MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 814 Albuff was attacked

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Time flies, about a week later, their fleet in Ian has gradually approached the waters around Cake Island.

Compared with before, this time the fleet has joined several ships of the Baki Pirates, and among the fleet, there is also a huge ship!

The giant ship was towed by more than a dozen pirate ships and slowly drove on the sea.

Pluto was eventually brought back by Ian. Of course, now that Pluto is nominally part of Baki, it is only because Baki wants to ask Ian to help repair Pluto, so he can only come along.

This huge ship did not know how many people attracted the attention on the way, but because Ian showed off the banner of his Dragon Hunter Pirates, plus the Nine Snake Pirates and the Baki Pirates. The group has two flags of Wuwu, so whether it is a merchant ship or a pirate ship on this road, all the ships are afraid to approach them. They can only look at the huge ship from afar, which has led many people to know. The four emperors Ian seemed to have got something wrong, but no one would associate the ship to the ancient weapon of Pluto.

However, Ian also understands that this thing can hold ordinary people, but it is absolutely impossible to hold the world government. On this road, I don’t know how many CP intelligence members have seen the existence of this ship. They are afraid. I have already told this news to the world government.

What kind of reaction will the world government have? Ian doesn't know, and I don't bother to pay attention because they can't afford any storms. The loss of control of Uranus is the result of Ian's own witness. Now the Tianlong people and the world government have already Without the cards, even if they knew they had gotten Pluto, they could only watch them!

After approaching the waters of Cake Island, it was Ian’s own site, but it was a bit strange that after they appeared, they did not see anyone to greet them.

"Strange, what about the Dragon Hunter Pirates?" Ian scratched his head: "There are people who still have Jerma, and they say that even in the outer waters, they should come to us!"

"Is there something going on?" Ace said: "I have not seen the ship of the White Beard Pirates..."

Holding such doubts, Ian went all the way and headed straight to Cake Island.

When I got to the beach, I finally saw several members of the Dragon Hunter Pirates appear on the shore. They are Hawkins and Bonnie.

"Sister... cousin?" Ace saw Pony, and she had some big heads. After jumping ashore, she asked, "How come you come to Cake Island?"

Bonnie crossed her waist and said: "I can't help it. The white-bearded old man said that the current camp is more dangerous, let me come here!"

"What the **** is going on?" Ian asked strangely to Hawkins: "Why aren't others else? Uncle Fujihu? Ai Nilu and Krokdal?"

"This..." Hawkins was still a face-to-face look, but hehe hesitated, saying: "Captain, let another person answer you!"

"Who?" Ian asked.

Hawkins reached out and said: "He is in the castle now, the captain, come with me."

So Ian Ace, Boya Hancock, Baki, Bonnie, and the nine-snake pirates and the Baki pirates, they all got off the boat and went to the island.

After waiting for the Castle Island Castle, Ian discovered that the people that Hawkins pointed out were actually... Sapo! ?

He wore a top hat, a steel tube on his lower back, and both hands looked at Ian and Ace with a smile on his face, while Yarra and Walnut, Yardi, and Kona Nayi, they also stood at this time. Behind him, the same smile.

When Ace saw Sapo, he quickly rushed over and happily hugged Sapo.

When the two people happily talked about the feelings of missing after a while, Ian went up and looked unexpectedly: "Sapo, how are you here?"

"Ian! The action is about to begin!" Sapo said as soon as he spoke: "Mr. Dorag asked me to come to you!"

When Ian suddenly remembered it, at the time of Golden City, Dorag and his mention of the rescue of the naval scientist Dr. Bergabank, he could not help but say: "So fast!? Not to say, wait Does he first research something to rescue him?"

"Because the variables have appeared!" Sapo nodded. "Dr. Baikabank issued a distress signal ahead of the expected time!"

Then, when everyone sat down, Sapo told the local people that I knew it.

This is naturally related to the loss of control of Uranus. According to the information currently obtained by the Revolutionary Army, when Dr. Begabank learned that the Tianlong people secretly transferred their reasons, he knew that he could not wait any longer because he I don’t want to create a guide device to let the Tianlong people regain control of Uranus, but the problem is that the Tianlong people know that he has the ability to make the guides. If he doesn’t make it for a long time, it’s bound to be Will cause doubts of the Tianlong people.

Begbank was very clear. From the time he sent a signal to the revolutionary army to gather power to save him, how much time would it take in the middle, and no one was bad. One day, the dragon man became suspicious and held him alone, unable to bear with him. Stay together, then it will be troublesome.

Therefore, he will send a distress signal earlier than expected, so that when he is placed in the secret research institute set up by the Tianlong people, the revolutionary army can find his position as soon as possible.

Since Dora and Ian had mentioned this before, Ian didn’t think much about it. Since it needs action, it’s gone.

However, Ian turned around and looked around and found that whether it was the white-bearded pirate group or the red-haired pirate group, and his own dragon pirate group, most of the members are not on the cake island, so they can’t help it. Asked in confusion: "When did you get to Sapo? Is my person left to have a relationship with you?"

Sapo shook his head and said: "I arrived two days ago. In fact, when I arrived here, your pirates group had two white pirates, white beard and red hair, and they had already left Cake Island... ..."

“What happened?” Ian asked. “It will make them leave so hurried, not even giving me a call!”

Sapo gently pressed the brim edge and said: "It is Uranus!"

"Well!?" Ian and Ace looked at each other and didn't say anything, waiting for Sapo to explain.

"That was about four days ago!" Sapodao said: "At that time, you should still be sailing, so I don't know if the situation is normal... The Warrior Village of the Giants, Al Buff, was pulled by Ula. North attacked!"

"Ah!?" Upon hearing the news, Ian and Ace, as well as Boya Hancock and Baki, were all shocked.

After returning to God, Ian quickly asked: "What is going on here? Uranus has no controller now, how can it be shot? Is the giant family provoked it?"

I don’t think I’ll think so. The giants of Elbaf have always admired Wu Yong. It’s hard to guarantee that they will watch Ula in order to prove themselves when they see a dragon flying in the sky. North shot...

"This is true!" Sapodao said: "And it is not that the giants of Elbow have provoked it, it is the initiative to take it! Elbaf has now been razed by Uranos, the island The giant warriors have suffered numerous deaths and injuries, but this news has been suppressed by the world government. It has not let this news appear in the newspapers. After all, there are many giant soldiers in the navy, if they are aware of the news, those The giant soldiers are afraid that they will rebel! So now, this news is only circulating in the new world..."

This explains why Ian is on the way back, although she always pays attention to the newspaper, but she does not see the reason for this news in the newspaper.

"What the **** is going on?" Ian also had some doubts. "According to my and Isis's conjecture, after losing the controller, Uranus is equal to being released and returning to the wild. Even if it is savvy, it is generally like this fierce creature that will only attack when it is foraging, and will never use the power of the devil's fruit, or how does it get food?"

"This matter, Mr. Dorag has explained to me!" Sapodao said: "Ulanus is out of control, although it may indeed return to the wild, but the problem is that it has been controlled for too long in the hands of the Tianlong people. In order to preserve it, people have been letting it fall asleep to reduce its lifespan consumption. Therefore, in its concept of time, it is only a long time before the battle of 800 years ago. It can even be said that in his In the concept, the war is not over yet!"

By being interpreted by Sapo, Ian suddenly realized that it was. Ulanus basically woke up and was controlled by the Tianlong people to let it fight, so Sapo said it is very possible!

Ian thoughtfully said: "So, the Giants were once one of the enemies of Uranus?"

"Of course!" Sapo nodded and nodded. "Did you forget? Historically, the giants were mostly pirates. The giant pirates who were famous 100 years ago were the most troublesome in the world government. The existence, even traced further, is also true. The strategy of the world government and the navy for these giant pirates in the past was arrested and executed, and it was not until fifty years ago that the giants were gradually accepted into the navy. of."

Ian looked a little weird, because Sapo’s words made Ian suddenly think of a person, BIGMOM’s benefactor, Sister Carmelo! Sapo said fifty years ago, it should be referred to the Sister Carmelo, who is actually a trafficker in the dark, who rescued the giants to be executed, led to the reconciliation between the Giants and the world government, and allowed the Giants to join the Navy. Things?

"Ian, the state of Uranus is very wrong!" Sapo said: "Albuff was attacked, not a case. Although Uranus is now out of control, wandering aimlessly, but if It was discovered by the enemies it discovered eight hundred years ago. In fact, after the attack on Elbuff, someone saw the direction of Uranus flying away, which is the direction of the country, and The country was also one of the enemies of Uranos. If it was discovered by Uranos, there would be tens of thousands of casualties, so the white-bearded pirates Redhead Pirates, And your Dragon Hunter Pirates group, now people have done it, are throwing people in the new world to find the trail of Uranus, and guard against possible attacks!"

Ian glanced at Hawkins and found that Hawkins nodded and confirmed that Sapo had said nothing.

"Then we have to hurry to start!" Ian hurriedly said: "We have had a war with Uranus, so it is clear that the power of Uranus, it is true that the old man and the red hair and Uncle Fuji and their team Power, it is possible to kill Uranos, but the problem is that once Uranus uses the power of its demon fruit, no one can get close to it, and a strong person will encounter a huge explosion of that size. , will be killed, if they do not know this, there is a possibility of huge casualties!"

However, Sapo shook his head and said: "No! Ian, I am here waiting for you to come back, just to prevent you from going again, you can rest assured that they are four emperors, it is impossible to be so rash. Even if you don't have your reminder, what you have to do now is to go with me and join the revolutionary army to rescue Dr. Bergabank!"

With a sigh of relief, Sapo said in a word: "Because in the hands of Dr. Begabank, there is a weapon that can completely solve Uranus!"