MTL - Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World-Chapter 3 : Dragon World

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   There used to be colleagues who smoked in the trenches, and Lu Chen was very disgusted.

   After the war, someone laughed and handed it to him, but he refused on the grounds that he was "a minor".

   "When you charge, you can't see that you are a minor."

   his comrade-in-arms teased him, he also laughed, and he didn't know what he was laughing at.

   Those days were very bitter, but he didn't feel bitter.

   But now he feels bitter, because the protracted war is finally over, they lose, and those who would tease him are also dead.

   The cage specially set up for him is very strong, but he didn't have the opportunity to escape before. He didn't leave, just because he didn't know where to go after he escaped.

   Times have changed. The great powers of the East once dominated the world with the secret blood warrior technology for thousands of years.

   But now that Western technology is developing, in front of modern navy, land and air forces, the blood-secret warrior who rushes to the battlefield with a knife is like a fool.

  He Lu Chen... is the biggest fool.

   The reason why he chose to escape today was not because he was fed up with inhuman imprisonment, but because he heard some interesting things.

   The woman said that some people with extraordinary powers appeared, and she wanted to let herself come out to help them deal with it.

   It is conceivable that those people are by no means ordinary characters, and he only hopes that those people will stop carrying hot weapons, that is too boring.

   Lu Chen didn't know that technology is the future leader, but the concept he cultivated since childhood did not allow him to just bow his head. He looked forward to it, and looked forward to other extraordinary powers that could make him go further.

   Even if he can't get it, he wants to die in the hands of the transcendent, not under the gun.

   Of course, he will not go into the Western Union without thinking. He needs time to recover. If there are extraordinary people, he hopes that he will fight the opponent at the peak state.

   Two years of imprisonment, only nutrient solution was used to maintain basic needs. His body was much thinner than before, and it took at least a month to recover, so he needed to escape from the Federal Republic of the West.

   The process will not go so smoothly. After escaping four rounds, he rushed to the southern border of the Western Federal State, a boundless desert.


   squeezed out a bullet embedded in his left shoulder, and Lu Chen couldn't help but snorted.

   He is not a god. The last time he broke through, he was hit by a sniper in a chaotic battle. Fortunately, his body density could not be measured by ordinary people, and he was relieved in time to avoid being pierced through a big hole.

   There is no means of transportation, because he can't drive, he hasn't learned high-tech things, and he can't play with it. There are only two bags of water and one bag of dry food on his body. To ordinary people, crossing this desert is almost a death.

   But he did just that, and he went deep for hundreds of kilometers. The powerful physique of the blood secret warrior and his ability to control the body can reduce sweating and keep the body's moisture to the maximum.


   "The containment failed again!?"

   A white-haired old man in the office slapped the table angrily, "Didn't it say that it can be killed on the spot!"

   "Your Excellency, please calm down your anger, it's just a secret blood warrior."

   The trainee is a lieutenant general who is responsible for the specific matters of the round up.

"A secret blood warrior!? Do you know how many secrets he hides? It's a treasure! He is the strongest blood secret warrior. We haven't penetrated the secrets of genes so far. This would be a biological revolution. In your mouth it has become'just a secret blood warrior'?"

  The president scolded angrily.

   "Now that he has left the country, it is very difficult to send an army to round up."

   Lieutenant General bowed his head and reported.


   The president looked gloomy and seemed to be entangled.

   "Can't let him escape over there, use that weapon."

Lieutenant General    was surprised when he heard the words, "It is still under development and has never been tested. Besides, if we kill him in this way, we won't get anything!"

   The president was silent for a while, his turquoise eyes looked at the lieutenant general, and said: "It's better than falling into the hands of other countries. It's a new weapon for experimentation."



   Lu Chen was walking on the sand, and suddenly stopped, feeling a little bit.

   He looked up at the sky, only the glaring sun.

   Picked up a cigarette, took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly.

   "Is it extraordinary...really comparable to technology?"

   He muttered to himself silently, somewhat mocking himself.

   The next moment, a white light that is more dazzling than the rays of the hot sun descends, like a sword hanging from the sky, like a punishment from God!

   Lu Chen's figure disappeared, and a huge mushroom cloud rose in the desert.


   When Lu Chen opened his eyes again, he found that he was in a dilapidated screening room, and there were many strange messages in his mind.

  He didn't die, or he was resurrected from the dead.

   clenched a fist, sensed the state of his body, and returned to his heyday!

   My clothes have also changed, like the kind of training clothes that I would wear in a martial arts gym.

  If someone else encounters this situation, they may be panicked and confused, but Lu Chen now only has ecstasy.

   He was hit by the Western Federal State’s cross-age technological weapons, which should have been turned into dust, but there was no information that came out of his mind, undoubtedly telling him that he has found an extraordinary power!

   [Explorer 63570591, please check your mission. 】

   A nice female voice appeared in his ear, and he looked around vigilantly, but he was sitting in the last row, no one else around.

   He calmed down and started to recall the more information in his mind...

   He seems to have been selected by a place called Origin Space. This is his first mission world. Only after passing it can he officially return to the space.

   He tried to call out inwardly according to the extra memory instructions.


   A translucent light curtain menu appeared in front of him, with various information on it.

   [Task World Type: Derivative]

  【Difficulty level: lv.7~lv.40】

  [Current World Time: 2008.09.06]

  【Introduction to the world: This is a world with dragons and mixed races. Other explorers are invited to explore by themselves. 】

   It was simple enough... But Lu Chen also understood that there were some extraordinary powers in this world.

   [Main Mission (First Ring): Killing Theater]

   Quest content: In the small town theater, there is a mixed blood out of control, and the feast of killing is about to begin.

   Mission objective one (optional): escape the movie theater

  Difficulty: easy

   Success reward: 300 origin coins

   Failure penalty: None

  Mission objective two (optional): Kill out-of-control hybrid species

  Difficulty: easy

  Success reward: 3000 origin coins

   Failure penalty: None

   [Note: The optional branch will affect the follow-up main task, UU reading www. Please choose carefully, explorers will not be prompted hereafter]

   Lu Chen was a little bit puzzled. The difference between the first and second target rewards was so big that he could understand it, but why is the difficulty of killing and escaping shown as simple?

   He has never played a game, but he also knows that simplicity should be the lowest difficulty.

   With doubts, he began to check his attributes again. He was not in a hurry, because he was not ready to run at all.

  【Explorer 63570591】

  【Level: lv.1】

   [Reference: In addition to the following attributes, except for luck, the average adult has an average of 5 points]

   [Fate: 100%]

  【Soul Source: 100%】

   [Physique: 40 points]

   [Power: 39 points]

   [Agility: 39 points]

  [Spirit: 35 points]

   [Charm: 9 o'clock]

  [Lucky: 2 points]

  The source of life Lu Chen understood as the amount of blood, and the source of soul is the value of magic power? Why is it so like the game that the guards talked about in private.

   Constitution determines the upper limit of life source full value, endurance, defense resistance and injury recovery speed.

   Strength determines the weight and attack, and together with agility affects the speed of rushing, and agility also affects the speed of nerve reflexes.

   As for the spirit, the introduction seems to affect the control of the move skills, the damage of some skills, and the resistance to abnormal control.

   Charm affects the effect of talking with characters, the ability to summon creatures, and the resistance to some abnormal controls.

   just glanced, Lu Chen knew that this attribute evaluation test is not evenly added, and his power is more than 8 ordinary adults...