MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 753 Out of control demon fruit battle

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Ian returned, but when the number of people was compared, there were several more people, one of which was the disaster relief Quinn.

Although she is an acquaintance of Spark Jaba, even Sbak Jaba believes that she can no longer blend into the grievances between the four emperors, so as a retaliatory measure against the incident of the Beast Pirates, she Will be handed over to the Navy with Ian.

But this time the matter of the country is only a temporary paragraph, and the next thing can be imagined.

Because Ian’s current identity problem is equal to the fact that the balance between the four emperors has been broken. The existing four emperors, the white-bearded pirates and the red-haired pirates are linked by the dragon pirates. The signs of unity are completely different from the previous situation of the four emperors. Now, the Dragon Hunter Pirates and the Beast Pirates have their first time in the air, and Kaido has captured Ace and Fujio, the same, Ian also captured one of his three disasters...

Although there was no king-to-king situation between Ian and Kaiduo, the hostility between the two had already spread with this incident.

After leaving the country, Ian let Fujio first go back to Cake Island to find Trafalgarro, because Luo has a life card of Peibo, they can take them to Zoe.

Dr. Jack got a life card that can go to Zoe from the disaster relief Quinn, but after all, history changed. Ian didn’t know if Jack would go to Zoe, because no one said that Jack would be good. First catch Jin Weimen and their party.

No matter what, let Uncle Fujihu go out first, to inform them about Doroy, and it is good to let Zoe do a little preparation.

And Ian himself was temporarily separated from them and flew away with the disaster relief Quinn. One was to send Quinn to the Navy, and the other was to take a trip to Dres Rosa.

So, for the time being, let’s turn our attention to the island of Lemla, a new world!

Lemla, this is a small island with an area of ​​only a few tens of square kilometers. There is a small country on the island called the Kingdom of Kastom. The population is about 100,000. Because the country is too small, it has become the world government. There are no qualifications for joining countries, so it is a last resort. The Kingdom of Kastom can only seek the asylum of the Four Emperor Pirates like other countries in the New World.

And this country, nominally accepted is the shelter of the red-haired pirates!

Yes, here is an island within the sphere of the red-haired pirates. After the banner of the red-haired pirates was hanged, Kastom was still safe and peaceful, and the king of the Kingdom of Kastom was On the occasion of the strength of the year, under his rule, this small country is booming and prosperous.

However, just a few days ago, the appearance of a small demon fruit ruined it all.

It was a strange devil fruit floating from the sea. It was stunned by a sailor who was drunk on the shore of the port. When I realized that I was caught in the secret of a sea, this The first time a sailor who wants to drink alcohol is thinking of it, not eating it himself, but planning to sell it!

When he rushed to contact an auction house on the island, intending to take the devil's fruit, this demon fruit was confirmed as the soul fruit under the identification of the auction house!

No one thought that the demon fruit of BIGMOM, which had just been killed some time ago, would appear so quickly in the eyes of the world...

The business that can get involved in the demonic fruit auction naturally has an underground world background. After realizing that this will be a huge demon fruit, the auction people will quickly contact other underground world hackers and want to bring this devil fruit. Maximize the benefits.

Excited, the auction house people made a huge mistake, that is, they did not have the first time to inform the country's asylum seekers: the red-haired pirates!

So when the news of the fruit of the soul spread throughout the underground world, things quickly got out of control.

In the beginning, there were some violent pirates on the island who wanted to play the devil's fruit. When these people appeared, they immediately put tremendous pressure on Kastom's law and order, although because The red-haired pirate group hanging on the island caused these pirates not to blatantly come, but their incidents of fighting on the island continued to appear, and even more ridiculous was within a week, holding The auction house of the devil fruit was hit by 37 steals, more than five times a day!

When the people at the auction house realized that the demon fruit was a hot potato, and they couldn’t care about selling big money. When they wanted to get it as soon as possible, the Beast Pirates and the world government even stared at the fruit at the same time. !

This time, the auctioneers did not dare to take the fruit out. If the fruit was sold at this time and then eaten, then I am afraid to wait for them, that is, the Beast Pirates and the World Government. Both sides are angry.

On the other side of the world government, it is clear that the fruit can be purchased at a price of 5 billion Baileys, but the people at the auction house simply do not dare to promise to sell them because they have to consider the reaction of the Beast Pirates. They can't afford the world government, and they can't afford the beasts!

Although the Beast Pirates did not say that they were giving money, they planned to **** them directly, but the people at the auction house refused to ask them to grab them. They were afraid to consider the problem of making money at this time. They could only hold this one. Devil's fruit, waiting for these big men to win the game, then hand over the fruit again...

This is the sorrow of the little people on the sea in the New World. When they have the value and value beyond their ability, it is guilty.

The Kastom people on the whole island felt the strange atmosphere of this country. Then, in their treacherous waiting, it was not long before the outer sea of ​​the island appeared a huge fleet of three forces.

Needless to say, one party is naturally the one-hundred pirate group that got the news. It comes to the **** of the beast, Kato. He is carrying the catastrophe and the two Buddhas, the singer and the pirate group. The number of ships is not too much, but there are also more than a dozen pirate ships.

As for the other side, it is the naval fleet led by the generals Huang Wei. With him, there are two new naval generals, the peach rabbit and the tea dolphin, and the navy has the largest number of ships.

The remaining third-party forces are from the Red Hair Pirates!

The king of Kastom also realized that the matter was big, and he sent a request for help to the Red Hair Pirates. So the Red Emperor of the Four Emperors also appeared with the Red Foss. On the sea in Kastom...

As Ian thought, in fact, the red hair Shanks does not think that a soul fruit can create a new four emperor like BIGMOM, but to be honest, he is also very surprised, he can't understand why. Why the Beast Pirates and the world government pay so much attention to this demon fruit.

Moreover, Kastom is a country sheltered by the Red Hair Pirates. Some people come to their own places to make trouble, and it is necessary for Shanks to take them back.

So he also came.

The red-haired pirates also took the elite route. Their strength was not much, so although they came, but the scams still maintained the cautiousness they deserved, and did not rush.

Originally, it was the words of other people. If the three forces did not work well, there would be some kind of stalemate. Then everyone sat down to discuss how to solve the problem of the ownership of the soul, but one of them came, but it was the madman of Kaiduo!

Don't be jealous, just do it! This is the idea of ​​Kaiduo. In his thoughts, there is nothing to think about.

I have to say that among all the four emperors, the name of Kaiduo is far above the other four emperors. The reason is this, whether it is the white-bearded pirates or the red-haired pirates, even the navy. Sometimes, it’s not a fight for the Beast Pirates, but it’s a headache for him’s disapproval!

So, when the Beast Pirates met the huge and conspicuous fleet of the Navy on the sea, Kadu took A to go up...

On the contrary, there is only one ship's red-haired pirates, this time got the chance to sit on the mountain...

In the navy, the person who led the team was Huang Wei. He used to swing his elusive personality. In the face of this situation, he should be concessionary, but helpless. This time the naval action was directly instructed by the world government and the Tianlong people. At that time, the navy had already been cut off once, and this time, nothing can be said.

Due to this tough command, Huang Wei can only greet the scalp, which causes the two sides to fight before they see the fruit of the soul.

This time, although it is also a war between the Navy and the Four Emperors, but the scale is naturally compared with the new Aitwall battle, although the Navy has come to three generals, but it can’t be said that it’s a nest, so for a hundred pirates. The strength of the regiment is not complete, but it has to be played.

Most of the pirates of the Beast Pirates were destroyed by the gunfire of the Navy, but the warships on the Navy were also destroyed because of their shots.

The two sides broke out a sea war on the sea in Kastom, and the locals were stunned and heart-wrenching...

Shanks stood at the bow and looked at the battle between the two sides from afar. His face looked serious.

The Navy’s choice of a tough battle was something that was beyond the expectation of Shanks. He thought that the Navy would let the Beast Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates fight, and then hide and prepare for it, but the development of the matter To his surprise.

"Go go to the city!" Shakes waved, let Redfoss turn and prepare to go to the beach. He plans to go to the city to get the soul fruit.

But at this time, Ben Bankman, who was holding a pipe, handed a telescope and said, "Look at 10 o'clock!"

Shanks picked up the telescope and looked in the direction of Ben Bankman, but found that in the midair there, Dover Langming was walking in the sky in a weird posture and was moving towards Castor. Coming in the city.

"It looks like Dover Langming is playing the same idea..." Shanks sneered a little and said: "Look at who is faster!"

Redferse immediately swelled and sailed towards the port of Kastom...

Because he realized that the Beast Pirates was holding the Navy and then letting Dover Langming wait for the opportunity to capture the devil's fruit, the Red Hair Pirates did not let them succeed, so they accelerated their pace, which led to Redheads' attention is somewhat distracting.

He did not notice the high altitude of several kilometers above the waters of Kastom, a huge shadow that slowly moved...