MTL - Strong Offense and Defense-Chapter 52 He must like you very much

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Back in the dormitory, Nie Chuan carefully folded Reese's quilt, put it in the closet, and then began packing her things.

Obviously the holiday that I was expecting to sleep to wake up naturally felt inexplicably empty.

He dragged his suitcase and got on the bus back to the city. The sun was shining on his face, warm, and Nie Chuan held his chin in a daze, apparently not asleep, but almost sat by the station.

When rushing out of the car, Nie Chuan shouted in his heart. If Reese knew it, he would be laughed at!

After finally getting home, Nie Chuan encountered Serene downstairs.

"Hey, Ellen, it's been a long time." Seren smiled slightly and waved her hand to Nie Chuan generously.

When she saw her for the first time, Nie Chuan's picture of her kissing Reese surged in her mind, her mind seemed to be hooked, and she was inexplicably uncomfortable.

"Yeah! Haha! Let me carry your suitcase up."

Even if he and Sereen had no chance before, Nie Chuan still had this kind of gentlemanliness.

"Thank you!"

Seren followed Nie Chuan and delivered the suitcase to the door.

When Nie Chuan turned and left, Serin suddenly asked, "Are you dating Lily?"

"Why do you suddenly ask this? Lily and I have only had one meal."

"Presumably Lily was very picky about her boyfriend. Someone saw her driving downstairs to your bedroom to eat with you, so I asked." Serin smiled.

Of course, Nie Chuan no longer thought Sereen was jealous as before. When he smiled and was about to leave, Sereen stopped him again.

"Hey, Ellen, do you know what Reis said to me when I gave flowers to my birthday?"

Nie Chuan stopped. To be honest, he has been curious about this issue.

"Oh? What did he say?"

"He said that the person he likes is you. He hopes that I will not let you have unnecessary expectations for me anymore."

To Nie Chuan, this sentence is like a huge undersea earthquake, and the tsunami caused by it is enough to destroy the world.

"You said ... what did you say?" Nie Chuan asked.

Does he think he heard it wrong?

"Although I've only been watching Rees in silence, one thing I know is that he will never let anyone go.

Even if it breaks, he must break it by himself. If you are willing to be with Lily to escape Reese or to hide your relationship with him, please don't. Lily is also my friend. "Serin's expression is very authentic.

Nie Chuan's brain crashed.

Seren frowned as she looked at Nie Chuan with her mouth half open, her expression completely dumbfounded.

"Why? Aren't you and Reese together? His quality of life has always been very high, and he values ​​privacy. He even moved to the double bedroom to live with you, aren't you together?"

Serene's expression seemed to be saying: The message was already obvious.

"You ... you say it again?" Nie Chuan forced his thigh hard, and the pain made him sure he was in reality!

The more Serena looked at Nie Chuan, the less she seemed to pretend. She suddenly realized something. Haha laughed and pointed at Nie Chuan and said, "Hahaha! Allen, you are so funny! I will tease you and you will believe Now, why did you live so big? "

Nie Chuan suddenly woke up and turned red from his face to his neck: "Hey--Selin! This joke is really not funny at all! Why do you say such things!"

"Because I'm jealous of you." Serin's smile closed, and she said a little seriously, "I like Reese so much and have been watching him since middle school. But he never looked at me more, maybe even My name is forgotten now. But you can easily occupy all his time. It used to be playing basketball together, but now living together. You have all seen Rees, which I do n’t know. You did n’t find Rees Does it take more time and energy for you than everyone? "

"I know, of course I know."

Whenever I realize this, I always want to do something for Reese.

However, Reese's life is too perfect. Nie Chuan feels that there is no place where he can "add the icing on the cake", except for one point-to be an excellent point guard, helping the team to enter the final of the league, and making Reese's league dream come true. .

"So I often comfort myself. He doesn't like me because I'm not good, but because he doesn't like girls. The whole school, the person who talks to him the most and spends the most time with you is him, and he must like you very much. "

Nie Chuan's heart trembled again.

He must like you very much.

He must like you very much.

like you very much……

Reese's hug, the temperature of his lips, the softness of his tongue, and even the intensity of his kisses ... even though he was not by his side at the moment, he was still so clear.

"I'm sorry to say so many messy things to you. But my rationale is to be envious of you, because you can stand side by side with Reese on the basketball court. You know when to pass the ball to him, knowing that it should be Where you run, you also know how to create opportunities for the entire team to score. I envy you like this because you are in the field of Reese. I wish you a happy holiday. "

Sereen waved her hand slightly, and Nie Chuan nodded.

He turned blankly and walked downstairs.

Serene's phrase "You are in the domain of Reese" is like a curse, lingering in her mind, unable to disperse for a long time.

Reese's world is not open to everyone. Few people can stand outside the city walls and peep into the gap.

Suddenly he wanted to see Reese, he missed the breath of Reese's aftershave in the air, the gesture of raising his eyebrows, and the various embarrassing jokes he made.

That kind of Reese may have only been seen by myself.

"Oh, Ogawa? Why aren't you upstairs?"

There was a mother's voice above her head. As soon as Nie Chuan looked up, she suddenly realized why she had gone back downstairs again? It's really amazing.

That night, Nie Chuan ate a large bowl of bone noodle soup and returned to the room.

The phone was constantly vibrating, and it was woolen, but Nie Chuan had been in a daze and didn't answer.

Text messages from the wool also followed one after another: Achuan! Coming soon! Never come to save me again! I am going to die!

Nie Chuan quickly went online and found that it was almost impossible to save the yarn at his own level.

Nie Chuan suddenly thought that his number in the game and Reese's number were related, and immediately went online to check.

The system shows that the latest login time of Reese's number was the last time he played with Nie Chuan.

Nie Chuan was immediately disappointed.

The yarn still kept sending system messages, and Nie Chuanshun transferred the best equipment in the Reese to the yarn.

Yarn: lying down! Lying down! Lying down! Achuan, you are so rich!

Nie Chuan: I don't want to play games today, you can play by yourself.

I don't know what the yarn was still saying online. Nie Chuan turned a blind eye, took the phone, thought for a long time, and finally sent a text message to Reese: Is the emergency at home resolved?

Then Nie Chuan started staring at the phone.

A minute passed.

Two minutes passed.


Ten minutes passed without any echo.

Nie Chuan really wanted to make a phone call to Reese, but he was worried that Reese was dealing with things at home and he didn't have time to talk to him, so he had to put the phone aside.

He made thirty push-ups, checked his cell phone, and Reese didn't answer.

He put the book back in again and did ten minutes of lifting exercises. There was still no text message on his phone.

As soon as she stopped, Serene's words began to play back in her mind.

He kept wondering: what exactly did Reese say to Serene that day?

Reese told Nie Chuan at the time that he told Serene that he liked someone.

But Sereen said: Reese likes Nie Chuan.

As Nie Chuan tried to break down, he scratched his hair.

Should he let him through this holiday?

Although I know that Serene is really envious because she became Reese's roommate, she deliberately made a joke, as if there were two popular friends on the Internet saying "good friends". Can't help but think: What if it's true?

If not, why can Reese kiss him without mind? Can ... even stick your tongue in?

Although according to Reese, it is impossible to count a kiss without sticking his tongue out ... but the problem is that using this kiss to play with him will make Reese's blood cost too big?

All night, Nie Chuan sat on the bed stupidly, without sleepiness.

Until a little in the middle of the night, his cell phone finally trembled: I will get things done at home, sleep well, and brush my teeth.

Nie Chuan looked at the short message and exhaled.

Has Reese been so busy only to see his text message? It seems that his family is really troublesome!

Nie Chuan: Rest assured that I will brush my teeth well! I hope things in your family are resolved as soon as possible and I miss the time I played basketball with you.

Less than ten seconds after sending it, Reese's text message came back: I miss you too. It's so late, go to bed early and don't stay up late to play games.

The phrase "I miss you too" has an explosive effect.

Nie Chuan stunned for a few seconds, almost smashing the screen of the phone with his head.

Why answer "I miss you too"! What are you "also"! Obviously I was talking about wanting to play basketball with you, not you!

Your answer is ambiguous, do you understand? You are still a learner!

Do you know that someone just joked with me just now! You will make me cranky and sleep less!

Now, the words that Nie Chuan keeps echoing in his mind have changed from Serene's "He likes you" to Reese's "I miss you too".

Even if he did not hear Reese himself, Nie Chuan could imagine the tone of Reese's words.

That kind of sound is a little bit cold, without too many undulations, but it can pull Nie Chuan's nerves very long.

sleep! forget about it!

Nie Chuan pulled the quilt and fell down to sleep.

At this time, in a hospital, Reese leaned against the wall outside the ward and flipped through the photos on his mobile phone.

The dark-haired boy in the photo is looking at the street sign very seriously.

Reese slid his fingers lightly across his face, closed his eyes and kissed them.

At this time, Reese's sister Vivian came over with coffee. She bumped into Reese's shoulder and smiled helplessly: "I seem to see your little secret."

"I never had a secret with you before."

"Can you show me the first person you like?"

"How can you be sure he is the first person I like?"

"I'm your sister. At least I know more about you than the dad who was lying on the hospital bed with no serious injuries but was full of trouble. From childhood to age, you haven't been interested in a lot. Sketch , Piano, programming, but usually you do n’t like it anymore soon. To be honest, you will like basketball so much, totally beyond my expectations, I always feel that such group sports are not suitable for you. But you really like it because Once you stand on the basketball court, your expression is very focused. You like the expression of something, I know it very well. Your expression just seriously made me a little scared. Is he from the East? "


"Oriental people are usually very traditional, and it is difficult for them to accept your feelings."

"So I can't bear it until now." Reese laughed at himself.

"No shot?" Vivienne laughed. "Usually you're quick, which means you don't care so much. The more patient you are, the more you must get."

Reese lowered his eyes and whispered softly, "Yes ... I must get it."

"That's what I fear most. You're always so sure of what you want, but you can't control what other people think."

"So I'm waiting."

"What are you waiting for?" Vivienne asked.

"Wait for him to find me. So he better realize it before I lose patience. Otherwise, I will hurt him."

"If you know you'll hurt him, and you'll hurt yourself, then let it go at that time."

"I can't, I can't." Reese turned to his side, no longer willing to discuss the issue with Vivian.

Except for the first day of the holiday, Nie Chuan slept to the top of the sun because of insomnia. From the next day, he resumed his work and rest.

Get up at seven in the morning and go out for morning exercise after breakfast.

Occasionally, he would meet Mark them on the community basketball court, and Nie Chuan would compete with them a few games. Although it was a bit unpleasant because of the contention for the venue, Nie Chuan also found that Mark was a faith-seeking guy, and the two of them had become familiar. Nie Chuan will teach Mark some outstanding skills that he has mastered without reservation, and Mark also said that if Nie Chuan has a car in the future, he can go to the workshop where he works to repair it.

Every night, Nie Chuan will still send a text message to Reese, telling him what exercises he has done, and who and who got it right, basically Nie Chuan wins.

Reese replied quickly, although very short, but Nie Chuan had a sense of satisfaction that he was liked by the other party.

That was the first week of the holiday.

Nie Chuan, Zhou Bin and Yarn had dinner together. Three people were eating hot pot. Yarn kept talking and said that Nie Chuan had not played games on the Internet recently.

"Achuan, have you quit Internet addiction?"

"I have no Internet addiction."

Nie Chuan had a mess with them and chatted with the yarn. Every now and then, he looked down at the mobile phone text messages.

Zhou Bin supported his chin and asked, "Achuan, who are you texting with?"

The wool also noticed, followed by the echo: "Yeah! Who does your kid text? No one listens to me at all!"

"And Reese." Nie Chuan answered subconsciously.

"And Reese?" The woolen slipped his lips and said disdainfully, "Are you wrong? Reese is not your roommate? Can you text him for a few hours? I thought you finally found blond hair Big **** girl! "

"We are discussing 'Star Burst Tactics.'" Nie Chuan replied.

"Is it a tactic in basketball? You can call and say, you can understand when you send a text message?" Zhou Bin answered with amusement, and no one understood the meaning in his eyes.

"Rice said he was inconvenient to call." Nie Chuan replied, then raised chopsticks and stirred in the pot, and took away all the fat beef rolls just under the wool.

"Hey! Couldn't your kid be so greedy!" The woolen line was resentful, and he called a plate of fat beef rolls.

Zhou Bin supported his chin and said funnyly, "You text as if you are in a relationship."

Nie Chuan thought back and said: "The way I text you is like I'm in love with you!"

Zhou Bin shook his head: "No, there are only three cases where you will reply to my text message in seconds. At other times, we generally do not send text messages."

"Ha? What three situations?"

"The first one is to borrow money. I usually don't see this kind of text message. Only a fool with wool will worry about whether to lend it to you."

Nie Chuan looked at Zhou Bin silently. Fortunately, the last time he borrowed money and called Reese.

"The second one is to confess my failure and cry for help. I think I can buy a repeater and record every time I comfort you and let it out when you lose your love."

"Go to death." Nie Chuan wanted to beat Zhou Bin.

"Third, pass the test answer."

Zhou Bin shook three fingers, and the wool on one side smiled so tightly that he could not shut his mouth.

After eating the hot pot, the three of them sat lazily and brushed their phones.

The yarn suddenly shouted, "Hey, Nie Chuan, is your roommate Reese the last name of Redington?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"Is he a great lawyer in New York?"

"Yeah ..." Nie Chuan suddenly realized something, and fetched a cell phone with wool.

That was a news a week ago. The mansion of James Redington, a well-known lawyer known as the "great white shark" in the New York legal circle, exploded. James Redington was seriously injured and was admitted to the hospital. The explosion was suspected of retaliatory behavior and the case is still under investigation.

"That ... your roommate's dad won't be braided ..."

Before the words of the yarn were finished, Zhou Bin choked his mouth.

"What? You texted Reese these days. Didn't he tell you?"

"No." Nie Chuan shook her head and frowned.

No wonder the semester final exam week has just ended. Reese flew back to New York without even saying goodbye. It turned out that such a big thing happened in his family!

Nie Chuan had an urge to immediately call and ask Reese, why did he hide it from him, and why did he tell him that it was "urgent" instead of "major"?

Did he lie on the bed in the dormitory and tell Reese that he was his most important friend, but did he think it was unilateral?

"Achuan, Reese didn't tell you about this, maybe he just didn't want you to worry about it. Also, he is a person with independent personality, and he should have strong self-esteem. He won't want to get sympathy from others." Chuan was unhappy, afraid he would do something impulse.

Nie Chuan understood what Zhou Bin said, but when he received a text message from Rice again on his mobile phone, Nie Chuan suddenly didn't know how to reply to the other party.

No wonder Reese just texted himself. Like Zhou Bin said, if it was talking about basketball tactics, he could clearly speak on the phone, but Reese kept texting himself because he was still in the hospital. Inconvenient.

For the first time, Nie Chuan felt very sad.

"Okay, okay, a big man like Reese's father, if there is something, it must have been flying all over the sky, and it will not stay a week ago." Zhou Bin comforted.

"Uh, uh."

Originally they had an appointment for a while to go to the internet cafe to play games, but Zhou Bin saw that Nie Chuan had no mood at all, so today the three of them have ended here.

Nie Chuan returned to the room, and he found himself thinking about Reese.

What is he doing now? Is he worried about his father? His villas have all been blown up, so where will he live when his father is discharged?

If Reese's father is blasted into a vegetative or something, will Reese take a break from school to take care of his father, and then he will not see him until he graduates?

Nie Chuan found sadly that when he lived with Reese, he seemed to have thought nothing. It doesn't matter whether you get up early to exercise or your most troublesome high number, even if you have a bad food and diarrhea and collapse to bed, as long as Reese is there, all this is not a problem. But when he couldn't see Reese, Nie Chuan found that he suddenly became particularly confused.

Nie Chuan picked up the phone and sent several text messages, such as "I saw a message about your father on the Internet. Why don't you tell me? Is your father okay?"

Apparently, Reese didn't want to know, if he asked himself, how should he answer?

Nie Chuan deleted the information.

Ah ... ah ... so sad! What can he do for Reese?

At this time, Nie Chuan received a text message from Lily: Hey, Alan, tomorrow's "Hunger Games" is released. Would you like to watch it together?

Nie Chuan sighed and replied: Sorry, I'm a little bit upset.

By the time Nie Chuan responded, the text message had been sent.

Damn! Nie Chuan, what are you doing! Such a reply is very self-righteous and will hurt the other party!

But Lily didn't seem angry, and the next text message came quickly: what's wrong? What bothers you?

Nie Chuan hurriedly replied: It was a big incident at a friend's house. I was wondering how I could help him, but nothing seemed to be what I could do.

Lily: It turns out that this is the case. Many times we can't do anything for the important people, but one thing we can do is stay with them.

Nie Chuan paused, yeah, Lisi had been practicing with himself before, why could n’t he go with Lisi?

Even if you can't do anything, buy Reese a coffee sandwich or something, you can do it yourself!

After Nie Chuan sent a text message to thank Lili for his reminder, she immediately searched the Internet for the appropriate flight ticket.

He really wanted to see Reese, and especially especially wanted to see him right away, and then he booked a flight more than seven tomorrow morning, which was the cheapest flight he could book except in the early morning. Then he checked the weather in New York and it seemed that it was raining, and he began to pack his stuff. Chuck in the team studied law, and always regarded Reese's father as his idol. Nie Chuan asked Reese's address from him, although this address may not be useful.

The thought of seeing Rees tomorrow, Nie Chuan didn't fall asleep all night until he got on the plane and closed his eyes.

When he arrived in New York, he took the subway and then took a taxi to reach near the Redington house.

This is a rich area, with luxury cars in and out, and high-end villas everywhere. But it was easy to find the Reese's villa, because you could see an unrecognizable remnant, surrounded by a yellow cordon, and two police cars parked nearby. Police officers continued to investigate. There are still journalists on the scene, and it seems that police officers are expected to reveal some information.

The more he walked in, the colder Nie Chuan became. The smell of explosion and burning still remained in the air.

The scene I've only seen in movies is right here.

Fortunately ... Reese was in the school when the explosion happened, otherwise Nie Chuan couldn't imagine the consequences.

I wonder what Reese's father is hurting now? Is Reese shy?

Nie Chuan's eyes were sore.

What do you guys want to do? These things should have been said to friends! Or am I not even a friend to you?

Nie Chuan took out his mobile phone and sent a text message: I went to your house to find you, but I couldn't find you.

Reese, who was pushing his father in a wheelchair into the hotel elevator, took out his cell phone, and then froze.

In a wheelchair, James with a plaster cast on his neck reluctantly opened his mouth: "Reese, you can put me in the room in a few seconds. Can you wait for your cell phone?"

Reese did not answer him, but immediately called the other party.

Nie Chuanwan never expected that Reese's phone call would come so soon, scaring Nie Chuan's mobile phone almost.

Shouldn't Reese be mad at himself?

"Where do you say you are?" Reese's voice was really low.

He is angry!

"I'm ... I'm in front of your villa ..."

"Get away from there, what if it explodes again!"

"Ah ... oh oh!" Nie Chuan hurried back, all the way down to a big tree.

How could it explode! If they would explode, how could the police dare to investigate?

"I retreated under a big tree, twenty or thirty meters away from your house."

"I'll go to you now!"

Reese's phone hung up.

As soon as he took James to the elevator, he lowered the floor hard. Even without turning back, James could feel that his son was impatient at this moment.

"Hey-hey, young man, take it easy! Nothing in this world is more important than life and death! Look at your dad and me, it's almost pleasant to meet God now."

"Then you can continue to be comfortable alone." Reese pushed James into the room, leaving only a single sentence and ran away meteorically.

"Hey, boy, how can you just throw your father in a wheelchair in the room like this!"

Vivian dragged James's suitcase helplessly in.

"You hurt the cervical spine, not the leg. I have no idea what your role in a wheelchair is."

"Did you see him look so impatient?"

"See." Vivienne nodded.

"When did Reese become like that?"

"Because he's still young. I'll stay with you. Do you want to do something the elderly like to do?"

"What old people like to do, I'm still young!" James protested solemnly.

At this time, Nie Chuan was sitting under the tree, and the chocolate felt from the backpack was not in the mood to take it apart.

He thought that Reese would be angry when he saw himself. He would have to take care of his father. Where can he devote his energy to take care of him?

"Am I a redundant person again?" Nie Chuan said to the chocolate, "... but I really want to see you ... If you don't want to see me, then I look at you, I'm sure you'll be fine and I'll go back. "

Twenty minutes later, a taxi stopped in front of Reese's house. Reese "touched" to close the door and strode in the direction of Nie Chuan.

Nie Chuan was sitting stupidly, watching Liz almost ran towards himself, and it felt like a comet flying at a high speed cut through all the dust in the universe and hit himself.

"Rice ..."