MTL - Summoner of Miracles-Chapter 2522 The goddess of creation

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As the three beasts stormed into Rachem's camp, the situation finally reversed.


The Leopard's giant lion roared and turned into a thunder. Everywhere he passed, the atmosphere trembled, causing bursts of thunder, causing thousands of thunder and lightning to flicker, and enclosing all of Rahm in it. Burned to ashes.


The two-horned warhorse also ran wild, walking over the battlefield, releasing vibration waves, letting the explosive wind roll, and strangling all Rachum.


Even the human-faced lion, scorpion-tailed beast roared in purple flames, and the venomous gas sent out from the body permeated the whole audience, letting all Rachum bathe in it, twitching for a while, and was finally born. Of melting.

The three beasts continued to kill Rachem like this, and finally caused enemy casualties.

At the same time, Attila and Ishtar also stormed into the enemy group.

"Unfortunately, there are no humans here that you can kill freely, just disappear here!"

Ishtar let Maranna spiral out, condensing beams of light, letting the beams burst like a heavenly girl, scattered to the audience, and blasted a single Rachem.

Attila, unlike Ishtar, blasted Rachem in one breath, but swept back and forth like Bai Lei, and charged back and forth, but the sword of the **** of war was wrapped in a layer of destructive energy. To make the sword of the army **** become the most terrifying weapon in the world, in one stroke, he cut many demon monsters and dragons that Rahme could not help but cut in half and killed them on the spot.

Two riders, three beasts, and the presence of these forces show that the human side finally saw the hope of defeating the monster.

"Seal of Divine Power! Launch!"

Finally, under the loud command of a commander, the soldiers on the city wall smashed the lapis lazuli on the base of the Divine Seal, releasing the magic, letting the Divine Seal volley, emitting countless flashes of light, and fell towards battlefield.

This round of volleys brought excellent results.

After all, the Divine Seal didn't shoot ordinary cannonballs and arrows, but the treasures in the Gilgamesh Treasury. Every piece of power was extremely powerful. Volleys like this were as powerful as the highest-level ones. Naturally, it is impossible to achieve results for military treasures.

Under the condition that Uruk's soldiers were cheering up and fighting, Luo Zhen's Her Majesty's Legion was unwilling to be outdone, one by one roaring violently, no longer taking into account the defense, like Rachem, regardless of the launch Offensive.

Anyway, they are all Luo Zhen's enchanters. If they are injured, they can be restored with magic power. Even if they are destroyed, it does not mean death. They just return to Luo Zhen's soul and wait for the next call.

In this case, the opponent is desperate to attack. If you are still intimidating, then it is a funny thing.

Therefore, all the demons sent frenzied siege, some were pierced by their pointed feet and still attacked, and some simply died with their opponents.

In this way, how can thousands of Rachem win hundreds of thousands of troops?

Then, a few minutes later, Rahm, who had attacked Uruk, was all killed.


"Qkdeqkde! G @’ fffffffffffffff! "

"Qkdeqkde! G @’ fffffffffffffff! "



With the annihilation of one Rahm, on the other side of the vast flat land, another batch of Rachem came.

They have no sense of fear at all, but have kept their mouths open and laughed wildly, as if telling people that the category is no longer in vain, and they seem to be ridiculed in a frenzy.

"I have to say, I'm angry."

Ishtar gritted his teeth like this.


Attila didn't say anything, but her look was more indifferent.

Not to mention them, it was Luo Zhen who was patience with that harsh laughter and the harsh sound of Rachum.

If such a monster still has a whole 100 million words, Luo Zhen feels that he may really be stimulated by a living stimulus to collapse his mind.

"It's really endless like this."

Luo Zhen calmed himself down and thought up.

Although Luo Zhen's current magic and ability can summon hundreds of millions of troops, he can do it, but don't forget that the other party is still multiplying. The **** of warcraft, Tiamat is still in the Black Sea If you do n’t divide it in a day, Rachem will be continuously created, and even if it consumes energy, it will kill humans.

Luo Zhen is not afraid to consume it with Tiamat. The other side's energy continuously creates Rachem. He also constantly calls on the demon. Who is afraid of who?

But unlike Tiamat, Luo Zhen can still hold Uruk, and hold hundreds of thousands of humans in this city. If there is really a fierce battle between two extremely large legions in units of billions, He should have no spare time to protect more than 100,000 people.

At that time, as long as the one-thousandth of the number is rushed out of the opposite side, that is also a whole more than 10,000 Rachem, and the slaughter in Uruk will take less than a few minutes. dead.

Guarding is always more difficult than aggression, and you cannot always passively defend.

Thinking of this, Luo Zhen had a plan.

"Come out!"

With Luo Zhen's call, several figures appeared in front of him.

"""""the host!"""""

Kneeling down on one knee for convenience.

Looking at this scene, Attila let alone, everyone in Ishtar and the Chaldeans was surprised.

Because from these figures, everyone felt or detected the magic power equivalent to top-level followers and even out-of-range followers.

They are the top of the hundred ghosts such as Jiudan Tongzi, Yuzao Qian, Emperor Chongde, Dayuemaru, Suziko Hiroshi, Hongye hunting, sliding head ghost, and Ibaraki boy.

"Here is for you, don't let any one run in. If there are problems in the other directions, you will also immediately come to support."

Luo really ordered it.


The top beings of hundreds of ghosts took this order without hesitation.

Seeing this, Luo Zhen was a little relieved, leaving behind all the ghosts and ghosts of the night and hundreds of millions of troops, he turned into a streamer, sweeping away to the side of the sky.

Looking at Luo Zhen like this, Attila did not hesitate to turn into a magic mist and disappeared, entered a state of spiritualization, and followed Luo Zhen.

"Wait a minute! What are you doing !?"

Ishtar reacted and quickly drove Tianzhou to keep up.

Watching Ishtar catch up, Luo Zhen didn't look back and spoke directly.

"While Uruk is facing less pressure now, we can deal with it easily. Let's solve the source first."

Lo was true, and Ishtar's face changed.

What did he mean, how could Ishtar not understand?

"You're thinking"

Ishtar stared at Luo Zhen.


Luo Zhen nodded, looking at the end of the horizon, as if he could see the black sea, so open.

"We go to the mother **** of creation."