MTL - Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script-Chapter 115 SAKUNLIN

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After the free exercise class ended, Yan Yu took a detour to the main building, found the classroom office, and politely raised her hand to knock on the door.


The office door was ajar, and when you opened it, you could see only one teacher inside, with her head lowered and a magnifying glass in her left hand, studying ancient books.

"Look for a teacher."

"You." Yan Yu walked to her with the things in his hands and handed them out, "I'm here to return your materials. These Zhou Cun's research notes have helped me a lot, thank you."

"En." Only then did the woman recognize Yan Yu's face, took the note and stuffed it into the drawer without even reading it.

this student is not

After a while, the woman raised her head and looked at Yan Yu who was still standing there, "What's the matter?"

Yan Yu stared at her face, always feeling an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but she couldn't say it.

"I've attended your class so many times, and I still don't know your name."

"Zhou Xun." The woman looked away, not wanting to talk more.

"Okay, then don't bother Teacher Zhou." Yan Yu went out and closed the door for her.

"What's the matter?" Sensing Yan Yu's strange expression, Yin Beiqing walked up.

"No." Yan Yu shook his head, put aside the unreasonable guesses in his head, and brought the topic to Yin Beiqing, "How are you preparing for the selection competition?"

"It's just an entry test, do you need special preparation?" Yin Beiqing said in a flat tone.

"Okay, as long as you have confidence."

That being said, it is not easy to qualify for the trials.

First of all, you have to pass the entrance exams of the two most difficult colleges in the Kingdom of Jin, and you have to break through layers of screening to successfully apply for the upper school's exorcism team. The last and most difficult point is to get enough exorcism points.

In other words, those who have reached this level are no longer fledgling novice spirit masters, at least they have their own set of systematic methods for killing evil spirits.

Some people have struggled for this for several years, and every point is the crystallization of sweat and blood. They regard the trials as an exam to change their fate, and they are willing to give their all for this.

It's certainly rare to see people like the kind of people who join the team for half a semester and don't do shit, and then suddenly come out one day to get a devil's mission, and collect enough points in a few days.

The two walked down the stairs and met Ling Qi, whom they hadn't seen for a long time, Yan Yu turned slightly to let her pass, but her arm directly blocked her.

"Student Yan Yu, can I have a word with you?"

"She's not free." Yin Beiqing grabbed Yan Yu's wrist and wanted to leave, but was stopped by the latter.

Yan Yu looked at Ling Qi, "What's the matter, just tell me."

Ling Qi pursed her lips, stretched out her clenched right arm, and stretched it out in front of Yan Yu's eyes. Lying on her palm were the ear buttons that they had taken off for the retreat a few weeks ago, but the ear buttons The color has been changed from white to cyan.

"Senior, I don't understand what you mean." Yan Yu fixed her gaze on each other.

"I would like to ask you and your friends to return to the Despiriting Squad, we need you."

Even though she had a sincere expression, Yan Yu still didn't answer, and replied with a faint smile, "It's only been such a short time, senior should not forget that there is a reason why we chose to quit the Exorcism Squad."

Her attitude is very clear, the fundamental problem has not been solved, and it is useless to say anything.

"If a member is completely voluntary, he can hand over his spirit removal points to his teammates who are on the mission together." Ling Qi seemed to be prepared, "This is the rule just established by the Red Pavilion. continue to use."

"As far as I remember, there is no precedent for Yuling to re-employ a retired spirit master."

"Now we have it." Ling Qi held the earbuds hand forward, and continued, "One more thing, the rules of this year's selection competition have come down, the first round selection adopts the team point system, and the two schools will eliminate Members of the spirit team other than the candidate himself will fight to compete for points for the candidates of our school."

It turned out to be waiting here.

A flash of understanding flashed across Yan Yu's eyes, "You clearly know that this is an offer we cannot refuse, so why pretend to be so polite."

"Then you should also know that I am not so polite to everyone." Ling Qi said something.

She has always only had a good face towards the strong, and she has double standards clearly, but this trait is not exclusive to her alone, most people in the Jin Kingdom have this mentality.

Moreover, Yan Yu also knew that because of her deceased imperial master mother, Ling Qi had a good impression of this profession of beast masters since she was a child.

Mother is her only weakness.

"I'll take the earbuds." Yan Yu grabbed the things into his pocket, "I'll leave other gossip to seniors."

"Don't worry, Teacher Yu will help you deal with it."

"Really." Yan Yu raised the corner of his mouth, "Then I can rest assured."


Breaking through the layers of bamboo forest, a two-story bamboo building stands in the depths of few people. There is a golden python with a whole body wrapped around the tall bamboo, staring straight into the distance. He seemed to be waiting for someone to show up.

Gradually, a figure appeared by the lake in the distance. The woman simply put a long blue dress on her body, her two snow-white arms were exposed outside, and her skin and hair were dripping with water.

Every time she took a step, water droplets would fall along with the crisp bells on her feet, and then be buried in the soil and disappear.

"Guihao, come down." Yu Fusang beckoned it down.

As soon as the golden python letter was received, it immediately dodged behind her. Only then did Yu Fusang take out a water-stained jade pendant from his bosom, and held it up in the air.

Her slender eyes narrowed into a slit, and she saw the word "ke" engraved on the back of the jade pendant against the light, "Dirty people want to leave a mark wherever they go, just like animals who like to urinate to occupy territory, but But I don't have the brain to think about it, even if this thing is stamped with her marks all over, what doesn't belong to her is still not, Guihao, are you right?"

"You're right, Master." Jin Mang twisted his body and answered her words.

"Fool, you can only say that you are right." Yu Fusang smiled slightly, but his eyes darkened a little bit, "This kind of thing is really dirty even just looking at it."

As she spoke, she directly threw the jade pendant into the air, squeezed it lightly with her palm, and smashed it into pieces in the air.

The powder of the jade pendant was blown away by the wind, and in a split second, the originally clear sky suddenly blew up with a strong wind, and the bamboo was blown upside down.

A cloud of black mist transformed from the "corpse" of the jade pendant, it rose slowly, and two red dots lit up at the eyes.

"Stupid." Its voice was low, as if it had been brewed for decades, and it said with a mocking smile, "Do you know that only by holding that token can I obey orders?"

Yu Fusang's hair remained motionless against her back in the strong wind, and among the swaying bamboos, she was the only one whose body was as straight as a sea-fixing needle, "The trash needs that kind of thing."

"Do you have any misunderstanding of my ability?" Hei Mist rushed to Yu Fusang, her scarlet eyes firmly biting her, "I like to see proud veterinarians like you crying and begging for mercy the most." It looks like it."

Yu Fusang was not angry, and the smile on his face was like a spring breeze in March, "Do you want to try?"

"You asked for this." It squinted its eyes and quickly said its own spell, "SAKUNLIN!"

However, the expected pained expression of the woman did not appear. Instead, the woman raised her chin, raised her brows lightly, and met her bewitching golden eyes.

"It's my turn?" As soon as the words fell, the black mist was bounced away heavily on the spot.

In Yu Fusang's calm expression, his voice gradually became painful, as if he was being choked for breath, and his words were intermittent.

"Loosen, let!"

The tormentor was unmoved, and the look in his eyes turned colder when he heard its unceremonious tone, and the subsequent consequence was the multiplied output of soul power.

"I... admit, admit defeat!"

Yu Fusang picked the golden python's chin with her index finger, and didn't look at the black mist at all, but the invisible force in the air continued to torture it, kneading and spreading the black mist again and again like pulling dough. Second-rate.

Being able to do so with ease means that she hasn't really dealt with it yet, and she is waiting for an answer.

"You know what to do."

As soon as the reminder came out, the black mist immediately silenced, but the hurricane around it became more and more violent, forcing it to compromise.

The forbearance continued for dozens of minutes before it finally couldn't help it. It gritted its teeth and shouted, "Master, please forgive my sins."

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-10-12 21:00:22~2021-10-13 21:00:22~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: sixteen and one;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 17 bottles of Que Yue Hang Shutong; 10 bottles of かなり厳しいね; 5 bottles of a salted fish; 3 bottles of not a charlatan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!