MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 574 someone outside the window

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

The offspring of monsters and humans.

that monster?

Xu Xin was shocked by this news, and was speechless for a long time.

I mainly think of the scene where monsters and humans are combined...

This is simply an epic disaster movie!

Just thinking about it can make people crazy and sick.

"No wonder..." Xu Xin muttered to himself, "No wonder the monster's body structure is somewhat similar to that of a human being."

It has human-like limbs, walks upright with human-like legs, and even has flexible fingers similar to humans.

It turned out to be because...

"That's right." Xu Ying seemed a little uneasy, and looked out of the window from time to time, "That's the human characteristic on it, because its mother is a real human being..."

A trace of hatred flashed in Xu Ying's eyes: "It's one of our captives."

"...Is it really the offspring of the combination of monsters and humans?" Xu Xin was really shocked.

You must know that there is reproductive isolation between different species, and it is basically impossible to give birth to offspring.

Even if offspring are born, they do not have the ability to reproduce. But that would require very little genetic difference between the two species.

For example, the combination of a lion and a tiger can give birth to a liger.

For example, the union of a horse and a donkey can give birth to a mule.


The gap between alien creatures and earth creatures is absolutely huge!

You must know that as creatures on the earth, the genetic similarity between human beings and insects with a huge gap can reach 60%.

And the genetic similarity between aliens and humans is absolutely impossible to be so high!

How could two creatures from different planets that have nothing to do with each other give birth to offspring?

He originally thought that this combination of monsters and humans should be the product of gene combination and transformation.

"...I doubt this too." Xu Ying sighed.

"But... the monster's mother returned to us after giving birth to that monster. At that time, her whole body was almost insane, but from her mouth, we learned that... at least she should experience it. She has experienced it all, and that monster was indeed born by her, as for whether she was subjected to any experiments during this period... we don't know."

"It's just..." Xu Xin took a deep breath.

He couldn't imagine how desperate that woman's experience was.

You know, that monster, he would feel nauseous just looking at it...


"What does a normal monster look like?" Xu Xin asked immediately.

Since the monster is of mixed blood, it must have a different appearance from a normal monster, right?

"Normal monsters...look hardly human in any way."

Xu Ying glanced out of the window again, as if she was worried that a monster would attack her suddenly from outside.

"I'm a little hard to say what they look like. Well... that is, monsters have many limbs, each of which is as flexible as human hands, with eyes that are completely different from human beings all over the body, and a mouth for eating on the head... Or mouthparts?"

Xu Ying thought for a while, and finally gave up explaining, shaking her head, "I can't explain it, I can't explain it, I'll find out when you see it yourself."

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

This is really outrageous when you think about it, is it really Cthulhu...

"However, to be honest, to me, although those monsters do look scary, from the perspective of physical disgust... this time this monster looks disgusting!"

"This time it's more disgusting? Why?"

"Because those are monsters in the first place, isn't it normal for monsters to look scary?" Xu Ying gestured with her hands, "But this monster has some similarities with humans in appearance, and it can really arouse people's attention. The deepest fear in human beings... For example, those eyes, you have seen them too, they all

It's human eyes! "

human eyes?

Xu Xin's eyes widened slightly.


The monster's body is indeed full of human eyes!

If you look at one eye alone, it is the shape and size of a human eye, the eyeball and pupil of a human eye!

"Although other monsters have eyes all over their bodies, they are their own eyes, which are very different from human eyes. You won't know that they are eyes unless you look carefully, so even if they are all over their bodies, they won't let you go. People feel sick. But this monster! This monster!"

Xu Ying rolled her throat, covered her mouth, and waited for two seconds before showing a disgusted and disgusted expression: "That monster has human eyes all over its body. When I first saw that monster, I almost cried in fright! It’s so disgusting!”

This... is really very uncomfortable.

If the monster had flies' eyes all over its body, its horror and disgust would probably drop a notch.

After all, it is a monster, and it is normal to have weird things on its body.

And it is precisely because it has human characteristics, these familiar characteristics, but it happens to grow in an incorrect and completely unfamiliar position, which makes people feel doubly frightened.

For example, when a person's eyes grow at the position of the mouth, the mouth grows at the position of the nose, and the nose grows at the forehead, is such a face scary?

Horrible of course.

Much scarier than a tiger.

Although there is nothing wrong with each of the five sense organs individually, it looks like an extremely frightening monster as a whole.

It's just a ghost!

And now Xu Xin finally understood that that monster actually gave him such a feeling.

The eyes are human eyes, but there are such eyes all over the body, they are still blinking, and they can also turn the angle of view with the line of sight.

Its arms are also significantly longer than its legs, giving the impression that...

The arm is where the leg is, the leg... is where the arm is.

Using the most familiar elements of human beings, they pieced together a messy monster.

This is the monster!

"Also, that guy's attitude towards humans was extremely disgusting for a while! Many of us died at its hands."

Xu Ying recalled what happened back then, with a somewhat irritable expression on her face.

"That guy really caused us a lot of trouble. If it weren't for the fact that the monsters still needed us at that time, and it was stipulated that they could not attack us, it would have driven us to death..."

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

Xu Xin's eyes moved: "But now, it seems to be raising humans? It has also learned human languages ​​and communicated with humans."

"I don't understand this." Xu Ying also had a puzzled expression on her face, "I don't know what that monster is thinking. It also changed its attitude towards us a few times."

"But when the space-time collapsed, it hadn't appeared in front of us for at least ten years. To be honest, I even forgot about it before today."

Afterwards, Xu Ying grabbed Xu Xin's arm again and looked at him solemnly: "However, anyway, it is a very dangerous monster, and from my experience, it is very moody. , don't provoke it!

Brother, don't go out of Crystal City before the World Tree grows, and tell your companions not to go out of the city recently.

You can share things about monsters as you like, but don’t tell others about the base of the underground world, everything will be discussed after the World Tree grows!

After the World Tree grows, I will come again. With the protection of the World Tree, your territory should be stabilized, and I can take you to and from the base of the underground world! "

"Are you going back?" Xu Xin grabbed her hand holding her arm, "Are you leaving now?"

"Well, my sister-in-law is still waiting for me below, and..." Xu Ying felt a little worried.

Tiredly, "I've also told you the following situation, it's very complicated, I can't leave for too long."

Just after leaving for a short while, something happened around the villa.

She was afraid that Xu Xin would be worried, so she didn't dare to say this.

"Okay...then let me ask the last question. Are you the one who left the seed of the world tree? And what is the tree house we live in?" Xu Xin asked.

Hearing Xu Xin's question, Xu Ying's expression became a little embarrassed: "Actually, I'm also at a loss now."

"...The tree house seeds are indeed something we have researched, but at that time they were only given to those people that our organization sent to the future. There are about 20,000 people, definitely not as many as now, and there are millions of survivors in one batch. There are also tree house seeds…”

"Is that so..." Xu Xin stroked her chin.

"As for the World Tree seed, this is our most successful seed. It has complicated abilities, so I won't say more." Xu Ying glanced out of the window again, and then said, "These things need to wait until the World Tree grows. Come experience it yourself."

"As for why the monsters on the other hemisphere have so many World Trees... the same as the tree house seeds, I also don't know. Well, I'll stop here, brother, I have to go back!"

As she spoke, she shook off Xu Xin's hand and stepped on it.

A purple-black vortex was formed under her feet, and then she blinked at Xu Xin: "I'm leaving!"


She fell into the whirlpool.

The vortex disappeared the instant she disappeared, leaving only the textured wooden floor.

Xu Xin sighed helplessly.

Yingying her... But this really comes and goes like a shadow.

However, this meeting really proved his many conjectures, and he also learned too many things.

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

He raised his hand and glanced at the time.

It was already six o'clock in the morning.

They should have all woken up, right?

Well... it's time for a meeting within the Explorers.

"Why hasn't Yingying come back yet..." Li Wenxi said to herself while lying by the window, looking at the busy traffic in the city.

This period of time is indeed difficult.

She didn't know if there was any danger outside, and she didn't dare to go out, so she could only wait boringly in the villa.

"This villa is really clean, not even a book." She counted the cars on the elevated road below the mountain boredly, "Three hundred and seventy-eight... three hundred and seventy-nine... There are quite a few cars here."

At this time, a purple-black light lit up behind her.

She looked back immediately and saw Xu Ying standing behind her.

"Sister-in-law! Are you okay?" Xu Ying rushed over as soon as she came out, grabbed Li Wenxi's shoulders with both hands, and looked her up and down, "Are you okay?"

"Ah?" Li Wenxi was taken aback by Xu Ying's sudden agitation, "However, there seems to be someone outside this villa..."

"I know this, so I hurried back." Xu Ying looked out the window, gritted her teeth, "Fortunately, you didn't go out."

"What do you mean?" Li Wenxi's heart skipped a beat.

"Outside... there's more than one guy, and they're all waiting outside." Xu Ying opened the window abruptly, and shouted to the outside, "Hey! A bunch of unplanted ones! Come out? Why did my aunt and grandma treat her like a turtle when she came back?" already?"

But what responded to her was only a slight wind outside.

"Huh." She snorted softly, and slammed the window shut with a "snap", "A bunch of cowards."

Li Wenxi felt a little nervous after hearing her words.

"More than one person?" She swallowed, her eyes widened. "You mean, I was just surrounded by a group of people trying to figure things out?"

Thinking of the eyes peeking out from the gap in the curtains, and thinking that there are many people like that outside...

She suddenly felt scared.


Fortunately she didn't

Dare to open the window!

"At first I thought there was only one person." Xu Ying pulled Li Wenxi to the bed and sat down, "And that person left after a while, so I didn't think the situation was urgent, but later…"

"A lot of people came later?" Li Wenxi asked, staring into her eyes.

"Yeah." Xu Ying nodded, "I can perceive the space around this area no matter where I am. Just a few minutes ago, I noticed that this place suddenly came... There should be seven people, and, Everyone surrounded the window of your bedroom, so I hurried back, luckily you didn't open the window!"

a few minutes ago?

Outside the bedroom window?

"I... I've been looking out the window, and there's no one outside the window..." Li Wenxi's voice was a little unconfident.

"Well, they're all in places you can't see." Xu Ying looked out the window and sneered, "Do you think you're Spider-Man or a gecko? They're all hanging on the wall."

"Oh my's really like this!" Li Wenxi looked towards the window, then quickly looked away, "It's really what I imagined..."

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

"When I just came back, I didn't come in directly, but teleported outside."

Xu Ying pointed out the window, then bit her nails, and said with some distress: "Those guys seem to know my ability. I came back very quickly, so I was very careful not to make a sound, but I still saw them only saw two shadows. This group of people ran really fast!"

"So, are these people... the lackeys you mentioned before?" Li Wenxi calmed down and asked.

"Well, it should be. Even if it's not, they are those people trained by lackeys." Xu Ying rubbed her brows, very distressed, "It's annoying, it's really annoying! Now, no one can believe it ?"

Li Wenxi was also a little tired and said: "Yeah, since they have been laid out for so many years, maybe their eyeliner is everywhere."

Can no one believe it...

"Well... I think Wei Shishi can be trusted, right?" Xu Ying thought for a while and said, "She has never treated me very well. If she is also a member of the lackeys, then she should try to get close to me. Bar."

"I don't think there's anything wrong with her either. But..."

Li Wenxi hesitated for a moment, then said, "There may be something wrong with that Wei Bai."

Xu Ying pursed her lips: "I have to ask Wei Shishi clearly why she is so hostile to me, her parents, and Wei Bai's matter..."

"She should know a lot of things we don't! She must be told!"

(end of this chapter)