MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 224 Another battle

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After understanding the meaning of Beybank, Ian immediately took up the forced cooling device like a nail, and then placed it in the hands of Ace and Sapo seriously, with a serious face: "Ace, Sa Wave, this great and glorious task is handed over to both of you!"

No way, when I thought of holding something as big as this stake, I went under the body of Uranus, and Ian felt that I was in the cold war, so it was so dirty!

So for this arduous task, Ian feels that it is better to let others do it.

However, Ace and Sapo are not stupid. Although the reaction is slow, it still reacts. When the face is green, I immediately pushes and refuses to take this task.

After pushing it there for a long time, Sapo suddenly said: "Why do you want us to come? Can you change someone else?"

Ian and Ace suddenly realized that it makes sense! But who is this task assigned to?

Although all three people happily decided that the dead friends would not die, but who will bear this Taoist friend, and now I can not think of a good candidate, so the last total, first set aside disputes, and jointly develop!

But I don't know, next to Dorag and Ivakov, they watched the three are full of black lines... Ace would not say it, but you Ian and Sapo, the second and the second in the revolutionary army. The three-seat chair, in front of so many people, so that they are all in the same place, is it really good?

After temporarily putting down the cooling device, Ian transferred the topic to Xiong Shu.

This is one of his most concerned issues. At the time of the research, the subtle movements that Xiong Shu showed, have always been in the heart of Ian, he can feel that the action of Xiong Shu was definitely not a loss. The possession of consciousness is transformed into a mechanical weapon!

Therefore, he directly asked Bergabank: "Dr. Begbank, the consciousness of Xiong Shu, has it completely disappeared?"

Not only him, after hearing the problems of Ian, Dorrag and Ivakov also looked back at the bear holding the book in his arms, and then turned back and stared closely at Begbank.

"Theorously!" Bergabank nodded, but then waited for Ian to show a disappointing expression, and then began to say: "But... the human brain is the most mysterious thing, whether consciousness and soul are equivalent, this I can't tell you at all! The transformation of the bear is carried out by me. It is reasonable to say that his thinking has stopped. This means that consciousness has been lost, but his body is still alive, which means his soul. There is still, so I don't even know if his consciousness has completely disappeared... In fact, when the bear stays by my side, his strange movements have appeared from time to time. What you see is not Is a separate example..."

Ian listened with a bright eye and quickly asked: "This should be a subconscious activity? Then, do you think that there is still a possibility of recovery of Xiong Shu’s consciousness?"

“It’s hard to say!” Begbank shook his head. “Maybe, maybe, no, but I think that letting him stay with humans should be better than staying with the cold war weapons. influences……"

"Very good!" Ian sighed with a hand, said: "Dr. Begbank, I hope that you will let Xiong Shu stay with me in the future. If you need a bodyguard, I will help you find it!"

Begbank smiled and waved: "I know what you mean, don't worry, even if you don't say it, I won't let the bear continue to be my bodyguard. You are the most familiar person, maybe with him. Together, they can better help him to recover, but I hope that you will also be able to get in touch with him from time to time, which will be very helpful for me to study human consciousness."

"Of course, this is no problem!" Ian nodded and turned to turn to Doraga: "Uncle Dorag, although Xiong Shu is an important cadre of the Revolutionary Army, I hope that you can let him follow me, Xiong Shu. For me, it is very important..."

Yes, in the mind of Ian, the status of Xiong Shu is unparalleled. If you have to describe it, you can say that Xiong Shu is the ‘leader’ of Ian! After all, on the road of Ian’s growth, Xiong Shu gave him too much help.

Dorag also understood the importance of the bear to Ian, so he did not say anything more. He nodded and agreed to it.

Ian came to Xiong Shu’s side and opened his hands and hugged the bear’s thighs. He closed his eyes and muttered: “Don’t worry about Xiong Shu, I will definitely find a way to restore your consciousness...”

There was a groaning noise in Xiong Shu’s body. He seemed to writh his body and wanted to do something, but he stopped moving again, but it was such an abnormal performance, but it was carefully Staring at the people he saw, realizing that he might still have a subconscious mind, so Ian might be able to help him recover...

The fleet of the Revolutionary Army sailed on the sea and rushed forward in the wind and waves. Ian did not know that when they returned, at the other end of the new world, a major event happened at the same time.

Uranus, the king of heaven, attacked the country!

This is actually a long-awaited thing, but it’s only a little earlier than expected...

Eight hundred years ago, during the war between the country and the country, it was the enemy that was opposite to the Tianlong people. In the memory of Uranus, the warriors of the time and the country made it suffer a lot, just like It was the revenge of the Albif attacking the Giants. When Uranus flew aimlessly in the sky of the New World, and suddenly found out that the country still existed, he did not hesitate to launch an attack!

This is simply an innocent disaster for the people of the country. There is a sudden dragon in the sky. They can't help but say that they are spurting out the blazing flames. A large number of houses have been burned and countless civilians have been displaced.

Since the country and the country had once suffered a dragon attack, people immediately thought of the legend that the samurai dragon and horse killed the dragon. These ordinary people did not know the true origin of Uranus, but thought it was the original The descendants of the dragons killed by the samurai horses retaliated.

So they once again missed the samurai dragon Malay, hoping to have another dragon warrior to help them kill the dragon.

Only the general of the country, Tokugawa, likes to know what the dragon is doing. However, he does not know that Uranus has lost control at this time. He thought that it was the Tianlong people and the world government. Retaliation in the country.

While sighing and how the country is so troubled, he also quickly dispatched troops and joined other princes to try to fight back and want to expel Uranus.

The person who leads the team is naturally the first warrior of the country, and the great swordsman is the best guardian!

At the beginning, Uranus did not use the power of the devil's fruit to attack and the country. It just danced in the sky with a huge body, and kept spurting the flames on the ground. In this case, the most ups and downs The keeper keeps a group of warriors and can also attack Ulanus with swords and spirits from time to time. Although the damage done to Uranos is not good, if it continues, perhaps Uranus said I am not sure that I will feel trouble and fly away temporarily.

However, no one thought of it, just at this time, the four emperors Kaidu suddenly appeared!

To say it, now for Kaido, Uranus is definitely the first object of hatred. Even Ian or white beard can't match it. After all, Ian just caught the catastrophe of his men. However, Uranus made the whole pirate group of Kaiduo ruined. At the time of the loyalty of the savage squad, Kedo survived the nuclear explosion, and then fled back to the country. It is here waiting for the appearance of Uranus!

As a product of the Tianlong people's artificial king plan, Kaiduo had a certain understanding of Uranos. When Baikabank first experimented with him, he accidentally mentioned Uranus with him, so Kay I know that if the Tianlong people dispatched Uranus, the chances of attacking the country are great...

He just waited here, and the result really brought Uranos to wait!

When the enemy meets, it is extraordinarily jealous, and Kaido is no different from the army of the country, and he has turned into a gossip snake directly, and Uranus has just started to face!

What surprised the most righteous sergeant was that this time, when Kaido appeared, his body was several times larger than before, and he almost had a fight with Uranus. This is because Kaido was so dead and dead, and he came to revenge. After the moonlight Moglia, absorbed the momentum of Moglia's shadow!

This guy from Moglia was also unlucky. When he thought that Kaduo was injured, he might return the hatred of the year. The result was a model of a thousand miles to be sent to the head. It was originally intended to be used by Ian to deal with the thousand shadows of Kaido, and it became a means of fighting between Kaido and Uranus.

Kaidu, whose strength has skyrocketed several times, is definitely the most fierce person in the world at the moment, no one! Under the blessing of shadow power, he is entirely possible to fight Uranus with one person, and the fact is the same. When Uranus spurts the flames close to the ground, he suddenly smashes out and turns into a gossip snake, Ulanus. Dragged from the air to the ground, several heads together to the mouth, directly to Ulunas bite bloody!

However, the bad is bad here. When feeling the danger of a strong life, Uranus once again used the power of the demon fruit to release the nuclear explosion attack directly on the ground! This is an instinct for it as a creature.

Originally, because of the war between Kaido and Uranus, the warrior army of the country and the warriors of the country could not escape bad luck. At the moment when the nuclear explosion appeared, dozens of kilometers were the impact range of the explosion, and the warrior of the country. Even if it was too late, it would be completely destroyed. Even the most important swordsman of the country and the country’s largest swordsman did not last long!

At the first time of the explosion, was blown out. Although it was not killed by strong physical strength, it also allowed Uranus to fly back into the sky.

In fact, he has the means of flying, but the problem is that Uranos is called the king, because when he is in the air, the advantage of Uranus is absolutely strong, and Moglia is in his body. The shadow power is time-sensitive, and this timeliness is shortened because of his own nuclear explosion.

More importantly, the powerful cell self-healing power in Kayto's body is completely restrained by the strong radiation emitted by Uranus. The damage he suffered in the battle is completely real and cannot be achieved at all. Get restored in a short time...

In the battle between the two, although the mad-like Kayto attacked Uranus at any cost, it caused a heavy blow to it, but it also led Uranos to use the nuclear explosion to attack him.

More than ten nuclear explosions before and after, broke out in the territory of the country...

And Tao Zhi helped them, in such a situation, landing in the country, it is equivalent to head-on collision with this war...