MTL - Summoning In the Snow, My Harem is Too Dangerous-Chapter 17

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in the imperial city.

Wherever the Dongchang Factory and Guards went, there was chaos.

But since there have been arrests who have been beheaded.

This confusion turned into a deep horror.

Someone dressed up in disguise, packed up their golden threads and prepared to flee.

However, he was arrested and brought to justice by the factory guards guarding the city gate.

What they have to face next is the most severe interrogation.

This matter is very involved.

Almost half of the officials in the court were implicated.

Even among the six Shangshu, some people could not sit still.

For example, Pei Ju, the minister of households.

He was in the mansion at the moment, his brows furrowed.

The queen went to the emperor's palace last night and has not returned yet.

Up to now, there has been such a large-scale cleaning.

This made Pei Ju unable to make up his mind.

He was the minister of household, in charge of land, household registration, taxation, currency, official salaries, fiscal revenue and expenditure and other affairs.

He had long known about the emptiness of the treasury, but he turned a blind eye to the decline of Daxia.

Although he was supported by Queen Wu Zhao behind him.

But for some reason, Pei Ju was always a little uneasy.

Whether it was the original plan or the Queen's character, it was impossible to do such a thing.

After all, such a large-scale cleaning is likely to cause Daxia to collapse in an instant.

"It seems that I still need to see the queen."

Pei Ju thought for a while, but didn't leave.

Today's things are too strange, let's observe it for a while.


The Mansion of the Charioteer.

This is outside the Imperial City.

The chariots and horses are in charge of the chariots and horses used in the palace.

When a war breaks out, it will be handed over to the marching Sima, responsible for providing war horses.

But at this moment, this place is surrounded by a large number of Dongchang factory guards.

at the door.

The Minister of Rites, Bao Zheng, looked at the file in his hand.

Then he respectfully looked at Ren Mao and said, "Sir, all the previous clues point to this place, but after this, I am afraid that I will have to talk to the Minister of Officials..."

His respect for Ren Mao was not due to Ren Mao's cultivation strength or status.

It was the dossier sent by Renmao when he found him.

There is no small detail, and there is a lot of evidence of official corruption.

Therefore, the thorough investigation officials will be carried out so smoothly.

Moreover, in the thorough investigation, Renmao frequently solved the clues that he could not straighten out.

This is why Bao Zheng is so respectful to humans and cats.

After Cao Changqing told him the vision of the current emperor Xia Ji.

Bao Zheng felt the blood in his heart ignite.

"For the time being, don't pay attention to the Minister of Officials, His Majesty has already summoned him." Ren Mao said lightly, "Let's settle this first."

"So it is." Bao Zheng nodded.

Was planning to send someone to break in.

In the distance, a loud shout suddenly sounded.


Falling with the sound.

Amidst the dust, it was Li Si, Minister of Punishment, who came on horseback.

Li Si pulled the reins and walked in front of everyone.

He looked around the crowd, but did not find Cao Zhengchun's voice.

But what he didn't expect was that Bao Zheng, the Minister of Rites, was actually here.

He set his eyes on Bao Zheng and said lightly: "Master Bao, the law and criminal law are all in the hands of this official. You are connected to the East Factory, and you act like this, but what are you dissatisfied with this official?"

Lis frowned.

In his impression, Bao Zheng is an unselfish person.

But he didn't want to get involved in this power struggle.

Moreover, the person who chose was actually an eunuch.

You know, when Zhao Gao sent someone to look for him last night, he ignored it.

Now Bao Zheng has made such a choice.

They are all six ministers, which makes Li Si feel a little ashamed.

But he still saved some face for Bao Zheng.

After all, as officials of the same dynasty, their status and status are almost the same.

Bao Zheng looked at Li Si and was about to explain.

But he didn't want the cat to take a step forward and stand in front of the two of them.

Renmao said indifferently: "East factory work, idle people and others will all retreat, otherwise they will be punished as the same crime!"

When these words fell, Li Si narrowed his eyes.

An anger brewed in his heart.

He had never seen a human cat, although he also vaguely felt that a human cat was unusual.


So what? !

He is the Minister of Punishment, in charge of all prison matters in Daxia.

When would it be the turn of a group of eunuchs to scold him like this in front of him?

Li Si said coldly: "What kind of thing is your East Factory, you dare to say this? Is it because Cao Zhengchun feels that he is invincible in the world, or has he been stable for too long?".

Chapter 17 This is the East Factory!

"You ask me what the East Factory is?"

The cat laughed.

He looked at Li Si and said lightly, "Now that Daxia is about to fall, you, as the Minister of Punishment, don't make laws for Daxia."

"On the contrary, they are collaborating with bureaucrats, corrupt, and only know how to enjoy themselves. I don't know how many unjust, false and wrongful convictions have been made over the years, but have you ever made amends?"

"Not to mention, disasters occur frequently in various parts of the summer, and people are struggling to live. You don't think about how to reform the law to relieve disasters, and your mind is full of power and profit."

"Then let me ask you, since you entered Daxia as the Minister of Punishment, how many laws have you set for Daxia? Up to now, Daxia still uses the laws formulated a hundred years ago!"

"This kind of dereliction of duty, this official led the East Factory to handle the case, but you still have the face to ask me what the East Factory is?"

"Now this official will tell you that the case that your Ministry of Justice can't solve will be solved by Dongchang, those your Ministry of Justice does not dare to kill will be killed by Dongchang, and those that the Ministry of Justice does not dare to handle will be handled by Dongchang!"

"In a word, the East Factory that the Ministry of Punishment can manage should be managed, and the East Factory that the Ministry of Justice can't control should also be managed!"

Speaking of which.

Renmao took out the imperial edict from his arms: "Behead first and then file, the imperial power is licensed, this is Dongchang, is it clear enough?"

Say this.

But it left Li Si stunned in place.

He never imagined that the **** in front of him would be so domineering.

Moreover, there is a holy purpose.

Could it be...

Has Cao Zhengchun successfully suppressed the emperor?

Thinking of this, he was even more angry in his heart.

"Good Cao Zhengchun, good Dongchang, do you really think that eunuchs can be in power?!"

Li Si laughed in anger, but he didn't pay any attention to Renmao's words.

The human cat slammed the imperial decree in his hand: "This is the holy decree, don't bow down!"

Li Si was surprised when he saw this scene.

He didn't know why the **** in front of him was so bold.

He also thought of the rumors that were raging in the imperial city for the past two days.

But he didn't have the slightest fear, instead he laughed.

"What about the imperial decree? You want to use the emperor to suppress the official? You deserve it too?!"

Hearing this, the cat also laughed.

There are always people who don't have long eyes.

He looked at Bao Zheng beside him: "Master Bao, what should I do if I disrespect Your Majesty?"

Bao Zheng looked complicated, but he also said, "According to the Daxia Law, if you are disrespectful to Your Majesty, you should be imprisoned for half a month, and you will be whipped 50 times a day."

"Did you hear that?" Renmao turned his gaze back to Li Si: "Take it for me!"


As soon as the words fell, dozens of factory guards with swords and soldiers approached Li Si.

Beside Li Si, the guards he brought also drew their swords and confronted those factory guards.

Li Si even said coldly, "It's so brave, I see who would dare to attack this official today!"

The human cat laughed even more wanton: "Why don't you dare!"

Saying that, the aura that belongs to the level of heaven and man suddenly burst out.

The terrifying killing intent instantly filled a ten-mile radius, causing the temperature here to plummet.

There are also three thousand red silks floating in the air, filled with an incomparably fierce aura.

"If there are resisters, shoot them!"

The cold voice of the human cat came out, with an unquestionable majesty.

this moment.

Li Si's expression changed greatly.

He looked at the cat with suspicion, and his eyes were full of shock.

Heavenly? !