MTL - Start From Soul Society and Cutting Through All the Worlds-Chapter 340 The God of Death and the Quincy who became ordinary people

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Chapter 340 The God of Death and the Quincy who became ordinary people

With Ye Cheng's rescue, Zhibo Yishin looked at Rangju like a donkey and said: "The general situation of the matter is just like what the three seats of Ye City said.

  It was Masaki who saved me when I was fighting the bull-headed Hollow. "

After listening to what Shiha Isshin said, Rangiku still asked with some confusion: "But if that's the case, the great Hollow of Toshwad has been solved, why doesn't the captain return to Soul Society? Why don’t you report it to your superiors?”

“Rangiku, sometimes I really feel like your brains have grown to your chest.

The human woman who was next to Captain Shiba before was a being who could join forces with Captain Shiba to fight. Do you think she would be an ordinary human? "

Hearing Ye Cheng's comment about herself being "big-breasted and brainless", Rangiku angrily gave Ye City a shudder in the head, and then continued: "Stop talking nonsense, don't show off in front of me, if you notice anything, just tell me speak out.

If my brain was as good as yours, why would I want you to work as a coolie? "

“In addition to the Shinigami and Hollows, there are also individuals with strong spiritual pressure among humans, and if I guessed correctly, Miss Masaki should be a Quincy, right?

I have heard rumors in the Soul Society that the Quincy and the God of Death are mortal enemies, and the Quincy should be extinct by now.

I didn’t expect it to exist in this world, and it even saved Captain Shiba’s life. "

“The relationship between Shinigami and Quincy is very bad, so what will happen if Captain Shiha reports that Miss Masaki is a Quincy?

Ms. Masaki is Captain Shiba’s savior, right? Rangiku, do you think Captain Shiba is someone who repays kindness with enmity? "

Hearing what Yashiro said, Rangiku and Shiha Isshin fell silent.

 The reason why Rangiku was silent was because she was thinking that this was indeed in line with their captain's character.

Zhiba remained silent, hesitating whether to tell the real reason.

 Obviously, the speculation mentioned by Ye Cheng was indeed part of the reason, but the main reason why Shiba stayed in the world wholeheartedly was because of Masaki's physical problems.

  Although Masaki and Shiba Isshin successfully defeated Xubai, their bodies also suffered from "hollow" phenomenon due to Xubai's attack.

Shiba believed that Masaki would "disappear" and even be in danger because he saved him, so in order to repay his kindness, he went to Urahara Kisuke for help.

Urahara Kisuke said that although he has a method that can save Masaki's life, this technology will require a powerful force that can suppress her virtualization for life until she dies.

 In order to save Masaki's life so that she can maintain her human identity and live in this world.

 Isshin chose to enter Kisuke's special body, but at the cost of not being able to use the power of Death, he became a being between Death and humans, and established a soul connection with the Hollow power in Masaki's body.

Although this successfully saved Masaki from the fate of self-annihilation due to the continuous erosion of the Hollow, it also made Isshin Shiba lose the power of the Shinigami and was unable to return to Soul Society as a Shinigami.

 “After the battle with the Toshwad Daxu, Masaki was injured because of me.

In order to repay her kindness, I used my death power to save her. Now she and I are almost equal to ordinary humans. "

After hesitating for a while, Shiba Isshin chose the part he could talk about and explained to Yashiro and Rangiku. After understanding the truth of the matter, Rangiku was stunned because she really didn't expect this result.

On the way out of the mall, Rangiku looked at Ye Cheng walking beside her with large and small bags in his hands, and couldn't help but ask: "How are you going to report this matter to the captain?"

To be honest, what happened today was like a dream to Rangiku. She never even dreamed that their captain, who was usually careless and informal, was actually in love!

Moreover, the object of her love is actually a Quincy who is hostile to the God of Death, which really challenges her outlook on life.

Of course, although she was surprised, Rangiku had no intention of blaming Isshin for his actions, and was even happy for Isshin and Masaki.

Although the process is tortuous, at least the result between them is good, right...

“What else can I do? I’ve been asked like that. I’m not an unkind person, so I can only selectively conceal it and report it.”

Recalling Shiba Isshin's tone of bowing to the two of them half an hour ago, Yashiro and Rangiku also sighed greatly.

Shiba wholeheartedly didn't want Masaki's Quincy identity to be known to the Gotei 13, and whether it was Masaki or him, they were now ordinary humans, and they just wanted to live a quiet life.

 That's right, Masaki and Shiba Isshin, who has been renamed Kurosaki Isshin, are planning to get married next month.

Moreover, as Kurosaki Isshin’s only relatives and friends in the living world, Yoroki and Rangiku also received invitations to the wedding.

Regarding the matter of Kurosaki Isshin and Kurosaki Masaki, after some discussion, Yashiro and Rangiku decided to help them and help conceal the truth.

The Gotei 13 has the rules of the Gotei 13. Once what Kurosaki Isshin has done is known to Seireitei, the Second Division will inevitably cause trouble.

 For Rangiku, she longed for the encounter and love between Isshin and Masaki, so it was naturally impossible for her to betray them.

And this is even more true for Night City. You must know that if Isshin Kurosaki and Masaki Kurosaki cannot come together, the child of the world, Ichikoko, will not be born.

And if Kurosaki Ichigo was not born as a cheat, the plot would collapse to a certain extent, which would be quite unfavorable for him who is familiar with the plot.

 So let alone him supporting Isshin Kurosaki and Masaki Kurosaki to get together, even if the two were not together, Ye Cheng would choose to work hard to bring them together.

Although they found Shiba Isshin and understood the whole story, neither Yashiro nor Rangiku chose to return to Soul Society immediately.

Just kidding, I managed to get into a business trip, and both of them are paddling masters of the Gotei 13. Now that the mission was completed in a short time, the next step was to relax, and only a fool would choose to go back right away. .

Especially for Rangiku, because it was the first time he came to the present world, he was already dizzy by the feasting and feasting of the present world, and now he didn’t want to go back at all.

Every day, she leaves the task of contacting the Soul Society to Ye Cheng, and as for herself, she goes shopping with Masaki every two days.

 Are the God of Death and the Quincy hostile? That doesn't exist here in Rangiku. She doesn't care about the other person's identity as long as she can get along with him.

Since he has no friends in the real world, Rangiku and Masaki quickly became good friends after a few contacts.

Even Kurosaki Isshin has come to Yashiro to complain more than once, asking Yashiro to look at Rangiku. Rangiku, an F light bulb, has seriously affected the favorability between him and his fiancée!

 (End of this chapter)