MTL - Studying Science in the Alternate World-Chapter 13 little duke boss

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  Chapter 13 Little Duke Boss


  Duke chose to take a sabbatical, and he had four days off every month at Little Sam Shuka's.

  The reason for the day off today is because the Law Spirit Society has an open class for all spiritual apprentices. The speaker of the open class is Modis Black Snake, a 1st-ring arcanist from the Black Snake family.

   "Moodys Black Snake is the young elder of the Black Snake family, and a strong contender for the next High Priest." Old Sam walked with Duke on the way to class.

  Old Sam has been hesitant to become a spiritual apprentice for many years, but every time he holds a public class at the Falun Society, he never misses a single lesson.

  Duke asked: "Is the lecture given by the Arcanist useful to us spiritual apprentices?"

  Arcanist is a kind of arcanist.

  Spiritual arcana covers the universe, and all monks who have achieved success in practicing spiritual seas are called arcane masters. According to different practice directions, arcane masters are divided into two major directions-arcanists and arcane scholars.

  Arcanists study powerful arcane arts and use them in battles with devastating power.

  Arcane scholars study the secrets of arcane arts, and use them to make spirit cards, potions, puppets, etc. Different directions have different names, such as card making scholars, potion scholars, puppet scholars, etc.

   "Why is it useless, little Duke, whether it is an arcanist or an arcane scholar, they are all pioneers in the field of spiritual arcana. If you can absorb a little or two of their experience, you will benefit your whole life... Maybe you and I will not be able to advance to the first ring in our lifetime, unable to solidify the spell model and release arcane spells, but it will always be beneficial to listen to it!"

"I see."

   "It's good that you understand, don't miss the public lectures in the future, especially the lectures given by the Arcane Master of the 1st ring. He is a strong man with the surname Black Snake as the suffix. There are very few opportunities to teach us in person!" Old Sam looked fascinated.

  The Black Snake family is an aristocrat, an emerging baronial aristocracy.

  According to the rules of the nobility, only those who have reached the 1st ring in the practice of the Three Seas can be crowned with a noble surname, otherwise it will be an ordinary name. The noble surname of the Black Snake family is naturally "Black Snake".

   "Hi, old Sam, here you come." A middle-aged man waved.

   "Of course I have to come, this is Mr. Moodys giving a lecture in person." Old Sam greeted the visitor, "Winster, how is your business recently, have you made a fortune?"

   "If you can get rich, you will get rich sooner." Winster glanced at Duke, "Who are you?"

   "Haha, the spiritual apprentices trained in my store are now learning how to repair cards with me." Old Sam was a little proud, because one of the thousands of spiritual apprentices might not be able to produce one.

  It is obviously very honorable for the little Sam Shuka shop to produce a spiritual apprentice.

   Walk into the Law Spirit Society together.

  A total of three to four hundred spiritual apprentices came, almost filling the largest auditorium of the Law Spirit Society. Familiar people sat and chatted together, and there was a hustle and bustle everywhere.

  Duke found a seat next to old Sam.

  He is a newcomer, looking around the auditorium, there are not many young people like him.

   There are not many people who can open their spiritual seas by taking drugs. Those geniuses who can open their spiritual seas on their own are either the children of big families themselves, or they are all recruited to be cultivated secretly, and there is no need to come to any public classes.

  The open classes are for ordinary spiritual apprentices.

   "Teacher Moody's will be here soon, everyone please be quiet!" The president of the Law Spirit Club personally acted as the host of the open class and maintained the order in the auditorium.

   After a while.

  A man in a black robe about thirty-four or five years old, surrounded by many people, walked into the auditorium and stepped onto the podium.

  Showing a warm smile, he said in a warm voice: "Everyone should know who I am, so I won't waste space introducing myself. In today's public class, I will explain the relationship between the structure of the ring and spirituality."

  Moodys went straight to the point in class.

   Soon he talked on the stage, starting from the structure of the ring, combined with the spiritual arcane system, talking in general and there are many details that inspire people.

  Duke can't understand many things.

   But this is not important, Xiaoyi will record the whole course of the open class, which will become part of its database.

  Unknowingly, the two-hour public class ended, and Modis left the auditorium surrounded by everyone without leaving time for questions.

  The spiritual apprentices who attended the class left in twos and threes.

  Old Sam greeted his friends and called Duke to go back together.

   "Little Duke, how did you gain from this open class today?"

   "To be honest, I didn't understand much."

   "Haha, it's normal if you don't understand. There must be a difference between the height of the arcanist's understanding of the problem and our spiritual apprentices. You have just set foot in the spiritual sea, and you will gradually understand."

  The two walked to the fork in Second Vertical Street, and Duke was about to leave.

  Old Sam suddenly said, "Don't worry, little Duke."

"What's wrong?"

   "Are you interested in taking over Little Sam's Shuka shop?"


  Duke was taken aback.

  Old Sam took out a pack of cigarettes, lit one silently, and looked towards the front of the street. From here, he could see the signboard of Little Sam's Shuka shop, which was quite eye-catching.

   "If things don't change, I'm going to live in Shenjiao City. The continuous supply and wrapping technology I bought from you has found a big buyer and earned money that I couldn't make in my life running a small Sam repair shop." Old Sam spit out a smoke ring, "But I only paid you 10 gold dragons, which is too little."

  Duke couldn't guess how much old Sam sold for.

  He was naturally jealous in his heart, but soon relieved, and replied seriously: "Boss, we signed a contract, and it was a fair deal. I got the urgently needed 10 gold dragons, which is enough. How much profit you make from reselling it is up to you, and it has nothing to do with me, so you don't need to feel that you owe me anything... I am very grateful that you gave me a job back then."

   "You are a good boy who knows how to be grateful, but I have already decided to give you the little Sam Shuka shop."

   "It's really unnecessary..."

   "Listen, little Duke, I've earned enough from you, and the little Sam's card store is nothing compared to it. And I don't want to resell it hastily, after all, it has carried my dream and livelihood since I was a teenager, helped me earn money to support my family, and brought up my children to big cities."

  Old Sam said with great emotion: "Now I want to choose a suitable owner for it. I believe that you, Little Duke, are the right candidate. Therefore, accepting Little Sam's Shuka shop is like providing a subsidy for future polymaths... In addition, I have another request, that is, not to change the name of the shop."

   "This..." Duke is not a hypocritical person. Old Sam has already said so, and he has no reason to refuse, "Then I accept."

   "Haha, that's right, Boss Duke."

  Old Sam took Little Duke directly to Little Sam's card repair shop. There were three card repairers in the shop, as well as Bob and three apprentices, one of whom was newly recruited.

   "Everyone stop, listen to me." Old Sam clapped his hands.

  Everyone put down their work and moved closer to the counter.

  Old Sam glanced at the old folks, and slowly said: "I am going to retire. My children are all in Shenjiao City, and my wife is also helping to take care of the grandson there, so I thought about it and decided to transfer Little Sam's Shuka Shop to Duke... Don't be surprised. Duke has a smart mind and has also opened up the spiritual sea. I believe he will manage Little Sam's Shuka Shop well."

   I just finished speaking.

  The best card repairer shouted: "Old Sam, are you confused, what money can Little Duke have to buy your shop!"

  (end of this chapter)