MTL - Super Battleship Reborn-v3 Chapter 1038 Space bomb trap

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Among the more than 10 billion years of life of the Dark Emperor, there are only a handful of such feelings. The last time I felt this, it was still the leader of the spokesperson camp, and led his eighth level of civilizations to fight against the defenders, but at the most critical moment, they were rebelled by the civilization camp led by the mechanical civilization group when. At that time, because of being caught off guard from behind, it was seized by the defenders and exiled into an endless and meaningless universe, drifting for hundreds of thousands of years. If it hadn't received the message from mechanical civilization again, it would still not be able to return to the three-dimensional universe.

However, at this moment, before it grew up after it left the three-dimensional universe, all the little ones with less than a million years of life history, it once again felt this way. This feeling tells him that he is in danger at the moment.

Xiao Yu even abandoned all attempts to strengthen the rules at this moment. After all of the more than 100 billion ruggedized instruments stopped working, the dark mist of the Dark Emperor's body began to spread uncontrollably. But the Dark Lord soon realized this, and immediately controlled himself.

It hovered quietly in this space, facing its own enemy Xiao Yu, who faced hundreds of billions of kilometers away. With a distance of hundreds of billions of kilometers, it is less than 0.1 light-year. At the speed of the Dark Emperor, it can instantly cross to the enemy. It can also be sure that as long as he reaches Xiao Yu's side, he doesn't need to do anything at all, relying only on his chaos ability. Xiao Yu will die because the rules are confused.

But that feeling tells it not to go before. It would be dangerous if you were near Xiao Yu.

"Leave here." Xiao Yu still said calmly, "This is really not a good time for you and me to fight."

"What the **** did you do?" The Dark Emperor asked solemnly.

"I didn't do anything." Xiao Yu said. "You also know that I have been carrying out the cosmic seeding plan. With your perception, you will probably know what kind of plan this is. Yes, the seeds I have spread out have occupied nearly ten million light years. Distance, and these seeds are not just as simple as "seeds". They are all multifunctional. At critical moments, they can be transformed into regular reinforcement instruments, of course, they can also be transformed into a strategic weapon ... Super giant chain Reactive space bomb. "

"Yes," Xiao Yu said lightly. "If you still insist on coming to kill me, I will immediately detonate all the space bombs spreading over ten million light years. A space bomb is not an ant to you, so ... One billion, one trillion? By that time. All this space of ten million light-years will be turned into violent energy. Of course I will die, you, the Dark King, even if you are the first born of the beginning of the universe I am afraid that you can't bear such a violent energy bombardment. After all, this three-dimensional universe still has a regular universe ... "

The huge body of the Dark Emperor couldn't help shaking slightly at this moment. Xiao Yu's simple words described the horrible doomsday to the Dark Emperor. That's right, after all, there is a regular three-dimensional universe. Not the chaotic universe before the rules. Even if it holds chaos, in this regular three-dimensional universe. It will still be bound by rules to some extent. And the rule at the moment determines that all space in the range of nearly ten million light-years is turned into energy, which is not something it can withstand. Even if it can withstand it, it will be extremely severely damaged by such a huge energy bombardment.

"You, you lunatic!" The message sent by the Dark Emperor was a bit of fear: "Do you know what this means? Do you know what kind of consequences you will cause ?!" You lunatic! How could this idiot, the defender, choose you as a chess piece to complete the plan? Isn't it afraid to catch fire? "

"Oh? What will happen if I do this?" Xiao Yu asked with great interest.

"Nearly ten million light-years of space collapse and turn into energy, which will affect the entire three-dimensional universe, and even bring serious disasters to the entire universe. The situation of the three-dimensional universe will probably be completely rewritten ... With countless stars dying, with countless intelligent biological civilizations dying ... Do you really want to do this! "

"If you still want to come and kill me, I will do it." Xiao Yu said, "Either you leave and you and I live, or you still come and kill me, you and I will die. As for you and I all die What this universe will look like is beyond my consideration and it has nothing to do with me. "

"You lunatic!" The Dark Emperor cursed fiercely, "The next time I come to kill you, I will be fully prepared. You can only use this method once, and I warn you, you better be prepared New means to deal with me ... "

The dark emperor's body quickly shrank in Xiao Yu's eyes, and even disappeared within a short time. Xiao Yu was slightly relieved. Before that, Xiao Yu did make up his mind to do the same. However, if he can survive, it is better not to do the same. Xiao Yu has finally succeeded now.

"The strength of this dark emperor is really horrible. It is worthy of being at the same level as the defenders, spokespersons, and rebels. At this moment, I can startle the dark emperor, does it mean that I also have to deal with the rebels and The strength of the defenders? "

Xiao Yu began to think carefully about this issue. After a while, Xiao Yu shook his head. Xiao Yu knew that even if he could scare away the Dark Emperor, he would still not be an opponent of the defenders or rebels.

It is not clear whether the defender is a single civilization or a group civilization, but the defender must have some mysterious methods to deal with himself. The rebel camp is a gregarious civilization. The gregarious civilization is different from the single civilization. There are many ways for the gregarious civilization to deal with the space bomb traps laid by itself. If this time the rebel camp, not the gloomy emperor, Xiao Yu would have no hope of survival.

Especially the rebel camp has mysterious and logical weapons, which makes Xiao Yu even more frightened.

"In any case, it is the king to quickly improve my strength." Xiao Yu sighed silently. "Now it seems that mastering time is to quickly improve my strength, so that I can stand on the same level with the defenders. The only way. But, how do you know the time? How do you know what's in the box without opening it? "

At this moment Xiao Yu is a little worried about his future situation. But Xiao Yu's anxiety doesn't just come from this aspect. When confronting the Dark Emperor, a lot of information was revealed in the Dark Emperor's words. It is this information that gives Xiao Yu another level of concern for defenders.

The Dark Emperor said that if Xiao Yu detonates this space bomb and destroys a space of nearly ten million light years, the consequences will not only kill Xiao Yu and it, but will have a serious impact on the entire universe. .

The consequences caused by the detonation of a space of 10 million light-years in diameter are so serious, then ... what about the space of 100 million light-years in diameter being detonated? What about a billion light-years or more of space? After all, this seed belonging to Xiao Yu is copying himself every moment, and constantly expanding the space he occupied.

And even the Dark Emperor knows this truth, wouldn't the defenders know? Then the question arises, the defenders are constantly monitoring themselves. The defenders know that their cosmic seeding plan will give them the ability to destroy the entire universe. So ... why do n’t the defenders come out to stop?

Extending from this problem, thinking of the various experiences that he had experienced before, Xiao Yu once again had a strong suspicion to the defenders about the completion plan.

"The defenders never seemed to interfere with me. It was the rebels who made me in danger, the advocates who helped me, and the defenders never showed up. No matter what I do, even if I want to destroy the entire universe, the defenders are not at peace I came in and didn't come to stop me or help me. So, what is it doing? What is the completion plan? "

"At this moment I have the ability to share with the Dark Emperor and continue to let me develop, and I will also have the ability to share with the defender. So, why is the defender not shy? Is it so strong that it has absolute confidence? Control my faith? Where does its confidence come from? "

Thinking about it this way ~ ~ Xiao Yu suddenly had a little fear in his heart. The danger before us is never dangerous, and the unknown danger is the most fearful. At this moment, Xiao Yu's various performances make Xiao Yu have to worry about his future.

"I still don't think about it so much. I haven't faced these things before ... continue to be strong, as long as I continue to be strong, one day, the truth behind all these things will come to me."

When Xiao Yu chose to move on, in the distance, the Emperor of Darkness was also advancing rapidly. The difference is that the sailing method of the Dark Emperor is not the same as that of Xiao Yu, which allows it to quickly approach its goal in a way beyond Xiao Yu's imagination.

"This lunatic, this lunatic!" The Dark Emperor cursed secretly as he moved forward, "I'm going to fight the defenders directly. Although I am not an opponent of the defenders at this moment, I can hold back for a while and still can do Here, Xiao Yu, this lunatic, let the rebel camp deal with it ... "(To be continued ...)

ps: I have a question to ask everyone, are there any book friends in Hainan or familiar with Hainan? Rainbow is going to live in Hainan for a while, so I would like to consult something. In some cases, you can come to the book group to find the rainbow, the Sky Eagle Nebula, the group number 313, 5 5 7 7 12