MTL - Steel, Guns and the Industrial Party Across the World-Chapter 528 Militia Training II

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"Report sir! There should be 120 people in Tata Town, but there are actually 120 people. Please review!"

Zane stood upright and reported to the officer in front of him with his head held high.

An officer with a second lieutenant's shoulder badge silently counted the number of people.

He applauded loudly: "That's right, it can be seen that your daily training is very strict, and your military posture is very standard."

Hearing the second lieutenant's praise, Zane felt very comfortable, and it was worthwhile for him to train for a few days on the departure.


The second lieutenant suddenly raised his voice, and said in a serious tone: "In Huxin Town, you will receive stricter training, and all requirements must be in line with those of active soldiers."

"By the way, let me introduce myself. I am Second Lieutenant Hohenlohe. I will be in charge of your command and training for the next week. Now I will announce a few disciplines."

"One, everyone is not allowed to leave the barracks privately!"

"Second, except for going to the toilet, no one is allowed to act alone, only in groups!"

"Three, in addition to carrying out the orders that have been given, everything else must be reported in advance, including going to the toilet!"

"Ah, by the way, there's a fourth rule! It's forbidden to defecate in places."

"The four things I just said, if you violate any of them, you will be severely punished. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir!" the militiamen responded.

Second Lieutenant Hohenlohe sternly yelled, "Speak up, aren't you full?"

"Yes, sir!

! "

Zane led the militiamen to muster their strength and shouted in unison again in response to him.

Second Lieutenant Hohenlohe nodded in satisfaction, and continued: "Okay, now I will take you to the barracks! You are very lucky, the garrison in Huxin Town has just gone to the field for training, and you can live in temporarily instead of going outside tent for the night.”

"Listen to my password now! Turn right-turn! Step-go!"

Lieutenant Hohenlohe's orders are also often done in the training of the militia, so they can't be troubled.

The militiamen in Tata Town followed Master Hohenlohe to the barracks with neat steps.

After allocating berths in the barracks and putting away their luggage, the second lieutenant led them to the armory.

"This time when you come to Huxin Town, you will receive firearms training!"

yeah! If it weren't for being suppressed by discipline, the militiamen who were excited when they heard the word firearms would have cheered loudly.

Second Lieutenant Hohenlohe saw the sudden excitement in their eyes, and continued: "Now, you go in with me to get the guns, a group of four get a gun, there is a number on the **** of the gun, and then put the whole group's Register the names and serial numbers of the firearms you have received, and return them in a unified manner when you return. The Ordnance Management Office will check them one by one against the registration information. Everyone will be punished."

Four people get a gun! The militiamen were a little annoyed when they heard that, they thought they were all alone just now.

But they didn't dare to complain. According to the order of the team, honestly, four of them went in to get the guns.

With trembling hands, Seto took a musket from the handler. From the stock, it could be seen that it was not new, but it was in good condition. The metal barrel was shiny with animal grease.

He happily held the gun and was about to go out.

"Hey, I still need to register!"

The three companions who were in the same group as him grabbed his clothes to remind him.

After coming to the registration office next to it, the ordnance manager in charge of registration pointed to a thick book on the table, "sign your own name on it one by one, and write the serial number of the firearm on the last line."

When it was McGee's turn, he was a little embarrassed, "I...I can't write my own name."

"Isn't it taught in school?"

McGee scratched his head embarrassingly, "School? You mean night school? I...I just dozed off."

Hahaha! There was a mocking sound all around.

"What are you laughing at?" The administrator glared at everyone, and asked, "What's your name?"

"Mackie, Mackie Centurion."

The manager wrote his name for him, and said to him, "Dip your thumb in some ink and make a fingerprint on it."

McKee complied, and it was the next man's turn.

When all the groups had received their guns, Lieutenant Hohenlohe ordered them to line up again.

"Okay, now, you must master the steps and essentials of shooting within a day and a half—that is, before tomorrow evening!"

Compared with the militiamen who were still in a state of excitement, the captain's eyes showed a hint of impatience.


A loud gunshot spread through the woodland, startling a flock of birds into the sky.

A hundred meters away, an unlucky goat fell to the ground.

"Lord Graman is really a good arrow...good marksmanship."

Fergus next to him raised his thumbs up and praised him again and again.

"Hahahaha!" Paul laughed loudly, "It's all thanks to this good gun and... a little bit of luck."

In fact, it is mostly luck. Even if the rifled gun in his hand is accurate to the head, with Paul's shooting proficiency, it is too ridiculous to hit it with one shot.

Don't let this shot use up your good luck, Paul murmured silently in his heart.

Today is already the second day here. Paul attended the banquet yesterday where Fergus cleansed him up. At the banquet, Fergus introduced Warren, Eldo, Shank and others to him. A country gentleman of local fame.

Especially that old Warren, when Paul asked, he turned out to be the father of Lieutenant Bulgan, the chief of his training department.

"You really gave birth to a good son!"

Paul shook his hand and said. "My generals have all praised Bulgan. He is serious, responsible and courageous. He is a good soldier who is devoted to his duties."

"Master Graham is really his mouth was modest, Paul still remembered the smug look in old Warren's eyes when he looked at him, and the smug look at the corners of his mouth. No smile.

During the banquet, Paul mentioned the tax reform issue insincerely, taking the opportunity to sound out the tone of these old rich landlords. As expected, the banquet immediately shrouded in a layer of embarrassing atmosphere, and the enthusiasm of the rich people for him suddenly dropped by three points.

But in Paul's mind, this is normal. It would be weird if these people still praised him and flattered him after he mentioned the tax reform.

In fact, when the Customs Union was established, according to Hansel's suggestion of "take two steps forward and take one step back", Paul mentioned tax reform at that time, but it was only used as a bargaining condition and was discarded. Now that Paul brings up the old incident again, he is undoubtedly slapping them in the face.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Fergus, the host of the banquet, immediately changed the topic, and everyone resumed drinking and chatting. After that, no one mentioned anything to spoil the interest.

After the banquet, Paul rested overnight in the manor. The next day, accompanied by Fergus, he went to the forest farm and started the real hunting.