MTL - Steady Development From Douluo-Chapter 10 Su Xun's black belly

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   Chapter 10 Su Xun's Black Belly

   For the black-level task of defeating Zao Wou-Ki, although Su Xun was greedy for points, it was not worth exposing all his cards.

   With one more hole card, one more point of safety. Points cannot be earned, but there is only one life.

   In a word, not worth it!

   As for defeating all those who participated in the assessment, Su Xun had no plans to do so. Tang San was not easy to deal with, and even more difficult to deal with was his father, Su Xun didn't want to cause trouble.

   Zao Wou-Ki will be fine with this pot, he won't touch this bad head!

   As for Zao Wou-Ki, at this moment he didn't even know that he had been arranged by Su Xun, and he was still arranging others.

   "Old Li, tomorrow you will be in charge of the first test, the second test of spirit power and potential, Shao Xin, is your responsibility, and the third test will be handed over to the control department's Lao Lu!"

   After a slight pause, Zao Wou-Ki stood up with a slightly raised corner of his mouth, and said aggressively:

   "As for the fourth level, I will personally go out and choose a few monsters for the academy!"

   Hearing Zao Wou-Ki's words, Shao Xin and the others looked at each other in dismay, and then nodded in unison. There were only four of their teachers in the academy, and it was perfect for each of them to be responsible for one item.

   "Teacher Zhao, didn't you say that I was in charge of the fourth stage?" Dai Mubai said in confusion.

   As soon as the words came out, Dai Mubai felt a sharp gaze swept over his back, only to see Zao Wuji looking at him sideways, and said coldly:

   "What? Do you have an opinion?"

   "No opinion, no opinion!" Dai Mubai swallowed in fear, shaking his head faster than anything else.

   Su Xun and Dai Mubai left when dinner was over. Walking on, Dai Mubai seemed to have thought of something, and the corner of his mouth smiled, as if a man understood:

   "There's nothing to do at night anyway, why don't we go shopping in the city together?"

  Su Xun was not much older than them. The first day they met was supposed to be a good relationship. Oscar was absolutely embarrassed to refuse. Dai Mubai looked directly at Su Xun.

  He...respect what Su Xun meant!

   "You've already been there at noon, and now you're going again, isn't it too much fun?"

   Hearing Dai Mubai's words, Su Xun remembered Tang San and jokingly said.

   "Don't mention it, it's a pity!"

   From Su Xun's intriguing smile, Dai Mubai knew that the conversation at noon had been heard by the other party, shrugged his shoulders and sighed, without the slightest embarrassment on his face, but rather generous.

  Man, this is nothing!

  Su Xun: ….

  What a scumbag!

   No wonder so many author fathers want others to take away your Zhu Zhuqing, he deserves it!

  Su Xun felt that Zhu Zhuqing was worthless in his heart, but it's a pity that the beauties in the world... It's really unfortunate that I haven't met a good man like him!

   seems to have heard Su Xun's inner monologue, the system can't stand it anymore, and he complained without hesitation:

   "I've never seen such a brazen person!"

   "In my opinion, the host is going to kneel and lick the heroine again and embark on the road of the infinite harem!"

   "Fuck off! I don't want to die by myself!" Su Xun was furious.

   "Damn it! You are racing, the host, and the speed is too fast!" The system was shocked.

  Su Xun: ….

  This many seeds did you download by yourself? !

   "Do you think the author's father was scolded for opening the harem. How many episodes will he let me live?" Su Xun had a black line on his face.


  hs~ This question is very meaningful!

  Or...I send a few boxes of gold blades to beg for mercy?

  cough...that's too far!

   He didn't continue to argue with the system. Su Xun had his own understanding of what Dai Mubai was doing.

   But thinking about Tang San, Su Xun couldn't help but tentatively said:

   "Looks like you've met an interesting guy!"

  Dai Mubai was stunned for a moment, and looked at Su Xun with some surprise, wondering how he discovered this.

   "That's right! If you guessed correctly, the other party should have also come to sign up for Shrek Academy. That guy's strength is not bad, so passing the assessment shouldn't be a problem!" Dai Mubai replied truthfully.

   "Boss Dai, I don't know if the person you're talking about is a man or a woman?" Oscar's eyes lit up when he heard the newcomer, and he asked.

   "Of course it's a man, but with a beautiful woman beside you, don't even think about it!"

   Thinking of Tang San's strength, Dai Mubai couldn't help reminding Oscar.

   The strength of the other party's great soul master and himself are very impressive. After becoming a soul master, I am afraid that the strength will definitely not be weaker than himself. It is better not to provoke such a person, maybe he will become a classmate.

   "Your friend's wife can't be deceived, I'm not that kind of person!"

  Oscar looked righteous, and then sighed with some regret:

   "What a pity, I don't know when the college will be able to recruit more beautiful students."

   "Maybe tomorrow~"

  Su Xun smiled mysteriously, sneered inwardly, then looked at Dai Mubai and said:

   "Tomorrow is recruiting. Although Shrek Academy is poor, there must be some pomp!"

   "Mubai, go to the city and invite the two young ladies of etiquette to come over. The money spent is what I owe you, and it can be considered a gift to the academy after my retreat!"

   "Miss manners? Is it too exaggerated?" Oscar said with a strange expression.

   In his impression, only one sign is needed for college admissions. Where can there be more of these famous halls.

   "Senior is too polite, but it's just a little money, and it's for the sake of the college, where can the senior pay!"

  Dai Mubai was born as a prince after all, and he had seen the world, so he didn't reject it in the slightest. Although Shrek Academy was out of money on the outside, it was golden and jade inside, and there had to be some foil.

  In the past, the admissions were based on the appearance of the college. I don’t know how many people were dismissed. There are two hostesses, so I’m not afraid of being unattractive!

   As for money, Dai Mubai didn't really care. Finding two ceremonial beauties in Soto City couldn't be easier.

   "One yard is one yard, no one's money comes from the air, I'll pay you back for the money later!" Su Xun's tone was firm.

"it is good!"

   Seeing that Su Xun pays such attention to details and is arrogant, Dai Mubai is not forcing it, but he has a higher look at Su Xun in his heart.

   "Boss Dai, didn't you win a pair of twins recently?" Oscar reminded, pushing Dai Mubai's arm.

   "That's not bad! I can ask them to do me a favor!"

   Hearing this, Dai Mubai's eyes lit up, and he said with a smirk.

   It was a good thing that someone broke the last time, but this time it happened to be the best of both worlds.


   is the best of three worlds, firstly, having the Miss Manners, secondly, it is convenient for me to communicate with them, and thirdly, I sold another favor to Senior Su Xun.

   "That's it!"

   Satisfied with Oscar's divine assist, Su Xun nodded, his eyes swept across Dai Mubai's face with a smile, and then quickly left.

  Tomorrow, wait for a good show!


  The host is so black, the Lun family likes it!

roll! Don't ask me to do black-level tasks!


  Fucking ruthless!

   (end of this chapter)