MTL - Start From Soul Society and Cutting Through All the Worlds-Chapter 322 This is true power!

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 Chapter 322 This is true power!

Yecheng originally didn't want to deal with the boy with chuunibyou, but the problem was that Shadow's strength was there. If the other party prevented him from killing Olivier, Yecheng really couldn't avoid him.


 At the moment when Ye Cheng was talking to the shadow, Olivier also broke free from the "six-staff light prison" on his body, and held the holy sword and struck directly at the shadow in front of him.

 Because the shadow before suddenly blocked the front of Night City, which was rushing towards Olivier, the shadow's posture at this moment was with its back to Olivier.

But in the face of Olivier's heavy blow, Shadow didn't even look back. He directly blocked the opponent's attack with his long sword, then turned around and kicked Olivier's waist directly with a whip kick.

With a burst of madness, Olivier, once one of the three heroes, was kicked dozens of meters away by a powerful impact.

Had it not been for Olivier using the holy sword in his hand to insert into the ground as a buffer during the inverted flight, he would have probably flown further.

“I’m sorry, I have a personal grudge with this guy that I need to deal with first.

  Please stay aside obediently for now, and then you can decide who will be your opponent after the two of us decide the winner. "

 Seeing what Shadow did, Ye Cheng was a little angry, and at this moment he also realized deeply that it was useless to reason with such a passionate boy with chuunibyou.

If you want to convince the other party, you must directly use your strength to defeat the other party!

“You unreasonable guy, if that’s the case, then I’ll beat you to the ground first!”

“If you can do it, then just try it! Speaking of which, I have been looking forward to this battle for a long time!”

Purple magic power erupted from the shadows, and blue magic power erupted from Night City. The thickness and size of the magic power of either of them reached an astonishing level.

Two magic pillars, one purple and one blue, soared into the sky from the trial ground. Not only in the trial ground, but also in the town of Lindblum, the Holy Land, you can almost see these two astonishing figures from a distance. Tao magic.


Almost at the moment when Ye Cheng and Shadow collided, the entire venue began to shake violently, and the ground began to crack in large areas.

And the scope of the aftermath of this battle was no longer just the middle arena. The huge ground cracks continued to extend, and began to cause the surrounding spectator stands to collapse.

The people in the church began to evacuate people, because if they continued to stay here, they would not just watch the battle, but would also be in danger of their lives.

Olivier, the three heroes, Aurora, the witch of disaster, and two existing superpowers. This kind of showdown can be said to be rare in a century.

 Everyone present naturally wants to see the final result of the battle.

But now the aftermath of the battle is getting bigger and bigger, and even the entire holy land of Lindblum is shaking slightly. If you stay here to watch the battle, let alone ordinary people, even the magic swordsman is quite dangerous, so the audience Naturally, they could only withdraw reluctantly.

“I don’t care who the shadow is, but the name of Night City Omega will probably be resounding throughout the continent after this trial of the goddess!

Obviously he is so young, but he has such strength. It is estimated that in the near future, there will be rumors that he is the strongest in the Kingdom of Midgar. ” ˆ ˆ “Not only is the Kingdom of Midgar the strongest, I think it is also close to the strongest on the mainland. Look at the surrounding kingdoms. Who has such strength at his age?

Annellojie, who played before, is also considered a genius magic swordsman. At such a young age, she became one of Vigarde's seven swords.

But do you think that with her strength, are she on the same level as Shadow and Night City Omega? "

Listening to the comments from the surrounding audience, Claire, Ross and Alexia also felt quite complicated inside.

They have always known that Ye Cheng is very powerful, but they really did not expect that Ye Cheng's strength would be so strong.

If it weren't for this "Trial of the Goddess", they would never have seen such a night city.

genius? Such adjectives cannot describe Ye Cheng's talent and strength at all.

 No wonder people in the Omega Territory would call him the "son given by God" before. With such a monster's talent and strength, he is not a favorite given by God.

“Aunt Medice, let’s leave here as soon as possible. You have also seen that Ye Cheng is so strong, he will not be in any danger.”

Because the noise of the battle with the shadows in Night City was getting louder and louder, and the auditorium was beginning to become unsafe, so Claire and the others originally planned to take refuge inside the church according to the instructions of the bald bishop.

Roz and Alexia are both princesses, and the church provides a safer place to take refuge. They don't have too much doubt about this.

However, just as they were about to take action, a group of beautiful ladies wearing black tights suddenly appeared around them.

 “Are you from the Shadow Courtyard…”

  When they saw these curvy young ladies appearing, Ross and Alexia quickly drew their swords and stood in front of Medith.

  Because of the previous disturbances, they knew the people in the Shadow Courtyard. Now that the other party appeared here, Alexia and the others were also worried that the other party had ulterior motives.

"There is no need to be so nervous, Your Highness Alexia. Just like what I said to your sister, Your Highness Alice, before, we are not your enemies."

Looking at Alpha who looked exactly the same as Olivier in front of them, Claire and others also looked quite surprised, but they still suppressed the surprise in their hearts and said: "In that case, why did you stop us?"

"What are you stopping for? That beautiful lady behind you must be the mother of Night City Omega who is fighting on the field, right?"

Seeing Alpha's gaze shift to Medeis, Claire and Ross also showed ugly expressions. Apparently they now believed that Alpha was aiming at Medeis.

Yecheng showed shocking strength in this goddess trial. If you want to start with him, it is really unlikely, so you can only start with his mother Medith?

"No, no, no, I don't have any unfavorable thoughts about Mrs. Medice. If I have any thoughts, it should be the bald bishop over there, right?"

If I'm not wrong, you should also be from the Diablos Order. You also killed the previous bishop, right?

 In order to become the acting bishop, he can even blame us in the Shadow Courtyard in an instant.

 Let them take refuge in a church? Are there traps already prepared in horror? You were moved after seeing the strength shown by Ye Cheng Omega, so do you want to use his mother to do things for you, or even deal with Lord Shadow? "

 (End of this chapter)