MTL - Strange Life of a Cat-Chapter 407 There is another cat named Zheng Tan in this world

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Four animals were shot and killed by the man who Zheng Tan struck with an electric shock bomb. Er Mao, a thing taken from the animal's body, had been found on him. As for the last survivor, the stupid-looking little panda , Was taken back to the yard together.

Uncle Lin is a veterinary veterinarian in the courtyard. He can do everything. Uncle Lin also has a set of surgical tools at home, as well as a specially constructed operating room for major operations on animals.

After two days of moving the knife, the little panda started to regain his spirit. One of the reasons why Uncle Lin's skills are good is that the little guy's vitality is really strong. After the wound was better, he was taken to the yard by the uncle.

Uncle Lin said that this little panda was only one year old and belonged to an under-age child in this race. Before being caught by those people, the mother animal took it away shortly. It was not used to living independently. Now he follows Uncle Lin. Later, I found the feeling of having a leisurely life with the mother animal. As long as it was not taken away, it rested here.

This little panda is very close to Uncle Lin. Uncle Lin didn't use a rope or something to trap it. It didn't run around. Without Lin Shu said, it kept following. The surgical wound gradually began to heal, and it didn't. Meaning to run away.

Think about it too, staying with Uncle Lin, eating and drinking, being carefully taken care of, and no one pointing with a gun, do n’t worry about anything, his favorite thing every day is to sit on the tree with a big apple and eat After eating, find a place with the sun and start rubbing your face.

Uncle Lin is not worried about its disappearance. Usually, this little guy also likes to clean and pull around, and Zheng Tan always thought that this guy rubbed his face. In fact, it just has the habit of wiping the mouth with its palm or washing the hair on its mouth after eating, just like a cat will lick its paws and wipe its face after eating.

Because of this, Uncle Lin feels that it is very easy to raise him, and he can usually take this little guy around and walk better than walking alone. Therefore, Uncle Lin greeted a familiar animal circle manager, After some proofs were obtained, this little panda was left here first because of postoperative observation. Prevent lesions. The people at the zoo over there are also okay. Anyway, there are so many red pandas in the zoo, there are a lot of them, but it's nothing important to them. Just open a convenient door to discuss your personal affairs.

Uncle Lin said. This little panda is lucky to survive. Five animals locked up. Only one of them survived, and there will be blessings after the disaster, so the little guy was named "Little Blessing". Screaming and shouting became "little blessings."

The criminals were taken away by the police and their weapons and medicines were confiscated. The man who was laid down by Zheng Tan with an electric shock bomber insisted on asking who was in the tent at the time when he pleaded guilty. He thought a lot but still It was impossible to guess who it was. He also analyzed the whole thing. What step was wrong would lead to the final result, but he would never think that his two biggest mistakes were that he was greedy for money and took a box. And, I don't know that there is another cat named Zheng Tan in this world.

Pei Jie has also been questioned, but the child was told by his dad what should be said and what should not be said. He also slipped away when he talked blindly, and when he was questioned by the police, he began to cry as soon as he didn't know how. Then the tears come. Some words such as bleed and tears were temporarily opened, and Pei Jie said that this was called strategic tears, which was acceptable.

The person in charge of asking Pei Jie's words did not ask any more.

Don't underestimate children, never underestimate these little farts, sometimes they have more eyes than adults think.

Pei Jie also assured Zheng Tan afterwards that in order to repay his life-saving grace, the truth of the matter will always be concealed. "Good boy, speak of morality, don't betray!"

In fact, Pei Liang looked quite upright, but unfortunately, Pei Jie didn't inherit his father's righteousness, instead he got angry.

When Pei Liang and Pei Jie were alone, Pei Liang was going to give this child a solution in case he left the psychological shadow of his childhood, but found that the child ’s nerves were too strong, except for a little obstacle, it was very good Even when he mentioned the events at the time, he was very clear-cut, not only clear-cut, but also exaggerated rhetorical methods, like storytelling, things that are quite normal, in his mouth became fantasy.

After being warned several times by Pei Liang, Pei Jie retracted his detached thoughts.

"I was really scared at the time. Dad, you did n’t know that in the dark shed at that time, all I could smell was the **** of the monkeys and the little panda, all I could see was the cold steel cage, and the little boy with a stupid look beside him Panda. "Pei Jie said.

Hearing here, Pei Liang was immediately dissatisfied, frowning: "What's the matter with you, it's not stupid, it's called sloppy!"

"Oh, that's what you said in the Spring and Autumn Period ... I was so embarrassed when I looked at it that I was sloppy. Could the word 忐忑 be used?"

Pei Liang: "..."

Pei Liang took a deep breath and was about to say something. Pei Jie lifted his finger in the direction. He looked in the direction of Pei Jie. Not far from the two of them, Dashan was playing with an apple there, and his two paws turned back and forth. Move when the ball plays. In front of Dashan, the little panda stood, his eyes fixed on the apple being moved by Dashan, and his head swayed left and right.

Dashan was obviously teasing the little panda, and after dialing a few apples back and forth, he carried the apple and jumped to the wooden board table in the yard. Then he placed the apple on the edge of the wooden board table so that the little panda could see it, but could not touch it. Then squatted and watched.

The wooden table was just a little taller for the standing little panda, so the guy stood up, raised his two front paws, and jumped to grab the apples on the edge of the table.

At this time, Pei Jie shouted in the tone of the court **** on TV: "Little ~ Fu ~ Zi ~"

The little panda jumping around the table turned his head, but the movement of standing up was unstable, because of this distraction, leaning back directly, sitting on the ground with one buttock and turning over.

Pei Jie looked back and said to Pei Liang: "Oh, that's enough to be stubborn."

Pei Liang didn't speak.

Seeing that Pei Liang was angry, Pei Jie quickly shifted the topic: "Hey, come back. Dad, even if Qi Da was there, he might not be able to do better than black charcoal. Then the cat is really a cow, or we should raise it at home One? Specializes in pure black ones. "

Pei Liang snorted. "Do you think every black cat is black coal?"

"That's right, just like Qi Da has only one, and there is only one black coal."

"One foot is enough." Pei Liang said in his heart: One can do such a thing. If another one is to be done, will it have to be upset?

Gradually, the time of the return trip was actually passed, because this time, there was another week left here. After finishing everything here. Many people intend to return.

Er Mao, they did not tell the elderly about the facts over the forest, but who is the elderly? As soon as Er Mao's tails were tilted, the old people knew what **** they were going to pull, and even if they covered up well, the old people knew what was going on. But it doesn't matter. Now the kids are all married. Know right or wrong. He believes that a few apprentices will not ask more, just help to exert a force in the back.

just. The elderly would never have thought that everything was just because of a black cat.

There will be a continuous investigation on the use of animals to transport illegal materials. This time, it is estimated that some people will be killed from the top, but that is no longer a matter of Zheng Tan. The zoo in question was seized and the animals in it were distributed to several other zoos with more standardized management.

It is precisely because of this incident that the new policy was introduced again, which puts higher requirements on the zoo, and the management monitoring is also stricter.

When the three cars left the yard, Zheng Tan looked out of the rear window.

The morning sun has come out, shining on this land.

On a large rock near the yard, the red panda who just finished breakfast is sitting on it and rubbing his face. At the gate of the courtyard, the old man, Uncle Lin and Dashan stood there, watching three cars drift away. The sun was shining on them, and the outline was plated with gold.

It was December when Zheng Tan returned to Chuhua City.

The temperature in Chuhua City plummeted during this time. When Zheng Tan left, there were still people wearing short sleeves, but now they are wearing thick clips.

Every time when he returned from a long trip, Zheng Tan felt calm and reassured, and his impetuousness had settled down.

Knowing that Zheng Tan is returning today, Dad Jiao specially returned to the Eastern Courtyard from the Academy of Biosciences. Look at Zheng Tan first. Well, she's not thin, and she's very good. It seems to be playing well outside.

Er Mao didn't tell the family about Jiao, but just asked a few more words when he passed Zheng Tan ’s treasure chest. Seeing Dao ’s appearance did n’t seem to know the inside story, Er Mao could n’t help asking: Don't you wonder what's in the box? "

Dao Jiao was carrying the box and bag upstairs. Hearing Er Mao's words, he said, "Curious, but I respect them."

No matter Jiao Yuan, Xiaoyouzi or Zheng Tan at home, Dao Jiao won't forcefully ask them to see what they collect.

Er Mao shook his lips secretly, a cat has the right.

However, when I heard that the origin of the box was related to the side of Fang Sanye's house, Er Mao wondered in his heart. Would you like to set up this kind of equipment with your own girl? Any stinky boy who doesn't have long eyes will hit him in the future.

Zheng Tan returned home, feeling the same as when he left last month. The smell that belongs to Jiao Yuan is very weak, and the smell that belongs to little grapefruit is also a bit lighter. Today is Thursday, the weekend is coming soon, and the little grapefruit is coming back soon , And Jiao Yuan, it's fast.

Pack up things and change Zheng Tan ’s cat card back. Dao Jiao will also go to the Faculty of Biosciences and say to Zheng Tan when he goes out: "I went to the hospital. Er Mao said you had eaten it in the morning. At lunch time, if you are hungry, you can find something to fill in, and the things are still in the old place. "

After Dao Jiao went out, Zheng Tan lay on the sofa twice and stretched. Although he was a bit tired from long-distance driving, he didn't sleep for a long time. He walked to the balcony and looked at the balcony next door.

Qu Xiangyang moved away long ago, bought a big house outside, and now he is a father, but I heard that he is still very home. The t-shirts with StarCraft, Spider-Man, Star Wars, Spongebob and other patterns have disappeared from the balcony next door, and some female students' clothes have been replaced.

The house next door was rented to Qu Xiangyang's three graduate students, all female students. At that time, Qu Xiangyang also helped clean up the room, and patted six cockroaches and a few other insects.

Just because of seeing Qu Xiangyang tossing the house like this, Qu Xiangyang's parents rented the house to female students, at least the female students would be more particular about it, and would not make a good house like a kennel.

Zheng Tan has seen the three female students, and they look good. In fact, they are familiar with them and I think they are not bad. Good temperament and good character ~ ~ Sometimes I greet Zheng Tan to play and share some food. All are good people.

In fact, the three female students' favorite is the general on the fourth floor, but unfortunately, the general is now taken to the south for the winter, otherwise the general will often be heard singing love songs downstairs. Everyone in the building joked about Professor Qin, and he became embarrassed several times. Professor Qin is wrong. Most of those love songs, especially the very explicit ones, were not taught by him!

Staying on the balcony and basking in the sun for a while, Zheng Tan still did not sleep, and decided to simply go downstairs and walk around.

Fatty was not at home and was taken away by the old lady to relatives. A Huang was sitting on the grass with Xiaohua and the cows. Sheriff ...


Zheng Tan walked around, and came to the old flowerbed of the old man in front of him. There was a student in front of Zheng Tan riding a small three round to knock on the door. Then, three dog barks sounded inside.

Zheng Tan walked over to look into the probe.

The first was a tiger-spotted terrier "Tailwind", the second was a yellow terrier, "Thousands of Miles", and the third was ... the sheriff standing on a flower shed. (To be continued ...)