MTL - Super Card System-Chapter 832 The end of the world nobility

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In the corner of the conference hall, there were also some black suit guards, but none of the guards had firearms.

When the new navy led by Qing and Zefa rushed in, the new navy elites trained by Zefa had rushed to the guns, and the guards of these black suits were first subdued.

"... Zefa! You are not dead yet!" The five old stars looked at the generals in the crowd with a gloomy look, and hated to secretly clench their fists.

Zefa spread the right hand of his robotic arm, and the face wearing sunglasses showed a mocking smile. "Yes, five old stars, are you disappointed?"

Zefa’s supreme power control of the five old stars is now even a little respected. When the five old stars did not ask for his consent, they would have listed Edward Weibulu as the Seven Wuhai. Understand that, in the eyes of the world government, I have already lost the value of use...

My youth, my life is dedicated to the navy, but in the end, even a pirate can not match! ? How does this make Zefa not chilling?

Fortunately, I still have my students... Zefa thinks like this, can't help but glance at Ian and Binz next to myself, even if Ian and Binz were once naval-born, but now they are standing There is no hesitation in the eyes of Zefa.

Georgia, the five-star, heard the irony of Zefa. He snorted and ignored him. Instead, he turned his eyes to the green road: "Green... No, Kuzan, you brought in so many people. What do you want to do at the World Conference? Do you know how serious your consequences are?"

Georgia attracts everyone's attention, while Gorbach in the five old stars is quietly pressing a red button hidden under his desk.

This button is naturally set to prevent special situations. When the button is pressed, the Naval headquarters Marin van Doo will immediately sound an alarm. All the naval generals and naval lieutenants who are stationed in the navy headquarters will bring A large number of navies rushed to Mary Joa...

After pressing the button, Gorba didn't show his face on the face, but his heart was secretly relieved. Although he didn't know how they broke into Mary Joa, but it didn't matter. After the arrival of the support of the Navy headquarters, these counter-party will be wiped out.

Hearing the question from Georgia, the young man scratched his head and sat down on an empty seat next to him. He was still lazy and scattered, and he put his long legs on the table and said, "I am here. Because someone wants to come, I am just a referrer..."

As he spoke, Zefa, Ein Binz, and Smog Daschi and Guina, all flashed out of position, and they appeared behind a group of people wearing green cloaks.

This group of people wearing cloaks, high and low, even seemingly have children, which makes everyone present at the meeting feel confused.

But at this time, a tall figure headed out suddenly said: "I said, one day, I will come here! It seems that this time is earlier than expected..."

As he said, this tall figure opened his hood on his head.

At the moment when his face appeared, there was a sound of cold air in the entire conference hall!

Wild black shawl with long hair, a sly and confident cold face, and the scaly red tattoo on the left cheek, not the 'the most ferocious criminal in the world', who will be! ?

"Retro...Realist Dorrag!!!"

The audience was in a state of utter disappointment. Almost all the kings and leaders present were shocked to get up from their seats, and the five old stars couldn’t help but sweat. They really didn’t think that the revolutionary Dora The grid appeared here, and it appeared with the young navy of the Qing Dynasty Zefa!

What does this mean, it is self-evident...

"Come to... Come on! Grab him! Grab the revolutionary Dorrag!!!" Some of the kings who regarded the revolutionary army as a beast of the flood, could not sit still at this time, shouting and directing the guards they brought.

There are about twenty or thirty kings. Their guards add up a lot. Although they are bare-handed, they still bite their teeth and move toward Dorrag.


In the face of these surging crowds, Dorag grinned and reached for a wave, then a fierce wind immediately came out of the air, instantly boasting on these guards, one or two hundred pounds of guards, no resistance The power is easily blown up and flew out, and many people are even blown directly to the opposite wall, making a loud noise.

The scene was a mess, but the strange thing was that the conference table near Dorrag was not affected at all, as if the storm he had called would only have an effect on people.

Only those who know the goods will understand how much skill and control skills Dora’s hand has...

"This welcoming ceremony is a chic!" Dorrag smiled, slowly letting go of his right hand, then slowly walked toward the center of the conference hall, while walking, he whispered to the kings present: "Don't worry, I am here, but I am not planning to take away the people of you. I am here, just want to expose a lie!"

"Lie? What lies?" King Leku of Dres Rosa asked calmly.

Dorag looked at him and smiled a little, and the five old stars and the Tianlong people suddenly thought of something, and the cold sweat became more and more powerful.

"What lies? Of course, a huge lie that has deceived the world for 800 years!" Dorag said.

Hearing this, the five old stars couldn't help anymore. Gorba slammed the table and said, "Stop! You criminal! There is no place for you to talk!"

The Tianlong people were even more absolute. They subconsciously pulled out the guns and fired at Dorag!

Hey! The smoke rose and several bullets hit the Dorag, but the Dorag did not move. When the projectile was about to approach his body, a powerful hurricane suddenly sprung around his body. The bullet shot in the muzzle was smashed by the force of the hurricane at the moment of contact with the hurricane, and the bullet flew directly around Dorrag's body.

After discovering the shooting, Dorag was not injured. The stupid Tianlong people did not believe in evil. They fired several more shots in succession, but they still had no effect.

Dorag looked up and saw a bullet spinning around him, and then he left it. For the Tianlong people, he didn't even look at it, but said to the kings present: "Yes! I Come here, just to tell everyone, what happened in the blank one hundred years!"

boom! The kings at the meeting were once again stunned and couldn’t help but talk to other people around them. They didn’t know if Dorag said it was true, but his words were really...

Just after the Alabama State had just questioned what happened in the blank 100 years, Dorrag appeared immediately, and claimed to tell the history of the year. For many kings who did not understand the situation, This is a bit of awesome...

Can it be said that in the blank 100 years, what really hidden the truth?

After a long discussion, the kings and leaders of most countries couldn’t help but close their mouths. They looked at the Dorag, standing there, but no one spoke. This is very obvious. : Dorrag, please start your performance.

"In this world, there has never been a Creator! There has never been a God's people!" Doraga opened his hands and shouted loudly at the people, and suddenly reached out to the Tianlong people standing behind him. The head does not return to the ground: "The so-called world aristocracy, in the blank 100 years, is simply a group of dirty thieves, scammers, pirates! It is they who deceive the whole world, transform themselves, and shape themselves into creators. And then steal the power to rule the world! They have no contribution to the world, but they lay on the people of the world with peace of mind, enjoying the offerings from the world, absorbing the blood of people! Yes, they are not God is just a group of shameful locusts!"

"For eight hundred years, they have enjoyed the unparalleled privilege of using slaves of other races as slaves. They are persecuted by people with a little disappointment. They regard human life as a mustard. On them, they can see all the world. Sin and injustice, they are the biggest garbage of mankind in history!"

"The reason is only because they stole the control of Uranus, the ancient weapon king, eight hundred years ago, and threatened to destroy the world, forcing the whole world to recognize their status! It is such a group of garbage. People, who have been riding on the heads of all the world for eight hundred years, have enslaved our children and have trampled on the dignity of the world!"

"What a **** god! What a **** creator! The ridiculous thing is that the kings you are present, even every four years are discussing the wealth created by their country and people to support these thieves and swindlers!"

For many years, since Doragar understood the truth of the year, he has been hiding this anger in his heart. Today, he finally broke out in this world conference!

Everyone can feel his anger from his tone.

"What...what!?" Listening to the angry voice of Dorag, the kings and leaders present at the meeting were all stunned. Then many people couldn’t help but stand up and said: "What you said is true. of!?"

There is only one word in everyone's mind: unbelievable!

The king of Alabama, Debra, opened his eyes in surprise and asked: "That... that said, our Neferutari family is also...and..."

Dorag looked at Debra and said, "No, the ancestors of the Neferutari family were kings, but they were deceived by other ancestors of the Tianlong people, and they were involved in the Neferutari family. The war has committed an unforgivable crime to the whole and the ancestors of the Neferutari family are only awakened in time, they are guilty, so they refuse to enter Mary Joa to become a world aristocrat of!"

"That... what was the former royal family Don Quixote family of Dres Rosa?" Liku Wang could not help but ask.

"The ancestors of the Don Quixote family were originally a group of tyrants!" Dorag said: "And ruling a country, where is the rule of the whole world so cool? So the Don Quixote family will leave Dresden in the blank one hundred years later. Rosa, let your Liku family become the new royal family of Dres Rosa..."

"Living... live!!" The family patriarchs of the Tianlong people were shaking at this time. Part of the reason was anger, but part of the reason was fear.

Dorag unrelentlessly exposed the truth of the year, so that the people of Tianlong finally felt scared. As people who deceived the whole world, they always belonged to guilty conscience. Otherwise, why would they spare no effort to stop the world from exploring the historical truth?

When the false pretense is pulled down, when the fictional **** is smashed, when all the auras shrouded in the heads of the world are bleak, it will be when their last days come...