MTL - Super Devouring System-Chapter 5074 The flood is coming

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Because the position of the parent star in the Milky Way is closer to the left bank, after the discovery of the Milky Way star field, the ancient beasts and survivors who first came here to gather here were originally gathered on the left bank...

Until the left bank can no longer accommodate more forbidden land, the right bank of the Milky Way slowly gathers a large number of Xingqiang forbidden and Xingqiang stars. From

From this point of view, the forbidden land and the survivor's star field on the left bank are obviously more ancient and powerful... If it is not strong enough, it has been destroyed by the powerful future!

Therefore, on the right bank of the Milky Way, there are still few real strong people who are born in the heavens. Even if they are crouching in the mysterious unknown void, they generally do not show up. but

On the left bank, nearly two-thirds of the sinister beasts and the sacred land are now born with strong heavens. This

The situation has not appeared more than ten years ago. At that time, whether it was the left bank or the right bank, the strongest people in the forbidden land and the sacred land of the benevolent people were basically the ancient powers. Although the ancient Supreme also had, but Very few.

In particular, after the emergence of the Void Giant Turtles, all the savage beasts on the banks of the Milky Way and the ridiculous geeks in the sacred sects of the sects, in addition to those killed by the emptiness of the giant tortoises, all others crouched down.

However, this situation did not last long. Ten years ago, the left bank began to have a starry sky and beasts and survivors, and it was for this reason that the hollow giant turtles disappeared from the banks of the Milky Way.

If there is no accident, it should be a retreat. He has suffered from the wounds in the war. In the void of Hongmeng, it is a necessary choice to attack the heavens.

Since the disappearance of the Nether Giant tortoise, in the forbidden land and the remnant of the left bank of the left bank, some of the ridiculous old monsters and the heavenly strongmen who were crouching in the slumber have been born...

Because the Void Giant Turtle is a famous and famous existence in the war, his birth is extremely sensitive, and the ancient existences in the forbidden land and the starry fields on both sides of the Milky Way are aware that the end of the flood will come... Hong

After the end of the end of the world, it is the time for the opening of the next Hongmeng era. At that time, the Galaxy Star Field will be fully open, and before that, the Galaxy Star Field will have a conditional opening.

The strong parties who meet the conditions will be able to enter the galaxy's starry domain through the invisible diaphragm barrier that condenses the entire Galaxy's star field and is condensed by the power of the law of Hongmeng, and launches the next era of Hongmeng gas competition...

When the end of the floods came, the chances of vying for the next epoch of the Yuan Dynasty were very close, so those old guys who crouched in the endless years would be born...

It can be said that compared with the right bank, the water on the left bank of the Milky Way is deeper. These ancient existences are more acute, and they are more aware of this than the forbidden land and the high-level stars of the right bank. Such as

Today, when Ye Xuan was led by the deer, and rushed to the black crow at the end of the right bank of the left bank, in the left bank of the left bank of the deeper water, an external force army suddenly saw no signs. Coming down.

The commander at the forefront of this army is a huge blue sky like a star... no

Wrong, this army is from the vast world that has just come to a full-scale, just like a mirror, and the leader in front of the army is the wilderness of the heavens and the will of the world!

The whole world of the wilderness was created by the power demon in the three thousand chaos demon gods bred by this Hongmeng era.

Nowadays, this Hongmeng era is coming to an end, and a new era is about to open. The wilderness is unwilling, and he is now coming to the left bank of the Galaxy with the army of the wilderness, just to compete for the next era of Hongmeng...


Rumble..." this

At this moment, in the darkness of the left bank on the left bank of the left bank, the earth-shattering roar is spreading over and over. This

There is a huge void crack in the area, which is as wide as a star field, and it is shocking. Such as

This level of void cracks, the general heaven and earth strong I am afraid that can not tear open, after all, here is the Hong Kong void, the invisible law power is too strong.

However, Tiandao Qingyan is far from the ordinary heavenly powerhouse. It has entered the eighth order of heaven and earth. It is not far from the peak of the nine-order grand perfection. "


The heavenly eye, like a giant star, rushed out of this horrible void crack, followed by an overwhelming noise. deep

The furnace has also come, and it is equally huge. It is like a giant birthplace with a sturdy shape. It has its own consciousness and life. The 20,000 chain of chains on the outer wall of the furnace is just like the tentacles.

Immediately behind the furnace, it is a huge army of great creatures. No matter the quantity or the strength of the atmosphere, it surpasses the army of the old temple brought by the old pigs...

This lineup of stalwarts is the life of all parties in the vast world. Both

There are starry beasts, various warships, large and small fortresses and fortresses, and even superstars built by the Terran in these years.

Some warships are painted with various logos, which clearly show the clan of the first cosmic servants of the first universe. They can also see the bloody, Qingpeng, warrior, silver, and bulls. The second cosmic army headed by nine ethnic groups, including the ethnic group, the golden eagle, the Cailu, the greedy wolf and the tree spirit...

Even the Terran army of the Third Universe is among them, like a star-sized energy star whirlpool of heaven, immortal ten stars, and a glorious temple like a continent, all can see...

However, they are all located behind the flooded army. Obviously, they are not the main force. Even if these ethnic groups and the ancestors of the times in the ancestral ancestors have all been awakened, there are many ancient powers in their respective regiments. The sacred atmosphere of the ancients, but they still can only be placed behind the flood army...

As for the front of the army behind the furnace, all of them are huge stars and beasts. The atmosphere radiated from the body is at least the ancient power, most of them are old and strange, and extremely ancient. This

These fierce beasts are all ancient people who have followed the Tiandao Qingyan in the war. They have all been crouching in healing these years. Now some of the wounds in the body have never recovered, but they are born, follow With the blue eyes of the heavens, from the end of the flood, the people came to Hongkong.

And the nine surviving beasts that have been smashed in the body, the scent of the body that has been dispersed in the body, all of them have reached the true heaven and earth, but they are only in the middle and the middle, and there is a singular soul in the first place. Bloody..."

Roar! ""

Regardless of who the forbidden land in front is, immediately let the forbidden land starry out, otherwise... die! "this

At that time, as the army rushed out of the void, the roar of the heavenly eye was also heard, and a forbidden land was rushing toward the left bank: "From today, the place has been renamed... the floodland!"