MTL - Summoner of Miracles-Chapter 2584 Revenge each other

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The light fades away.

Luo Zhen opened his eyes when the feeling of down-to-earth came from the soles of his feet.


"Luo Zhen!"


Matthew, Altor, Alter, and the quiet followers all appeared next to Luo Zhen and entered his sight.

I saw that all the followers were all armed, either holding up the shield, clenching the sword, raising the flag, or raising the dagger, and their eyes turned around.

Luo Zhen also looked around.

no way.

Starting from entering this singularity, Luo Zhen can feel the unusually huge magic power and endless depression and heavyness.

That kind of depression and heaviness is almost as breathless as if all the sins of the planet had gathered here.

The place where Luo Zhen and others are at this moment is the outer area of ​​the Temple of Time.

"Is this the Temple of Time?"

Matthew, alter, alter, and the quiet followers could not help but mumble.

As for Luo Zhen, it was from this temple that he felt emotions that others could not feel.

"咚咚 咚咚"

My heart beats like a drum.


Blood flow accelerated like boiling.

This feeling is not unfamiliar to Luo Zhen.

Because, in the past, for the first time when he saw the light band in the sky at the singular point, Luo Zhen had this feeling of resonating with the other party.

Now, Luo Zhen already knows why he has such resonance.

The reason is very simple, because Luo Zhen was the host of the magic king Solomon's trust, and almost became a sub-slave of Solomon. In the end, he also turned all the power of Solomon into nourishment, so that his own genes and blood were directed to Solomon. Being close, it resonates with everything related to Solomon.

Now that Luo Zhen has come to Solomon's temple, the resonance is naturally unprecedented. If Luo Zhen had not reborn and sublimated to the highest humanity, this resonance should have a great impact on him.

Today, this resonance can only attract a little attention from Luo Zhen, but nothing else can be done.

But besides that, this resonance has a benefit.

That is, tell Luo Zhen that the creepy existence that once appeared has already appeared.

"Senior, we"

Matthew just wanted to say something to Luo Zhen, but Luo Zhen raised a hand and stopped on the spot.

Luo Zhen just stared at one direction, and said nothing calmly.

Looking at Luo Zhen like this, the girls first looked at each other, then changed their looks, turned their heads and looked in that direction.


At this moment, a black avalanche of black smoke rushed forward, like a dark cloud mixed with endless thunder and lightning was used at an amazing speed, and the momentum was pressed to this side.

"This power !?"

Jeanne (alter) moved suddenly, followed by the expression of hatred on her face, which caused her to shake the flag of the evil dragon, let the surging flames burn, turn into a fiery avalanche, rush forward, and meet The black smoke that came from Pentium.

"Boom !!!!"

One red and one black two Pentium forces violently collided together, and with a roar, while shaking the ground, they burst into each other in the conflict.

The shock wave surged, spreading around, setting off an endless storm in an instant.

Luo Zhen and his team were bathed in the waves. Some raised their hands and blocked them in front of them, while others let their clothes agitate and stared tightly forward.

In particular, alter, directly outraged.

"Come out! Do you only sneak chickens and dogs?"

As soon as this word came out, he immediately got a scornful and ironic voice.

"The imitations fabricated by them are dare to speak like this, it seems that you really consider yourself an adult."

Talking, a figure came slowly from the front.

"Reeve Lenor Floros!"

Matthew immediately called the other's name.

The visitor is Leif.

Wearing a green coat, a dome-shaped hat, and a crutch in his hand, this man once belonged to Chaldea, but betrayed Chaldea, and brought great trouble to Chaldea. The professor appeared as if he had never died in the past.

As everyone expected, this person really didn't die.

"I have to say, I was surprised, very surprised."

Like this, Leif looked at everyone with contempt and said such a thing.

"Although I did plant a follower with you because of the general idea, I really didn't expect that you would be so tenacious that you were so tenacious that you even broke through seven special points, and finally came here."

This should be a big surprise for Leif, right?

However, his attitude, his kind of contempt and ridicule to human beings, still have not been reduced.

"I'll admit it. I look down on you. Even a small and humble ant, if you don't pay attention to it, will be hurt if you take a bite. Your bite did bite hard, but so far. Now. "

Leif satirically satirized.

"I pay my tribute to the bravery that you can come all the way here, but also thank you for all your efforts to rush to death, and thank you for giving me the opportunity for revenge.

Hearing that the rest of them, let alone say, the two reversing followers made a sound one after another.

"Revenge? Is this what I want to say?" Alter said angrily, "Don't you think you were burned to death once, and our accounts don't need to be counted?"

"I also have some accounts to calculate with you." Altor also said with no expression, "Although it was I who took the Holy Grail voluntarily and chose to maintain the uniqueness of Winterwood. Point, but to be honest, your attitude of contempt for all beings, if it wasn't for me at the time I felt that everything was over and anger would not help, do you think you can really retreat?

Both reversing followers have revenge against Leif.


"It's a joke. It's me who should be angry, isn't it?" Leif smirked and said, "I've given you the Holy Grail, and it turned out that both and one were so useless. In the end, I needed to take it myself In the final analysis, the so-called heroic spirit is waste, let alone one is a pretense, and the other is a corrupted product. "

Leif's sneer, in exchange for just thunderous revenge.



With the explosion of the two magical powers, the dark aurora and the surging flames swept out at the same time, crushing the earth all the way and blasting in the direction of Leif.


At the corner of the temple, a grand explosion suddenly appeared.

Leif was blown away in the aurora and the flames, and disappeared on the spot.


"that's all?"

The next second, Leif reappeared in front of everyone.

The vicious breath is wavy in the body.