MTL - Start with Psychologist-Chapter 17

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"Fang team, you're here." Several people walked over quickly, with solemn expressions.

Behind him, the traffic police team finally caught up, and after getting off the car, they rushed towards Fang Ze.

"I'm sorry, you are suspected of severe speeding and dangerous driving, please follow us back to the traffic police."

Fang Ze didn't respond, but looked up at the public toilet not far ahead.

At the moment, there is a tense atmosphere.

On the other side, the sniper lay on the ground, hoping to find a loophole and kill him with one hit!

But depending on the situation, it seems to be difficult.

Ding Chunqiu came to his senses, stepped forward and said, "Hello, comrade, we are from the Penghai criminal police team, this is..."

He spoke quickly, explained the matter in a few words, and proved Fang Ze's identity.

After the traffic policeman heard this, his expression also changed. He obviously didn't expect the matter to be so serious.

He hurriedly said: "So that's how it is. I understand. Later, I will apply for the removal of the violation. Please do your work first. Team Fang, excuse me."

After Fang Ze observed the situation, he turned around and said, "Sorry, I have wasted your time. The situation is urgent."

"It's okay, it's okay, I understand, the hostages are important!"

He didn't expect that he was chasing the captain of the criminal police team, and the other party had such urgent business affairs. After shaking hands, he left.

Gan Tong has been watching from the sidelines without saying a word. Now is not the time to make trouble.

"follow me!"

Fang Ze didn't give any solution first. It's really too dangerous for the hostages.

The problem must be solved immediately!

He came directly in front of the sniper. This place is very hidden, and there is a cover in front, so the criminals can't find it.

There is no problem with the selection point of the sniper. The problem is whether the sniper can complete such a difficult task.

"Give me the gun!"

After hearing this, the sniper turned his head subconsciously, and his face froze when he saw Fang Ze's face.

He immediately stood up, stood at attention, and skillfully saluted a standard military salute.

"Hello, Instructor!"

Just three words shocked Luo Bixin and the others.

Chapter 31


Luo Bixin and the others looked at Fang Ze.

To be called an instructor by a special police officer who is also an excellent sniper is not a light weight.

It seems that Fang Ze still has a lot of things that they don't know.

Fang Ze was also stunned by the instructor's sound. After taking a serious look at the other party, he said, "Yang...Yang Jun?"

When Fang Ze remembered his name, Yang Jun happily said, "Instructor, do you still remember me?"

In the special training three months ago, he thought his grades were relatively poor, and he always felt that Fang Ze had lost face. He didn't expect that the other party could still remember his name.

"Of course I remember." Fang Ze nodded, "You worked very hard, so I'm more impressed."

"Don't talk about this yet, just stand aside."

Fang Ze doesn't have time to catch up with Yang Jun at this moment. You must know that the hostage's life may be in danger at any time.

The gangster's mood became more and more excited.

"Yes! Instructor!"

Yang Jun took the order directly and strode away from the position of the sniper rifle.

Yang Jun knew Fang Ze's ability better than anyone present.

Whether it was fighting or firearms, everyone was amazed at the time.

Age is only Fang Ze's appearance.

At the beginning of that special training, although some thorns questioned Fang Ze's age, they were all subdued in the end.

Everyone's feeling for Fang Ze was admiration and a hint of fear.

Yang Jun experienced that special training himself, so he naturally understands it better than anyone else.

He didn't dare to fire this shot because there were too many influencing factors and the gangster was very cunning.

But if it was Fang Ze, he believed that there would be absolutely no problems.

"The square team is familiar with sniper rifles?"

Ding Chunqiu looked at Fang Ze who was lying down proficiently, then turned his head to look at Luo Bixin who was beside him, and spoke in a low voice with doubts in his eyes.

This is the job of special police professionals.

Luo Bixin didn't answer, and signaled Ding Chunqiu to keep quiet.

At this time, the other party cannot be disturbed in the slightest.

Any factor may affect Fang Ze's shooting accuracy.

It would be fine if it was training on weekdays, but now it's actual combat, and the lives of the hostages are at stake!

On the other side, Gan Tong looked at Fang Ze lying on the ground with a sniper rifle in his hand and a serious face, as if he didn't know him for a moment.

This scene was deeply imprinted in her mind.

At this time, Fang Ze had no other distractions, and he selectively rejected any sounds around him.

In his eyes, only the magnified gangster through the scope.

This sniper was indeed very difficult. He admitted that Yang Jun is a very good sniper, but no matter how good he is, there is an upper limit.

The gap under the scope is very small, and absolute accuracy must be ensured.

As long as it deviates by even a millimeter, it will hit the barrier, which will frighten the criminals and make actions that are very unfavorable to the hostages.

No wonder he didn't dare to shoot.

After taking a deep breath, Fang Ze held his breath and fell into a brief silence.

With his index finger on the trigger, Fang Ze decisively pulled the trigger without any hesitation.

In this case, there is no need to wait for the criminals to show their flaws.

Waiting is the performance of the weak.

What Fang Ze has to do is act like thunder.


Accompanied by the roar of the sniper rifle, the bullet shot out, passed through the tiny gap by a hair, and hit the criminal's temple accurately.

The bullet's penetrating power is very strong and its lethality is extremely high, enough to destroy a person's will to live in an instant.

The next moment, the gangster fell to the ground.

Everyone reacted quickly. After seeing the gangsters being shot, they flocked to them and brought the hostages to a safe place.

The hostage was first hijacked, then injured, and finally the gangster died beside him.

This has exceeded a girl's psychological tolerance.

For some time in the future, the other party may need psychological counseling to prevent leaving a shadow.

Seeing that the hostages were safely rescued, Luo Bixin and the others finally let go of their worries.

Fang Ze got up calmly, and patted the dust off his body.

"Fang team, I pay homage to you!"

Ding Chunqiu looked at Fang Ze with admiration. The latter was simply an all-around player, as if he had no weakness.

Although Luo Bixin looked calm, he couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes.

At this time, Tang Hong, the captain of the special police detachment, rushed over.

Originally, he wanted to encourage Yang Jun, but he happened to see Fang Ze standing up.

"Instructor Fang? Why are you here?!"

Tang Hong was obviously very surprised. Criminal police and special police had different functions, and Fang Ze had just arrived in Penghai for a few days, so he didn't know that Fang Ze had temporarily transferred to Penghai.

Under normal circumstances, Tang Hong will cooperate with the criminal police team only when he encounters a particularly dangerous mission.

Such as rescuing hostages, besieging terrorists, or criminals possessing lethal weapons, etc.

There are not many such cases.

"Long time no see, Captain Tang."

Fang Ze smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand towards Tang Hong.

Chapter 32 Sudden Murder!

Tang Hong shook hands with Fang Ze in a hurry, and said, "I really didn't expect to see you here. Do you have a mission or are you here to play?"

Today is Saturday, during rest time. He guessed that Fang Ze might be taking a rest.

Criminal police have a special job and cannot take rest at the same time, so a rotation system is implemented.

But even if it is a break, the phone must be kept open 24 hours a day to prevent emergencies.

Fang Ze said: "I was temporarily transferred here for a few days. I happened to be off today. I was still at a party. I was called here by a phone call."

"So that's the case." Tang Hong nodded, and said, "You fired the shot just now, right? I said, fortunately you are nearby, otherwise the situation would be really hard to control."

Before Yang Jun had told him about the difficulty of sniping, Tang Hong had no choice but to keep Yang Jun aiming, looking for opportunities, and always ready to shoot.

Now that Fang Ze is here, Tang Hong will naturally not be surprised.

He remembered very clearly the scene at the special training site three months ago.

Fang Ze's proficiency in firearms may have reached the level of an excellent special soldier, or even higher.

It's no wonder that the higher-ups put so much emphasis on it, and appointed Fang Ze to be responsible for the training of professional special police.

Others don't know much about internal training.

Fang Ze glanced at Yang Jun and said, "Don't blame him. The situation at that time was quite difficult for any sniper, mainly because the gangster was too cunning."

Yang Jun was grateful. He knew that the other party was building up confidence for him.

"However, we still need to strengthen training in the future, and we must know that we may face emergencies at any time in the future."

Fang Ze added another sentence.

Tang Hong turned his head and said, "Did you hear what Instructor Fang said?"

Yang Jun solemnly stood upright and said, "Yes! Instructor!"

Yang Jun admires Fang Ze from the bottom of his heart, and it is also the goal he is determined to pursue throughout his life.

He will obey any order unconditionally.

Afterwards, Fang Ze looked at the messy scene and asked, "What happened to the hostages?"

Mentioning this matter, Tang Hong sighed, and said, "I was quite frightened, and I have handed it over to our psychological counselor. I hope she can forget about it in the future."

Fang Ze nodded slightly.

For a teenage girl, this kind of experience is probably hard to forget.

It can only rely on psychological intervention.

This can't be helped. No one can predict the unexpected.