MTL - Stormwind God-v2 Chapter 2076 Moment of punishment

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Uh, that picture is pretty heavy anyway.

Inside, Oman Sur Shi shed the last shackles imprisoned on his body.

The suppression of the four main mothers, the fathers of the gods did not look at it at all. For 25,000 years, it was Sargeras, Kilgatan, and Archmund who really suppressed them to recapture the body and the soul. And later Argus the Desolate.

As long as these evil gangsters are in town, even if they are temporarily unbound, they will only be free for a moment and a half, and they will be suppressed immediately.

This kind of hard work is not pleasing, and their own behaviors are not done by Amansur.

Don't think that at the level of Titan, it is so noble and has no temper.

After being tortured for so many years, the Buddha has fire.

The Titans did not kill the four main mothers before x, and then resurrected. After the resurrection, x and then killed, it is already the Titans' manners.

With a light wave, the bodies of Suraya and the three main mothers outside were annihilated silently, and turned into dust, disappearing in the hot and turbid wind of the burning throne.

Aman'thul was very careful, he injected a little soul into it, and activated this corpse. He waved again, and the wobbly body was already wearing a blue robe. It seemed that he was the noble and supreme father of the gods.

"Thank you, mortal heroes. Now, the last moment is coming. Sargeras is about to be resurrected on the planet Azeroth, and we must rush back to the Pantheon. Only then can we have enough power to stop Sargeras." Omansur nodded to the ladies in Duke's harem, with a long smile on his face.

Tyrande took a step forward: "Arguing the Wanderer is also a very important part. Duke said that it takes a long time to defeat the Werder alone."

A group of Titans stared at each other, and Amansul said again: "Don't worry. We will shoot."

"Thanks a lot." Tyrande led the girls to Qi Titans.

"Your kindness will be remembered forever."

This is the promise of Oman Sur.

The opportunity to make the Pantheon owe a great favor is a rare event that has never been encountered for billions of years.

Once the Burning Legion is won, as long as the Pantheon does not perish again, the Azerothians can say that they will walk sideways in this universe in the future.

With a raised hand, Aman'thul and the Titans left with their corpses.

The body leaves, not the real leave.

The giant human figures with Titan outlines are left behind. They looked a bit like Duke Olgalon, the observer Duke has been dealing with, with dozens of miniature stars flickering inside the human figure, the force of compressed stars.

It's a little different from Olgalon. The faces of these human figures are clear and translucent, and it can be clearly seen whether it is Omansur, Norganon or something.

"Let's wake up the uninvited guy." Katz Gross took a sip.

"Um." Amansour nodded.

A portal was opened next to them. This time, Iona, the life-giver, put in a star soul clone.

Titans' "unusual guy" was naturally tortured into a trick, and then surrendered to the general's Avengers Agrammar.

Aggrama, the male Titan, had the image of bronze skin wrapped in a golden robe during the Pantheon.

He was once an aide to Sargeras, filling the vacant seat after Sargeras' departure and becoming a member of the Pantheon. Its role is to fight the Burning Legion and the demon pollution. Although he has never revealed his emotions, he has strong anger and hatred for Sargeras's betrayal.

Unfortunately, things like feelings are very complicated, and the opposite of hate is likely to be love.

The other Titans carried 25,000 years without ever surrendering their knees, and he surrendered. This kind of breaking thing is really embarrassing.

Wipe his own ass, in addition to the Pantheon to deal with Sargeras, Agramar also has to persuade him to give up the dark.

How to convince?

Of course use your fist!

There, Illidan was embarrassed.

In the original history, as a genuine son of light and darkness, he carried the hope of the whole village, oh no, it carried the hope of the entire night elves who would disintegrate the legion from the inside of the legion in case of failure to carry the legion. For ten thousand years, he has lived like a villain, but his inner morals have not been lost. He is completely different from someone who is under the banner of heroes and who opens the harem.

In the original work, Illidan is very fortified, not to mention Long Aotian, who is in the air, and its strength is at least the top of the demigod.

Unfortunately, I don't know if his dream lover was taken away by Du Mou Ke and his luck was also taken away.

The arrogance of Illidan's children's shoes still exploded, but the strength was a bit behind, and the opponents they picked were a bit worse. [Avenger] After Agrama fell, his power was cut into a dog.

The people in question had been professionally cutting demons before!

In a raging flame, ordinary people will be burned to death when they are close to Fangyuan.

Illidan had a light-like heart and a good man in his bones, but his body and strength were all demon-like.

Fighting, restraint is quite severe.

He and Aggramar were in a state of mutual harm with little defense.

Illidan's speed was not something Aggramar could catch up with. Almost every time Illidan flew, he could leave deep scars on Aggramar's huge body.

In the same way, Illidan can only suffer from flame damage like Agrammar's aura. There are three qualities to hide from Agrammar.

Oh damn! Grass mud horse! Go to Nima!

Oh, wrong!

It should be [Thai Salak Sword Technique] Five combos!

I don't know if this dumb Avenger is calling these ...

There are only three moves in the five company. They are the [Broken Enemy] that kills in a cone. [The Rip of Flame] that originally required a group of people to share the damage, and [Burning Storm].

Huge two-handed sword, every move is shocking.

The original flat ground of the hall was made of high hardness Argus bricks impregnated with evil energy. Each stone here only needs to be injected with a little wisdom, which is a powerful hellfire elite.

Even such a solid ground, like sand on the beach, is easily overturned into the sky.

One trick [Breaking the Enemy], the cone area larger than the basketball court suddenly decreased by ten meters above sea level.

One move [Tear of Flame], the corridors far away from kilometers away instantly turned into powder.

Not to mention [Scorching Storm], the big move that turns the whole hall into purgatory, Rao is the demon who claims to be most adaptable to heat and flames.

At this time, the door of the fierce battle between the two halls suddenly appeared a few huge ghosts.

The incarnation of Amansul stood at the front door, and his eyes full of sacred glory had a peerless look of self-anger.

"Wake up! Aggrama! It's time to punish the traitors!"