MTL - Start with Psychologist-Chapter 16

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As soon as these words came out, everyone laughed.

As for the reason for laughing, there is only one reason. Quan Ning also brought a wife himself, which is quite like a thief shouting "stop thief".

"Is that your wife?" Fang Ze pointed to the girl in the crowd.

The girl was dressed plainly and looked very delicate. At first glance, she was the kind of girl who was very good at housekeeping and sensible.

"How do you know?" Quan Ning was surprised, "Gan Tong said that?"

"I didn't say anything." Gan Tong spread her hands.

Someone laughed and said, "Fang Ze is a member of the criminal police team. Do you think he's as crazy as you?"

Quan Ning scratched his head: "That's right, you people are too smart to lose your hair easily."

"You didn't even tell me about your marriage?" Fang Ze gave Quan Ning a glare.

Quan Ning smiled embarrassedly: "I didn't invite anyone. Traveling and getting married, I was wrong. Next time I will definitely invite you to dinner to make amends."

Everyone laughed together, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Meeting old classmates always makes people feel happy.

"Let's chat first, the food and drink will arrive in a while."

The party was initiated by Quan Ning, and Quan Ning was in charge of some procedures, but the final bill was up to Gan Tong, AA system, and everyone had no objections.

Behind him, Gan Tong stepped forward and whispered something in Fang Ze's ear.

After listening to Gan Tong's words, Fang Ze was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at the girl who was sitting there quietly and didn't talk much.

The girl is Gan Tong's best friend, Ling Xiu.

Based on appearance alone, she is much prettier than Gan Tong.

It's just that he looked a little haggard, it wasn't caused by a day or two, maybe it was because he had experienced too many things.


Fang Ze never expected that when Ling Xiu chose to drop out of school to get married, it turned out to be a failed marriage.

This time, if Gan Tong hadn't insisted, it is estimated that the other party would not have come to this party.

Ling Xiu's husband from her second marriage also arrived with her and was sitting next to her.

Judging by age, she is a bit older than Ling Xiu, and should be between thirty and thirty-five years old.

The reason why Gan Tong reminded Fang Ze was to prevent him from poking Ling Xiu's heartache.

Fang Ze naturally understood and nodded to express his understanding.

Many old classmates came to talk to Fang Ze. He has a special status, so it's good to get closer to each other.

Maybe something will happen in the future, and Fang Ze's help will be needed.

In this age group, many people want to adjust their social relations regardless of their classmates.

One more friend always leads to one more path.

Of course, Fang Ze has no social relationship to adjust, but out of politeness, he will not treat him coldly.

After all, they are all classmates.

"Have you heard? There is a big event happening at Tianyuan Square."

"Of course, the video has been circulated in the group, it seems to be a robbery."

"You're too courageous. How dare you do such a thing in broad daylight."

Several people chatted about what was happening at the moment. In the era of Internet communication, the speed of information sharing is very fast.

When this matter was mentioned, someone looked at Fang Ze and said, "Old Fang, don't you know? By the way, why didn't you go there?"

As soon as these words came out, many people looked at Fang Ze.

Fang Ze said: "I just heard that, but the scene should be under control. If there are no accidents, the criminals will not be able to escape."

"Fang Ze belongs to the Yangcheng Criminal Police Team." Gan Tong reminded him.

"oh oh."

Suddenly, everyone almost forgot about it.

This matter was just a topic, and no one discussed it anymore. It was nothing to do with oneself. Besides, in today's society ruled by law, any criminal activities will not end well.

On the other side, Ling Xiu kept looking at Fang Ze, as if hesitating whether to go forward.

She turned her head to look at her husband, who shook his head at him.

Seeing this, Ling Xiu sighed and gave up the plan in her heart.

"Everyone, take your seats. After dinner and activities, you are not allowed to leave. You have to put everything aside."

More than half an hour later, after Quan Ning finished making arrangements, he spoke loudly.

"Of course I won't leave, even if you drive me away." Someone said with a smile.

The others also spoke in agreement, causing bursts of laughter.

At this moment, Fang Ze's cell phone rang suddenly.

Looking at the caller ID, Fang Ze was taken aback.


"Hey Zhong Ju, what's the matter?"


"What did you say?! What's the situation now?"


"Okay, I get it, let them hold on! I'll be right there!"

Fang Ze's hasty tone caught everyone's attention, and everyone looked over.

After hanging up the phone, Fang Ze looked solemnly, looked at Gan Tong and said, "Gan Tong, are you driving?"

"It's open? What's the matter?"

"Come with me! I'll use your car, it's urgent!"

"Okay, okay...where are you going?"

Gan Tong didn't refuse. Judging by Fang Ze's appearance, he guessed that something happened.

"Tianyuan Square!"

Chapter 30

Fang Ze left quickly without informing anyone.

This is not a matter of politeness or impoliteness. It seems that something big happened there.

In the private room, everyone stopped chatting and looked at each other.

"What... what's the situation?"

After a while, someone broke the silence in the room.

Quan Ning pondered for a while, and said, "Is there something wrong with Tianyuan Square? As the team leader, Fang Ze should help out since he is in Penghai."

"Huh? Fang Ze is the captain of the criminal police team? Is it true?"

"Don't you know?" Quan Ning was puzzled, "Gan Tong told me, I can't be wrong."

"Fang Ze is the number one person in Yangcheng, and he solved many strange cases."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was astonished.

Fang Ze's age is about the same as them. To put it bluntly, he is the age when he just started working and is working hard.

Unexpectedly, Fang Ze has already been promoted to the captain of the criminal police team while others are still in their infancy.

This is not something ordinary people can do.

After learning about this situation, many people had small thoughts in their hearts. It seems that they need to get in touch with Fang Ze more in the future.

Ling Xiu was also taken aback at this time, Gan Tong did not mention this matter to her.

She looked at the man next to her again.

After a little hesitation, the man nodded and said, "Okay, after he comes back, you can talk to him."


On the other side, Fang Ze took the key and got into the driver's seat directly.

"Are you going too? It's probably dangerous over there."

"It's okay, I won't approach." Gan Tong opened the door and entered the co-pilot.

Fang Ze didn't say much. After nodding, he started the car and drove away.

On the Tianyuan Square side, something unexpected happened indeed.

The criminal leader, who was already surrounded, kidnapped a girl who had just come out of the public toilet.

The girl's age is about fifteen or sixteen.

The hijacker was very emotional, had a knife in his hand, and even made a move to endanger the hostages.

At this moment, the hostage has been injured, and the blood flowing down can be clearly seen.

He threatened the police to give him a car and remove the barriers to let him go.

The Penghai criminal police team is negotiating, and negotiating experts have also arrived.

But the hijacker didn't listen to anyone at all, and his emotions became increasingly difficult to control.

If it goes on like this, things will not go well.

In addition, the hijackers and hostages were behind the public toilet door, blocked by fences and stainless steel windows. In addition, the other party deliberately used the hostages to hide, making it extremely difficult to snipe.

If one misses, the criminal is likely to injure the hostage.

It seems that the criminal is very aware of all the methods of the police.

In desperation, Zhong Yi chose to call Fang Ze.

She knows that Fang Ze can always create miracles at critical moments.

Along the way, Fang Ze drove very fast, ignoring all the traffic lights, and sped away.

Driving skill level 3!

To Fang Ze, this kind of provincial road is like a child's play.

He can use the fastest speed to rush to the scene.

time is life.

Inside the car, Gan Tong held the handle tightly and looked at Jianshe who was rapidly retreating on both sides, feeling nervous with a hint of excitement in his heart.

Although she knew that the illegal photos must have been taken as comic strips, but she didn't care.

Besides, Fang Ze, as a police officer, has an emergency to deal with, and the traffic police team should review it again.

At a certain moment, the patrolling traffic police team noticed Fang Ze's severe speeding and immediately chased after him.

"The white Audi in front, pull over and stop!"

While chasing, shouting.

Fang Ze didn't stop, and didn't care about the back, he took the trail and hurried to Tianyuan Square.

Fang Ze took less than ten minutes for the original journey of more than half an hour.

The scene was completely sealed off, and no one was allowed to approach.

Fang Ze parked the car outside the blockade, and when he got off the car, he saw Luo Bixin and others.

The field personnel of the Penghai criminal police team are all there, including Ding Chunqiu and Jiang Xiaobai.