MTL - Steel, Guns and the Industrial Party Across the World-Chapter 527 militia training

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On the playground of the Huxin Town Barracks, four infantry battalions lined up neatly.

The difference from the drills in the past was that, except for the guns, the soldiers were all carrying bags and rolled blankets, and the inside of the backpacks was stuffed bulging.

Chief of Staff Schroeder stood on a high platform and lectured to the soldiers.

"Master Graeman taught us repeatedly on weekdays that the more you sweat in peacetime, the less blood you bleed in wartime. For this sentence, veterans who have combat experience should have a deep understanding. Those combat skills and assistance that are repeatedly trained on weekdays Skills, how useful they will be on the battlefield.”

"Because of this, our Arda army has always attached great importance to daily training. However, training in the barracks is not enough, so field training is an important part of our training plan."

"For this field training, you will start from Huxin Town and pass through the three major territories of Arda, Bairding, and Emden in turn. There are plains, swamps, forests, hills and other landforms along the way. These are all for you to practice your skills. Great venue."

"In the plan, our training this time will cover many subjects such as field marching, field survival, camping, live ammunition shooting, etc. You should cherish every opportunity to exercise yourself."

"Officers and soldiers at all levels must consciously maintain the image of our army. When passing through towns and villages, they must pay special attention to discipline. They are not allowed to harass the people. They must be polite. If there is a demand for shopping, they must give money at the original price. It is forbidden to molest good people. Instructors and pickets at all levels must pay close attention to the above points, do a good job of supervision, and strictly punish those who violate discipline, and the results of the punishment must be reported to the entire army.”

"Lieutenant Colonel Bryce will lead the team as the commander-in-chief of this training, and everyone must obey his orders."

Chief of Staff Schroeder babbled on the stage for a long time, but the people below the stage had different thoughts.

Most of the veterans complained in their hearts. They knew that training in the field was very hard.

But the recruits who just joined the army were extremely excited. The garrison in Huxin Town was not allowed to leave the barracks on weekdays. Treat this field trip as an outing.

After Schroeder finished his speech, he ordered the troops to move out.

Under the orderly command of the officers, the phalanx transformed into a long team and walked out of Huxin Town. The transport company driving the carriage and responsible for large items was already waiting for the main force in the outskirts.

Bulgan, the chief of the training department, watched the troops disappear at the end of the street. He stared blankly at the direction in which the troops disappeared for a while. When he came back to his senses, he found that his right hand was shaking slightly.

excited? nervous? Or both.

He tidied up his clothes and hat, and told himself silently in his heart, then go according to the original plan, you can do it!

A figure approached him quietly. Bulgan heard footsteps, but made no movement.

"Master? What should we do next?"

This is the loyal servant arranged by the family to take care of him in Huxin Town.

"Go and tell Odennell that everything is going well. If there are no accidents, I will contact him again tomorrow night."

The militiamen were able to assemble only this afternoon, and it would take him another day to organize them. If there were no changes, the day after tomorrow would be the day of formal action. At that time, the troops from Huxin Town had already traveled for two days. Well, according to the training plan for this time—a plan that he, the director of the training department, participated in making—the first two days will be an urgent march training, and they will leave Huxin Town for a considerable distance.

"Ah! Guys, we're finally in Lake Town!"

Zane led the 120 militiamen from his own town to the outskirts of Huxin Town. Looking forward, you can already see densely packed buildings.

"Rest... rest for a while!"

McGee stuck out his tongue, gasped heavily, and squatted down on a big rock by the side of the road. He was the fattest in the whole team, and he was really exhausted after the journey.

Someone took the lead, and the rest of the team followed suit, taking a rest as soon as they sat on the side of the road.

Seeing his companions like this, Zane, the captain of the militia, frowned tightly.

"Guys, you can't be like this after you arrive in Huxin Town. How can you let the adults in the Lord's Mansion see you like this?"

"Ah?" McGee looked up at Zane.

"What can I do? Will I be whipped?"

"Whip? I tell you, it's just a tickle."

Zane raised his voice, yelling at the militiamen.

"I heard that in Huxin Town, if a soldier disobeys orders, it is light to hang him on the gallows, and he might be shot!"

"Cannon... cannonball?"

The militiamen heard this word for the first time, "Zane, what is shooting?"

Zane raised his head high, "The so-called execution by artillery means the execution of prisoners with cannons. Cannons! Do you know about cannons?"

"We know!" Saito, who was the shortest in the team, yelled loudly, "I heard from the station master of the military service station that it is said that Lord Graman made a weapon with Thor's hammer."

"I know it too!"

"I've heard of it!"

Others also responded in a hurry.

"The power of the cannon is incredible!" Zane stared, revealing a terrifying meaning, "The cannon is to tie a person in front of the muzzle of the cannon, and then - bang!"

He opened his arms exaggeratedly and made an explosive movement.

"The person is gone! Or... the person is broken!"

"I-!" Hearing what the captain said, everyone showed expressions of fear and fear, especially the fat McGee, whose flesh was shaking like chaff. This kind of execution does not even leave the whole body, just because of violating orders?

It's scary!

"So, UU reading guys!" Zane warned his militia companions very seriously, "When you arrive in Huxin Town, you must follow the rules and prohibit them, and you can't be as loose as we were in the town and the village. .”

"The so-called order means that once the order is issued, you must act immediately, and you are not allowed to procrastinate."

"The so-called prohibition means that as soon as there is a prohibition, it will be stopped immediately. If you are not allowed to do something, you must not do it."

"Does everyone understand?"

The militiamen nodded like chickens pecking at rice, "Understood! Everyone listens to you, Captain."

Zane was very satisfied with the performance of his subordinates, but he felt a little helpless. These guys really don't know the severity if they don't frighten them.

The militia training this time was not like in the past. The big guys stood in a military posture on the threshing ground, practiced walking in unison a few times, and waved their knives and guns to finish the job.

I heard... I heard that in Huxin Town, the militiamen will be taught how to practice firearms.

Thinking of this, Zane's heart became excited.