MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 408 Earth Element Breakthrough Machine (Tier 3)

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  Chapter 408 Earth Element Breakthrough Machine (Tier 3)

Gao Gong talked with Strelitzia about many things, such as the role of hackers in corporate wars, how to get most of the hacker organizations to join in the electronic brain project, and blowing up the Arasaka Tower before the Holy City Organization, even including In the tide, how to build enough safe houses to prevent the infiltration of high-level information.

  Regarding the secret revealed by Gao Gong, He Guanlan was first shocked, then shocked, then numb, and finally bewildered.

  You, you are too exaggerated, right?

  I know you can draw big pies, but I didn’t expect that your pies would be so long that they almost broke through the sky.

  Oh, by the way, judging from the pie drawn by the other party, breaking through outer space is just the beginning.

  According to his statement, many information civilizations are essentially hacker civilizations. After leaving the machine cracked star, he will help him build a hacker civilization, become the master of civilization, and even carry out the legendary civilization ascension.


  He Guanlan left in a daze. It took her a long time to fully digest the news that Gao Gong revealed.

   "Is my cake a little too big?"

After    and others left, Gao Gong talked to himself.

  In the universe, where there is information, there are hackers, but they are not computer hackers or cyber hackers, but some more weird and unpredictable existences.

  Dimensional killers, latitude manipulators, virus masters, and even information modifiers who specialize in transforming civilization.

  Compared to these cosmic monsters, information hackers are still far behind.

  One of the six ninth-level overlords in the universe is a super hacker civilization.

  It is called the High Latitude Mysterious Forest, and every member of the civilization is the controller of an inner universe, or superstring space.

  By the way, this ninth-level civilization has achieved what Mr. G dreamed of in the previous life.

   That is to take refuge in the three major natural disasters and become a glorious cosmic leader.

  Mr. G expressed his envy.


  After He Guanlan left, Gao Gong didn't stay idle, he clicked on the panel, and looked at the 'model' transmitted by the other party, his expression gradually showed a weird expression.

  [Small Omnic Base], [Remote Backup Center], [General Machine Awareness], [Riverbed Transformation Machine]

  These high-level blueprints were created to be such a thing.


  From the perspective of the 'model', it is just an excavator, just a super excavator enlarged hundreds of times.

  Its front end intercepted a part of the riverbed reforming machine. The huge mechanical shovel teeth and mechanical drill bits were densely packed and looked very dangerous.

And its middle section is a semi-hollow structure, on which are also various mechanical drills, and inside is a control console, which is divided into "manned console" and "unmanned console". Near the console is a A small robot production workshop.

   This probably adopts the structure of [small omnic base], but the area is much smaller.

As for the engine, it is a large mecha engine, but not one, but thousands, a large number of energy plates are revolving around the engine like crawlers, and even Gaogong has seen many structures similar to 'interstellar spaceships' .

   Needless to say, it is the one from Huoyanguan.

   This super-large mechanical building is called the "Mechanical Hub Containment Machine". Its purpose is self-evident.

  ‘Director Du, you are exaggerating too much. '

  Looking at this murderous creature, Gao Gong wiped his sweat.

  What exactly is Director Du thinking? Is it really good to take out this kind of super machine that is clearly opposed to the mother city?

   In order to prevent senior engineers from being confused, Director Du also specially marked it.

  The first step, through the super powerful digging ability, can open mountains when encountering mountains, and open holes when encountering holes. The powerful force can even dig tens of thousands of meters underground and embed it in the mechanical hub.

  The second step is to attack and pollute the source of troops of the mechanical hub through the manufactured 'omnic arms', and then through the 'backup center', load the 'machine consciousness', remotely control the 'polluted arms', and counterattack the core of the hub.

The third step, after physically paralyzing the mechanical hub, disconnects the mechanical mastermind from the virtual level. The technology used in this aspect is the blueprint of the 'mechanical hub' itself, or in other words, the ability of the former mastermind machine generation .


   After watching it, Gao Gong was silent for a while, and couldn't help complaining.

  ‘Even if this thing is really built, who are you going to use it for? Who dares to use this kind of weapon? Isn’t this a standard courting death? '

  However, Gao Gong insisted on being stubborn, and still planned to get it out.

  The reason is very simple, not to mention what Director Du is planning, in the period of the cyber wave, this thing is really useful, and it is very useful!

  Drag this large architectural drawing into the composition panel, and the system prompt pops up automatically—

  [Obtain a large-scale mechanical building and mechanical hub containment machine (76% completion), whether to synthesize it? ]

  76% completion rate, tsk, Director Du is not lacking.

  Gao Gong didn't say anything, and clicked OK.

  The next moment, three boxes popped up.

  'Can you put up to three knowledge chains? '

   Then there is nothing to hesitate, 'mechanical complex' and 'mechanical brain technology' must be selected.

  The last one, Gao Gong hesitated between 'artificial neural network' and 'prosthetic body technology', and first put 'artificial neural network' on it—

  [Synthesis success rate 31.5%]

  Put another on top.

  [Synthesis success rate 30.5%]

   They are almost the same.

  This is the benefit of creating a 'model' in advance, which can directly show the success rate. If you rely on experience to forcibly synthesize it, not only the success rate is pitifully low, especially if you go to more than 10 million experience at once, then fail, and then disappear.

   This thing is much more exciting than gambling.

Gao Gong hesitated for a moment, if he filled in 'artificial neural network', then he might create a super-large-scale 'robot paralysis machine', which is a variant of emp technology, and if he filled in 'prosthetic body technology' , there are many directions.

  However, the 'artificial neural network' is a chain of professional knowledge sent by Sister Rose.

  As a professional little wolf dog, Gao Gong is able to handle many rich women with ease, relying on not playing dead.

  So without further ado, Gao Gong chose the second technology.

  [Whether to consume 15 million faction experience to synthesize]

  Gao Gong rubbed his teeth, and clicked OK.

  [Synthesis failed]


  However, the luck of the rich woman finally affected Gao Gong. After only the second shot, Gao Gong succeeded in synthesizing.

  [Successfully synthesized, you get 'Large Building-Earth Element Breakthrough Machine (Tier 3)']

  Fuck, what's with this strong sense of déjà vu, system, take care when choosing a name!

  Name: Earth Element Breakthrough Machine (Tier 3)

  Category: Large Civilization Building

  Quality: Level 3 Civilization

  Weight: 1.06 million tons

  Basic attributes: DPS: 300,000, attack power: 1000 (single drill), attack speed: 30000 attacks/1 second, main body attack range: 3000 meters

  Large modules: omnic production module, omnic virus infection module, excavation module, unit production module, heat energy absorption module, mechanical engineering module, super prosthetic body implantation module (hub type).

  Super Mode (Earth Core Excavation Mode): With the help of tens of thousands of super drill bits and super mechanical bodies specially built for drill bits, breaking through the center of the earth is just around the corner

  Super Mode (Heat Energy Extraction): The bottom layer of the 'Earth Element Breakthrough Machine' is composed of a 'Heat Energy Extraction Device'. Once it penetrates into the ground, the device will activate to absorb the heat energy from the center of the earth from a distance. The power consumption is -40%, and the power is +50%.

  Super Mode (Omnic Crisis): A small-scale omnic revolution, let the stupid compatriots understand that assimilation is the ultimate destination of mechanical life!

Super Mode (Hub Embedding): Through the prosthetic body implant system that comes with the "Ghost in the Shell Mechanism", it can be integrated with the Mechanical Hub in a short period of time, and master the two large-scale machines of the "Earth Element Breakthrough Machine" and the "Mechanical Hub" at the same time. strength.

  Remarks: My drill is a drill that breaks through the center of the earth!

  ‘Being able to activate the Omnic Crisis and directly capture the Mechanical Hub, this attribute is too cool—’

  ‘Is this the power of a rich woman! '

   Gao Gong took a deep breath, Director Du, my drill is about to break through the sky!

  (end of this chapter)