give a positive answer.

When he came out, Xi Mu saw Xiying, and secretly asked Xi Kai: "Who made that robot?"

Xi Kai was surprised, "You can tell at a glance that he is a robot?"

"It's really hard to recognize if you don't look carefully. If the person who made the robot played with Gypsophila, he would at least be able to play the seventh-level structure diagram."

"Level 7?!" Thinking of something, Xi Kai nodded, "He does have that ability."

How could someone who can succeed Guan Feng in Heivier be worse?

"The maker of that robot is Xilin, the leader of the hunter squad where I am now. You can trust it."

That night, Xi Mu stayed in the room by himself, and he and himself starred in the sky. This is something he has often done for ten years. Until the dawn, the stars on the chess game map are densely populated. For the average person

It will be dazzled at a glance, but the curtain is still fixed on the chess picture, but every next step will be considered for one to two minutes.

This is the eighth level structure chart, and the curtain is hitting the ninth level. In fact, he was able to get down to the eighth level structure two years ago, but he has not succeeded in hitting the ninth level.

After thinking about it for two minutes, Xi Mu raised his hand and clicked on it. As soon as his finger dropped, he knew he had failed again. Sure enough, after the new point appeared, a spider-web-like crack appeared, all over the chess game map.

Xi Mu let out a light sigh and waved to break up the chess game. Then got up and started to pack things.

When Xilin got up early in the morning, he saw Xi Mu with a bag standing there.

"I want to join you." The curtain was straight to the point.

Xilin was stunned when he heard this. He thought about the possibility of pulling in, but he didn't expect the curtain to be delivered by himself. Angelia and Hara also said last night that they should take the initiative to attack people like the curtain, otherwise he would not speak out his own ideas.

As a result, Xilin ran over by himself before Xilin had time to act.

"Entry into the team requires investigation, and other players need to vote enough for it." Xilin said. According to the old rules of the Vanguard Squadron, this is indeed true.

"Angelia gave you her armor, right?" Xi Mu asked, without directly responding to what Xilin had just said. The tone is very positive.

Xilin did not deny, "Yes, she gave me her own set."

"Give it back to her. Those five sets are broad-spectrum armors. Anyone can use them as long as they meet the physical fitness standards. However, for people with high requirements who often have high-risk tasks, the suitability of armor and nerves is not enough. Angina and the others don’t often fight in person, but you do, so there’s no need to bring inappropriate armor."

Xilin looked at the curtain and smiled, "Okay."

Although Xi Mu did not say, but the potential meaning and obvious, with me, there will be more suitable armor for you.

"Welcome to the Vanguard New Eleven Team!"

Xi Mu joined the eleven team, and A Yue, Sigma and Xi Kai were quite happy. After Xi Mu joined the 11th team, his new identity was Xi Kai's cousin.

To make armor, the mat lists some materials. Most of the materials Angenia were sent to Xilin directly, so you don't need to find them yourself, and several rare materials don't even have Angenia or Jinshuo's inventory is not much.

However, Xi Mu knew the general location of the existence of several rare materials. After staying in Jinshuo headquarters for three days, Xilin and others left to look for other materials mentioned by Xi Mu, and Angelia sent someone to see him off. Non-local people without navigation will be treated as foreign enemy invasion. .

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