MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 345 decoding

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When Xilin returned to the base, the five people were already lying on the bed in the base medical care room. In the words of Shusag, the task was successfully completed.

Xilin doesn't expect how many people can be allocated this time, and he doesn't want the team to absorb too many at once, which is not good for the development of the 11th team. This time it is more appropriate to have five new members come in.

The blood of the 11th team is very young and full of potential.

The five people were all in a coma and dragged in. Whether it was the three men Mao, Mogas and Pango, or the two women Kong Lujia and Phoebe, they all enjoyed the same treatment, and each They are all embarrassed.

Xilin's main purpose is to beat the arrogance of those who are divided by the home team, by the way, to see their general ability. Moreover, if you don't really want to join in, you will definitely leave. For those who are not willing, the 11th team will not be forced to retain people.

But after these five woke up, they didn't mean to leave.

When Xilin came to the infirmary, Mogas, who woke up, was not depressed, but was excited there like a chicken blood.

"I know, I know! Concentration, concentration is the essence! Although there are few people in the 11th team, they are all strong mid players and elites! Are you right? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?"

After Mogas excitedly said "um" to the other four people lying on the hospital bed, Phoebe whipped out of the bed.

"It's so noisy." Phoebe rolled over and continued to rest with his eyes closed.

Mogas hadn't stopped talking since he woke up. Keeping twittering, Kari couldn't help leaving after chatting with him for a while. This guy is too ridiculous, and Kari, who has always liked to spank and chat, can't hold it.

For Xilin walked in. The five people in the room looked over at the same time.

Even if he didn't open his eyes, Phoebe could judge that the person who came in and out was someone they had never met. Several people from Team 11 had appeared after they woke up, but the young man who came in was very strange.

They don't understand the situation of the 11th team, and Xilin, the captain of the 11th team. They only heard about it, even Mogas, who likes gossip chat and nonsense, hadn't really seen Xilin.

The person who was resting with closed eyes opened his eyes and looked over. Mogas, who was pulled to the ground and crawling on the bed, also stopped talking for a moment. Only the faint beep of the treatment device was heard in the hospital room.

Without looking at the display on the instrument, Xilin knew that the five people had no serious injuries. With their five abilities, they would be able to recover after one day of sleep.

Sweeping: "Good spirits."

Mogas was not in a hurry to go to bed, and sat on the hospital bed with his legs dangling and looking towards Xilin, "Brother, are you also from Team 11?"

"Yes, I am."

A sugar ball was placed on a table in the medical care room to make natural fruit candies from fruits grown by Sigma. Xilin put a candy in his mouth. Pull over the chair on the side and sit down.

Mogas made a self-introduction and introduced the other four people by the way, "We are the new members of the 11th team. We will help each other, understand each other, and love each other..."

Before he finished speaking, Phoebe took Mogas again with a whip, "Go and love each other yourself!"

Mogas rolled around on the ground, and then got up. Rubbing the rubbed area, he jumped back to the bed and sat down, and asked Xilin, "Man, you haven't introduced yourself yet."

"My name is Xilin."

Five people:"……"

The infirmary fell silent again, and the five looked at Xilin carefully from top to bottom and from bottom to top just like watching rare animals.

After the five woke up, they chatted with Kari and others for a while. Shusag said that he himself was no match for Captain Xilin. Judging from the information learned by the five people, the captain of the 11th team, Xilin, should be a very powerful person. Those who can command the 11th team, the captain is certainly not a simple person. But the one in front of him, seems to be too young, and does not seem to have any special domineering aura, put it in the crowd of the home team, like a messy boy.

"Xilin, the captain of Team Eleven?" Mogas asked tentatively.

Xilin nodded, "Yes, I am."

Mogas scratched his head and smiled: "I'm sorry, I didn't see it just now. But Captain, you are really hidden, you are a good hunter. Also, I have a few questions for the new players."

"You said."

"Who is that Xiying? Why isn't Uncle Shusage afraid of fire? Is it really a cat that stuns Pango? Can't the animals of the 11th team be offended? The 11th team..."

Mogas crackled and asked a series of questions, which were more than just "a few" questions.

After Mogas finished talking about the questions, Xilin smiled faintly: "These questions, wait for you to figure it out. Also, staying in the 11th team and becoming a full-fledged team member will receive player benefits after inspection."

After talking about Xilin, he got up and went out, leaving five people staring in the hospital room.

"How is it?" Judy stood outside the infirmary.

"It's okay, it should be fine, what did Dias say?"

"Diaz is very satisfied."

"That's fine, Dias has always felt very accurate. Moreover, these five people are all rare talents." Xilin said.

Indeed, this Judy agreed.

Although these five people were all knocked out and dragged into the base gate, these five people kept their hands when dealing with Xiying and Xiusag, and none of their killer moves were used. The most important thing for a hunter is the ultimate move, and a good hunter will not easily expose his ultimate move to strangers. They are very smart.

It's impossible for Pan Ge to have such a little ability, how can Mogas' hidden weapon only have so little ability? There are also three other people, Xilin can tell a lot from their breathing rhythm, plus the video of them fighting before coming, Xilin is very sure of this.

"After a whole day of meetings, I will go back and have a rest first. If there are no important things, don't disturb me."

"it is good."

After a brief chat between Xilin and Yudi, they walked to their lounge. As for the five people, Xilin didn't worry. Someone was watching the treatment, and there was no shortage of people to explain the rules and history of the 11th team. Xilin didn't have to worry about the rest.

Back in the lounge, Xilin closed the door, took out the micro-brain, and entered a series of character codes on the pop-up light screen.

These character codes were formed by re-decoding the secret code decrypted from the dark signal from the communicator of the person who ran by his side before.

When Xilin came into contact with these codes, he didn’t need instant decoding. Not to mention his memory. Even if he decodes instantly, he can decode it purely without using finger amplitude to decode. His decoding ability is just like A small computer, which was unexpected by that person.

After Xilin inputs the characters decoded twice, he starts to decode the serial password information. The reason why he attaches so much importance to this encrypted information is not because he is curious about that person, but because these character codes are something that mechanical personnel can understand. However, not every mechanical person can correctly decode this encrypted information, because the passwords are arranged according to everyone’s habits, and different people see different information, so unless you know the encryption people’s habits Arrange the order, otherwise it will only be a bunch of messy codes.

And the code characters above belong to Mo Heng's custom arrangement. Xilin was too aware of Mo Heng's habitual arrangement. He was able to conclude that this message was sent by Mo Heng. As for the person who deliberately revealed the information, Xilin didn't think he wanted to express a kind act.

In any case, after decoding this encrypted information, you can know what is going on.

Xilin's fingers are flying on the light screen. The combination of these characters will have a specific meaning, just like the parts that are composed. What Xilin needs is to assemble these parts in the correct way. This code form is more similar to the Xi's chain starry sky chessboard.

In addition to the correctness requirements for the assembly of the character code parts, the assembly has a comprehensive accuracy requirement of 99.98% or more to be tested, that is to say, the minimum requirement for the comprehensive accuracy of the assembly to be assembled is 99.98%. If this requirement is not met , It is also considered a decoding failure.

It is worth pondering that the final product assembled by the character pseudo-parts used by Mo Heng should be the first machine assembled by Mo Heng when Xilin was in Qiyao when he skipped class and was screwed to Qiyao's Engineering Research Institute.

As a Xilin who has reached a stable 99.99% level, this decoding is relatively easy.

After two minutes, the code was unlocked. However, this encrypted information reveals a second decoded picture.

Multiple decoding? Double encryption?

It seems that the level of confidentiality of this information is very high, otherwise Mr. Mo would not spend so much effort setting the information into this way.

The second decoded picture is a weapon picture, many places are marked with text information composed of some character codes. There is a symbol in the center of the picture-the Dream Tapir Project!

Xilin doesn't care whether Mo Heng participates in the Dream Tapir Project. After all, Meng Mo is a military project, and Mo Heng's son holds an important position in the military. The relationship between the two must be close.

What makes Xilin feel strange again is that although this weapon is more devastating, the text messages composed of the character codes are Mo Heng's criticism of the shortcomings of this weapon. However, according to his understanding of Mo Heng, his old man did not need to make the criticism of this weapon into an encrypted message.

What does the old man mean?

Xilin looked at the character codes flipped on the light screen, thinking about Mo Heng's intentions. Some memories flashed through Xilin's mind, and then suddenly he froze in a scene.

Is that it?

Xilin stretched out his finger and began to adjust the position of those character codes. ! ~!

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