MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 754 Legendary pirate

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When the Red Hair Pirates arrived in the city, the guards of the Kingdom of Kastom immediately took them to the auction house.

Originally, the king of Kastom had thought about collecting the fruit of the soul from the auction house first, but then I thought that I was afraid that the demon fruit would cause the battle to happen in his palace, so I had to keep the auction house to keep it. The fruit is gone.

The king of Kastom, who also surrounded the auction house with a small amount of troops, was obviously relieved when he saw Chicks rushing, and quickly went to the treasure house of the auction house to put the devil The fruit is taken out.

A demon fruit has caused such a consequence. This is what no one thought of. The devil fruit is only for individuals to eat it. Maybe there is not so much behind, but the problem is when it triggers After so much attention, no one dared to eat any more.

Because the person who eats the fruit, if it is not done, it will be directly killed by Kaiduo. If it is not available here, then let the fruit be reborn again...

Therefore, even if you want to eat, you can only eat it by qualified people. The ordinary people have no idea of ​​playing this demon fruit. This is why King Kastom is waiting for the red hair.

The devil's fruit was stored in a small box and was carefully taken out by a kingdom soldier. However, the soldier did not wait for the soldier to hand the box to the hands of Shanks, a white line that suddenly came from a distance. Suddenly broke through the soldier's chest, the soldier died in an instant, and the box in his hand fell to the ground.

It was Dover Langminger who arrived! Shanks didn't even think about it, and single-handedly pulled the sword to the direction of the white line.

However, his sword gas penetrated, but it was a fake body made by Dover Langming's shadow line. His real body appeared from the other direction, and the silk thread in his hand rolled to the devil fruit box on the ground. !

However, the thread was interrupted by a shot of Usopp’s old Jesus!

Dover Langming appeared and landed on the ground. He and the red-haired pirate group were separated by the box containing the devil fruit.

The appearance of Shanks was very cold. At the moment of seeing Dover Langming, the powerful momentum of his body began to bloom. The soldiers of the kingdom of Kastom around the city almost gasped under the pressure of this momentum. They couldn't breathe, they could only **** their king to leave the scene. The next situation is not what they can intervene.

"Hey!" Dover Langming opened his hands and gave his signature laughter. "Red hair, your momentum is as terrible as ever!"

"Get out of this island! Dover Langming!" Shanks's Western sword pointed at the ground, cold voice: "Don't force me to do it!"

"That can't be done!" Dover Langming's hand smiled and said: "For another time, I will naturally shun the house, but this time I can't, the soul of our beasts and pirates is bound to win!"

"Hey, have you changed from the walking dog of the world government to the running dog of Kaido?" Upon hearing this, Ben Bankman couldn’t help but sneer at it: "Dover Langming, you are getting less and less." !"

Dover Langminge akimbo with one hand and swayed his fingers in one hand: "No, no, no, I am very proud, because the world will be moving for us. This kind of taste is wonderful! You guys I can't understand it..."

“What do you want to do?” Shanks asked in a cold voice: “If I remember correctly, what Kaido has been collecting all the time is only the demonic fruit and ability of the animal system. Why is this the result of the soul? Do you want to change your mindset after you have accepted your superhuman ability?"

"Hey, don't make a mistake. I and Kayto are only collaborators from beginning to end!" Dover Langminge said in a soft tone: "Kado's original intention has not changed since the beginning. The reason why the Superman is the devil fruit of the soul fruit is that the world government cannot get it. Secondly, it is related to our plan. As for the plan, you can't tell you!"

"..." Chicks looked at Dover Langming and talked coldly, but he was thinking rapidly about what he said about the plan.

However, the information that Shanks knew was too little. There was no clue or thought at all. So I had to say: "No matter what your plan is, but since I am here, sorry, your plan can only be aborted. I can't let you get this fruit!"

"Hey, don't be so unreasonable!" Dover Langminge smiled and said: "Red hair, I know that this island is your site, so this face and I will definitely give you this." I promise to take the devil fruit and leave, I will never stay!"

"Don't think about it!" Shanks refused without hesitation.

"Really, what do you want this fruit to do?" Dover Langmingo said: "You can't always give your hand to eat?"

He pointed to the red-haired pirates group, and the fat man Rakiru, who is still eating meat, said: "I still want to train this fat little brother into BIGMOM second?"

Rakiru glanced at him: "Turn off your ass!?"

But at this time, Benbankman had realized that something was wrong, and whispered to Chicks: "He seems to be delaying time!"

When Xiangx heard this, he immediately reacted, and immediately launched, with a sword in his hand, with an unparalleled temperament, toward Dover Langming!

When Dover Langminge faced the sword that Xiangx had come to, he pulled his left hand and pulled it with his fingers. The four wires with the armed color domineering were pulled out, and then the silk thread was used to block the Shanks. Jian Feng.

The toughness of the silk thread brought a huge unloading effect, but this is so, the sword of the four emperors is not completely resisted by Dover Langming, and he was directly flew out by this sword.

But when Xiangx flew at him, he discovered that Dover Langming didn’t know when, some of the silk thread spread out under his feet, passed through the ground, and then appeared from under the devil fruit box, quietly placing the devil fruit box. Wrapped up, while Dover Langming was flying by him, the thread on his foot was also pulled, pulled from the ground, and was taken away with the devil fruit box!

"Damn!" Shanks also found that he had a big idea. He should pick up the box first.

However, there is a chance to recover, and Shanks is wearing a flip-flop and slamming into the sword of Dover Langming, who is flying out!

However, Dover Langming did not know what to think about, but even looked at the swords of Shanks, but did not carelessly kicked his legs, and took the devil fruit box on his feet. Going out, far behind the street.

With a domineering sword, it naturally stabbed the entity of Dover Langminge. The armed color of Shanks was unstoppable, and Dover Langming couldn’t resist it. His shoulders were bloody.

But in the next second, he twisted his body and let his shoulders get out of the sword of the Shanks, then landed on the floor and shoulders.

Shanks was about to rush, but unexpectedly, Dolce Longming suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hey! Red hair! Your opponent is not me!" Dover Langming's voice, and pointed to the top.

Xiangx was shocked and looked up, only to find that a black shadow in the sky was falling rapidly and rushing toward him. Before he could see the black shadow, the attack of the other party had already arrived!

Hey! Hey! Two loud bangs came, and Shanks had already played this black shadow twice in an instant. His sword had been picked up by the black shadow for two consecutive weapons.

Holding the sword in front of him, Xiangx saw the black shadow landing, and could not help but widen his eyes! Lost voice: "Yes... is you!?"

I saw a stranger with a long blond hair was scattered behind him, but the strange thing is that on his head, there is actually a half of the steering wheel so inserted on the head It shaped a Mosigan-like shape, and his feet were not normal human feet. They were replaced by two sharp swords. When he stood, the two sword tips were so stabbed. on the ground.

There are only one person in the world who can have such a unique shape. That is the legendary flying pirate, the golden lion Shiji!

"Hello hahaha! Roger's straw hat kid, where did you wear the hat!"

The golden lion Shi Ji held his hands and held a cigar with a blue smoke on his mouth. He made a big laugh, and the laughter was full of momentum, while watching the red-haired Shanks playfully.

"How...what will it be you!?" The horror of Xiangx’s heart could not be described at this time. A legendary pirate who had disappeared for more than 20 years suddenly appeared in front of him at this time! ?

And the most important thing is how he will appear with Dover Langming, and the Beast Pirates! ? Nt

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