MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 417 Get the vaccine

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The base hidden under the ground of this planet looks like a small town with various areas, research areas and living areas.

Both the study area and the living area are very lively. From the visual point of view of the white ghost, the research area is similar to other bases of the "miracle". Those banned studies have already seen the habit. Now, seeing these Xilin people do not have much reaction, even those in the liquid tank It’s a baby who is licking his calf for a long time. Such things have already been seen too much. Anyone who has dealt with the "miracle" and has thoroughly investigated the "miracle" is some.

"Can the layout of the base be available?" Xilin asked.

"Now I haven't found it." White Ghosts shuttled through some instruments and networks. Sometimes, if they were on experimental instruments or large, medium and small appliances, they sometimes sneaked into the micro-brains of those people, but they have not found anything yet. Information on the entire base layout map.

"That's it, step by step, steady." Xilin said.

There are not many people in the base, but these people seem to be in good spirits. Sometimes, a few people gather around and eat and drink while chatting, and the content of the conversation is about what is happening in the current Star Alliance.

These people are not jealous here, and many topics are also talked about, such as "nightmare", such as those viruses.

I have to say that those who can hide here are more likely to have a voice in the "miracle". Even if they are not as high-level as those captured by the Eighth Army, they can grasp these secret information and explain their identity and status.

Xilin did not let the white ghost immediately go to find the secret information that was sealed in some instruments, but let her listen to these people's conversations first. Instead of blindly searching for it, it is better to wait for it and learn from these people. Probably, then follow the general information and look for directions.

Here, everything that the white ghost sneaked and saw, gave everyone enough information. Enough shock. There is a drunkenness in the area where people are bragging about the shape, when they have a private meeting, they also talk about the progress of the research and the facts. The base makes them feel at ease and their defenses are low. There are always some people. The mouth is not as strict as imagined.

People's willpower is actually far lower than they feel.

The result of this is that within two hours, several people in Xilin have a general understanding of the entire "nightmare" action. There are two more particle storms in the middle, every time. These people will put down the work at hand, chat with them or do some activities. But it is precisely at this time that the most information that can be learned is also the most convenient time for the white ghost to act. All the information on those instruments is stolen at this time. Only minor anomalies in those instruments at this time will not cause their suspicions.

According to these populations, the "nightmare" was indeed re-opened and activated. In theory, it can carry thousands of viruses, which were calculated after the "nightmare" study. However, after the "destroyed" action of the division, the mother's "nightmare" of reactivation is still somewhat affected. limit.

According to the information received by the letter, there are two hundred and thirty-seven kinds of viruses carried in the child's "nightmare" caught in the infected area, if that is really a new generation. Push up, you can get, the mother "nightmare" body will not exceed a thousand.

The mother "nightmare" can only get one child per division, and the child "nightmare" after each division will be saved, and then wait for the next child to be split from the mother. Only the split from the mother is the best, because every split is a reduction of the virus, and the virus they carry does not necessarily completely replicate. It was a random copy, like the second generation of "nightmare" split from the mother's "nightmare." The types of viruses they carry are not necessarily the same, and may even vary greatly in the number of species.

The more types of viruses that are carried, the slower the division, and the more backward, the "nightmare" of the sixth, seventh, and eighth generations, the quality is far less than the second and third generations.

In order to ensure that there is an excellent "source of infection", the "miracle" people have been waiting for the "maternal body" to split, until they get enough good sources of infection, then retaliatory actions will be launched. This is why it has been so long, even if it is surrounded by all parties, and has captured so many high-level, they have no reason to do so.

Regrettably, this is not the base for studying "nightmares," and these people do not know where the "mother" is. If you want to completely solve this crisis, you will have to find the "mother" in the end, otherwise the virus infection will last for a long time. Only the activated "parent" will have complete antibodies against all hundreds of viruses, and the offspring do not have such antibodies, so the information that can be found on the "nightmare" of the offspring is limited.

The existence of this base is mainly for the development of some viruses.

Eighty-six artificial viruses are produced at this secret base, and then these viruses will be handed over to the headquarters, and then the people at the headquarters will implant the viruses made by other bases into the mother's "nightmare".

What makes people very helpless is that the 86 viruses that the base handed over were handed in together with the details of those viruses, and all the instruments and all the equipments in the base were turned over. The information and data on these 86 kinds of viruses were all cleaned up and permanently removed, preventing internal personnel from revealing information and falling short. It can be seen how careful the "miracle" is in this matter.

"There is no data information about those viruses, but as the guy who just had the big belly said, is there still a vaccine here?" Long tapped his finger.

"These people have been vaccinated. They are not afraid of infection. The vaccine should be true. I don't know where the vaccine is hidden? Xilin, is there a way?" asked Yu. The matter of invading the base was that Xilin was doing it, so he resigned and asked Xilin’s thoughts.

Xilin thought for a moment and said, "Look for it, you can find it, but if you find it, you have to plan it."

This is true, now people can't get in, and those closed passages will sound an emergency alarm as long as they open a small slit.

"The problem now is how to get the vaccine out. If the vaccine can be moved to the passage, even if the alarm is sounded, we can act as soon as possible."

Get a vaccine...

"I think about it first." Xilin contacted Bai Yunling after he finished his remarks.

"Can those housekeeping robots in the base be controlled?" Xilin asked. In fact, White Ghost has found a place to store vaccines. What needs to be done now is to develop a set of action plans.

"Yes, these are not difficult to control, but if I control a housekeeping robot, I can't pay attention to anything else." White Ghost answered.

"Don't pay attention to the other, the next small particle storm will arrive in twenty-five minutes. The duration will be around ten minutes. At that time, the action is best, but also take time. Are you sure?"

"Ten minutes...not very easy. The place to store the vaccine is a bit of a hassle, and the nearest exit is five minutes. Because here, the housekeeping robot is speed-limited and cannot exceed a certain speed. The words will draw their attention."

“How long does it take, depending on the speed of the housekeeping robots. How long does it take to decode the warehouse door that stores the vaccine?”

White Ghost thought, "Conservative estimates for fifteen minutes, if you encounter other events, it is estimated that the time will be longer."

Xilin nodded. He believed in the estimated time of the white ghost. In this case, he had to wait for an opportunity.

After thinking about it, Xilin discussed it with his resignation. Everyone agrees to wait for the opportunity. After all, this incident can only be successful. Once it is acted, it can no longer be buffered.

"This is the first time I hope that there will be a bigger particle storm." Knight joked.

"No. Before I heard the particle storm, I had to run hard and avoid it. I really didn't expect it." The wind tide moved his arm and prepared for the action.

"The power of people is limited after all." The more you sigh. Even if it is a sharpshooter. He has encountered many blows.

Monchiaro stood quietly behind and remained silent. In the cloak of his cage, the gray cat never came out after retracting. Others think that the gray cat is tired and wants to be sleepy, but Monchiaro feels that the gray cat is somewhat different. In fact, it should be like to go out with Xilin? Just, what is the reason for staying on the aircraft?

While waiting for the opportunity, everyone also discussed the next action,

When the small particle storm interferes, the white ghost in the base has already started to act. She is choosing the target. Her target is more than one, because the robot in the study area cannot leave the study area, and the robot in the living area cannot enter the research area. .

On the surface of the planet, Xilin said to Xiying, "I will take the vaccine when I come, and you will meet the white ghost to prevent those people from carrying out a forced communication network interference, without hiding the ability to directly attack those people's control systems. Create white ghosts Time, even if all the control systems inside collapsed, it doesn't matter, especially the force system that can be extended. It can be easier to leave at this time. This time it is impossible to be quiet, since the dark can't come, it will be clear at the end. Anyway, with white ghosts as the mainstay, even if she didn't get the vaccine smoothly, she would bring her back and say that after all, the speed of the action attached to the robot can be far less than the speed of her in the network."

"Well, I will."

Fortunately, after the small particle storm has passed, the next storm will be ranked higher, and the estimated duration will be around 17 minutes.

"Just this, this is already a long time in several storms that you have experienced." Xilin said. If you wait any longer, no one knows if there is any time in the short term that lasts longer than ten minutes.

"Then decide this, you can start to prepare, and I let them pass." The replied replied.

While waiting for the particle storm, the resignation made a speech with everyone on the aircraft, and everyone else, except for Conman and Allen, started to act. Monchiaro is not in this, he and the gray cat are also on the aircraft.

Fourteen space fighters, the fighters are not large, there are only two seats in the cab, one is the driver's, the other is the time to meet the people.

"Is these fighters really able to resist those particle storms?" Knight looked at the fighters in front of him, some doubts, not fears, just mere doubts.

"I can't help but still be affected, but I will drive the fighters over and hide behind the asteroids closest to the planet. Even if I can't stop the particle storm, I can open the shield and support it. The possibility of discovery is very small."

In fact, even if the possibility of being discovered is small, they are not prepared to open the shield once they are discovered. Everything has been abandoned.

"When you wear protective clothing, you can do it in the plane. You can't die, it's not those weak chickens. Didn't you see Xilin and Xiying in the past few games?" Pride held his chin and looked at Nana very disdainfully. Special for them.

Knight grinned. "I just said it."

"Let's go. It's nonsense." Long has jumped into the space fighter.

Others have also jumped in. Monchiaro stayed in the control room, still standing in the field, Allen did not know how to talk, but he has no time to talk. There is too much activity on hand. As for Conman, it is still the main control hand, and there is no time to take care of people. I haven’t said anything while sitting there. The original control room was quiet and suddenly quieted down.

The signal point of the space fighter flying out can be seen on the screen of the control room. These signal points are all moved to the planet.

Monchiaro looked down at the gray cat hiding in the "cloak". The cat was holding his ears at this moment, and his ears were still moving from time to time, apparently not falling asleep. Always paying attention to the outside movement, it seems a little nervous, and the unmoving claws show that this guy actually tickles in the heart, but it has been suppressed.

Before the next round of particle storms, they resigned as they had found a bunker. And park the space fighter on some of the nearest asteroids, waiting in the direction of the planet to wait for the opportunity.

Xilin and Xiying have now changed places. The previous passage was far from the planned passage of the white ghost to transport the vaccine out, in order to better meet the white ghost. Save time, Xilin and Xiying came to the planned passage.

This closed passage leads to a place where the study area intersects with the living area. In the study area, the defense is more rigorous, and during the non-particle storm period, the defense there is very strict. It is estimated that in order to prevent information theft, various facilities are very cautious, so the white ghost does not start from there, on the other side. There are also fewer entrances and exits. The planned access point is relatively loose compared to the research center area. Although it takes half a minute to choose here, the victory is greater than the safety factor.

Moreover, there are only a few large robots that transport drugs in the research area. It is impossible to transport the vaccine to the passage. No transport robot will run to the passage area. The small robots in the living area are different. And many places will go, there are also robots that come to the area of ​​the passage to clean, there is no doubt here.

After receiving the resignation and preparing the information they sent, Xilin informed Bai Yunling that he could start.

In the living area inside the base, in the eyes of a small cleaning robot, the white light flashed past and passed in one direction. In the living area, there are so many robots, and no one will pay attention to what the robot is doing.

This little robot, like other robots, is moving at the same speed, and occasionally some smudges on the ground will stop and clean up. Although I have to stop and go to work, I will turn a few corners in order to wipe the stains, but in fact, the final route has always been in one direction.

In a corner near the mouth of the passage, the little robot stopped, like other cleaning robots, and stopped working for a while to save energy.

After the small robot stopped, in the study area, on the walkway outside the large laboratory, a cart-like robot slowly moved forward, and each time it passed through the garbage port of a large laboratory, it stopped. Open the cover of the garbage mouth, take out some waste treated by circulating filtration and some non-recyclable waste liquid, and put it on the cart. This is also the cleaning robot for this underground base, which only works on the robots in the study area. They transport the waste from the research room and some used non-recyclable high-risk items to one place for centralized treatment.

The cleaning time of these robots is uncertain. Sometimes some laboratories are busy, waste will be more, and these robots will be cleaned frequently. Therefore, when the cleaning robot came over, it did not cause the experiments in the laboratory. The attention of the staff.

Slowly, it passed toward a ramp, and when it reached the ramp, the lighting in the passage and the instrument display in each lab began to flash.

The storm is coming.

Some people in the lab started to groan. However, every time this happens, these people will stay in the same place, sit and rest, or take a nap. Going out at this time is not a good idea. It is a tragedy if you are unlucky to accidentally hit the instrument or if some equipment is accidentally wounded due to a particle storm.

The aisle that was once passed by people from time to time is now gone, and the cleaning robot did not follow its usual cleaning route, but turned a corner and passed to the other side. The speed has also increased a lot. And some of the inductive devices hidden here are all at the moment, and there is no reaction to clearing the non-set path of the robot.

Soon, the cleaning robot stopped in front of a closed metal door.

Inside the door, the image of the storm here is not large. Perhaps it is because the important things are frozen here, and it is especially troublesome to build. The instruments here are all working.

One of the locks on the refrigerator jumped a few times, then automatically opened, and a white mist emerged from the inside.

There is a robotic arm on the shelf not far away. This robotic arm is used to help pick up the high-altitude items. Now it moves the lower roller to take out a box inside the refrigerator, close the refrigerator and restore it. Set values ​​and data on the cabinet door.

There is also a code lock on the box, just like a freezer. The data on the password lock flashes a few times and is unlocked.

The robotic arm opens the box to reveal what is inside.

After the inspection, the robot arm closes the box again and the password lock is restored. The robotic arm passed the box toward the door. When the door is reached, the door of the warehouse is opened, and when it is opened, there is a prompt sound, but this time. Because of the particle storm, some instruments in the lab failed and sounded. Cover the warning sound of the warehouse door. At the same time, the screen in the control room of the study area has been flashing, and it is impossible to see what is happening there. The monitor is now leaning on the chair to close his eyes.

The robotic arm places the box in a hidden position on the middle of the cart, then retreats and the door closes. Clean up the robot and retrace it. When you are at the crossing, calmly leave and go to the planned place. Everything here is calm again.

Xilin looked at the time, three minutes before the storm. Three minutes, enough white ghosts to reach the entrance and exit.

One minute before the end of the storm, the intersection of the research area cleaning robot and the living area cleaning robot was completed, and the box was transferred from the former to the latter cleaning tank.

Thirty seconds before the end of the storm, the small robot reached the planned entrance and exit and opened the passage.


The sharp alarm sounds through the entire base with repressive sound waves.

"what happened?!"

"Who?! Who opened the entrance and exit channel?!"

"Hurry up!"

The people at the base were stunned by this alarm, and now the storm is not completely over. Some people even think about whether it is the cause of particle storms and let the system fail.

In case, just in case, the guards act quickly. And when they found out, the small robot with the box in the open channel had already reached the outer exit.

"Start mandatory defense!"

"But the storm hasn't stopped yet..."

"start up!"


The base suddenly panicked.

Soon they found that the external defense system was disturbed, not only because of particle storms, but also for other reasons, so that the channel port could not be forced to close.

Who is it? !

Outside the mouth of the entrance and exit, the shadow of the West Shadow flashed, and he dragged the defense system so that it could not forcibly close the passage. When the particle storm is not over, it is extremely difficult to do this.

At the end of the particle storm, the external channel has been opened, and the small robot came out in the channel of the rising and opening. Xilin and Xixiang rushed up at the same time. Xilin took the box, and Xiying took the white ghost back.

When Xilin and Xiying ran towards the passage, five space fighters swayed and flew over here. Because of the influence of particle storms, they could not remain invisible when they came over.

"Ma's, this is the first time that Lao Tzu braved the particle storm to open the fighter. If the old man knows, he will definitely say that we are crazy!" Knight snarled while driving the fighter plane, but the words were mostly excited. Although driving in the particle storm is not stable, but now everyone is fighting high-spirited, because the vaccine of the 86 viruses has been obtained, they are even desperate to keep Xilin and Xiying. At this time, who still manages whether the storm is stopped now.

When Xilin got the box, the two fighters had already flown not far behind them. Xilin jumped up and, with the help of the propeller, went directly into the fighter that had opened the hatch. West Shadow also entered another fighter.

Time is just right.

The latter fighters also flew over to help cover the two fighters.

Because the storm stopped, the base that launched the weapon attack actually stared at the fighters on the two wings numbered d-793 and d-791. They saw the two people jump into the two numbered fighters. No matter what these people took, they went out from here and they must kill innocent people.

The two large passages on the surface of the earth are also open, and some fighters are flying out from here to block the outsiders.

The exchange of fire between the two sides is fierce. However, because Xilin’s actions are too fast, when they are chasing the past, they are already close to the asteroid belt, but this does not allow the base personnel to dispel the willingness to pursue, but instead conducts a more insane attack. Even if they use weapons such as shock bombs here, even if they have their own people within the scope of the shock wave, they will not hesitate.

However, the fourteen fighters were too embarrassing, shuttled among these asteroid belts as flexible as a fish, skillfully avoiding the shock wave and the other side's attack, and also deliberately released a smoke bomb, and the scattered smoke would block the mass. Let the people at the base not see which two fighters are. However, the base people have already identified the small number on the wing and used almost all of the firepower to attack the two fighters.

An aircraft emerged from the asteroid belt. It did not slow down. It was as flexible as those fighters in these asteroid belts and flew around the asteroid belt. At the same time, the open hatch allowed the fighters to fly in.

It doesn't matter if other fighters fly in. The base people bite the two d-793 and d-791 fuselage bodies that are at the end. But unfortunately, these two fighters are the most strange of these fighters, extremely difficult to lock, and several times have made ultra-mobile steering and other actions.

Gradually, all fourteen fighters flew back into the aircraft, and the two that were pegged were finally entered. After all entered, the aircraft's protective cover opened and left the asteroid belt at full speed.

Inside the aircraft, on the space fighters entering the cabin, the two fighters that Xilin and Xiying jumped out were not d-793 and d-791. The two numbers of fighters came out of Knight and Ply De.

At this moment, the numbers on the wings of the fourteen fighters disappeared at the same time. The numbering of this kind of thing was originally used to be human. Who the **** is stupid at this time to be numbered on his own wing as the target?

In fact, those people at these bases will definitely think clearly if they calm down, but at that time they were anxious and ignored.

Ps: Double monthly ticket on April 28-May 7th, I saw the display of the website today. By the way, the book ends in early May. I won't be able to see this book in the first month of the monthly ticket list. If there are more votes, I will finally support the book. Do not open a single chapter, and obstruct the eyes ^^.

Thank you for your regrets? , chaosxxx, fu2719 (2), the fish at the gate of the city (2), a dream come true, confused de-fermented powder, happy. Inaction, special dispatcher, strong bean, the precious moon ticket thrown by the breeze! Thanks m2n, sleepy before going to sleep, single defeated gold female, confused de baking powder, leaning against the sword. Dark star morning, thunder ring, peerless Qinglian, hidden wind traveler, gchen's reward!