MTL - Super Battleship Reborn-v3 Chapter 1026 Infinite computing power system

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Xiao Yu has come into this meaningless universe. There are many, many universes like this, and Xiao Yu just chose one randomly. Xiao Yu's navigation system shows that this universe is relatively close to the three-dimensional big universe, and Xiao Yu can easily return to the big universe at any time.

After becoming a Level 8 civilization, Xiao Yu learned that walking through different universes is actually nothing for Level 8 civilizations. Even the most ordinary space direction Level 8 civilizations have this ability. It is just one point that needs special attention, and that is the construction of the navigation system. If there is no initial coordinate point and no perfect navigation system, even Xiao Yu will be lost in this endless universe and will never be free.

It is for this reason that Xiao Yu escaped from the three-dimensional universe and was not tracked by the four major eight civilizations. Xiao Yu chose random jumps, and in the process of random jumps, he had accurate routes because of the secret influence of music civilization. And if the four major eight civilizations also choose the same random jumps as Xiao Yu, they will greet them forever.

This may be a fluke, but Xiao Yu didn't know it until now.

At this moment, beyond the pink sphere of light that still protects Xiao Yu and Heiyuan civilization, it is a meaningless universe similar to the situation when the twilight city disappears in the rebel universe. There are no rules, no cause and effect, nothing.

"This is a new universe that is completely different from the rebel universe. I intend to turn it into a paradise where your Heiyuan civilization can inhabit." Xiao Yu said, "You will multiply here. If one day you can see the rules Mystery, maybe you can transform the universe you are in. "

"Everything is under your arrangement." The Chairman of the Civilization of Abyss of Civilization bent down his waist respectfully. After this series of events, Xiao Yu's strength and mystery have planted a deep imprint in the heart of the intelligent creatures of the Heiyuan civilization. All the intelligent creatures of the Heiyuan civilization were fortunate to meet Xiao Yu secretly. if not. Their ending will be the same as the rest of the intelligent creatures in the rebel universe. In the constant rule destruction and reconstruction, life and death can not be controlled by themselves.

Xiao Yu will make his first painting in this meaningless universe. But before that, Xiao Yu had some other things to do.

The first is to continue to develop and improve rules and technologies. Although he has a foundation, Xiao Yu has just come into contact with the rules category after all, and he does not know much about many things. Further research is needed.

Second, the computing power limitation that plagued Xiao Yu for hundreds of thousands of years is now time to break. The computing system has limited computing power. It is because there is an upper limit on the performance of the computing module. For example, the speed of information transmission is limited, the processing speed of the logic operation module is limited, and the working environment is limited. But after mastering the rule technology, all this will no longer be a problem. Limited information transfer speed? Change the current rule. Make the speed of information transfer infinite. Computational module material does not work. Can't afford too much data shock? It's simple, just change the rules.

Rule technology is the foundation of everything. For Xiao Yu, mastering the rule of science and technology, he also has capital with unlimited computing power.

"Infinite computing power ..." Xiao Yu sighed in silence. For Xiao Yu's existence that relies on computing power, computing power is everything, and with computing power, everything is there. The development of seven-level civilization technology in all aspects has not brought unlimited computing power to Xiao Yu, and the computing civilization with the development direction of computing technology has not brought unlimited computing power to Xiao Yu. This unlimited computing power. In the end, Xiao Yu found it by relying on his own strength.

Although for Xiao Yu, rule technology means unlimited computing power. But this is not necessarily the case for the remaining civilizations. Sometimes things are not just about changing the rules. Before Xiaoyu became an eighth-level civilization, Xiao Yu had many scientific and technological reserves in seven directions, and was able to develop these technologies to the eighth-level civilization level together, so he could have unlimited computing power. For the rest of the civilization, although the rule technology can also bring a huge limit to the performance improvement of their computing systems, but that is not infinite after all, it is still limited.

In this brand new universe, Xiao Yu began his own experiments and research. Under the leadership of Xiao Yu, the size of the pale pink light sphere that guards Xiao Yu and Heiyuan civilization is constantly expanding, and more and more space is included in it. And how much the light pink light sphere expands, it means how much Xiao Yu's rule field has expanded.

In this endless and meaningless space, through the control of the space, Xiao Yu flicks the strings in an orderly and fast manner, and with these invisible, it is crucial to this universe Important strings are plucked at once, and rules are established-Xiao Yu is creating exactly the same rules as in the three-dimensional universe. After all, for Xiao Yu at this moment, under such a rule environment, Xiao Yu can exert his best ability.

The diameter of the light pink light sphere has expanded to about one light year. Within this light year, there is everything Xiao Yu is familiar with. There are stars that become nuclear energy sources from nucleation, various stars that follow the hydrostatic equilibrium and make themselves spherical, and there are asteroids or stardust that orbit around stars in an elliptical orbit according to the principle of gravity ... ...

In addition to the rule environment here, Xiao Yu has set up many other different rule environments. Beyond this pale pink ball of light, there are many such places. There is a rule environment specially set by Xiao Yu as a source of energy, and Xiao Yu can obtain energy from here almost unlimitedly. There is a rule environment specially set by Xiao Yu as an experimental base, where Xiao Yu can develop precision with almost no errors. Experiment; there is a regular environment set by Xiao Yu as a construction base, where Xiao Yu can build all the instruments he needs as quickly as possible with the highest efficiency ...

In this dark and chaotic meaningless universe, the many regular environments built by Xiao Yu are like the tinder of hope, glowing in the endless dark night, and gradually have a kind of sparks of Ebara. trend.

In Xiao Yu's timing system, this situation has been maintained for hundreds of years. In these hundreds of years, Xiao Yu has developed his own rule technology to a great extent. At the moment, Xiao Yu is even capable of changing the rules within the space of thousands of light years. This ability is comparable to the ordinary eight-level civilization. But obviously, this is just the beginning for Xiao Yu.

Rule technology has reached this level, and Xiao Yu believes that he can begin to transform the computing system. If all goes well, Xiao Yu will soon be able to move to a brand new computing system. This new computing system does not even need energy supply to maintain its continuous operation-after the rules have been changed, Perpetual motion is no longer impossible. The volume of this brand-new computing system may be very small, and it may not even require too many precise components. The simple matching of several parts may achieve the desired effect of Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu devoted himself to the development of infinite computing power computing system with great enthusiasm and expectations. Xiao Yu first listed a detailed list. This list indicates all the factors that have limited the computing power of Xiao Yu's computing technology so far. These factors can no longer be eliminated simply by scientific and technological means, but now, Xiao Yu has a brand new tool to achieve this, that is, rule technology.

Eliminating different constraints requires different regulatory environments. For example, the rule environment required to solve the problem of signal transmission speed is different from the rule environment required to solve the problem of power consumption. This means that in this computing system, many different rules environments will coexist harmoniously. This module in this computing system is a rule, and in another module it is a completely different rule system. Only through this method, Xiao Yu can achieve his purpose ~ ~ This is a difficult and complicated job. How to coordinate multiple different rule systems, how to make them coexist harmoniously to avoid mutual erosion, and how to make the entire system play the highest effectiveness, these are the problems Xiao Yu needs to solve. The scale of this project is enough to make the most powerful, even the eight-level civilization in the direction of the universe known for building rules, discouraged. But Xiao Yu is different. After becoming an eight-level civilization, Xiao Yu has previously transformed his computing system in accordance with conventional methods and has a more outstanding computing system than before. This is the basis for Xiao Yu to accomplish all this.

At this moment, it is equal to hundreds, thousands or more of eight-level civilizations invested in the research and development of this technology. And because of Xiao Yu's unique attributes, this equals hundreds of thousands or more of eight-level civilizations that will have unparalleled coordination and commonality. Under such circumstances, Xiao Yu lasted for thousands of years before finally achieving his goal.

At this moment, this computing system with unlimited computing power is already in front of Xiao Yu, and it has been installed in the human spacecraft which is newly transformed with eight-level civilization technology. Xiao Yu looked at this computing system with great anticipation, and then entered it without hesitation.

Xiao Yu knew that this time, it might be the last time he moved. (To be continued ...) ()