MTL - Steady Development From Douluo-Chapter 217 Finish!

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   Chapter 217 is over!

  Xingluo Empire has been competing with Spirit Hall on the battlefield because of the establishment of a special army of body training exercises, without showing any disadvantage.

  Compared to the Star Luo Empire, the Heaven Dou Empire looked extremely strange.

   Due to the appearance of Su Xun, Wuhun Hall planned ahead, Emperor Xue Ye was poisoned directly, and Xue Qinghe ascended the throne.

   Qian Renxue, the daughter of the Pope of Wuhun Hall, ascended the throne. It was already obvious how the battle was going. The Tiandou Empire had fallen to the ground, and the voices of the empire's surrender were growing louder and louder.

  Ning Fengzhi also realized that something was wrong with Xue Qinghe, so he led the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect to leave the Heaven Dou Empire urgently, and settled down in the Star Luo Empire, and the two sides formed a wartime alliance.

   In addition, Tang Hao also returned to the Clear Sky School.

  As his injuries recovered, Tang Hao did not choose to compromise and ask for forgiveness. Instead, he returned with arrogance and suppressed the six titled Douluo elders with absolute strength.

  The Clear Sky Sect has always supported the Star Luo Empire. After the Continent Incident, they also organized most of the forces to resist in the Star Luo Empire.

   The addition of the two sects greatly strengthened the strength of the Star Luo Empire. Even the Spirit Empire was at a loss. The two sides were in a state of anxiety, and neither could win.

   There are more than a dozen Titled Douluo in the Spirit Hall, plus Bibi Dong's 98th-level Titled Douluo (that is, 98th, the latter is the limit, becoming a god), Qiandaoliu's 99th-level Limit Douluo.

  The Haotian Sect plus Tang Hao and Tang Xiao have a total of seven titled Douluos, two from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, one from the Star Luo Empire, plus Poison Douluo, making a total of eleven.

   This time, Qian Renxue did not start to inherit the Angel God because he had no setbacks, so Qian Daoliu and Tang Hao met head-on.

   Tang Hao was seriously injured, as was Qian Daoliu, but it was clear that the latter had the upper hand.

   The ring blasting magic skill is indeed very strong, but once used, it cannot be used again for a long time, and Tang Hao cannot make another shot.

   Qian Daoliu retracted back to the Spirit Hall to recover from his injuries, and handed over the battle to Bibi Dong. The situation was probably the best for her at this moment.

   "Listening to the news from the mainland, it seems that the mainland has launched a war."

   The scepter was thrown aside, Bo Saixi held Su Yunmeng in his arms, with a motherly smile on his face, teasing the child, and said casually.

   "No wonder these days are weird..."

   Hearing this, Su Xun was also taken aback.

   In the past few days, he has clearly felt that the power of faith in his body has decreased, but in terms of quality, it has become more refined.

  The war destroyed the organization of the Heaven and Earth Society, but the believers became more and more faithful in the war, expecting the appearance of the gods to end the war.

   "I've been here for more than two years, and it's time for me to go out and have a look." Su Xun looked at Leng Mengyao and the two, and whispered.

   "It's okay for the little guy to stay here, at least it's safe."

   Seeing that Su Xun did not intend to take Leng Mengyao and the others away, Bo Saixi nodded with satisfaction and continued to tease Su Yunmeng.

   "Baba, I'll go too..."

  Su Yunmeng struggled to come to Su Xun's side, staring at Su Xun with big eyes, full of anticipation.

  Su Xun: ….

  Little guy, you are so skinny!

   "Something big happened in the mainland, I need to go back and have a look."

   glanced at the two girls who were making something, Su Xun shrugged slightly and replied helplessly.

   Knowing the truth of the matter, although she was unwilling to worry, the two women did not stop her. With Su Xun's current strength, she was not afraid of anyone at all.

   That's right!

  Su Xun has now completed the task of the Seven Tests. In two years, Su Xun's current level is already a Title Douluo!

   Not only that, but by hunting the marine beasts and exchanging some of them in the system, Su Xun obtained a lot of spirit bones, and by fusing other spirit bones, Su Xun has raised all the remaining spirit bones to the 100,000-year-old level.

   It's just a pity that the level of the spirit bone has been increased, and the spirit ability has also been enhanced, but the spirit ability is still the same.

   The ninth spirit ring, Su Xun obtained a million-year spirit ring. Of course, it was not hunted by Su Xun, but a spirit ring bestowed by God.

  Su Xun's soul power at the moment has reached level 94, which includes the rewards of the assessment and the improvement of soul power brought by the fusion of soul bones.

   "System, exchange all the remaining points for me to cultivate."

   There are still more than 400,000 points left, and it is useless for Su Xun to keep it, so he directly converts it into a cultivation base at one time.

   Returning to the mainland this time, Su Xun intends to settle the matter of the gods and restore the mainland to its original appearance.

   "Why do I feel like you're getting stronger again?"

   glanced at Su Xun above his head, Xiaobai wondered.

   "It does become stronger." Su Xun nodded, not talking nonsense.

   "Be careful, you don't die."

  Xiaobai is Xiaobai, and if he speaks poisonous, Su Xun accepts a mouthful of poisonous milk and goes directly to the depths of the continent.

   After a trip to Tiandou City, Su Xun went to see Qian Renxue, but she was already a king at this moment.

   "How does it feel to be an emperor?"

  Su Xun's figure slowly appeared, Qian Renxue was also startled, and then calmed down immediately.

   With Su Xun's strength, she believes that she will not be an opponent.

   "It's really comfortable being the emperor, do you want to try it?"

   There was no fear on his face, Xue Qinghe joked with a smile, but his face was a little bitter.

   got her wish to control the entire Heaven Dou Empire, but found that what she needed was not actually this, or in other words, she had hatred in her heart.

   "Your mother was originally in love with the master, and your father was your mother's teacher. In order to stop all this, he defiled your mother, so he had you later."

   "So, you understand what happened to you, and Bibi Dong is just revenge for all this."

  Under Qian Renxue's shocked gaze, Su Xun slowly told the truth, then left the hall and came to Shrek Academy.

   In the same way, Su Xun also told the master about the matter. The master who knew the truth was lost, and most of the original hatred for Bibi Dong disappeared in an instant.

   However, the matter of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect was a thorn in his heart, and together with Liu Erlong, the two of them would definitely not have a good chance.

  I want to see you again, just treat it as a deceased person, it is already the best ending!

   Ten days later, Su Xun Yu Xingluo Empire, with all the faith in the world, swears to the sky, breaks the shackles of the 99th-level Limit Douluo, becomes a **** on the spot, and respects the "East God"!

   For a time, the mainland shook, and the whole world was shocked!

   The matter of Wuhun Hall was directly suppressed by Su Xun, and Qian Daoliu was also imprisoned in Wuhun Hall by Su Xun with divine power.

  After seeing the master, Pope Bibi Dong's hatred disappeared but he was also disheartened. He left alone, went north, and was never seen again.

   As for Qian Renxue, he also gave up the throne of the Heaven Dou Empire. He did not know where he went, and the new king was pushed to the stage.

   Wuhun Hall has completely become a thing of the past. A powerful organization has risen, and no one can compete with it, the Heaven and Earth Society.

  This is the end!

   Extra, follow-up…

   (end of this chapter)