MTL - Summoning the Holy Sword-v4 Chapter 679 The way to the future

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The hissing sound of the Chaos monster echoed in the dim cave, twisted, and the creeping monster roared and waved its limbs, flashing past the cave like a cockroach. They opened their mouths wide, and their sharp, beast-like teeth flashed a cold light in the darkness, and rushed at the prey in front of them. Soon, with the roaring explosion, a series of fireballs erupted in front of it, and the jets of gas and hot flames roared out, devouring the monsters in front of them. Soon, a burning figure crawled out of the airflow, and its whole body was completely cracked, leaving only black meat and white bones. But even so, the chaos monster in front of me still screamed and got up, rushing forward again. Then he saw that the scar that was startling to start to heal quickly began to heal, but only a moment of effort had completely restored the original appearance.

"It's annoying, these **** assholes!"

Anjielinte complained and stretched out her hand. Soon, the bright red fireball formed between her hands again, and then whistled forward. Along with a series of explosions and vibrations, the roaring air waves exploded again, forming a high-temperature barrier that blocked the monsters from attacking again.

"These things are really difficult to get rid of, and they are disgusting than those biochemical things in the movie that Master Bauble puts on!"

Looking at the monsters who got into the flames, even though their bodies were scorched, but still insisted on moving forward, even Jie Linte gritted his teeth. Seeing that these monsters were about to break through the flame barrier, I saw a middle-aged man who was standing silently next to him was half a step forward. He clenched a wand made of a branch condensed in both hands, and his two eyes were So wide open looking forward, then saw the player forcefully put his staff to the ground for a meal. Soon, the original hard ground became muddy, and the dark and deep soil turned into a green swamp with a pungent smell. The monsters who rushed into the swamp were suddenly in shape, and then their speed slowed down immediately. Not only that, when they tried to lift their limbs again, they saw that the originally intact limbs had been completely corroded at this moment. The first few monsters even fell into the mire like this. Soon, the flesh outside them began to rot. Destroyed, the bones dissolve like melting ice, leaving only a white breath.

But even the strong acid was not able to block the pace of these chaotic monsters. They just turned in a direction and attacked the target in front of them again.

"We can't stop it, Angeline!"

Leo frowned as he watched the black elves losing ground. Turning his head to look at Angeline and said. When hearing Leo's words, Anjie Linte bit her teeth, but her blood-red eyes revealed a firm look.

"If you ca n’t stop it, you have to block it! Beacon towers behind us! If we fall behind, who knows what these monsters will do to beacon towers. Now the entire Dragon Soul continent has entered the plane channel, If the beacon tower is destroyed, then the Dragon Soul continent is in danger. Do you want to let the master's efforts go to waste? "


Hearing here, Leo had nothing to say.

Although he is also a subordinate of Rhodes, there is a difference between Leo and Angeline. Leo also obeyed Rhode's orders. But when in danger, she still prefers to protect herself. But Angeline was different. She knew that her status and future depended entirely on how much she favored Rhodes. So for Rhode's order, the little guy never spared no effort to execute. to be honest. Angeline is doing her best to beat Rod's flattery in order to do her best. In this way, he can increase his rank and gain a higher status and power.

To this end, Angeline even at the cost of her own life.

Although she said that her purpose was too utilitarian, she could be regarded as a state of death because of this utilitarian.

Fortunately, Angeline was not the kind who was blinded by fame and fortune, so after noticing that she was likely to lose her side, she immediately notified Rhodes through spiritual connection. Angeline was also very clear. When should I be greedy and when should I report it immediately? If the beacon tower is really destroyed. Then wait for Rhodes to get started, I'm afraid Little Bubble Gum will kill herself directly ......... She hasn't lived enough.

"I have informed the owner, and I think he will have a way! Go up! Rush up, and keep these **** monsters out of the second line of defense anyway!"

"Okay, I know."

The defense line of the underground world is jointly constructed by the dwarves and players, and it also plays a considerable role in resisting the chaotic attack. In fact, the chaos offense in the underground world is the least, because the underground order is the most stable, the penetration rate of chaos is the lowest, and the dwarven construction technology is also good enough to resist the chaotic offensive. Coupled with the limited space of the ground itself, unlike the ground, you can launch attacks in all directions. Therefore, in the face of the Chaos monsters, Leo and Angeline are still calm, but now, with these strange variants of chaos, they can not calm down.

The chaos of these variants is more terrifying than they thought. They not only have the advantages of chaos, but also have the advantages of order. They know how to think, and even use some methods to avoid the attacks of Angeline and others. For now, it's not easy for Angeline to resist them.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

A few roars came, and the earth began to tremble, and Angeline frowned. Soon, she saw that the top of the cave began to collapse in the distance, and the large rocks fell downward. The pool was drowned. And in that flying dust, the dark figure fluttered again.


Seeing this scene, Angeline could not help but stomped angrily. There are too few people available to her, the black elves are not good at frontal attack, and the number of those players is too small. At present, the barriers that can only be built by the dwarves can resist the attack of the opponent. But I didn't expect that these variants were so cunning, and they came up with a way to deal with themselves so quickly ... and when Anjie Linte bit his teeth and planned to continue to issue orders, suddenly, an arm was behind her Reached out and pressed on the little guy's shoulder.

"Okay, Angeline. It's hard for you, leave it to me."

"the host!!"

Hear Rhode's voice. Angeline turned back in surprise, looking at Rhodes in front of her. And noticed Angeline's gaze. Rhode nodded at her too.

"You did a good job. Now, I want you and Leo to leave here immediately with others. But you ca n’t use abilities, you can only run out with your own legs! Understand? Remember, you ca n’t use abilities, And do n’t fall into the ground! "

"Okay, master. I'll do it now."

Although Rhode's order was a little strange, Angeline nodded quickly, then she gestured for Leo, and soon the two turned away. And it didn't take long for me to hear the dull trumpet sound, and the black elves who had been fighting in the front line scattered immediately, but the blink of an eye disappeared. Only the players are still standing on the walls built by the dwarves, resisting the offensive of the chaos monsters-in fact they are the main force, after all, with the power of the black elves themselves. Even with dwarves, it is not enough to deal with chaotic variants.

"Okay ......... let's get started, this is the final battle."

After confirming that Angeline et al. Had completely evacuated. Rhode glanced around. At this moment he was standing on the last barrier before the beacon tower. The city walls here are built on the bottomless abyss, and look around. You can see the steep mountain walls on both sides. The entire defensive fortress looks like it is suspended from a huge chandelier. Only one side is connected to the road outside. Only dwarves have such ingenious skills.

But for Rhodes, this is nothing to lament.

"Let's start, the last battle ........."

As he mumbled to himself, Rhode reached out his hand, and soon followed his movements. A card with a faint green glow appeared in Rhode's fingers. At the same time, Rhodes closed his eyes. Immediately. On the back of his right hand, a dazzling white glow erupted again. The summoning circle flashed instantly, and Rhodes began to rotate around the center. Then, the other nine holy sword cards appeared from the beam of light again. However, unlike before, this time, they did not maintain the form of the card, but turned into a beam of light at the moment of emergence, fused into the card between Rhodes' fingers. Not only that, but at the same time, those players who had originally resisted the attack of the mutant Chaos monster on the city wall disappeared one by one. They shattered and disappeared like bubbles, forming a colorful magical brilliance, flying quickly in the direction of Rhodes, and then fused into his body.

These players originally relied on Rhodes' power to be realized, completely different from the Phantom Guards. At this moment, they regained their original form of strength and returned to Rhodes' body again, which also meant that Rhode's strength finally recovered to the previous level.


The air began to become heavy, and even the mutant monster, which was just madly attacking, stopped at this time in suspicion. They looked at each other, looking at the young man standing in the distance with fear and doubt. people. They may feel that something is not quite right, and the earth doesn't seem to be as stable or friendly as before. On the contrary, the ground surrounding them at this moment seemed to be roaring like a meat grinder in the form of steel. It seemed to be revealing its sharp and sharp steel teeth, trying to tear the prey in front of it completely.

Just then, Rhodes opened his eyes.

He moved his right hand forward, extended his fingers, and then clenched firmly. With Rhodes' action, the faint green card suddenly broke and turned into a strange luster. In this way they recondensed between Rhode's fingers and turned into a weird weapon-a sickle.

Suddenly looking, it seemed no different from ordinary sickle. The long shank and the meniscus-shaped blade shone in the cold cold light. The breath of death condensed into a substantial chill lingering at the edge of the blade, and even the original bright colors became dim at this moment --- at the moment when the sickle was unsheathed, as if everything in the world had come to an end. Everything has lost the vitality of life, and can only tremble and wait for the moment when it finally dies.


At this moment, the mutant monsters also felt that some kind of danger was coming. They started screaming frantically and retreated quickly. That unrelated battle is entirely from the instincts deep in their lives that are warning these chaotic monsters that some kind of their irresistible existence is about to show unprecedented power, and the only thing they can do. Only escape.

"It looks like it's a bit useful, but unfortunately, I don't plan to let you go."

As Rhodes spoke, I saw that the original dark and dim cave suddenly emits a bright and dazzling golden light. The stones that originally looked bland and strange seemed like diamonds, and those soils now turned into gold and began to shine. . For a moment, the original dark and dim ground suddenly changed colors. And those mutant monsters found in horror that their power is disappearing quickly! Even their speed has begun to slow down a lot. Originally like ghosts and ghosts. At this moment it seemed like they were trapped in shackles, leaving them at a loss.

But all this did not make any sense to Rhodes. At this moment, he just stared at the empty space in front of him, watching the end of Guanghua's extension.

In fact, at this moment on the surface, four creation dragon souls, including twin dragons and Lilian and Elin, are pouring their power into the earth. They incorporated the pure power of the Dragon Soul into the earth, dispelling those variants that were trying to pollute and assimilate. The monster that had been hidden in the shadows was pulled back under the shining light. The power of Dragon Soul began to spread out in all directions. Eventually, they came into contact with the dead man hidden in the darkest depths.

"—————— !!!"

The harsh screams echoed in the cave, and Rhode heard the screams with a slight expression. Then he held the sickle in his hands and raised it high. Both eyes stared at the front quietly and dullly. Then, Rhode waved down, and the cold light came down.

The next moment, the earth began to collapse.

On both sides of Rhodes, the invisible cliffs began to shatter and split, and a crack passed from top to bottom through the dome of the crypt. Through the thick ground, through the steep stone walls. The earth began to shake. Immediately after, I saw Rhodes in front of me, and the original flat ground began to tear, and a bottomless dark abyss emerged from the ground.

If you can zoom the lens farther, you can see that at this moment the ground beneath the dragon soul continent has been completely cut, as if the lower layer of the cream cake was cut with a knife. The rocks began to fall off, the ground began to crack, and a mountain-sized piece tumbling down from the dragon soul continent, fell into the plane channel, and was completely swallowed by the twisted and broken void storm.

"———————— !!!"

The screams became louder and louder, but Rhodes was unmoved by this. He just held the sickle in his hand and watched the scene quietly. Variant Chaos must be completely eliminated. This is why he would rather cut off nearly one-fifth of the Dragon Soul continent, but also ensure safety. Soon, in front of him, the broken earth completely disappeared, and it was replaced by a hollow. The shining plane beams flowed from both sides of the cavity, looking like rivers.

But for Rhodes, what he was seeing at this moment was the monster that entangled beneath the earth, like a giant fetus. It was dark, and a pair of scarlet eyes blinked. Like the nucleus of chaos, countless blood vessel-like things unfolded around the body of the fetus and were deeply implanted in the dragon soul continent. For now, however, those blood vessels have been completely shredded, and the power of death has completely cut off their vitality and brought them to the end of eternity.

This is the difference between variant chaos and pure chaos. If it was pure chaos, Rhodes could not deal with it anyway. Because for chaos, order is unnecessary. But the variant chaos is completely different. Although they are still chaotic, they imply a certain order. Indeed, they can rely on such properties to erode order. But in turn, Rhodes could use this to destroy them.

At this moment, the horrible and ugly monster was reaching out in horror, and desperately grabbed at Rhode—but of course, it didn't catch anything.

"Do not------"

"So far, the battle between us and you ... is completely over."

Facing the variant's struggle, Rhode's expression remained unchanged, he raised his hands again and waved down.

The next moment, the dark, rancid tumor tumbling and falling down, disappeared completely at the end of time and space.

It was only then that Rhode closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

It's finally time to end it.

The war of chaos and order came to an end.

For Rhodes, a new life is about to begin. (To be continued ~ ^ ~)