MTL - Start Trading Space Battleship (From The Start, I Traded A Galactic Warship)-Chapter 225 : When once the oriole is behind

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Shen Shi also did not forget his core purpose.

Investigate hidden messages between B-class civilizations and high-level forces in the Mulder system.

In order to accomplish this goal, the first and foremost must have a certain status and a certain value.

In fact, his time is very tight.

Before the Daik civilization strikes, it is necessary to return with this elite force, otherwise.

After deducting the time spent on the road back and forth, it is only about sixty or seventy years.

To occupy a certain position in the land of Gus in these sixty or seventy years.

To be honest, if Shen Shi hadn't possessed information about the future and possessed a certain "prophet" ability, this would have been a basically impossible plan.

The history of the sage Shen Shi during this trip is enough to illustrate this point.


There is still hope for Shen Shi to find an opportunity from this.

"The Land of Gus will not refuse any visitor on the bright side. It will always issue invitations to all spaceships or civilizations in a certain area, and on the bright side will guarantee the life and safety of every visitor. If you pay a high 'residence fee' and refuse to leave, there is a possibility of being taken away and made into a primary battery. However, all these rules are only on the surface."

At this moment, Shen Shi is also analyzing the information given by the collectors from the two future lines.

It describes the other side of the land of Guth that is different from the legend.

Indeed, the Land of Gus attaches great importance to the rules.

However, there are various ways to avoid the rules under the rules.

If you are targeted, the other party may not shoot directly, but you can easily take the means within the rules to make you bankrupt, or even owe a large amount of "money".

There is only one fate of owing money in the land of Guth.

And it's not that it can't be shot directly.

The materials submitted by Collector No. 2 clearly stated that he had suffered more than 50 attacks by force, of which 36 were outside the rules and more than 20 were within the rules. Of the attacks, not to mention the attacks outside the rules, he found evidence only six times and used the rules to fight back, and the remaining thirty times were nothing.

If he had not left enough trump cards, kept a high degree of vigilance, coupled with a certain amount of luck and outstanding talent, it would have been impossible for him to reach his current position.

But even now, the No. 2 collector is in danger.

After reading all the materials, there was only one thought left in Shen Shi's mind.

"A great place for the Prophet."

Yes, the land of Gus is simply the most favorite soil of the prophets.

What is the prophet's greatest fear?

That is, no rules, no rules of random actions.

But in the land of Gus, there are rules everywhere, even the disordered part is within the rules.

Just within the unknown rules.

"The voyage is still too far, so use the overclocking jump to save time." Shen Shi made a decisive decision.

Although overclocking the jump will damage the jump engine to a certain extent, but he can't wait to show his skills in the land of ancients, wasting time on the road, every minute of time saved may make him in the land of ancients There is a greater benefit than the damage of the jump engine.

Under his decision, the voyage time of the Dongtian was reduced again.

In the case of less than the loss, it only takes about twenty-six years to meet the land of Gus.

"Further collect historical information on the land of Gus." Shen Shi once again ordered the collectors of the No. 2 future line.

With the shortening of the voyage time, the rest of the relevant preparations are also urgent, including the forgery of memory, the forgery of the interior of the Dongtian, and the processing and calculation of information.

Shen Shi was also busy.

time flies.

During this 26-year voyage, it is not that nothing happened. Even if the Dongtian made the transition in a secret state, it still encountered three times of discovery on the way. Two civilizations at the top of C-level and a hidden node base of Ace civilization are the most dangerous when facing the hidden node base of Ace civilization.

That is in the future information and there is no public secret base at all.

If it wasn't for Shen Shi, who would look at the information on the future line every time before deciding to make a jump, he might be restricted from jumping, and then be investigated by the node base of the B-level civilization. Shen Shi now thinks about the future that has changed at that time. There is still a bit of luck left.

Although he did not sacrifice himself under the bounds of the world, in that future, the development of mankind was a big step backwards.

The Dongtian was destroyed!

This made Shen Shi more firm about the threat of the Mulder system and the Ace civilization. It is really hard to imagine that such a civilization that is monitoring and attacking node ambush bases will be kind to the C-level civilization without asking for anything in return. support.

In short, after stopping the jump in time and taking a detour to quickly get rid of the tracking of the Ais civilization node base, this level can be regarded as a safe passage for human beings.

And now, they are finally approaching their destination.

But before heading to the land of Gus, there is one more thing to do.

"According to the information, there are multiple 'wanderer fleets' that came out of the land of Gus, and they have been hiding on the edge of the land of Gus, looting the warships that came to the land of Gusi." Shen Shi is commanding said on the channel.

Information like this is only known to collectors of the No. 2 Future Line.

Not even the collectors of Future Line One knew about it.

The so-called looting fleet is essentially a group of wanderers who are about to get lost in the land of Gusi. After a new round of transition in the land of Gusi, they rushed out for a short time and made a fortune. If they can They may even have a chance to return to the Land of Guth to continue their lives if they earn this amount before the next jump in the Land of Guth.

Of course, with the volume of the land of Gus, it is impossible for this number of looters to loot all the arrivals, and only a small part can be looted.

Whether it is a collector of Future Line No. 1 or a collector of Future Line No. 2, after arriving in the land of Gus, they have never encountered such a looter.

The probability of encounter is still relatively small.

But at this moment, the reason why Shen Shi came up with this information was not to warn everyone of being looted.

Quite the opposite.

He wants to take the initiative to counter looting!

"According to reliable information, there are actually some 'gold masters' behind these looters. It is better to say that the existence of looters itself belongs to the rules that are not on the bright side, and the other is not on the bright side. The rule is - if someone can survive a raider's attack, or even counter-loot, before entering the land of Guth, there will be a lot of reputation, and we need this reputation! "

This explanation made all the high-level human beings suddenly realize.

Shen Shizai had never talked about this plan before.

The reason is also very simple. Telling it in advance will lead to unknown changes in the future, and at this moment, the results of this action can be obtained from the future more intuitively.

So at this moment, Shen Shi has already detected the history of changes in the future line for the first time.

As early as when he realized that the Yuanneng World had inherited the future line three thousand years later, Shen Shi made a decision, that is, to store some secrets that only he knew in an absolutely secret corner of the Yuanneng World, when When this decision was made, Shen Shi could easily get the key information he wanted to know from this corner of the future line world.

Therefore, he intends to be a oriole at the back.

"Sure enough, it was a success." Shen Shi smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, "and unexpected joy."

After checking the future, he didn't say too much nonsense, just ordered:

"The whole army is on first-level alert!"

The voice fell, and all the soldiers entered all the battleships in an orderly manner.

It is worth mentioning that although the more than 100 B1-class battleships and the tens of thousands of C-class battleships have not changed in terms of technology, they are completely different in terms of appearance.

All these battleships are not just the icy look that is most likely to appear in the stars.

But full of wonder.

With a clearly visible rainbow light on the outside, accompanied by countless complicated runes, even the flow of energy is full of deterrence - all changes are naturally in line with the identity background of human civilization at this time.

This is a "Shinto" civilization that has inherited the B-class immigrant battleship.

Mighty, domineering, with the iconic appearance of the system of gods.

Even the modified bodies of the warriors have undergone a certain degree of appearance change, of course, the golden light and the mighty and domineering runes are indispensable.

Don't think that this shape does not conform to the common sense of interstellar warfare. You must know that the characteristic of the system of gods lies in its supreme majesty, but if necessary, it can also cover all aspects and intersperse various systems - it can be regarded as The difference in cultural characteristics does not affect the actual combat power.

As for this moment.

To fully display this cool appearance can only mean that human beings do not pay attention to the enemy they are about to face at all, but only regard this as a display of "magic power".

And at this moment.

The raider fleet carefully selected by Shen Shi did not realize the imminent danger.

This is a fleet with typical interstellar pirate characteristics.

That is a variety of different sizes, different types, different levels of warships.

The weakest, even just a D-class small battleship, is the cheapest biological armor. It doesn't even have liquid metal armor, and the weapons on it are also small and pitiful, and the technical level is better than what humans have. The first fleet is slightly better - that is the training ship that the original future line of the East Wind Legion had eliminated hundreds of years ago!

This shows how weak this warship is.

It is very likely that its owner has owed a large sum of money in the land of Gus, and finally got the battleship out of bankruptcy to participate in the looting. If it fails, the original battery is the only ending.

But corresponding to the weakest warships, the mighty warships among them are also incredibly powerful.

It was a silver-white battleship, and the outer armor was a phase material that was far more advanced than the most advanced liquid metal. The curvature on its surface was in high-intensity vibration all the time, forming a layer of One layer of phase barrier.

This is already a mature demonstration of b-level technology. If it is to be graded, this technology alone has at least b4 level.

A spaceship like this can be considered valuable even in the land of Gus.

But at this moment, he joined such a fleet of predators to bully some weak people who came here in pieces. It has to be said that this is also a deformed manifestation of the rules of the land of Gus.

However, what this fleet doesn't know is that while they are staring at their prey, they are also being stared at.

"They have locked their target, and it is a large fleet."

At this moment, Shen Shi was listening to Yin Wen's report on the Dongtian number.

It is worth mentioning that Yin Wen at this moment has already acquired the primordial attainments of the Primordial Master, and under the transformation of Shen Shi over the past 100 years regardless of the cost, Yin Wen at this time can at least be regarded as a ship. A small battleship of the b5 tier.

Note that is a full b5 level.

Even the most powerful spaceship in the Marauder fleet is at most only the outer armor that stands out.

But Yin Wen has become an important trump card of human civilization.

At this moment, Yin Wen is relying on her powerful detection system to wrap up the entire battlefield that is about to be carried out.

"That fleet seems to be a wandering fleet of a C-level top civilization." Shen Shi looked at the star map, "It's probably a loser who was defeated in a war between C-level civilizations, so it's no wonder they are stared at. superior."

Shen Shi actually knew more.

Even in the land of Gus three thousand years later, this plundering war has a certain reputation.

The reason is that this extraordinary "prey" itself has a very important "relic".

Yes, that's one of the reasons for their demise.

You must know that in the Mulder system, although there are a lot of C-level civilizations, there are not so many civilizations at the top of C-level. To get this evaluation, you must at least reach c9 in a certain technical field. Level, and according to the current situation, after reaching c9, it will be supported by the civilization of level B, and it will not perish easily.

But this civilization has still come this far.

The main reason for this is of course because their potential is exhausted and the war is lost, just like the Dyke civilization in the second future line, but another reason is the "relics" they have.

No matter how vast the universe is, all kinds of miracles are possible, not only human civilization can have extraordinary opportunities.

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