MTL - Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World-Chapter 20 : Three E exams, traditional arts

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   This is...3E exam?

   How can it be like people in a certain area in his previous life who collectively ate mushrooms, it was so hilarious!

   is wrong, because of Long Wen.

Lu Chen’s ear power was extraordinary, and he naturally heard the dragon text hidden in the music. It was vast and leisurely, like an oracle from the Primordial Primordial Land. Even if he didn’t understand it, he could still feel the majesty in it—something. The imperial order of the supreme creature.

   Freshmen are not blindly self-confident. They seem to have a certain sense of self. Often after a period of weird behavior, they will sit down and write on white paper with a pen.

   There are also some abnormalities of the new students. They have to use a pencil to directly engrave on the table. The pen can't bear the strength. They even start to scratch with their nails, blood is flowing across their hands, but it seems that there is no pain at all.

   Lu Chen also moved, and he started answering questions.

   is not so much an answer as a copy.

He sits still in the position and doesn’t need to get up to peek at other people’s test papers. With his extraordinary eyesight, he can see everyone’s movements clearly with his peripheral vision. Through his extreme understanding of human body movements, he can see in his mind. It can completely restore the trajectory of the other party's pen!

   can be regarded as having better luck. He happened to be sitting in the last row, and the new students in the entire classroom were unobstructed to him.

   Although it is not a glorious thing, he is already a habitual offender of such a method of cheating.

   There is no "cultural class" in the army in the previous life. He has always had poor grades in this area, but he always ranks in the upper middle of the exam because he has this stunt, and his companions are very cooperative with him.

   So he has his own thoughts on copying answers.

   First of all, exclude those students of B-level ancestry, and focus on those A-level students he saw during the physical test.

   Every time a piece of dragon text is played and everyone starts drawing, he will compare it.

  Should I say that Grade A is worthy of Grade A? The answers to the first few "questions" are roughly the same, so he can safely follow the painting.

   From now on, there are some "questions" that will have one or two people answering differently or "can't answer" without drawing, he will follow most of the people to draw together.

   There are a total of ten dragon texts. According to Fingel, almost no one can answer all of them, but the blood line is very magical. It is also an A-level blood line. Some people sympathize with a dragon text, and some people don't.

   The bloodlines of the A-level students present were linked together, and they could complement each other perfectly, which made Lu Chen feel soft.

   During this process, he paid special attention to a female freshman.

She wore a purple skirt, a white silk shirt, black stockings, silver four-leaf clover earrings on her ears, and she was wearing a school uniform in the examination room. The people are out of place, and they are full of freedom, like a little witch who has escaped.

   However, this little witch is the quietest one, because he can only see her back, Lu Chen doesn't know what the other's face is now, but this girl hasn't done anything weird from beginning to end, just writing and drawing on paper from time to time.

   He remembered this girl, Chen Motong, who ran fourth in the physical test that day, and she was "beating the crowd" among the girls.

   I don’t know why, he doesn’t like the feeling this girl gives him, because people who are too free often don’t think who paid the price for her freedom. She is chic and casual, but irresponsible.

   Lu Chen shook his head, and continued to concentrate on "answering questions". There were only the last three questions left.


   In the monitoring room, several professors such as Schneider are staring at the monitoring screen divided into multiple pieces. The above is the live situation of the freshmen's examination rooms, but they are most concerned about the 1201 classroom, which is the estimated A-level freshmen's examination room.

   "Should I say that I am a child who may be promoted to S grade? In the 3E exam, there was no unusual behavior, and he sat quietly and answered questions during the whole process."

  Professor Guderian looked at the monitor and said with emotion, with greedy eyes in his tone.

  The heart said that it is such a treasure, how to put it into the sect of killing embryos, it is really a waste, if it is my student, then the position of tenured professor is probably lost.

"Whether he can be promoted to S-level depends on the evaluation results given by Norma after the 3E exam. But if Long Wen Resonance does not see the answer, he will not be able to make a plan. Since he has been writing, he will probably not answer. mistaken."

   Manstein, the chairman of the Discipline Committee, also came, and there were also his newly-accepted students. Although they performed very well, it was not enough compared to the S-class, who was as stable as a mountain in front of Long Wen Vision.

   "We still have to wait for Norma's assessment after reading the paper."

   Facing the praise and admiration of the professors, Schneider, the mentor's mentor, only said indifferently, without showing much joy.

   In his opinion, the 3E exam certainly illustrates the problem, but as the executive director, he valued Lu Chen's potential combat ability more.

   Even if Lu Chen can only answer two or three questions correctly, as long as the awakened words are acceptable, he will find a way to train him into a sharp edge in the executive department.

   And he naturally has expectations for Chu Zihang. After all, he is a kid who can trace to Kassel College by his own strength. He will never forget the look in his eyes when he first saw Chu Zihang.

   is like a vigilant cub. UU reads, but the cub will always grow into a fierce lion and bite the throat of his enemy.

   Besides, he sent someone to check Chu Zihang's life experience, but he was surprised to find that a certain record related to Chu Zihang was actually granted SSS-level permission by Norma! Even he has no right to read it.

   He asked Anger, but the other party was just playing Tai Chi with him, and finally asked him to take care of Chu Zihang.

   "Professor Mans, your student performed very well."

   At this time, Guderian mentioned that because Chen Motong in the video was also quiet and wept quietly.

   However, Professor Mans just looked at the screen and did not speak.


   The exam ended on time at twelve o'clock. The freshmen woke up like a dream. Many people looked at the white paper with their patterns full of patterns and felt a kind of weird crossing.

   Because even though they had a certain subconscious mind to answer questions when Long Wen visualized, they can't remember the absurd things they did when they woke up now.

   When Professor Guderian took away the Lu Chen exam papers, he found that the other party had drawn a total of ten sheets. He thought that the college might really have more S-level students.

   "Go back and have a rest, the school will officially start the day after tomorrow, and the timetable Norma has been sent to your mailbox."

   Before leaving, Guderian reminded him enthusiastically.

   Lu Chen stood up from his seat and stretched out, taking a breath.

   is finally over, and as long as there is no problem with his disguise, the main task two should be completed.

   "Brother Chu, are you going to eat together?"

   Lu Chen invited.

   However, Chu Zihang shook his head and said, "No, Brother Lu, let's go first. I want to go back and change clothes first."

   Lu Chen only noticed that Chu Zihang's school uniform was wet from top to bottom with sweat. What did he see when he visualized it?