MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 528 I will tell you everything I know (5300 words)

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World Tree Siege Battle...

The fact that they planted this [Extreme Tree House Seed] was known by the other party?

[Everyone who is not a survivor of Area 188, at this]

The mysterious voice in my ears suddenly became intermittent, and became weaker and weaker, and finally could not be heard.

The people present looked at each other in blank dismay.

This is the first time this has happened, and it makes everyone feel nervous and at the same time a little inexplicable.

But then they got it too.

"Isn't this just because we don't want people in District 188 to hear it?" Wen Guixin rubbed her ears and said, "Is this just assigning tasks to people in other districts?"

That should be it.

Judging from the name of the event [World Tree Siege] mentioned by the mysterious voice just now, they may want to borrow the power of survivors in other areas to destroy the World Tree that has not yet fully grown.

After all, judging from the previous situations, these alien invaders seem to have some concerns about taking action against them personally. Since they can't take action in person, they will provoke a civil war!

Everyone present immediately opened their watches and began to check the situation on the World Channel.

But the World Channel cannot be opened.

That's right, no matter how you click on the world channel, you can't open the previous chat page.

"Damn, the world channel is banned?" Zhao Xiaochuan scolded, "What's the matter? Cut off our communication, is this really going to let survivors from other areas besiege us!"

"But..." Qin Yunlong was a little puzzled, "How can other areas that are so far away besiege us?"

"Send it?" Wang Lei speculated, looking at the purple-black beam arch bridge being erected in the sky.

"Teleportation? Send those people over to die?" Wen Guixin rolled her eyes, "Those people are ordinary humans, right? Sending them over, it would be less threatening than having one more beast."

"No." Ji Zhaoyang shook his head, "You can't underestimate human beings. After all, the strongest human beings are not in their physical strength, but in..."

"Wisdom." Xu Xin took the words and said with a frown.

"What do you mean?" Zeng Tao looked at them in a daze, "They are smarter than wild animals, so what's the use?"

It's hard for Xu Xin to say now, but... these survivors in the outer zone will definitely get some help.

For example, from their 188 district and the points mall that cannot be used, some props with strange functions are distributed, or...

Let the bloodstained mutated creatures no longer attack them, but... assist them.

Xu Xin's thoughts surprised everyone.

"No way? You mean, these survivors become the conductors of blood-striped creatures? Just like those... furry monsters?" Wang Lei laughed twice, "This is a bit outrageous..."

"No, there is still a possibility." Ji Zhaoyang nodded, "Actually, I also have this kind of conjecture. Besides, those furry monsters... aren't they also human beings?"

Everyone was speechless.

At this time, Zhao Xiaochuan was surprised and said: "Fuck, look, the alliance channel can still be opened, and these people in District 1 seem to be...affected by us?"


Everyone immediately turned to the alliance channel.

Sure enough, the alliance channel became a mess.

A lot of survivors from Zone 1 complained about it.

"How did that voice just stop talking?"

"Brothers, what's the situation now? I'm so confused!"

"Why can't the World Channel be turned on?"

"It's not just the World Channel, the Points Mall can't be opened either!"

"We are the same!" This is what a survivor of Area 188 said, "We are also very confused!"

"Didn't you talk about Crystal City or something before? You from District 188

What did you guys do? Why haven't you given an explanation yet! "

"We are tied to the side of Area 188! Because we are allies now!"

"Grass, what's going on, people from District 188 come out and explain, what is the world tree? Are we in charge of siege or protection? Is this going to start a civil war?"

"We don't know either, and the big bosses of the explorers didn't come out to explain. I'm from the boss Xu Xin's side. We only know what I've told you before. Now the big bosses seem to have entered Crystal City has been explored, you should wait for news from the boss.”

"This is really..."

Xu Xin's eyelids twitched slightly.

It turns out that the first district is the same as them?

He originally wanted to go back to find Shi Wanyun immediately, but at this time, her outburst mode has passed, and she has entered the weak stage, and the risk factor has also been greatly reduced, which happens to be a good time to press her.

But now it seems that as a survivor of District 1, Shi Wanyun, like District 188, knows nothing about the situation this time.

...but she's been on that giant tree in the other hemisphere, so she must know something.

Xu Xin narrowed his eyes, and said, "Zeng Tao, Jin Yue, you two are holding this juvenile world tree here, if you find anything, please contact me immediately, and the rest of us hurry back to our tree house territory Check it out!"

Even if the survivors in other areas don't know how to attack them, the beast horde is still possible!

... At a time like this, without Wen Xi's logistical support, I feel a little guilty.

It should be fine for Wenxi to be with Yingying, right?

"Okay!" Zeng Tao and Jinyue nodded immediately.

"Just what I want!"

"I think so too!"

The other members of the explorers also agreed.

In order to bring everyone back as soon as possible, Xu Xin directly put everyone's bracelets in, then released the Silver King, hurried back to the tree house, and then released the others.

Everyone teleported back to their tree house.

Ji Zhaoyang didn't rush to go back, but looked around Xu Xin's tree house, and asked Xu Xin, "Can your map ability detect any abnormalities around you?"

Xu Xin shook her head: "Not yet."

He patted the small head of Ke Ke in his arms: "Ke Ke, did you find anything?"

"Hmm." Coco said nothing.

Ji Chaoyang looked at the purple-black beam of light in other directions, rubbed his chin and thought, "From the fact that the mysterious voice sounded to us but then disappeared suddenly, they initiated this activity hastily, that's why this kind of activity happened. situation. Otherwise, wouldn’t it be better not to be heard by us?”


Xu Xin nodded.

"So, even if they will come to besiege the young World Tree, it should take a while to prepare." Ji Zhaoyang speculated, "The preparation time may not be short."

"what do you mean…"

"Maybe we can use this time to quickly transplant all of our tree houses to Crystal City."

...Can it still be like this!

He had been thinking about Shi Wanyun's affairs just now, but he hadn't thought about it.


Xu Xin thought about the possibility.

"Would it be more dangerous, if a sudden attack..."

"But if successful, our security will be almost perfectly guaranteed."

He was right.

Now for their survivors, herds of beasts and extreme weather should be the most lethal, but...

It seems that Crystal City can help them guard against all of these?

"...If possible, can we transplant their parasitic tree house first?" Xu Xin suggested.

Send these people in first, their words, their own abilities are here,

Not afraid of anything.

"Okay. I just want you to go to Shi Wanyun to inquire about the situation. In this way, we will leave the transplanting to us. I will see how to transplant the tree house. You can go to your work first."

"it is good."

It would be easier to talk to smart people. He has too many things to do now, so let them do the transplanting first.

"By the way," Ji Zhaoyang turned to him before teleporting away, "Qin Fu is awake, and Lou Fei'er should be waking up soon too."


The purple-black vortex engulfed Ji Chaoyang, and Xu Xin immediately turned the bracelet to release the two of them.

Qin Fu really woke up, and he was looking at Lou Fei'er dumbfounded.

At this time, Lou Fei'er is no longer the weak look before, and even has a ruddy complexion and a relaxed expression, but...

Her hair has become extremely long, and her skin has become wrinkled, a little scary.

As soon as Qin Fu came out, he was taken aback for a moment, then pointed at Lou Feier and turned to Xu Xin, "Boss, she is..."

For those who don't know the truth, seeing Lou Fei'er's appearance at this time will indeed feel a little horrifying.

"Hmm..." Lou Feier slowly opened his eyes, sat up from the ground, and then rubbed his eyes.

It doesn't matter if you don't rub it, it just rubs her eyelids down.

"Hiss—" Qin Fu sucked in a breath of cold air, "Is...he got some kind of infectious disease?"

He immediately took several steps back.

"Ah!" Lou Fei'er also screamed and jumped up, scratching her face, but...

"Ah!" She screamed louder, causing Shi Wanyun in the tree house to poke her head out and look this way.

"It's okay, it's like this." Xu Xin explained briefly.

"Ah...that's it." Lou Fei'er immediately breathed a sigh of relief, then covered her face and rushed towards her tree house, "I'll go back and tidy up! Ah!"

Then she almost tripped over her hair, which was already longer than her height, so she could only pick up her hair and speed up her pace, rushed back to her tree house, and quickly returned to the tree house.

"There is such a good thing..." Qin Fu looked at Lou Feier's disappearing back, murmured in surprise, then turned to look at Xu Xin, "Boss, do I have a share? I should have helped you this time Are you busy?"

By the way, he still doesn't know what this guy experienced underground, and why he passed out beside the giant gate.

"How is your recovery now?"

"Well, after a good night's sleep, I feel refreshed. Although I'm still in the weak stage, I can do normal activities." Qin Fu rubbed his temples and said.

"Is it really a weak period?"

Xu Xin glanced at the direction of the tree house where Shi Wanyun was.

She was still looking at this side, and when she saw Xu Xin looking at her, she smiled and put her head back.

Xu Xin frowned.

It's the first time to enter the weak period, so you should be so weak that you can't stand up, right?

Sure enough, she has a problem, and she still needs to be careful.

Now that Lou Fei'er is awake and in good condition, let's take her to find Shi Wanyun together.

Taking advantage of this time, Xu Xin asked Qin Fu, "What did you go through underground?"


Qin Fu briefly recounted his experience.

The initial experience was actually the same as that of Zeng Taojinyue and the others.

It's just that Qin Fu came early, and before Xu Xin went underground to activate the entire Crystal City, he had already entered the central palace.

What happened later was similar to Xu Xin's imagination.

Although the palace at that time was still a stone palace, it still had various traps. Although Qin Fu's mental power was strong, he was still unable to defend against it. He was attacked at the fourth trap and was fatally injured.

Fortunately, the passive explosive state allowed him to recover, and his mental power was greatly improved again. With his super reflexes, he crossed all the traps and came to the third floor.

"The mechanism at the entrance steps on the third floor almost killed me..." Qin Fu twitched his lips when he thought of the situation at that time, "Fortunately, I was very mentally strong at the time, and my luck was better. Although I was seriously injured, I still It still came through. The mechanism of the palace is really outrageous.”

When he came to the third floor, he saw the door, and he immediately thought of the ancient bronze knife he gave Xu Xin.

Coincidentally, Xu Xin's voice was also called at that time, so he wanted to tell Xu Xin about his situation in the palace, but the voice was intermittent and basically did not convey anything.

"It's roughly like this." Qin Fu shrugged, and then smiled, "I'm considered a hero this time. Without me to explore, you wouldn't be able to find it."

Certainly from the results.

If he hadn't insisted on going out to explore and then disappeared, Xu Xin and the others wouldn't have gone out to find him, nor would they have found such a place in the underground world.

Moreover, he also brought back that ancient bronze knife.

By the way...that ancient bronze knife was brought back from the altar...

On Ji Chaoyang's side, there is also an altar.

Could it be... is there any secret hidden in the underground over there?

However, this matter can only be discussed after the disaster has passed.

At this time, Lou Feier swung down from her tree house and came over: "Why are you standing here? Waiting for me?"

She had already packed everything at this time, and her skin became extremely smooth and tender like everyone else's.

She herself is very satisfied with her current image, with a smile in her eyes.

"Well, come with me to find Shi Wanyun, Qin Fu, go back and rest first."


Hearing Shi Wanyun's name, Qin Fu raised his eyebrows.

He glanced at the tree house where Shi Wanyun had just popped up, but he didn't ask any more questions, showing a somewhat amused expression, turned his head and walked towards his own tree house.

Lou Fei'er also followed Xu Xin, walking towards Shi Wanyun's tree house.

"What are you thinking now?"

"Huh? I feel good." Lou Fei'er touched her face and said with satisfaction, "The skin is really much better!"


"Ah, you're asking me what I want to do now? It's the same as before." Lou Fei'er glanced at him and smiled teasingly, "If you still want to be my master, I'm happy too. "

Xu Xin shook her head.

It seems that there is no need to worry about this guy.

I really didn't expect that she was no longer affected by Xu Xin's words since a long time ago, but she pretended to be too similar, every time he was very obedient and he did what he said, which didn't make him suspicious at all. Pass.

"In short, just treat me as I was before, there is no difference, I am here anyway." Lou Feier kicked a stone and said, "You are the strongest survivor , if I don’t follow you, who will I follow?”

Xu Xin smiled: "Okay, then follow me to find Shi Wanyun now, remember to pay attention to her actions. She may not have entered the weak stage."

"okay, I get it!"

The two came under the tree house, and Xu Xin directly manipulated the roots of the tree house to bring them in.

Shi Wanyun was sitting by the bed at this time, and she was not surprised at the two people's entry.

She smiled softly, "It's not polite to enter a weak girl's room without saying hello."

"Weak girl? Are you talking about you?" Lou Fei'er stepped forward, grabbed her shoulder and pushed her.

Shi Wanyun was immediately pushed onto the bed and let out a muffled groan.

Xu Xin narrowed her eyes.

It seems that she should indeed enter a weak state?

Or pretend?

He came over and sat on the chair beside the bed: "You should also know what I'm here for. Tell me what you know."

Shi Wanyun struggled to prop up her body from the bed, and said softly: "Before that, I

May I ask first? "

"you say."

She looked at Xu Xin and Lou Feier, "Why have you two changed so much, and..."

She pointed at Lou Feier's collarbone: "Why, the bloodstains on her chest are gone?"

Shi Wanyun's clothes on her chest are also relatively low at this time, and she can see a large area of ​​her snow-white skin and the blood marks printed on it.

Lou Fei'er glanced at Xu Xin, saw Xu Xin nodded, and immediately raised her hand, the blood lines on the back of the hand and wrist also completely disappeared at this time: "Because, I injected a genetic drug .”

"Gene potion?" Shi Wanyun's eyes moved.

"This genetic medicine is the most powerful treasure left in that crystal city. It is a kind of medicine that can completely eliminate the control of blood lines." Lou Feier tugged on her collar and gave Shi Wanyun Look, "After injecting this potion, the blood streak mutation will disappear directly from the body. Hmm...but unfortunately, the power brought by the blood streak will also disappear."

As she spoke, she sighed, with a slightly regretful expression on her face: "Now, I'm just an ordinary person."

Xu Xin's eyes moved.

Lou Fei'er is lying, is this helping him to test Shi Wanyun?

Saying that he is an ordinary person is to lower the vigilance of the other party.

He didn't speak, but watched Shi Wanyun's reaction.

"Will the blood pattern mutation disappear immediately?" Shi Wanyun opened her eyes, "Wait...that is to say, you will not be under Xu Xin's control now?"

"Of course, the bloodstripe mutation has disappeared, how can I be controlled." Lou Fei'er straightened his collar, "However, I still have to listen to him, I am an ordinary person now, if he doesn't I’m happy, but I’m miserable, I don’t feel as good as before…”

"... Ordinary is not the point!" Shi Wanyun's voice suddenly raised a bit, UU Reading www. "Is what you said true? Is it true that the bloodstain mutation in the body can disappear directly and will not be controlled?"

"Didn't you see it all?" Lou Fei'er tugged at her collar, "Why, do you want me to **** you up? Do I need to lie to you?"

"..." Shi Wanyun's throat twitched, and she slowly turned her head to look at Xu Xin, "How much of this potion do you have?"

"Why, do you want it?" Xu Xin met her eyes.

"...If you really have this medicine and give me an injection, then I promise, I will tell you everything I know." Shi Wanyun stared at him, and said clearly and clearly.

...Is that really the case?

It seems that she was really controlled by those creatures... on the back of the planet.

This trial was very successful.