MTL - Stormwind God-v2 Chapter 2025 Don't cooperate

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Perhaps the old man of Oman Sur once blasted the air, destroyed the stars with his backhand, raised his hand to create the world, knowing everything, omnipotent.

But that's the old yellow calendar 25,000 years ago.

The Pantheon is so rampant. The Titans really have the ability to hang Sargeras, so there is no need to be turned over by the big traitor Sargeras to the whole Pantheon.

"I am the master of the Pantheon, Omansour!"

A brief introduction, even though the guardians already knew from the soul connection who the master of the voice was.

Knowing is one thing, and the master himself proclaiming it is another.

Almost at the moment when Oman Sur announced his name, all the guardians and guardian dragons at the scene sang in unison.

"Servant Thorim (xxx) see Aman'thul, Lord of All Gods"

Hong Liang's voice turned into a torrent, and then gathered into an extremely exaggerated sound bomb, wandering and roaring between these four giant buildings connected by space channels.

Not to mention that these guardians, guardian dragons, and Titan creations that were originally part of the Pantheon, even the leaders of the alliance who watched this scene through video, had many involuntarily kneel to the ground.

For example, Danas Trollbane, such as Old Wolf King Jean, such as Moira Bronzebeard ...

However, every strong presence is noticed.

Duke didn't kneel, and even didn't even have the basic etiquette, he sat upright on the Elemental Throne above the Elemental Giant's head, motionless.

Apparently, Onyxia was almost scared by his side. He was holding the waist of Princess Black Dragon in one hand, and did not give her any chance of submission.

This is no longer everyone drunk and I wake up alone.

This is completely in the state of surrendering everything in the world and avoiding its sharp edge even if it is unhappy, only Duke shows the iron bones alone.

"Duke Marcus, you are too presumptuous!" This time Odin was so angry that his lungs exploded. "Why don't you kneel in front of the Lord of the Supreme Pantheon? Don't forget, you Human beings are also the creation of our Pantheon. "

Duke looked at the idiot, glanced at Odin, and then looked up at the immense figure in the void. Oman Sur, if the powerful light of God surrounding him is removed, he looks like a kind old man with white hair and white beard.

A white robe with a blue cape looks unforgettable and expensive.

Duke is not a bird Odin, but instead asks Amansur: "Oh! Dare to ask, is it not an enemy for the Pantheon to kneel? Or does it mean that the Pantheon alone can make the whole All the billions of races in the universe kneel down for it? This sign is so smart that you can't let Sargeras be **** and come here to cry and confess? "

Duke's words were heartbreaking.

With the exception of Odin's fury, every guardian and guardian dragon was stupid.

Why would Duke dare to say such a thing! ?

That's Oman Sur!

That is the Pantheon that once made all the ancient gods into meat sauce!

Even though Sargeras' rise has almost destroyed the order of the entire universe, the Pantheon is still the source of most intelligent beings in the world.

The straight-headed Thorim couldn't help it first: "Duke, Azeroth's human origin actually has a great connection with the guardian of order, Tyr."

Alexstrassak, who is most concerned about Duke, also helped: "Duke, what are you doing! Are we not jointly sworn to guard Azeroth? We are the closest allies. What you are doing right now what?"

It looks like scolding, but it is the great concern of Red Dragon Sister Yu.

Amansur's voice stopped for a moment. He was not only giving the opportunity to the performance of these pantheon creators, but also watching Duke Marcus, a low-level intelligent creature that had gained fame in just 30 years.

Odin's fierce roar resounded again: "According to the law of the Pantheon, you should have died badly, but read that you have done a good job against the Burning Legion and have severely damaged Sargeras and Kil'jaeden, so I represent The Pantheon gives you a chance. "

"Submit to the Pantheon"

"Or destruction."

When he heard Odin's words, Duke couldn't help but grind his teeth.

If he is still the rookie of that year, I guess he will recognize it. Although he hated the feeling that his fate was not his own, he felt a little upset even though he was subject to the Pantheon. Anyway, the other party is the legendary omnipotent and sacred existence, even if they ordered to move bricks, there is no shame.

But today is different!

I am someone who runs Azeroth so well. Why do you want to pick peaches?

To put it plainly, the Pantheon felt noble and refused to condescend to assist mortals like in the game.

In other words, the situation in the game made Duke feel incredible. Why does the Pantheon's Titans work with mortal protagonists?

So today's standoff is actually a battle for dominance.

Cooperation is necessary, and who is the leader is another matter.

The Pantheon's face could not be put down, and the Alliance was not so brain-dead, the other party threw the Pantheon's name and knelt on the spot.

Faced with Odin's threat, Duke's response was ...

"Hahaha! Hahahahaha! Odin, which onion are you? Dare to represent the Pantheon? Aman'soul is silent, so you really are a Titan? Well, if you do n’t see it in the Pantheon An idiot who clears the situation, then we don't cooperate! "

Duke said something, like a sledgehammer smashing Hong Zhong, and a crowd of guardians and guardian dragons trembled on the spot. The wind was messy.

Odin yelled, "Who do you think you are !?"

Duke went back and said, "I killed Sargeras!"

Odin resigned: "That's just his soul!"

Duke dismissed: "I killed Kil'jaeden!"

Odin was utterly speechless: "..."

Duke was unreasonable and spread his record like a machine gun:

"I killed Archimonde!"

"I bombed Sargeras' Nether Fortress!"

"I even got Argus' star spoon!"

"My dear, I have done so many earth-shattering events in thirty years. What have you done in Odin for 25,000 years !?"

The dignified Ulduar manager, Odin, was utterly irrefutable by Duke's remarks, and his face swelled into a pig's liver.

At this time, everyone noticed that more and more huge portraits were projected down from the top of the Spirit Hall, which were other Titans of the Pantheon.

Duke was not afraid: "I have struggled with thousands of people in the Alliance for so long, isn't it just for freedom and multiplication of races? If we just change another master and continue to be slaves, we might as well sell ourselves to the Burning Legion, maybe They bid more! "