MTL - Start Trading Space Battleship (From The Start, I Traded A Galactic Warship)-Chapter 224 : our new identity

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Latest website: This is probably the first time in more than 100 years that Shen Shi has said something sincere to someone other than Ai Xiner.

More than 100 years seem to have passed by in a flash, but the years will change a lot in the end.

Status is one, mentality is also one.

To be honest, only when he is with Ai Xiner can Shen Shi be able to retrieve some of his past emotions.

But at this moment, he still made a correct choice under the original self-examination and judgment.

But when these words were spoken, Shen Anyi showed a smile.

"I see, I'm going to drop the application, Father," he said simply.

Now he is in his 40s, and he even holds a high position and shoulders a mission. This is an age when he does not know how to fan affection, but some emotions do not need to be expressed through fan affection.

"Let's stay and have a meal, and then our daughter-in-law will call. I haven't seen Ruoruo for a long time, and of course my good granddaughter." Ai Xiner smiled, no matter her appearance or temperament, she couldn't tell at all. is a grandmother.

Actually it is not.

Including Shen Shi as well.

One of the characteristics of the longevity species is that they can choose their own mentality and fix it from the appearance. The appearance of Shen Shi and Ai Xiner is actually under the age of 30, so no matter how high they are, their words and deeds, and their appearance, It is also similar to people of this age. If you look at it from the perspective of the Earth Star period, I am afraid that Shen Anyi's performance is more mature than the two of them.

Especially when Shen Shi's daughter-in-law and five-year-old granddaughter came, it became more obvious.

Looking at Ai Xin'er who was having fun with her granddaughter over there, even Shen Anyi couldn't help showing a hint of helplessness.

"Is it also because of me that you decided to quit the family?" Shen Shizheng and Shen Anyi were sitting together, and after talking about it, Shen Shi no longer displayed the dignity of a father like in the past, and his attitude was more like that of a father. like friends.

"There is a part." Shen Anyi respected it more, but didn't hide it, "From the time I can remember, when I was about five or six years old, I already understood my unique identity and the Stress, I am your child, you have been imprinted from birth, and it is everywhere, it has caused me a lot of pain, and after getting to know Ruoruo, I finally understand that my The heart is to hope to be free from this pain, whether it is glory or responsibility... Maybe in your opinion, this is a coward's choice, but I really can't bear this responsibility."

"This is not a coward." Shen Shi shook his head, "From your name, you should know what I expect from you, so this time, your application surprised me a little, I thought you had decided to Live a life of ease."

"This matter..." Shen Anyi's expression was a little embarrassed, "actually it was my mother's suggestion."

"..." Shen Shi was speechless for a while.

I have to say that Ai Xiner's relationship with her son and daughter-in-law is much stronger than his.

I heard that even Ruoruo was introduced to her son by her.

Before she knew her son, she could be regarded as half her best friend.

"I have Chengruo with your mother, and the education of the younger generation will be handed over to her." Shen Shi rubbed his brows, "So I'm not worried that you will grow crooked or go the wrong way, it's not that I don't care about you. , just trust your mother."

"...It took me a long time to understand, I just confirmed." Shen Anyi also showed a subtle expression.

"When your granddaughter grows up, you will probably really understand." Shen Shi said quietly, "This is also one of the reasons why I don't agree with you to go. When I come back, maybe my great-granddaughter should get married. ."

Shen Anyi's expression suddenly became more subtle.

It's not that he didn't take this into consideration, but it was only now that he had a deeper understanding.

Shen Shi stopped talking.

What happened in his home is actually one of the contradictions within human civilization.

On the one hand, with the constant support of the top management, the population has expanded rapidly. However, the old family culture cannot keep up with the new world and the new society. The more advanced culture in the future will spread out one step ahead, but how can such things as culture be so easy to change, especially for the older generation.

Even if it is Shen Shi, he is not exempt.

For example, in front of his sons and younger generations, he is always a little embarrassed, because the old family culture has been deeply engraved in his heart.

But no matter what, he doesn't regret choosing to nurture the younger generation.

In fact, under the background of long-term high-intensity encouragement of fertility, he has only one son, not only can not be regarded as an example, but even criticized.

"When I come back from the land of Gusi this time, let's have another one." Shen Shi looked at Ai Xin'er and thought, "It's better to be a daughter."

...and definitely not because the granddaughter is cute.

In short, in the midst of various preparations, mankind will soon usher in the day of departure.

This time can be said to be the largest and longest voyage in the history of human civilization.

In contrast, Yuren's time was nothing at all.

A billion people, and it is the most elite billion people in the entire human civilization!

Shen Shi even got a hundred B1-class battleships!

If it wasn't for the quality of people and the rest of the related technologies that had not kept up, this trip would not only be a C-level top civilization team, but a B-level civilization team.

Of course, as a price, after taking out such a number, the strength of human civilization is also suddenly weakened by a lot.

The only thing that can be called a trump card is the primordial energy world and a consciousness clone left by Shen Shi.

If it wasn't from the future to know the time of this trip, Blue Star would not have any crisis here, and Shen Shi would not dare to extract such a large number of elites.

It can only be said that the prophet is justified.

"lets go."

After simply saying goodbye to his parents and son's family, Shen Shi gave an order and the entire Dongtian disappeared directly in its place.

But it was a super-long jump in one breath.

As for the rest of the spaceships, naturally all stay on the Dongtian, which was originally designed as an immigrant spaceship and a mothership.

"Sebas, let managers at all levels enter the consciousness space for a meeting." Shen Shi ordered.


As a B4-level immigrant spacecraft, the Dongtian actually comes with a civilization-level original energy device. After all, it is enough to take away a civilization containing tens of billions of people. When Shen Shi became the original energy master, he also It can really exert the power of this device. Although the level of this civilization-level original energy device is not as good as the original energy world left on the Blue Star, it is not bad. It has reached the B2 level, and it can also build a small virtual world.

Of course, it's more like "God Realm" here.

It can only be said that it is a customized immigration battleship, and all kinds of high-tech are deliberately made mysterious.

"The Age of Rebirth"

At this moment, as one after another high-level administrator activated their authority, they all felt that their consciousness had entered into a huge heavenly palace, and their bodies had become incomparably huge, from clothing to temperament, they all seemed to have Infinite coercion.

Some people who have never experienced this original energy device can't help but be amazed.

"This is the original appearance of the consciousness space here after the real activation." Shen Shi's figure appeared on the throne, "I originally planned to change it, but after thinking about it, this is a good disguise, we The brand new identity is the new civilization that has inherited this B-class warship. The technical strength has reached the top of the C-class, but with the immortal emperor, that is, my power and the devices left over from the predecessor of civilization, the actual battle The force is comparable to a small fleet of a B-class civilization."

This time, when I went to Blue Star, I naturally couldn't use my original origin.

Although it is said that the land of Gus does not care about the origin of the visitors, it is only for some extremely weak civilizations. For a team like them, the land of Gus will definitely do some basic investigations.

Therefore, a "reasonable" source is still required.

"The cognition of the rest..." Some people were worried.

"I will use the original energy device to temporarily tamper with other people's memories." Shen Shi said, "The original energy device on this spaceship has a higher control over the interior than its effect on the outside, plus at least thirty The five-year journey is enough to ensure the safety of this memory blockade to a certain extent, of course, there must be risks, but that is better than directly excavating the location of Blue Star."

"Understood." The rest answered in unison.

Even if this matter is made public, there will not be too many opinions among a billion people.

In fact, as early as the project was established, all participants already knew the danger of this project, but they also knew the necessity of this project.

It can only be said that after entering the starry sky era for 163 years, human beings have felt a whole new level of identification with human civilization, and under the action of original energy technology, everyone can clearly recognize their own hearts. , to recognize what is the greater interest, this is completely unimaginable in the era of the earth star.

Therefore, no one objected to tampering with memory.

Of course, this tampering is not a direct change beyond recognition.

That would be too easy to cause problems.

Emotions are born to a certain extent based on memory, and emotions are the forces most likely to trigger primal energy, so to be on the safe side, new memories are best suited to everyone’s emotions.

Those who were originally lovers are still lovers, and their acquaintance, acquaintance, and love will not change much.

The only thing that changes is the background, the environment.

Even the culture has not changed much.

Under big data, this just right memory change is not difficult to achieve.

Of course, those who have reached a certain level of strength, such as Chen Feng, can not change.

And when Shen Shi had done all this in three years, the entire Dongtian number was completely different.

Sitting across the city, buildings appeared one after another, even including some "ancient relics", and in order to explain the sparse population and vast land, there was also the history of "Battle of the Gods". The winner becomes the only "God of Heaven" in the whole world.

Even forged the traces of war.

It is not difficult to do this in the Dongtian. There are various technologies used to create a "mystery" on this spacecraft. As a custom-made spacecraft three thousand years later, Shen Shi is not worried that it will be What can be seen in the land of Gus.

Of course, if you look closely, you won't be able to see everything.

But back to the original topic.

The Land of Gus does not care so much about the origin. This is a civilization that is very inclusive and has strong rules, otherwise it will not be able to attract a steady stream of people from various civilizations. Going there, or in other words, the most powerful people in the land of Gusi may be the Gusi people, but the source of its strength and development comes from these outsiders who are constantly attracted to the past.

Therefore, this series of preparations made by Shen Shi was not without omissions, but such omissions were still controllable.

Then came the long voyage.

"You all already know that the Land of Gus itself is an incomparably huge 'spaceship', and its transition level is definitely the level of A-level civilization, and it may even be higher. With this powerful transition force, it has long-term It has been wandering the edges of several galaxies in the Mulder system, and our galaxy is one of them. For ordinary civilizations or individuals, it is purely a matter of luck to encounter the land of Gus. However, I am not interested in Gus. There is already accurate information on the action route of the land." Shen Shi faced a certain position on the star map in front of him at the high-level meeting, raised his hand a little, "In thirty-five years, the land of Gusi will pass by. here."

"Your Majesty." These high-level executives have adapted to the new names today, "Our sailing route seems to have gone around in a circle?"

"That's right." Shen Shi said, "You know, we don't have a name in the land of Gus. Since the war more than 30 years ago our civilization has suffered heavy losses. , and as the victor, I decided to travel from the open space between galaxies to planets and resource-dense galaxies in search of new opportunities, and there, 'good luck' met the land of Gus."

The crowd was stunned.

In fact, it is easy to understand, but their understanding of the land of Gus is still too little after all.

And Shen Shi also waved his hand again.

A thick document was directly transmitted to everyone.

"Here is the basic information of the land of Gus, as well as our initial plan. I will give you some time to understand, and it is best to give some opinions."

Of course, Shen Shi would not give out information about the future.

He just wanted to deepen everyone's understanding of the land of Gusi in the process, and brought so many people to go together, naturally to make someone available when necessary, and to catch every one of them as much as possible." future opportunities".