MTL - Steel, Guns and the Industrial Party Across the World-Chapter 517 Tax Reform Six

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【Steel, guns and the industrial party across the world】【】

The material life that the current world cannot provide

Is this why his lord is working so hard? Bernard thought about it inwardly, but he couldn't imagine it.

"My lord, please forgive my short-sightedness, but I really can't imagine what else you can't get with your current power and wealth—if you really use them."

He raised his new question again.

"Oh, Bernard." There was some pity in Paul's voice. "I want to be able to communicate with my friends who are thousands of miles away with my hands. Can this world give me?"

"I want to browse news from all over the world while eating, and exchange my views with various people from different parts of the world. Can this world give me?"

"I want to record the interesting fragments of life in images, and take them out to taste repeatedly in my spare time. Can this world give me?"

"Hoho, Bernard, I know what you want to say." Paul waved his hand to stop the secretary who wanted to speak.

He continued: "Yes, you think it is right, hire more people, buy more fast horses, even build more optical base stations, hire more painters, can't accomplish what I want Something? But..."

"I want to be able to hear his voice when I'm on the phone with my friend and he can hear me. I want the news I see to be illustrated and written. I want it to be recorded"

"If I say that I want to concentrate the things I want to do in a palm-sized box, which can be done with one hand, can the world give me such a small box?"

"It's impossible!" Hearing Paul's "fantasy", Berner yelled in disbelief, "It is impossible to make such a box in the world."

"It's the [now] world, Bernard."

Paul embellished Bernard's description, and Bernard saw an extremely strong self-confidence on his face.

"But I think it will be made sooner or later, one hundred years? Two hundred years? Five hundred years? One thousand years? Sooner or later."

"And what I want to do is to promote this process, so that this box... and the things represented behind this box will appear in this world as soon as possible."

Paul put his feet on the table again, and said with a sense of disappointment in his tone:

"Yes, from a pessimistic point of view, I may never see it appear in my life, but one has to look forward to it, right? Are you right?"

The lord's dream made Bernard feel both absurd and real. The absurdity was because he didn't believe in such a thing, and the reality was because of the confidence in the lord's tone. Reminiscent of the various inventions made by Earl Graman before, Bernard was really not sure how to directly dismiss his words as nonsense.

The office was quiet for a few seconds.

"Master Graham!" Bernard decided not to continue the previous topic, he took out a document and put it on Paul's table.

"Master Cecil asked me to pass this document to you before he left. He did not report to you personally because of urgent matters. This document is the candidate information for Arda's envoy in Jiaowan."

Paul happily picked up the file, "Oh? So fast."

As the situation in Kok Wan changed, Paul felt more and more that he needed an official representative in Kok Wan.

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【Steel, guns and the industrial party across the world】【】

At first, he considered Ladi Setia, but considering that her status as a witch was too sensitive at this juncture, as well as his own little selfishness, Paul finally ruled out Ladi.

Finally, after much deliberation, he decided to pick from among the people of the Northwest Gulf who frequented Cape Bay—especially businessmen.

He instructed Cecil, the director of intelligence, to let him choose a suitable candidate for himself.

The reason why Cecil was asked to do this is because the intelligence department had contacted the businessmen from the Northwest Gulf to Jiaowan, and asked them to collect all kinds of information on Jiaowan within the scope of conventional means and provide them to the intelligence department. Naturally, The identities and biographies of these businessmen were on file with the Ministry of Intelligence, so Paul left it to Cecil to choose the official representatives.

"So fast, Cecil didn't just find someone to deal with me."

Paul grunted as he opened the file.

"Friedrich Liszt?"

General Collins Fedotov watched with satisfaction as his army forced the enemy's Inton army back step by step.

In Inton's army, there was a knight in white helmet and white armor, who was very conspicuous. He was the ruler of this country, the Grand Duke Cabre. Dotov recognized him.

At this time, the Archduke Cabrew was wielding a strangely shaped long sword and was struggling to fight. Almost none of the cathar knights around him was his opponent. But the bravery of one person cannot change the situation of the entire battlefield.

The Yin Dun people fought very bravely, but their soldiers were a little immature, obviously insufficiently trained, and their cooperation with each other was very poor.

Fedotov guessed that it should be because Inton's main force has joined the Jiaowan League. It appears that the Skitarii's strategy at the overall level has been successful.

The goddess of victory is already waving to herself.

"Hahaha!" Fedotov couldn't help laughing with his head raised.

"General, your name will surely resound throughout the entire Jiaowan Bay from now on."

His subordinate Harper flattered him very graciously.

"My dear Harper." Fedotov looked at him with some It seems that those wizards who defeated you did not show up today. "

"Uh..." Embarrassment flashed across Harper's face for a while, "They must be afraid of your power, General, and ran away early."

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"Hmph!" Fedotov did not suspect that Harper was lying, he thought that Harper must have met a wizard.

According to the report of the soldiers who ran back from the vanguard, that group of wizards was led by a strong man holding a thick iron chain. It seemed that they were not afraid of their own casualties. The swords in the hands of the Skitarii soldiers slashed on their thin leather armor, but it seemed as if they had slashed on a metal plate, and gaps burst out one after another.

Now that his main force is pressing up, he is crushing the hopes of the Yinton people little by little under the city wall of Hydera.

That group of wizards still didn't come, and the "pious" Fedotov believed that it was precisely because of the power of the Heavenly Father that he was blessed that those wizards were afraid to show up.

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【Steel, guns and the industrial party across the world】【】

"Harper, keep your eyes open and take a good look. Even if those wizards show up, it will be too late, and our army will surely smash some.

Fedotov raised his head slowly and confidently, and said this to his subordinates.

"General Fedotov!" "General Fedotov!"

An orderly came towards him frantically on horseback.

Fedotov had a bad premonition for no reason.


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