MTL - Starting Off With A Blacksmith Workshop-v2 Chapter 375 fly to earth

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An asteroid with a diameter of one kilometer is being dragged towards the earth, which means that the asteroid has not yet approached the earth.

If the people on the earth at this moment know that there is such a large star flying towards the earth, they will definitely panic. After all, this is something that can restart the earth directly if they are not careful.

Not long ago, after the asteroid exploration team and the six aerospace planes that came to support parted ways, the exploration team had already begun the next mission, dragging the resource asteroid back to Earth.

After another month from Venus to the middle of the asteroid, they finally came to the edge of the asteroid from Venus. The asteroid in front of them was still the same as when they left the previous time, and there was no change in meaning.

With the previous experience of dragging asteroids, the dragging of this valuable asteroid was quite smooth this time, and there were no other problems in the middle.

The asteroid is so obedient, being dragged obediently towards the earth like a little lolita.

And the six aerospace planes that came to support before this, after parting ways, immediately flew towards the earth, without any time delay on the way.

In fact, the astronauts on the five aerospace fighters have been in such a small space for more than a full month. Except for certain occasions, they can move their bodies to a limited extent, and at other times they have no ability to move their bodies. space for activities.

They were rushing towards the earth at high speed, and their speed was also increased to the fastest. After another month passed, the six aerospace planes finally rushed back to the earth.

When they rushed back to the earth, the astronauts on the five aerospace fighters were getting off the plane. Almost all five of them had the same reaction.

They were restrained in a small space, and they were about to go crazy. After a frenzied activity, the five of them asked for papers from their comrades around them almost at the same time.

A suggestion that aerospace fighters are not suitable for traveling, was submitted by their subordinates, not to mention other things, whether it is really staying in a space where activities are not open for a long time, or just being alone, that feeling is too much tormented.

The higher authorities all agree with the suggestions submitted by the five of them, but for them, there was no other way for the last mission, otherwise Kyushu would not have dispatched air and space fighters to support it.

As for the aerospace plane that landed at the back, the astronauts on it had nothing mentally and psychologically, and the two planes also showed their advantages and disadvantages at this time.

It's not that aerospace planes have such a big advantage, but it's just because of their different positioning that the current situation has happened.

After the astronauts came back, they were all arranged to rest. According to the diagnosis of psychological experts, although there was nothing wrong with them, it would take about a month to recover. I took a short vacation.

And in the Kyushu Space Agency, a large number of experts were called together, all of them were studying the space plane, and recorded video data on Venus before.

How the entire asteroid passes through the atmosphere of Venus, and finally how the asteroid is placed on Venus smoothly by the aerospace plane, all of this is under the study of experts.

There is also a scientist among them. After watching these video materials, there is still a sense of gratitude in his heart. He is thankful that the technology he lives in is so advanced that he can see such a grand event.

The activities in space are still going on, and all the scientific research projects on Mars are going very smoothly. The asteroid exploration team is also dragging the asteroid and rushing towards the earth. It is estimated that there will be more than a month. A resource asteroid can be dragged back to the earth by them.

While all this is going on as usual, Li Zhenhua's travel plan around Kyushu is also being implemented, and now he has traveled all the outer circles of Kyushu, and is starting to move towards the inner circle of Kyushu.

During their journey, the little chestnut was only a small one at the beginning, and now it has grown more than a circle compared to when they set off.

Little Lizi almost grew up during this trip. Li Zhenhua and his family of three just came out of a hot pot restaurant that day. The idea of ​​the end popped up.

After thinking about it carefully, he realized that they had been out for almost two years without knowing it since they set off, and Xiao Lizi was almost five years old now, and it was time for them to go back, not to mention other little Lizi It should also be of school age.

After Li Yun put the little chestnut to sleep at night, Li Zhenhua and Li Yun got together to discuss it. The two reached a consensus on this issue with almost no special discussion.

After they reached a consensus, early the next morning, they informed Ning Wei and the others of their upcoming schedule, and then they set off, directly on the expressway in the mountain city, and headed for Dongshan Province .

Li Zhenhua started the way home, and the asteroid exploration team also dragged the asteroid on the way.

Asteroids are flying towards the earth in the vast cosmic space, and the aerospace plane has opened the anti-gravity force field to the maximum, and the speed at which they drag the asteroid is also increasing.

In the blink of an eye, nearly a month passed, and the exploration team on Mars also left Mars and embarked on a journey home. The time for their exploration on Mars this time has come, and the materials carried on the plane have been almost consumed, so they set off.

Everything on the earth is going on as usual today, and this day is no different from usual, Lao Miao is doing things around the world in a low-key manner.

The relationship between Da Mao and Er Mao has also ended long ago, but they are still wrangling, and it is Er Mao who is hurt the most, and Er Mao as a whole is half smaller than before the conflict.

The structure of other countries in the world remains the same as before, the only thing that has changed is their attitude towards Kyushu.

Some countries can no longer afford to quarrel with Kyushu. Although Kyushu did not take any action against them on the surface, they are afraid of becoming the second best.

In addition to the old mold who is still doing things non-stop, they are investing the most in spaceflight, returning to the moon, Mars exploration, asteroid exploration and so on.

As long as it is a project carried out by Kyushu, they all follow up.

It's just that a lot of money has been spent, but the effect received is not much.

Let’s talk about the plan of returning to the moon first. The manned spaceflight technology used is still the launch vehicle. If you want to go back and forth between the earth and the moon by aerospace planes like Kyushu, there is still a long way to go. to go.

It's just that they have already begun to develop nuclear-powered launch vehicles. Although they still can't keep up with Kyushu's aerospace planes technically, they have made great progress.

However, it is precisely because of the use of nuclear power that the volume of the launch vehicle has become even larger. Anyway, the old mold still has a long way to catch up in technology.

On the International Space Station in the outer space orbit of the earth, an astronaut is boredly checking the surrounding cosmic environment with the observation equipment on the space station, but just this simple glance makes him look like a dead soul .

what did he see He actually saw an asteroid with a diameter of one kilometer flying towards their position, and the flying speed was extremely fast.

At the beginning, he thought it was because he was delusional, but after rubbing his eyes, after repeated confirmation, he confirmed that he was right. There is really an asteroid with a diameter of 1,000 meters flying towards the earth. .

Moreover, the distance between the asteroid and the earth is very close, which makes him feel extremely scared. Such an asteroid hits the earth at such a speed, and the consequences are unbearable for all countries , this is a crisis of annihilation.

The astronaut immediately reported his discovery to the ground, and NASA and other space agencies on the ground became dumbfounded after receiving the information sent back from the space station.

And this scare is great, why is there such a large asteroid about to hit the earth all of a sudden?

At this time, they also realized that since the rise of Kyushu's aerospace technology, all their energy has been put into monitoring Kyushu's movements in space, so they didn't pay attention to other earths at all. cosmic environment.

Nassar and other space agencies urgently confirmed the messages sent back from the space station. All the observation equipments were looking at the coordinates of the asteroid. There really was an asteroid flying towards the earth.

And according to the flight trajectory of the asteroid, the asteroid will definitely collide with the earth, and the asteroid is flying towards the earth as if aiming at it, and it is flying directly towards the earth.

The Revenant, their current state is that of the Revenant, and they still have a deep sense of powerlessness, how should they solve this matter? Their current attack methods simply cannot perfectly deal with the approaching asteroid.

Their method is nothing more than using missiles to attack asteroids, smashing kilometer-long asteroids into many small pieces in space, but there is another problem, that is, the range of their missiles is not that long at all. Far.

Even if the asteroid is crushed near the earth, it will definitely have a huge impact on the earth.

Feeling powerless, Nassar and other institutions quickly reported their discovery, and all countries were stunned when they received this information from space.

How to live well, suddenly there is such a crisis of annihilation, if this is hit by an asteroid, the earth will really be over.

After these countries received the information, they immediately got together to study a response plan, and Nassar and other institutions are also using more advanced observation equipment to observe asteroids, which is the only thing they can do at present.

When all the countries got together to discuss this issue through a video conference, they discovered a big advantage. They did not invite Kyushu to this meeting.

That behemoth in Kyushu that is the most advanced in aerospace technology, they didn’t invite them to discuss it quickly. They were not notified.

You can doubt Kyushu's various industries, but you can't doubt Kyushu's achievements in the aerospace field, especially after Kyushu's aerospace plane was launched and put into use, Kyushu's aerospace field is that all other countries cannot catch up with Kyushu.

And just when the heads of these countries got together for a meeting, they didn't think about how to solve the asteroid issue, but they all thought about how to contact Kyushu.

At the same time, Nassar called out his most advanced space observation equipment, and immediately locked it on the asteroid that was flying towards the earth.

But it didn't matter, but it made them discover a particularly frightening thing, that is, just in front of the asteroid, there was a flying object that was also flying towards the earth.

Seeing that the size of the flying object was calculated to be only 30 meters in size, such a discovery made them immediately search in their minds for any known flying objects on the earth that fit.

Immediately after this thought, Kyushu's aerospace plane appeared in their minds, and some people couldn't help asking themselves, could this be Kyushu's aerospace plane?

Secretly lost his mind for a while, while he was still in a daze, the meeting finally discussed why Kyushu, which has the most advanced aerospace technology, did not inform them of the news that the asteroid was about to hit the earth?

They would never believe that if Kyushu hadn't found a kilometer-level asteroid flying towards the earth, even if no one in the world could find this asteroid, it would definitely not be Kyushu.

Just when the leaders of the countries were thinking of ways and excuses to bring Kyushu in, Nassar sent them a message that they had just discovered that there was a suspected Kyushu aerospace plane in front of the asteroid~www.novelbuddy .com~ After seeing the latest discovery of Nassar, the doubts in their hearts were finally solved.

They finally knew why Kyushu did not find the asteroid that was flying towards the earth. It is very likely that this is what Kyushu is doing. The asteroid is flying towards the earth. It is very likely that it is because of Kyushu of.

After thinking of this, all the leaders breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. Their mentality at the moment is that kind. If something happens, a tall person will stand on top of it, and they won't be able to hit them at all.

Many leaders breathed a sigh of relief, but there was also an unknown fire in their hearts against Kyushu. Although it is not yet certain whether Kyushu did it, their emotions have all affected Kyushu.

PS: The state is not very good recently, and I still owe you four chapters, and I will try to make up for it in the next few days!

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