MTL - Stupidly Cute Qing Mei: The Childhood Friend is Too Black Bellied-Chapter 117 Also good night kiss 4

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The three of them slept in two quilts.

Cheng Shitong and Little Rabbit are a quilt, and Cheng Zhiyan sleeps on a quilt himself.

Right now, Cheng Shitong and the bunny are already lying in the bed, and Cheng Zhiyan can only sleep outside.

It was just that he had the habit of reading a book before going to bed, so after going to bed, he leaned on the bedside and took a book in his pajamas to read.

The bunny was against the wall, and had not slept for a long time.

It was probably the first time Cheng Shitong had slept outside alone, and he had not slept for a long time.

A dim light inside the old room quietly exuded warm light. Cheng Zhiyan read the book for a while, only to find that both Tongtong and Xiaotu were not asleep.

"What's wrong, can't sleep?" Cheng Zhiyan looked at the two of them, and raised his eyebrow slightly and whispered toward them.

"Brother Orange Juice ..." Little Rabbit opened her mouth and yawned. In fact, she has been drowsy after repeated efforts. "Now I'm asleep ..."

"Well ... go to bed early and get up to celebrate the New Year tomorrow." Cheng Zhiyan smiled, stretched out his hands to give them two quilts, and said in a low voice.

"Okay ... good night ..." Little Rabbit nodded obediently, then habitually pursed his mouth toward Cheng Zhiyan.

Cheng Zhiyan froze slightly, glancing across Cheng Shitong's face, then smiled, leaned down and kissed her rosy little mouth gently, "Good night."

Cheng Shitong's eyes widened and looked at the scene in front of him. Only half a moment later he turned back and asked, "You ... what are you doing?"

"Huh?" The bunny's voice was already full of sleepiness. "Good night kiss ..."

"Good night kiss !?" Cheng Shitong looked at Cheng Zhiyan with a startled expression. There seemed to be no special expression on his fair-skinned cheeks, as if such a good night kiss was common between the two of them.


Cheng Shitong blinked, silent for a moment, and suddenly said to Cheng Zhiyan: "Uncle! I want to kiss good night too!"

Cheng Zhiyan bowed his head and looked at her with a funny look, "What do you want?"

"Why can a bunny have a good night kiss, I can't! You are my uncle anyway, and the relationship with me should be better than that with a bunny!" Cheng Shitong looked at Cheng Zhiyan with an expression of convincing expression .

Cheng Zhiyan smiled, looked at her helplessly, and nodded: "Okay ... you have ..."

While talking, he leaned down and kissed Cheng Shitong's round face gently.

The bunny tilted his head and looked at them.

After Cheng Shitong was kissed, he gave a slight stun, and after two seconds of silence, he shouted Cheng's words: "Uncle ..."

"Huh?" Cheng Zhiyan looked down slightly, shifting his gaze from the book.

"Why do you kiss a rabbit and kiss me, but kiss me?" Cheng Shitong looked at him wryly and asked, "Why is it different?"

Cheng Zhiyan's words were faint and silent for a moment, then he smiled softly at Cheng Shitong, and said softly, "No reason."


"Then why do you kiss us differently?" Cheng Shitong held the spirit of breaking the casserole to the end and questioned Cheng Cheng's words relentlessly.

"Oh ... look at the mood." Cheng Zhiyan thought about it and gave an answer casually.