MTL - Summoner of Miracles-~ Final testimonial

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Say the important thing three times, and then sprinkle flowers for yourself.ヾ (@ ^ ▽ ^ @) ノ

Although Ru Qing is not the first time to write a big ending for a book, but in the past, he wrote a big ending for his own writing. The finished version of the book, Ru Qing is really only relieved.

There is no way. The friends you know know how difficult it is to write this book. First, all kinds of bad luck and bad luck last year, plus a lot of housework after marriage, the result is a variety of The instability of the update made the difficulty of writing this book a few levels higher, and also made Ru Qing just want to call the last sentence, "It's really difficult."

In addition, writing this book is also more difficult than writing the previous books.

For example, with the passage of time, the network environment has changed, and many things that could be easily accepted in the past are no longer satisfying many book friends.

As another example, after writing several books of the same style with the same humanities, many people have expressed that they are bored, or that they are getting older and no longer "love".

In addition, there are phase tests that each book will go through, which will have some impact.

Furthermore, when writing this book, Ru Qing must also admit that he really chose a subject that is not very easy to grasp and attract, which ultimately leads to various disputes and conflicts.

Under such circumstances, this book is not only difficult to write, but also somewhat unsatisfactory.


For the book "The Summoner of Miracles", Ru Qing has a lot of dissatisfaction.

There were a lot of good ideas in my head, but the results were all due to time issues, update issues, secular issues, and the explosion of mentality stimulated by various jumping ghosts, snakes, and gods, which caused these points that should have been written to become something else. Or it may simply not be written.

Of course, Ru Qing also wrote very carefully, otherwise this book will not write more than 5 million words, the results of this book are actually good, thanks to everyone ’s continuous support, although the results are not as good as "Dead Infinite" is also much better than "All-around Fantasy", it should not be disappointing, but Ru Qing really feels ...

how to say?

There are many places where I can actually write better. This is how it feels.

So, to sum up, because of various problems, the results of this book are okay. After all, everyone supports it this way, but it is certain that there are many regrets.

In view of this, Ru Qing even moved out from home, and now has lived outside, after a good rest for a period of time, I hope to allow myself to start again and write better.

This year, Ru Qing has an ambition.

That is, write an original light novel.

Perhaps many people will feel sorry, but in fact, after investigation, Ru Qing found that with the change of the network environment and the change of everyone's taste, there are actually many book friends who can read the next book more patiently. Like before, people who like the same humanities, unless there is any change in the state of mind, otherwise, if you see the same author turning original, even if you will not be disappointed, your interest will be halved. Eventually you will chase a chapter or two and see that you are not the type you like. It was simply neglected.

In this way, why do n’t you just be bold and write a copy?

In the end, even if it fails, is that an attempt?

The most important thing is that, if you do n’t write the original settings and the plot of the original, then you should not be said to be "water" anymore? (Severely hurt)

In summary, the next book, if you want to try original light novels.

As a matter of course, originality belongs to originality, such as the written manuscript.

Moreover, based on the regrets left by this book, the next book will probably continue to use the theme of "summoning", but I don't want to write a protagonist of the magician type, nor do I want to turn the summon into a tool beast. It should be A new world that no one can imagine is right.

For this reason, Ru Qing has also read a lot of summoning books. If you like this kind of book, you can also recommend it. Let Ru Qing look at it to improve and perfect the inspiration, like "Long Live Calling". not bad.

Recently, Ru Qing is still looking at the setting of various legendary creatures, there are Eastern, Western, and various partialisms. I hope that the summoning creatures in the next book can be set more comprehensively and more attractive. .

In the next book, everything is new. I really need to plan well and think about it.

If you only wish, the next book, don't just throw it on the street. o (╥﹏╥) o

As for when to open a new book, let Ru Qing rest for at least one or two months!

At that time, it is still that sentence-I hope friends and friends can support!

After all, whether it's "Girls' Summoning", "All-around Fantasy", "Straight Death" or "Miracle's Summoner", each of these four books is more than 5 million words. This book can also have a motivation and score that can write this word count!

Think of it this way, we have written more than 20 million words in about six or seven years since we wrote the book. How did we persist? (Cover your face)

In short, I sincerely hope that I can write a book that everyone likes!

Finally, a series of mysterious numbers are presented-"100, 103, 660, 589".

B service, national service, know everyone understands, I hope the big brothers can see it! (* ^ ▽ ^ *)