MTL - Strong Offense and Defense-Chapter 97 . Become a small forward

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Sitting on the bus going back, Nie Chuan still leaned against Reese.

Reese looked very calm, holding out his chin with one hand and looking out the window, and took Nie Chuan's head with his other hand, and leaned gently on his shoulder: "Sleep for a while. It will take more than two hours to return to school. "

In the past, Nie Chuan slanted his head and slept immediately until he was unconscious, but at this time Nie Chuan did not have the slightest sleepiness.

Just close your eyes to see the scene where Reese was injured.

Just half asleep, the car returned to school.

Nie Chuan was carrying Liz back to the bedroom, and Montenegro, Carlo, and Ewing followed.

When Nie Chuan opened the door, he realized that the bed they had put together should be exposed.

Nie Chuan simply put Liz on the bed, kneeled beside him on one knee, took off his basketball shoes for him, and asked Liz to spray medicine as instructed by the doctor.

Carlow blew a whistle: "Oh my God, you do n’t live together and practice together. You have to sleep together?"

Nie Chuan said calmly: "This is so good, it won't fall off after rolling around."

Ewing sat down beside the bed unfortunately, but fortunately he was sitting on Nie Chuan's bed, otherwise it was estimated that Reese's brows would be raised again.

"It's just you who is rolling around. Reese must be sleeping well."

Nie Chuan touched the tip of his nose and laughed twice.

"Actually, the three of us followed, and there was something to tell you to Nie Chuan." Montenegro, who had been silent, began.

"Just rest assured, I have accepted the fact that Reese was injured, and I will ..."

Before Nie Chuan's words were finished, Carlo interrupted him: "It is difficult to accept this fact, even if we haven't digested it at this moment. But it is also true that we have to fight ksu without Reese. The three of us reached a consensus on the game three days later. "

"What consensus?" Nie Chuan looked up.

"They need you to replace me as a small forward." Reese said.

Nie Chuan was dumbfounded. He looked at them in Montenegro, who knew they nodded.

"I play small forward? I don't have that ability at all! I ..."

"What kind of ability do you think small forwards need?" Reese looked up and looked at Nie Chuan.

"The confrontation of speed, penetration, scoring, and strength ..." Nie Chuan couldn't think of something more specific for a while.

"Except for Reese, you are the fastest dribble in our team," Ewing said.

"As for the cut, you dribble into the basket more times than I and Ewing." Carlo said.

"As for the scoring ability, you have already shown it in today's game with ujt." Reese turned to look at Nie Chuan. "I still remember your back-up shot ... Looking at you, I There is an illusion that I am still on the field. "

Nie Chuan's heart was rolling, and there was something jumping in the blood.

"As for rebounding, that's not a requirement for small forwards, and there is me under the basket." Montenegro said.

"But what about the position of the point guard?" Nie Chuan worried.

"Don't underestimate Peter. Without you, Connor is Peter. And today you and Peter have worked well together," Reese replied.

"So you actually want me to play small forward?"

Nie Chuan still remembers the battle between Reese and Raven in the warehouse. It was a collision of explosive power, speed and skill. I never dreamed that I would meet Raven one day.

Raven's explosiveness under the basket alone can't resist it.

"Yes." Reese's finger touched the tip of Nie Chuan's nose, followed the bridge of his nose to his eyebrow, gently kneaded, but left when Nie Chuan's warmth lingered on his fingertips. People are you, and everything I teach you is beautifully reproduced, even better than me. "

Nie Chuan looked at Reese's gaze, which was a heat that caused the freezing point to rise rapidly to boiling.

"I ... I think about it ... I'm not sure what I can do ..."

"Don't worry, you just have to compete with Raven Harvey with your own speed and flexibility. As for the battle under the basket, let me and Montenegro watch him." Carlo patted Niechuan's shoulder.

"Well, let's not bother Reese to rest, and I think Reese and Nie Chuan must have a lot to say." Ewing clapped his hands and dragged Carlo's back collar.

They left Nie Chuan and Reese's bedroom.

Walking in the corridor, Ewing kept his head down.

"What's wrong, Ewing?" Carlow asked.

"I guess Nie Chuan must be more at a loss than we are. I don't know if we are asking him this way, right?" Ewing whispered.

"What's wrong? Why don't you see how brave he is in the last few minutes of today! Jonathan and Manning can't bother to see him!"

"Nie Chuan and Reese will be an offensive partner for a while. Nie Chuan is responsible for bringing the ball into the half and Reese is responsible for cutting the ball to the scoring. Now the role has changed, and he has lost Reese who has been training him. Inevitable. It's just that we now tell him what Coach Gordon is thinking about, rather than waiting until the last day of the game, he suddenly knows ... at least he has three days to prepare himself psychologically. "

At this time, Nie Chuan exhaled hard and fell back on the bed.

"Is Raven Harvey? I'm a bit scared at the thought of his dunk ..."

Reese turned to his side, and gently nudged Nie Chuan's bangs with his fingers. "You are not afraid of Owen Wishaw. Ralvin praises you, but you say you are afraid of Raven Harvey?"

Nie Chuanxi got up, and deliberately touched Reese with his knee: "Listen to you, isn't Raven better than Owen and Ralph?"

"Don't you deprive others of hot pot today? In the future, you should become more accustomed to competing with each other under the basket." Reese leaned down with a smile.

Nie Chuan suddenly felt that Reese's mentality was excellent.

Everyone was worried, and maybe they could n’t eat for three days later, but Reese was so calm, as if KSU was not a powerful opponent.

"But I haven't covered your hot pot ... none time. Raven Harvey is a rival of yours."

"In fact, you have strong shoulder and back strength, but you haven't realized it yourself, and you haven't done any special defensive training at the basket."

The closer Liz's face came, Nie Chuan closed his eyes, waiting for the moment when his lips touched himself.

Soft and moist, with a domineering sense when the tip of the tongue squeezed in.

He sucked slowly with Nie Chuan, the tip of his tongue shaking as if Nie Chuan's mouth was a wine glass of red wine.

Nie Chuan bent his knees subconsciously, and Liz completely covered him.

"How do you know that I have strong shoulders?" Nie Chuan felt that Reese was simply encouraging himself.

"I knew it when you sat on my body and hugged me." Reese's palm moved over Nie Chuan's body. His palm was very hot. Nie Chuan knew that this guy was emotional.

Nie Chuan certainly understood when Reese was talking, his face suddenly turned red.

"How can you be so shy so easily? I haven't said that your waist and abdomen strength is also very powerful." Reese smiled, not a cold smile, but instead looked intellectual and soft.

Nie Chuan was a little uncomfortable by Reese and turned to the side, but Reese held him down.

"Besides, it's really hard when sucking me. It seems that even my life will be sucked away by you."

Nie Chuan felt that the bombers were buzzing in his ears.

"You ... what are you talking about!"

"Sure enough, it will take a whole day to finish this game." Reese kissed Nie Chuan's brows, his cheek, his ears, and the tip of his tongue teased his earlobe.

Nie Chuan began to feel awkward, and his tense and low mood was let go. He wanted to feel the presence of Reese more.

"Your ankle is injured, can't you be a little bit safe?"

Reese rolled over with a smile, lay down next to Nie Chuan, leaned over his face and said, "You can take care of it, I take care of it."


"How deep you want me to go, as far as I can go."

Nie Chuan looked at Reese, he knew that this guy was serious.

Nie Chuan sat on him as he wished. At first, Nie Chuan was scared. He didn't know what to do at all. In the back, Ristor was still holding his waist, and his voice was hoarse at last.

What shoulder and back strength is strong?

The strong is obviously Reese!

Nie Chuan was lying on the bed in depression, Reese hugged him, resting his chin on his head, and kissed him.

"I will always be by your side, not just in your sight, but in your heart."

"You are so conceited. What makes you think that I will always look at you? Thinking of you all the time?"

Reese rubbed Nie Chuan's ears: "Probably because I think you keep looking at me, thinking about me."

"What if we lose to ksu? What if I'm not really Raven's opponent?"

"Then we accept the result. Fight again next year."

Nie Chuan found that Rees had not only perseverance, but also openness. When all efforts have been paid, he will not miss the past.

"But Nie Chuan, you must realize that your strength is definitely not lost to Raven Harvey."

"Did you trust me so blindly because you love me?" Nie Chuan asked.

"Because the person you are practicing with is me, because you have the courage to play against Owen Westhawk, because you can score from Ralvin, and because of the signature action of Seton Linde Learn. He's just Raven Harvey, and it's not much more than those opponents you think are powerful. "


"And you have no interest in knowing what kind of small forward you would be if you were a small forward?"