MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-v3 Chapter 617 Under the gaze of chaos

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The sound of breaking air.

The arrow of light passed through the protection in front of it, and easily penetrated the bone dragon's eyes shining with the flame of soul. Then I only saw the shining light appearing momentarily, and the blast of air and light force soared out like a whistling jet, easily overturning the skull bone of the bone dragon, I saw the blink of an eye, the skull of the bone dragon was in the impact Into pieces, and the soul fire contained in the skull also gradually dissipated. The bone dragon, which had lost the power of the soul, did not have time to utter a wailing, and the heavy body fell to the ground in such a sudden that it turned into pieces of bone, and there was no more prestige.


Looking at the bone dragon in front of him, Bingxue let out a breath. Then she saw the girl leap forward, falling like a cat lightly from the top of the tower, and standing quietly on the wall. Then her ears moved slightly, and then she saw that Bingxueer raised the white jade long bow in her hand again, and soon followed the movement of Bingxueer, and an arrow quickly appeared in her palm and then the sound of "snap" disappeared. At the same time as this arrow emerged, another bone dragon suddenly crashed down and smashed heavily on the city wall. Broken bones were scattered everywhere for a while, and the figure of Xueer was The shards of flaking bones traversed lightly, and soon leap over the city wall in front of her, then she reached out her hand again, her right eye narrowed, as if looking at something in the void. Then I saw Bingxue slowly raising her right hand, then suddenly released, and then saw the bowstring move. "boom!!"

But before Bingxueer made any further action, she saw a white light comparable to the dragon's breath suddenly erupted from the wall beside her, and then the momentum mixed with thunder and thunder swept across the sky in front of her. And wherever this white light went, the Chaos monsters fell, even if the huge bone dragon was also swept away by this glory, like a heavy iron rod. Screaming and falling, then there was no sound. Seeing this scene, Bingxueer did not cheer like the other soldiers on the city wall. Instead, she reached out and held down her forehead, and sighed for a long time. And almost at the same time. The itchy and extremely familiar voice that Bingxue hated appeared in her ears.

"Oh, you can't do this, little ice sister. Aoe is king! What's the use of fighting these chaos one-on-one? It's better to beat a group at once! Isn't this a lot better than your waste of time ?!

"You are clearly responsible for the other side! Bubble!"

Hearing this voice, Bingxue turned around like a kitten with a furry hair, glaring at the bubbles in front of her.

"What I have to do is not your turn, but what did you come to do on my side? At the beginning, the head of the group arranged for you to take charge of the other side's defense line. Now you run away, in case there is out Who is it? Chaos hasn't retreated yet, can't you grow a little heart? Really. You are like this when the leader is away! "" Oh, what's the matter, anyway, it's just fun, seriously You lose. "

Facing Bingxue's accusations, Bubble just pouted his mouth, revealing a look of disapproval. Seeing bubbles like this, Bingxue shook her head helplessly and said nothing more. She also knows that bubble is this virtue. I can't change it anymore. Actually at the beginning. Bing Xueer is not willing to be with the bubble, the entire guild players know. Bubble only listens to Rod's orders. When Rhodes was absent, she was the eldest brother in the world, except for the canary sister who could control her. As a result, due to the chaotic threat, Rhode had no choice but to separate them to separate their defensive lines. Binger wanted to be with sister Canary. However, she was just an archer in any way, she didn't have much protection. If it was the deity's canary, she might be hurt by her side. The bubble of the deity still needs people to see. As a result, Rhodes thinks twice, and finally canary and her deity plus the deity of the bubble plus three deputies are responsible for the other side of the vanguard of defense. And the problem over here is the projection of Bingxueer and bubble. This makes Bingxueer quite helpless. But she also knew it was the best combination. After all, Canary Sister and Bubble's deity are genuine human beings, and it will be very troublesome if they are injured. And Bubble's character is like that, if no one looks at everything, they can do it. She also once boasted that she had made trouble on the moon with Her Majesty Yilin on the moon. At that time, the bubble had not performed the same tune, nor did it have the power to dare to do such a bold thing. It would be a real hassle if she didn't watch her. Now that there are two Canary sisters over there, the bubble can't be turned anyway.

But in this way, I have a headache here ......... Unlike Bubble, Binger is the one who hears Rhodes the most. At this moment, I see that Little Bubblegum once again left the job and ran to her side to show off and let her There is nothing to say. She was an obedient child, not even sarcastic, and there was no other way than to complain about the bubble's disregard for the command, threatening her to tell Rhodes. And Little Bubblegum is obviously immune to Bingxueer's move. The appearance of his left ear in and out of his right ear makes Bingxue feel annoyed.

"you really………………!!"

"Hey, there's a leak over there!"

Just when Bingxueer was planning to say something to the bubble, I saw the bubble suddenly shouted, and then pointed exaggeratedly at the other side of the front. Bingxueer gave her an unhappy glance, and then she raised the long bow in her hand, and did not even aim at it, so she fired a straight arrow, and saw that with the movement of Bingxueer, it sounded like a thunder. The roar burst suddenly, and then a broken bone dragon with a blown head fell down and hit the wall.

"Oh, oh, look, if you don't remind me, I'm afraid you can't stop it now."

"If you weren't bothering me here, why would I ignore that ?!"

Looking at Bubbles shaking his head and shaking his head, "I ca n’t even eat without me", Bingxue couldn't help getting angry. After she successfully used the arrow of time and space in the battle of the floating fleet, Binger felt as if she had a better understanding of this skill. Until now, she can use the arrow of time and space freely. Because of this, Bingxueer matches his time and space characteristics. She also has her own new fighting method. Do n’t look at her standing at the top of the tower and looking in all directions, it seems a bit loose. In fact, the entire battlefield situation has been locked by her through the “space” ability of Binger, so even if Bing Xueer does not need to look at the eyes, but also can grasp the position of all enemies to determine who is the most threatening. It was just that the bubble was just so agitated that the battlefield that was finally sorted out was also messed up by her. As a result, Bingxueer had to re-spread the induction, but now the culprit is still a proud look here, looking at her makes Bingxue angry, anxious to shoot this nasty guy with an arrow. But now it's still important that the big brother handed himself over. So although Bingxueer was very annoyed, she didn't say much, but started to support the defense again.

"I still have things to do here, and you should hurry back to the bubble. If something happens, it won't be easy!"

Although perceived by his own space, Bingxue also knows that the line of defense that Bubble is responsible for is very solid now. Nothing happened at all because of her departure. But this makes Bingxue even more unhappy. Who makes bubbles the spiritual master? The spiritual master is in the buff profession. With the ability of bubbles, it is normal to buff the soldiers on that line of defense. Then it is normal for these soldiers to support for at least one or two hours without problems. However, there is no way for him to do so. As an archer, he does not have the lasting buff aura of bubble, and the time and space ability is very high on the individual and cannot affect the group. So Bingxue has to watch at all times.

But this is also no way out. The spiritual master is a profession with more and more functions, and there is no comparison with Bingxueer, a ranger archer who emphasizes individual heroism.

"Oops. Oops. It's too slow to see you like this! Let me show you!"

Watching Bingxueer shoot a bone dragon once again, but the bubble swiped his mouth, showing a bit of smirk. Then he saw the little guy raising his hands high. Soon, with the movement of the bubble, the shining golden light broke through the clouds and enveloped her body. Immediately afterwards, Biao quickly made several complicated gestures. Then she reached out and pointed forward suddenly.

"Wow ------ !!!"

With the movement of the bubble, I saw the sky that was originally obscured by heavy clouds suddenly became extremely bright at this moment, and then the dazzling golden light passed through the clouds like a sharp blade, covering the front of the battlefield. Then they saw the chaotic monsters shaking their bodies in the golden light. Billowing white smoke erupted, and then disappeared. For a moment, I saw the battlefield that was originally filled with chaotic monsters was full of scars, and it became dilapidated. And seeing this scene, the soldiers who were guarding **** the city wall suddenly issued a shout of joy and encouragement. Although they are not incapable of supporting it, and they are tearing each other's formation in such a sudden, if they change to an ordinary army, I am afraid they would have collapsed. But the number of Chaos monsters is endless, just a moment's work, and the gaps previously bombarded by the bubbles are filled again. But even so, those soldiers were still very excited, and Gein Bubble's hand was indeed very uplifting. Just like when the cartoon decisive battles are about to win, they will use the "clouds to see the sunrise", the clouds of depression that feel heavy and dissipated, and the dazzling sunlight emerges from it. For ordinary people, It is really an encouragement. When she heard the cheers of these soldiers, Bubble also excitedly waved her little fist, and then she raised an eyebrow and glanced at the snow and ice around him with great pride.


Seeing Bubble's gaze, Bingxue certainly knew why she was demonstrating to herself, but in fact, the soldiers who originally belonged to her cheering for Bubber, this kind of thing naturally aroused Bingxue's sense of confrontation. Not to mention that the two little guys didn't deal with it at first. I saw that Bingxue just snorted in the face of the provocation of the bubble. Then she raised the long bow in her hand seriously for the first time, and then yanked back with her right hand. With the movement of Bingxueer. Suddenly ten arrows condensed by the light were shaped in her hand, and Bingxue aimed at the sky in front of her, then she suddenly let go of her right hand.

"Uh ------- !!!!"

Just for a moment, I saw that the ten arrows of light whistled and flew in all directions, spreading like fan-shaped trails of light, fanning out, just covering the entire battlefield in a moment. I saw where the arrow of light was. Countless beams of light formed by the light rain poured down the trajectory of the arrows of light, piercing into the body of the chaos monster like a sharp sword. If the Chaos monster is dark and dirty, then the ten arrows of light emitted by Bingxueer are like rags for cleaning. I can see that the chaos disappears everywhere, and the original line of defense was attacked in the blink of an eye. The chaos monster was swept away, leaving only a little dust floating in the wind.

"Oh oh oh oh oh !!"

Seeing this scene, the soldiers cheered again. In addition to the soldiers of the Void Leader among them, there are naturally many Starlight Guild players among them. From the mouth of these players, they also know the story of the pair of bubbles and Bingxueer. have to say. The affinity of the little guys is still very high, and many soldiers treat these two cute little guys as their own children. At this moment, when I saw them fighting like children, naturally I also learned that those players who were not too big to see the fun started to cheer and jump up. Xiao Xiao's breath on the battlefield was weakened a lot, but it was a little more relaxed.

"Huh ... hh ... how?"

Putting down the long bow in her hand, Bingxue could not help breathing a few breaths. From her slightly pale complexion, the burden on Bingxueer was not small. Even so, Bingxue still stared at the bubble in disapproval. "Look at what else you have to say". But what Bing Xueer didn't expect is that this time the bubble actually said nothing to himself. Instead, she quickly turned her head.

"Oh, now it's a good form, and I should go back and work hard. You should also do your best, don't embarrass the leader."


Seeing this thick-skinned picture actually intended to look as if nothing had been seen just now, Bingxue almost vomited blood. She couldn't help it this time. Dissatisfied stared at the little bubble gum, shouted loudly.

"Why should I listen to you! I don't want to listen!"

"Why not listen? Hahaha, right ?!"

In the face of Bingxue's angry questioning, the bubble was obviously indifferent, on the contrary. The little guy seemed to remember something, and patted her palm vigorously, then she turned her head and looked at Bingxue with a strange smile.

"By the way, Xiaobing sister, you are so obedient, so you must listen to the commander?"

"Of course I have to listen to your brother! I will not listen to yours!"

Although I don't know what the bubble wants to say, Bingxueer answered quickly. What Bingxue didn't expect was that after hearing his answer, the bubble actually smiled proudly.

"That's right! When you listen to the commander, you are listening to me, because I can be your sister-in-law!"


Hearing here, Bingxue froze.

"You haven't married your elder brother, why are you calling your elder sister! And the elder brother wouldn't want you."

"Hum hum."

Regarding Bingxue's complaint, the bubble showed a skilful smile, and then she proudly straightened her flat chest with almost no fluctuations.

"Isn't that the case? Sister Xiaobing, even though I do n’t have the name of a husband and wife with the head of the group, I still have the reality of a husband and wife. Hahaha, how about it? It ’s no use if you do n’t accept it, and sister Canary is just like me. I've been in bed with my sister Canary, and I've been a good comrade to sleep! Hey hey, how can you not compare to this! Little ghost! "

"A couple's truth? What's that .........?"

In the face of this strange word that suddenly appeared, Bingxueer was also confused, but she was very simple, and these things were hardly touched. At this moment, the bubble is just out of nowhere, but it may be a woman's instinct. Even if Bingxue doesn't know what the bubble is talking about, she also knows that something coming out of her mouth is definitely not a good thing.

Seeing Bingxueer's expression, Bubble smiled strangely.

"The truth of this couple is ........."


But Bubble's words weren't finished. Suddenly, a deafening roar rose to the ground, interrupting her speech. Both were stunned, and immediately they looked up at the place where the sound was made, and then Bingxue and Bubble were surprised.

I saw that at the moment, behind the chaos, the sky suddenly began to flash its red lightning. Not only that, a bright red eye full of the sun did not know when to open from the void, staring deadly. The battlefield before us.

What it is? !!

Chapter 617 ?? Under the gaze of chaos.

Chapter 617 ?? Under the gaze of chaos. ,