MTL - Start Trading Space Battleship (From The Start, I Traded A Galactic Warship)-Chapter 223 : to live comfortably

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Latest website: Shen Shi doesn't want to develop steadily all the way.

If possible, Shilipo Sword God is undoubtedly the most desirable way of development.

There is a time gap of 3,000 years. As long as human civilization is given enough time to develop, let alone a B-level civilization, even if it is an A-level civilization, even at the height of a rancher, Shen Shi has a certain degree of confidence.

But unfortunately, the birth point is not in the low-level area.

The elders gathered around.

It is almost impossible not to take any risks.

"The Land of Gus is a civilization with openness and tolerance as its core strategy. I don't know nothing about it, I even know a lot about it. I also have a certain degree of confidence in this operation. The possibility of us breaking free from the threat of the advanced civilization in the Mulder system, so the other benefits are also extremely huge, so this is an action that concerns the life and death of human civilization..."

Shen Shi did not describe the threat of the Ace civilization in detail.

Just put it on the sequelae brought by the support of "Xinghai".

It can be said that human civilization can survive the invasion of the Wo people fleet, and even to a certain extent, it is certain to resist such a powerful civilization as the Dike civilization, basically relying on the support of Xinghai Company.

Without this support, there would be no human civilization today.

However, everyone should clearly know that Xinghai does not belong to the Mulder system. Human civilization at the moment is equivalent to those who have obtained support from other countries in the slave country to get rid of their slave status. Their vital interests are not the same as where they belong. Inconsistency is even as risky as an agent in a hostile country — life-threatening in a way.

However, everyone before that believed that when human civilization joined the Mulder system as a C-level civilization, it would not be subject to too strict audit and vigilance.

However, Shen Shi's words at the moment directly lifted the deepest pressure on every member's heart.

"From the very beginning, our enemy has not been the Wo people, let alone Dike, but the Mudd system! As long as we still aspire to be strong, to real freedom and real security, then we will work with those who develop interests with cruel farming as the core. There is an irresolvable conflict between the Mulder systems." Shen Shi looked at everyone at the end, "So, we must abandon our illusions and prepare early. Xinghai's next investment in us will also depend on this, And when we officially step into the C-level, we can easily upgrade and the novice period when we can easily get through the difficulties has passed!"

These last words were not only said to the others, but also to Shen Shi.

Shi Ling is really too powerful.

So powerful that it seems that all difficulties are out of the question.

But the investigation results from other star fields clearly told Shen Shi that no matter how powerful Shi Ling was, no matter how terrifying the origin of Shi Ling, the current Shen Shi and the current human civilization were still extremely weak.

So, the scene fell into silence.

Not many people discuss it.

Because there is no need to discuss, the reality and trade-offs have been revealed in the words of the body without concealment.

"Now, vote on the project I proposed." Shen Shi said at the end.

Today's highest meeting is different from some meeting systems on the Blue Star in the past. The most obvious difference is that not everything needs to be voted through the meeting, which is a great waste of resources and is also a process. Huge waste.

Basically, every MP has their own jurisdiction.

In peacetime, when they are in charge of their own jurisdiction, all decisions do not require the approval of the Supreme Council, which only has the power to supervise. If the matter involves the powers of the rest of the members, then a small-scale meeting will be held. All relevant parliamentarians are gathered together, and the proportion of voting rights is calculated according to the scope involved. If the result is not obtained, you can directly apply for the participation of higher-level parliamentarians.

Overall, it seems to be quite complicated, but all the complicated parts are all simplified by technology.

For example, the proportion of voting rights is checked and calculated by Protoss.

Another example is that some real ideas can apply to the primordial energy world, or even Shen Shi, a primordial energy master, can conduct a mental test to determine whether it is a vote based on his own authority, rather than personal interests or other factors.

The various systems came down to form the current Supreme Council.

And according to this kind of regulations, even Shen Shi must pass the vote of the Supreme Council when implementing such a project, which is why he opened this meeting and clearly described the necessity of this matter.

If it is normal.

The voting on the projects proposed by Shen Shi is actually just a process, and there is no need for him to tell anything at all, because his personal prestige and the trust he has gained are enough to allow these projects to be passed easily, and even he himself has the highest level of voting rights. To oppose his project, unless more than 80% of the members, including several senior members, are against it, can they fight against Shen Shi's voting rights.

Even if it really reaches such a point, Shen Shi can apply for re-accreditation of the membership of the councillor, which requires the participation of the majority of human beings.

If in the end, Shen Shi's project is still opposed, it can only show that the entire human civilization is opposed to Shen Shi.

If it really became like this, then whether Shen Shi accepted the result with peace of mind, or turned the table and used force and resources to become a dictator, the choice was still in his hands.

Clearly, this time the project, although it has some opponents, is nowhere near that level.

The final project passed.

"I will take the Dongtian and add a fleet to carry a total of more than one billion humans. The requirement is that this team must reach the level of civilization at the top of C-level from equipment, technology, and vision. , it is expected to take ten years to prepare! And thirty years on the road."

Shen Shi said at the end.

This is indeed an extremely large project.

Despite the fact that human civilization now has a population of 70 billion, its actual strength is only around the top of the D-level. It is still not that easy to build a team of one billion people that has reached the top of the C-level.

Even the human civilization of the No. 1 future line at this time is not so easy.

If nothing else, the number of Primordial Masters alone cannot be just one Shen Shi.

The Dike civilization of the No. 1 future line is a benchmark. It has hundreds of Primitive Masters. For such a team, it is not too much to send four or five Primitive Masters.

So, on the day when the project was officially established, Chen Feng and a group of people who had reached the top of the Primordial Master went to retreat. Shen Shi also brought some valuable resources from the No. 2 Future Line at a high price to break through the Primordial Master. Resources, even including some devices exchanged from the land of Guth.

It is at this time that some subtle changes begin to appear in the future.

The status quo has not changed much, but there is a saying in history that in the 165th year of the Starry Era, the sage Shen Shi led a team of the strongest human beings to find the land of Gus, and then officially fought in the Dyke War. I rushed back on the eve of the start. Although the historical records gave a high evaluation of this operation, I believed that the sage Shen Shi had successfully found and completed a part of the resource transaction in the land of Gus, which was also the first time for human beings. Contact advanced civilization.

However, from Shen Shi's point of view, this action had little impact on the development of human civilization.

These resources traded are simply not comparable to the Xinghai resources that Shen Shi had brought to human civilization directly before this.

However, this is also understandable.

Because this project is in charge of the sage Shen Shi, without Shi Ling and no future line, the sage Shen Shi can do, just like the rest of the "good luck" people who discovered the land of Gusi, complete a part The transaction will have to leave, and more things cannot be risked at all.

"It's still up to me."

This sentence is Shen Shi's conclusion on this future change.

Afterwards, Shen Shi directly used the identity of the sage Shen Shi to order the collectors of the No. 2 Future Line to collect detailed information on the land of Gusi, especially all the detailed information that could be collected three thousand years ago. The No. 2 Future Line The collectors of the ancients have now established a considerable reputation and status in the land of the ancients, and the ability to understand and collect information about the land of the ancients is far from what the collectors of the No. 1 future line can match.

It can only be said that when the No. 1 future line is independent from the changes in the timeline, the help it brings to modern humans is indeed far less than that of the No. 2 future line.

This is also an inevitable trend.

In this way, both Shen Shi and human civilization began to make adequate preparations for the land of Gus.

It is worth mentioning that.

At this moment in the 153rd year of the Starry Sky Era, Shen Shi's small family is not just the original few.

At this moment, facing a man in his 30s or 40s standing in front of him, he also had a headache.

But Shen Shi still had to say with a straight face:

"I don't allow you to go with me."

"Father, please explain the reasons that can convince me." The man in front of him was quite respectful, but what he said was half-hearted, "I am married and independent from the family, you only have advice for me. I have the power to order, but I don’t have the power to order. Even if I use the power of the councilor, I am under the jurisdiction of Mr. Ji. Maybe you can ask Mr. Ji to come up with reasons for rejecting my project application. As long as you can convince me, I will never give the great mission of human civilization. Confuse."

Yes, this man is Shen Shi's eldest son.

Born in the 106th year of the Starry Age.

The name is not Shen Li who has appeared in the future line No. 1, nor is it anyone who has appeared in the future line No. 2. In fact, Shen Shi did not plan to have children according to the future line, so he gave him a brand new name called Shen Anyi.

Just by looking at the name, you can see what Shen Shi expects from him.

That is to live your life comfortably.

It can be said that the birth of An Yi is the pressure that Shen Shi has put on himself, and it is also a better proof that he thinks he can take on greater responsibilities.

But the fact that Shen Shi was a little frustrated was that time passed too fast for him at this moment.

I haven't had a good experience of the father-son family, and the son has grown so big.

He even deliberately retained a more mature appearance. You must know that at the moment, Shen Shi only looks like he is in his thirties.

Is this a family crisis?

Shen Shi thought with a headache, and then glared at Ai Xiner who was snickering aside.

"Aren't you going to say a few words?" He directly used the power of the original force to speak to Ai Xiner.

"Do you really want me to tell?" Ai Xiner's happy consciousness came, "But I'm on my son's side."

"..." Shen Shi was speechless for a while.

"I know what you think. You are worried that An Yi's joining the team will put pressure on you and cause some of your judgments to become unbalanced." Ai Xiner said again.

"Since you know it, why are you on his side?" Shen Shi was even more helpless.

"Because I want you to tell your son yourself." Ai Xin'er made no secret of it.

"..." Shen Shi was speechless again.

He finally understood what Ai Xiner was thinking.

Take a look at the man in front of him who has seven or eight imaginings of himself, and is more handsome and more mature than himself.

The familial relationship is even more deserted. In fact, it is not just a problem of Shen Shi's family, but a problem of the entire human civilization.

After all, the children of today are far smarter than the children of the Earth and Star days.

One month after birth, they will begin to learn to speak, and they can start systematic learning at the age of one. At the age of six, they can even begin to participate in internships. At the age of twelve, their personality has been basically finalized, and they can be invested in the entire human being as a formal worker. All fields of civilization, even entering the primordial world, began to grow continuously.

in this case.

The growth of a child has nothing to do with the family.

If it hadn't always attached great importance to the cultural heritage of human civilization, I'm afraid this relationship would have already entered the other extreme.

Even now, it is actually beginning to move closer to the "clan system" of the future world.

That is to use the interest relationship since birth to bind, UU reading www. uukanshu. com then builds up its identity with the clan over a long period of time.

However, as the first direct descendant of the Shen clan, Shen Anyi chose to go out independently.

From this alone, it can be seen that Shen Shi has indeed failed quite a bit in family relations.

This can also be said to be a certain price for him as the highest leader of human civilization.


Looking at Ai Xiner again, Shen Shi sighed in his heart.

"The reason is actually very simple." He looked at his son, his expression softened after all, "If you join this project, it may distract me, because I worry about you and pay attention to you, which will lead to mistakes in decision-making, at least it is difficult to concentrate. Absolute spirit to complete the mission... You are different from your mother. As early as the first time she accompanied me on the expedition, I had accepted the life and death between us, but I hope Even if we are gone, you can still live comfortably."