MTL - Stupidly Cute Qing Mei: The Childhood Friend is Too Black Bellied-Chapter 118 Good night kiss 5

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depend on mood……! ? ?

Cheng Shitong only felt that he was petrified.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooh, you must be kissing your bunny because it ’s your future wife, I know! The lovers in the TV show are kissing me!" Cheng Shitong looked crying The expression of tears whispered toward Cheng Zhiyan: "I'm your niece, so you just kiss my face, otherwise, if we kiss, it's **** ... Ohhhhh ... I can't think that the rabbit is as big as me, But he has found such a good boyfriend as my uncle, and my boyfriend ... he doesn't know where he is ... I ... "

"Tong Tong." Cheng Zhiyan said a little funny, interrupting her.

"Huh?" Cheng Shitong stopped Xu Yan and looked up at Cheng Zhiyan.

"Watch less TV in the future." Cheng Zhiyan stared at her, speechless.

"..." Cheng Shitong quickly bowed his head and whispered: "I see."

Then he turned around and turned his back on Cheng's words.

"Okay, it's late, just go to bed." Cheng Zhiyan looked at her and shook his head helplessly.

"Okay ... good night ..." Cheng Shitong said a little lowly, blinking at the bunny lying peacefully beside him, unable to help but reach for the bunny's cheek.

Stinky bunny! !! Grab my little uncle! !!

Thinking of having to call the little rabbit as a tadpole in the future, Cheng Shitong immediately felt that his life was uninteresting.

Hey ... forget it, let it go. As the saying goes, fat water doesn't flow outsiders' fields, and it ’s better to call the bunny as a tadpole. it is good.

Thinking about it that way, Cheng Shitong was relieved at once. She stretched out her arms and held the rabbit's soft body as if she was holding her own doll. But after a moment of effort, she also went to sleep.

Cheng Zhiyan turned his head and looked at the two little girls who had fallen asleep against their heads. They could not help but shake their heads slightly, these two guys ...

Reaching out, turning off the bedside lamp, the quiet old room suddenly fell into darkness.

Tomorrow is the new year.


Early in the morning, Cheng Shitong was sleeping stupidly, turned over casually, and heard a "bang", and his head seemed to hit something hard and cold.

She opened her eyes and looked at the large white wall in front of her. It took her a while to remember that she was sleeping here with her grandma yesterday.

But ... no ...

Before she went to bed yesterday, she remembered that it was the bunny who slept next to the inner wall ...

Cheng Shitong turned around and looked behind him. Cheng Zhiyan and Xiaotu were still asleep.

It was originally that she and the bunny were under a quilt, and Cheng Zhiyan was alone under a quilt. Now it has become Cheng Zhiyan and a rabbit under a quilt.

Cheng Shitong looked at the rabbit's head against Cheng Zhiyan's neck and slept happily, and he could not help but grit his teeth.

When did this guy turn over from himself and ran to Cheng Zhiyan's bed? ?

The point is that her uncle's handsome face is attached to the rabbit's furry head, and one arm is still around the rabbit's shoulder, and it looks like it has long been used to ...

When did this happen? ?

Cheng Shitong thought back wryly, just remembering that he seemed to be walking on the road when he dreamed last night, and suddenly a big stone fell from the sky and she was almost out of breath.