MTL - Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script-Chapter 114 ZANGKOMLU

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The students waited until the class started, but Lin Baizhu didn't show up.

After another ten minutes, the teaching assistant ran over with a hurried look and told everyone to study for this class.

"You can register to borrow the weapons you want to practice from the weapon warehouse, and then use the time of this class to practice freely."

"Is Teacher Lin really not coming?"

Compared with free practice, the students are more sad that today is another day when they will not see Lin Baizhu.

"Teacher Lin has something to do temporarily." The teaching assistant took out the record book, "Don't be lazy just because Teacher Lin is not here, she will come to check the practice results in the next class."

"Oh... got it..."

The students walked forward one by one to choose weapons with reluctant steps.

Yan Yu didn't even think about it, chose a medium-weight bow, took the matching wooden arrows and stood in front of the ten-meter target.

After accumulating enough points in Posse, she bought the Poyun bow in the system mall, tried a few arrows in Soul Realm, let alone being accurate, it was difficult for her to hold the bow for a long time, so she planned to Take this opportunity to start practicing with some basic bows.

"Practice the bow?" Yin Beiqing had nothing to do in the crowd with his hands empty.

Of course the teaching assistant also noticed this, but he hesitated for a long time, but he still couldn't speak to persuade him.

How should I put it, if you look at it from a distance, you can tell that it is an ancestor who is not easy to mess with. After all, when Lin Baizhu taught in person before, she could sit on the reclining chair beside her and listen with a relaxed expression.

"Yeah." Yan Yu put on an arrow and slowly drew the bow. Her long hair combed up high and her serious side face lined up gave her a somewhat heroic look.

Before she could shoot the arrow, Yin Beiqing stepped forward and covered her palm, "The posture is wrong."

"How?" Yan Yu studied with an open mind, and the experience of being teased by Yin Beiqing in the past has been forgotten.

"Both toes should face forward, and the center of gravity should be on the sole of the forefoot." Yin Beiqing is not much taller than Yan Yu, and his lips can reach the tips of her ears by slightly lowering his head. The distance between the words is a bit too close, but neither of them seems to have much in common Consciously, "The focus of the bow with the left hand is not right."

Yan Yu put all her heart on the bow, and didn't notice anything wrong with the ambiguous posture of sticking close at all. She readjusted according to Yin Beiqing's demonstration, pushed the thenar up, and turned her head to ask, "This..."

She didn't finish her sentence because she felt the warmth from the corner of her eyes, which was the temperature of Yin Beiqing's lips that she was very familiar with.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to turn your head suddenly." Yin Beiqing's apology combined with Pingping's tone seemed insincere.

She did not expect Yan Yu's movement of turning her head in advance, but according to her reflexes, it is actually not difficult to avoid the touch.

Just don't want to do that.


Yan Yu glanced around unconsciously, and found that everyone was practicing very seriously, and no one noticed their small movements.

"Afraid of being seen?" Yin Beiqing asked, "Is there any rules and regulations for you goddesses, you can't get too close to people like us in front of people."

Yan Yu didn't answer this question, but his sideways glance without anger or prestige had already made someone take back the words consciously.

"Even if there are such regulations, it's too late to pay attention now."

"Yes." Yin Beiqing lowered his head and bit her earlobe lightly, as if provoking her on purpose, "It's too late to regret it now."

"Teaching or not?" Yan Yu raised her hand to push her face away, keeping a safe distance where her heart wouldn't throb.

Some people, once clingy, are even more seductive than that vixen.

"Teach, why not teach." Yin Beiqing took her hand holding the bow again, "This is my honor."

"Hand posture, right?"

"That's right." Yin Beiqing nodded, "Don't set your target too high, try shooting an arrow first."

"En." Yan Yu replied softly, pulling back his right elbow, aiming the arrow at the target in front of him.

Yin Beiqing stood behind her and looked out with her, as if his eyes had turned into sharp arrows and shot into the air.

With a sound of "咻—", the arrow just passed the edge of the third ring.

The corners of Yin Beiqing's lips twitched slightly, "It's great."

Yan Yu Songsong's palms were sore and limp due to too much force, and he was a little unsuitable for Yin Beiqing's teaching style with sudden changes in painting style.

"You might as well focus on my shortcomings as before."

"Novices will inevitably make small mistakes. This is not a shortcoming. You learn things quickly, and you won't even stay in this unskilled stage for too long."

"..." To be honest, Yan Yu's hair stood on end.

I guess I was verbally abused by this person a lot before, and I'm not used to shooting a three-ring shot without listening to a few words of scolding.

"Okay, then I will keep this grade until Lin Baizhu comes to check and accept the next class. When she asks, I will say that you taught it."

"There are still some small problems." Someone suddenly changed the subject, and tapped his index finger three fingers up from Yan Yu's waist, "When drawing the bow, don't fall your upper body backwards, try to keep upright, the core must stable."

"Okay." Yan Yu modified the way of drawing the bow, and as the intensity of practice increased, the state gradually improved.

Seeing that she was practicing seriously, Yin Beiqing stood aside consciously and found a place with dense trees. While enjoying the shade, he took out a red date from his sleeve that he didn't know where to find, threw one into his mouth and ate it.

"Well, classmate Yin, how are you?" The pretty girl walked up to Yin Beiqing with a shy smile, "Just now I watched you teach classmate Yan how to practice arrows, you seem to be very good at it?"

Yin Beiqing looked at him with a cold face, turned his eyes away in less than half a second, and then stuffed another date into his mouth without answering.

That girl should be familiar with her character, and almost expected to be treated like this, because she was mentally prepared, so she was not discouraged at all, and tried to squeeze out a smile, "I want to learn bow too, can you teach me too?" I?"

The freckles on the girl's face look especially good when she shows a sunny smile. It's the kind of look that will improve your mood after a long time.

"No." Yin Beiqing tilted his head and spat out the date pit in his mouth.

"Ah... Is it inconvenient for you." Girls still feel disappointed when they are directly rejected like this, she pulled the corners of her mouth, "Sorry to bother you, I'd better ask classmate Yan."

Yin Beiqing's eyes followed her fingers and fell back to Yan Yu's body. On the other side, she made rapid progress and unknowingly shot ten rings three times. There were two or three classmates who took advantage of the break to watch the excitement.

I don't know if it's the reason why she tied her hair up to reveal her slender snow neck, which is rare today, or it's because of the aura of her identity as a "goddess". There are other people who secretly cast admiring gazes in the distance.

"Goddess is awesome!"

"Is it really the first time to practice? You are too talented!"

"You're so handsome, can student Yan teach me too, I'm suddenly interested in bow practice too!"

Yan Yu turned a deaf ear to the sounds around her and practiced until her hands were so sore that she couldn't lift the bow before putting down the bow.

Before the left hand that was going to get the water was stretched out, the water was held and handed to the eyes. Yan Yu raised his head to look at the person who came, and then took it.

"Why are you here? Why don't you show off?"

Yin Beiqing crossed her arms and stood behind her like a door god, using her back to shield her from those stares that made her feel extremely uncomfortable, "Don't bask in the sun."

Yan Yu looked left and right, only to realize that the people who surrounded him just now had disappeared long ago.

She was so devoted to practice that she didn't even remember when the quietness returned to her ears, and she noticed someone's lips pursed into a straight line, and finally came back to it.

"Unhappy again?"

"My face has always been like this."

"Really." A smile appeared in Yan Yu's eyes, and he pinched Yin Beiqing's face with his fingers and raised it, as if he wanted to force a smile for her.

Seeing the other party's obvious unwillingness but unable to refuse, the smile on her face deepened.

"Nonsense, obviously there are also cute moments."

The author has something to say:

hey happy tuesday

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-10-11 21:00:22~2021-10-12 21:00:22~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: Sixteen, Diaozi Jie Jiechan, Luo Zhizi, Little Dinosaur Chong Chong Chong, Changkong Juyue, Yuye 1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: Little Dinosaur Chong Chong Chong, 24 bottles of Santu Riverside; Changkong Juyue, Sylvanas, Xiong Xiaohei and Ukulele, 20 bottles of Sniper Ren; Wu 10 bottles; Annie, Feng 7 bottles; 6 bottles of luminous bricks; 5 bottles of Akiyama Mio; 4 bottles of zoe; 2 bottles of ink; 1 bottle of Qian Fan Guo, Jing Chu, 41828676, and Shi Mo;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!